Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1737: (?︶`) Large-scale dungeon: Battle of the Bears...

That's right, that guy wearing goggles and a dark red coat who ran towards the pier with a grinning smile was the captain of the Kidd Pirates who had a big vendetta against Kaido - Eustace S Kidd!

Just now, when he saw 'Beasts' Kaido and a group of 'remainders' break through the firepower defense net of the Golden Mothership of the Bear and enter the pier of the Inland Sea, he happened to be nearby and felt that the big revenge was in front of him. He immediately led his combatant Kira, core member Hit, and Waye to get here before the outer murloc soldiers and Naga guards arrived.

"Tsk tsk!"

"Look, who is this?"


"Isn't that Fei Liubo of the Beast Pirates, the fallen Rear Admiral 'Red Flag' X Drake and the mighty Lord Sasaki?"


"Your boss Kaido left you here to die, and doesn't want to care about you?"

When I came here with my own men, I saw that there were only 'Red Flag' X. Drake and Sasaki in Fei Liupu, as well as a dozen or so people who knew they were the Beast Pirates by looking at their costumes. After the famous trash fish, Eustace Kidd suddenly laughed wickedly, and surrounded and approached step by step, while still joking and sneering.

If that 'Beast' Kaido is still here, he really can't beat Kidd, and he can't fight. It is estimated that he can only flee or wait for reinforcements to come.

However, if it were the two 'Flying Six's' in front of him, it would be another matter.


'Red Flag' X Drake did not answer Kidd's question, but frowned and glanced at the pirates Kidd brought, then pondered for a while.

Then, without knowing what he was thinking, he suddenly turned his head to face the tall, slightly fat man behind him, with sharp teeth and long green hair, with two horns on his head. The hat's companion said:


"These guys should be enough for you, I'll go after Boss Kaido!"

"You'll catch up after you've cleaned them up."

Saying that, the 'Red Flag' X Drake didn't wait for his companion's reaction, turned around and rushed in at high speed towards the passage where Kaido, Charlotte Lingling and the others had just left, and soon disappeared without a trace.

"whispering sound!"

"The newcomer is timid!"

Clap! !

Seeing Drake's departure, that Sasaki didn't mind either. Instead, he drank the bottle of red wine he had just found in a cargo box at the dock, and then threw the empty bottle on the pier. On the luxurious red carpet and smashed to pieces.


"Kid, you little brat isn't dead yet, I thought you were trapped in a cage and turned into a skeleton!"

"What's the matter, you dare to look at me, Mr. Sasaki, with that kind of eyes, what do you think?"

"Look at what?"

"Master, I should have killed you last time!"

After that, the sharp-toothed Sasaki with two horned caps on his head walked towards the Kid Pirates and the others while pulling out the small horizontal blades on the blade around his waist. The sharp-edged, revolving broadsword taunted.

When he was facing those sea kings just now, his sword was wiped out before he could unsheath it. If it wasn't for the help of the boss of Kaiduo, he might have been eaten by those terrifying sea kings!

Therefore, at this time, he didn't mention how aggrieved he was, and felt worthless for those companions who were buried in the belly of the sea king.

But now, after seeing that the prisoners captured by his Kaido boss had the courage to appear in front of him, he decided to kill these little scoundrels who had always been despised by him, and intercept these weak chasers. Soldiers, and then, go to find Kaido boss and the others.

As for Drake, who just escaped from the battle, if there is a chance, he will definitely go to the other party alone to settle accounts or complain to Kaido boss.


"You are courting death!!"

Originally, Eustace Kidd was still hesitating whether to send someone to chase that X Drake, such as sending Kira or Hitt to take someone there, but since now the 'Flying of the Beast Pirates' Liubo' Sasaki wanted to seek death first, so he couldn't blame him for being cruel.

"Give him to me!"

"Kira, Hitt, you go and clean up the dozen or so scumbags!"


"For these guys from the Hundred Beast Pirates, kill them and never let them live!!"

In fact, whether it is the Beast Pirates or the BIGMOM Pirates, those who have survived until now have at least two brushes or extraordinary luck, otherwise, they would have been sunk into the sea long ago and become the belly of those sea kings. Now, where is the chance to stand here?

