Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1740: (?︶`) Large-scale dungeon: Battle of the Bear Child...

Charlotte Lingling, Kaido and the others finally, under the correct guidance of the CP0 leading party, swept across the luxurious golden bridge made of pure gold at a very fast speed, and left the extremely noisy gold The city instead broke through the gate and rushed into the lobby on the first floor of the King of Gold Hotel.

After all the shocks, battles, and actively throwing away various 'bait', there are only a few people left in the BIGMOM Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

The rest were either defeated, captured or killed, or were left behind in the city to continue creating chaos, attracting pursuers, and blocking all kinds of powerful enemies they encountered along the way.

And now, judging from the hustle and bustle in the city that is gradually subsiding, it is not difficult to guess that those who were ordered to stay or who took the initiative to stay, such as the family that has more than 100 BIGMOM pirates in total Ministers or senior leaders of the Beast Pirates, such as Fei Liubao and Numbered Persons, etc., at this moment, I am afraid that they are already very bad, and there are not many left.





"Why is he alone?!"

"what happened?"

"Who is he?"


"do not know……"

When Charlotte Lingling, 'Hundred Beasts' Kaido, 'Big Kanban' Jhin, 'Flying Six' Foz Fu and the group of five that led the way had just rushed to the first floor amusement park of the Golden King Hotel In the field, I saw that there was only a blind man with eyes wounded and closed in a huge amusement park standing in front of the largest reception desk with a cane, but there was no other guard around. , they couldn't help feeling a little surprised about the situation in front of them.

"Forget it!"


"They must have found out, there are surveillance phone bugs everywhere!"

"The bear child and the mermaid princess must be in the palace garden on the top floor right now. Before their reinforcements dare to come back, and the garrison here is empty, let's rush up!"

"This is our last chance!"

"Remember, you have less than ten minutes!"

"As far as I know, apart from the supervisor Tanaka in the monitoring room who can pass through the wall, there shouldn't be any powerful guy here."

"Hurry up!!"

Just glanced at the blind man, the leading party, and the CP0 spy hurriedly urged, wanting the remaining four people, including Charlotte Lingling and Kaido, to rush to the top floor to deal with the bear children and catch them. To that key mermaid princess Shirahoshi.

Looking at his anxious appearance, it was as if he was more anxious than the two of them, so he could not wait to drag a few people to rush forward.


"I don't need you to order me!"


"Since it's here, then..."

Bang! !

Saying that, Kaido, who is in the form of a Qinglong man, who is about eight or nine meters tall like Charlotte Lingling, waved the ferocious mace in his hand, and instantly pointed fingers at them along the way, which made him feel very anxious. The unhappy CP0 secret chat was smashed and flew out.

Boom! !

The next moment!

That CP0's secret talk was like a ball. It was shot horizontally by Kaido's mace and Juli, and quickly slammed into a huge gold in the King of Gold Hotel in the distance. After a crisp metal crash sounded from the pillar, it slowly slid down the equally splendid floor like a broken sack, but left a splash of red splashes on the golden glyph pillar. , white and other colored liquids of unknown color.

"You're useless!"

Kaido had just finished speaking, and that CP0 had disappeared from the eyes of the four of them.

"Feel sorry!"

"Lingling, I've long disliked him."

"We are the four emperors of the new world. When will it be the turn of the people of the world government to command?"

Then, Kaido saw Charlotte Lingling throwing a dissatisfied look on the side, and he had to explain with a dry smile.


"I know he has bad intentions!"

"But, you can't let me eat him?!"

It turned out that Charlotte Lingling was not dissatisfied with Kaido's actions, but was dissatisfied with Kaido's waste of her "food".

Next, they are going to fight against the bear children. If there is not enough 'food' to supplement, it will affect her combat effectiveness.


"Isn't there a blind man over there?"

"Why don't you go and eat him?"

Scratching his head, Kaido suddenly pointed to a blind man with a cane standing in front of the reception desk who was standing in the middle of the golden hall not far away.

Kaido has read the newspapers. Normally, at the reception desk of the King of Gold Hotel, there are a group of beautiful bunny girls dancing gracefully and welcoming customers who come to spend. Unfortunately, it is now closed. , without those bunny girls, there is only a blind man who guards the door.

Also, they don't come here to consume.

"All right!"

"Isn't he just a blind man?"

"Boss Kaido, where do you need auntie to take action, just leave it to me!"

Said, the one of the four wore a bright red horn helmet, long pink hair, earrings on his ears, a tattoo with an eye-like pattern and a string of words on his chest, a red suit, leather shoes and trousers, and a hand A pair of black gloves, with a slender figure and a cigarette in his mouth, the man who looked very coquettish but rebellious walked out and rushed towards the blind man in front of the reception desk with a single stride. past.

He is Foz Fu, the leader of the 'Flying Six' of the Beast Pirates. Not only is he strong, but he has always been ambitious, often coveting the positions of the three big billboards in the Beast Pirates. But so far it has not been successful.

But now, seeing that there is only a blind man in front of him, and that the Beast Pirates have already died two big kanbans, he feels that he will definitely be able to take the position, so he plans to do a good job in front of the big boss Kaido. Fan.

If they can survive this time, then the three major kanbans in the future Beast Pirates will definitely have a place for him!


Seeing the enemy rushing towards him, the 'blind man' standing in front of the reception desk was still indifferent, not even raising his head.


When the opponent's hand was about to touch his neck, the 'blind man' finally moved.

"Gravity Knife Slash!!"

Swish! !



Bang! !

Fuzz Fu didn't even have time to see how the blind man in front of him made the knife, he just felt a terrible gravity hit him when he was caught off guard, so that he couldn't even avoid it, and then, when his neck hurt, he violently attacked. He fell to the ground and stared, not knowing anything.



Seeing this, Charlotte Lingling and Kaido couldn't help being a little surprised. Then, they frowned and glanced at each other, and then they were ready to step forward.


"Boss Kaido, let me come!"

"You hurry up."

"I'm afraid time is running out..."

Fortunately, at this time, Jhin among the remaining three, the big sign of the Beast Pirates, took the initiative to stand up, and stopped Kaido and Charlotte Lingling who were planning to do it themselves.


"That Jin, you have to be careful, he is not easy to deal with!"

After pondering for a while, knowing that the other party was right, he felt that he and Lingling really shouldn't waste time here, so that Kaido, who had a lot of sleepless nights, made a rare admonition to the big signboard and his 'right hand'. .


"I see it."

A person who can knock out Foz Fou is of course not easy to deal with. Even if there is a factor that Foz Fou carelessly underestimates the enemy, if his strength is not good, no matter how much Foz Fou underestimates the enemy, the opponent will not be able to make one move. Just solve the opponent.



Seeing that Jhin was ready, Kaido didn't say anything more, just glanced at Charlotte Lingling beside him, and then the two