However, Eustace Kidd couldn't care less at this time. He stretched out his hand and used the ability of the magnetic fruit to remove the metal objects within the city's wharf, such as those metal tools, wrenches, large boxes, etc. The weapons and rivets for repairing ships were all attracted and deformed to form a giant arm.

"go to hell!"

Then, he took the lead and rushed towards the 'Flying Six' Sasaki of the Hundred Beast Pirates.


"Good come!"

Seeing Eustace Kidd's onslaught, that Sasaki not only did not retreat, but showed a trace of excitement and that kind of cruel expression, and then he also directly waved the knife in his hand and rushed forward abruptly. up.

clang! ! !

With the sound of sparks and the clash of weapons and steel, the two of them slammed into each other, and together with the other pirates, in this spacious and extravagantly extravagant Bear Boy Gold A fight broke out at the mothership's indoor dock.


'Large Dungeon: The Golden Mothership of the Decisive Battle Bear Child' is the seventh indoor pier. Here, Eustace Kidd, who was the first to guard the 'BOSS', led his members of the pirate group. He fought with more than ten members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, including Fei Liupu Sasaki of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.


At this time, when there was a fierce battle at the No. 7 indoor pier, the 'Red Flag' X. Drake who 'exited' early did not go to find the one who followed the CP0 spy earlier as he just said. 'Beasts' Kaido, Charlotte Lingling and the others turned left and right skillfully and left the dock area, then went straight across a golden bridge, and then broke into the magnificent city of gold on board.


"Is it here?"

It didn't take long for that X Drake to find a gorgeous residential building with a gold-plated exterior, according to a signal from an instrument, and broke in. Finally, he gently pushed open a door on the top floor and flashed in. .


Afterwards, he first walked around in such a two-bedroom residence.

When he found out that this was a place where no one lived for a long time, and there was no living person, but the secret phone worm signal on the instrument had been locked here, he could not help standing in the middle of the living room with some hesitation, and glanced again. circled around.

In the end, however, he found nothing.


"no one there?"

He couldn't figure out why he couldn't find anyone when he came to the place where the signal was sent. Although X Drake was a little hesitant in his heart, he paused, knowing that he couldn't stay here for a long time, and finally had to turn around and leave first.



Just as his hand was about to touch the handle of the door and push it away, he seemed to have found something.

Clang! !

Then, he pulled out the rapier from his waist in an instant, and flashed back to the middle of the living room at a very fast speed, and at the same time put the rapier in his hand to a rapier that was originally lying on the living room floor, but this time At the same time, he sat up, and it looked like a ferocious plush stuffed doll teddy bear was a little over a meter high on the neck.


"You are……"


The Bear of the Bear! ?

Valley not good!

This is a trap! ! !

After X.Drake saw clearly the specific appearance of the teddy bear who had been lying on the living room floor and fooled himself, but now got up, he suddenly felt a shudder in his heart, and then he didn't care anymore. Going up to attack, but directly retreating, intending to break the window and leave this dangerous and terrifying place.

Because, he recognized at a glance that the hideous-looking plush teddy bear in front of him was not the one that the terrifying bear boy often carried in his hands, who had stepped on the Admiral Kiwi, beat the Admiral Aokiji and others. Who is the terrifying flame bear who has eaten the Admiral Akainu?

X. Drake knows the strength of the naval admiral. He himself is no match for any admiral. Therefore, the terrifying existence in front of him who has beaten the three admirals of the navy. You definitely shouldn't and wouldn't dare to fight with each other.

So, now he has no choice but to run away!


"Captain 'SWORD', please wait!"

Fortunately, when X Drake was about to break out of the window, the stuffed teddy bear opened his mouth and broke X Drake's secret identity in one gulp, making him panic. He stopped abruptly without being surprised, and stood at the window and looked back in surprise at the stuffed teddy bear that was climbing up from the floor, covered in dirt and looked very embarrassed.


"Whether you believe it or not……"

"Actually, I'm not the bear of the bear child. My real identity is CP0's agent Rob Ludge, and that signal is exactly what I just sent you."

Seeing that Drake didn't run away immediately, Rob Ludge didn't dare to be long-winded, and quickly explained his true identity and the reason why he became like this.


"Are you really Rob Ludge from CP0?"

Drake was obviously a little unbelievable. After all, he had seen Rob Ludge, who was CP9. How could the other party look like the 'bear' of the arrogant child in front of him?


Thinking of the ability of the cadre under the Don Quixote family, he couldn't help but hesitate.

"Of course!"

"Otherwise, how could I possibly know that your true identity is the captain of the secret special unit 'SWORD' of the Admiralty Headquarters, and the undercover agent of the Navy who broke into the Beast Pirates?"


"The news of the alliance between Kaido and BIGMOM was also spread by you, am I right?"

Seeing that the other party seemed a little reluctant to believe it, Rob Ludge, who looked like a 'bear' with a bear child, hurriedly explained and shared some more confidential information.


X.Drake was silent for a while, and then he began to think a thousand times in his heart.

In the end, he felt that there was no need to deceive himself like this with the strength of the bear child, and the other party seemed to know a little more, and the reason why the other party became like this was also very good, and he finally believed it. Little by little and slowly, he put the rapier in his hand into the scabbard.


"I'll just trust you first!"


"You summoned me here in a hurry, what's the matter?"

Although he put away his rapier, X Drake obviously did not completely believe in the bear in front of him. He continued to stand by the window and asked cautiously.

"Of course there is something big!"

"It's like this..."

Then, Rob Luqi hid him here to put toys and corpses for a while, and then just through the window he saw the fiasco of the BIGMOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates in the distance. Ignoring the raid on the ship and seeing a certain signal lit in the dock area, he hurriedly sent out the general process of the signal for help and some of his thoughts.

"Now the failure of the BIGMOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates has come to an end. Although they may make some big troubles on the ship, it is not so easy to defeat the bear children!"


"They can win a chance for me. I have a way to make the World Government win the final victory. So, Captain Drake, I need your full assistance!"

"You can also see that the current me, after being transformed into this, has no power. If I want to complete that task, I'm afraid it will be difficult?"

Then, Rob Luigi said that he was not optimistic about Kaido and Charlotte Lingling's actions, and that he wanted Drake to assist him in executing a secret plan.


"What do you need me to do?"

After thinking for a while, X Drake, who felt that the other party had gained enough trust in him, was silent for a long time, and finally spoke up.

After all, he is already on this ship now, and he has no other choice whether to choose to help Kaido or choose to help the guy in front of him.

In addition, he himself doesn't seem to be optimistic about the actions of Kaido's guys, so if there is a better choice now, he must be willing to try it.

"It's easy!"

"I need to go somewhere first!"

"However, that place is a long way from here, and there are all kinds of surveillance phone bugs everywhere. Once I go out, it may be discovered, and even you may have been discovered and monitored when you came here, so..."

"I need you to take me to that place and swear that even if you risk your life, you will send me there!"

"Captain Drake!"

"I am now giving you an order to assist me in any way in the name of CP0 and the World Government. Can you do it?"

Rob Luch, who looked like a teddy bear, had a serious face and asked During this time, his life and experience on this ship can be described as exciting, and he is really similar to those of the bear children. His subordinates played a lot of hide-and-seek games and even got arrested, but he managed to escape time and time again.

Originally, he could continue to play with those very unprofessional guys, but now the bear boy has won the Bigmom Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates, dragging it down is likely to be a bad thing. , he must act as soon as possible, and dare not delay for a moment!


"It's that simple?"

"If it's just that, then please wait and see!"

Frowning and thinking for a moment, finally, X Drake no longer hesitated, but took a few steps forward, grabbed the back collar of the 'bear' Rob Luqi with his hand, and gave the fluttering opponent a hand. stand up.



"What are you going to do?"

Seeing that the other party was directly holding the back of his neck, although he didn't feel any discomfort, Rob Ludge, who felt that his "personality" had been insulted, couldn't help but want to struggle.

"Of course I'll take you where you want to go!"

"All right!"

"Don't move..."

"Just give me directions on the road!"

"I promise to deliver you!"

Then, he first looked outside and found that there were no murloc soldiers or even more terrifying Naga guards, he opened the window and rushed out, and soon disappeared into the golden city of Golden City, and began to brush him. branch **** missions.


Q(`⌒??Q)??Monthly Pass Monthly Pass??


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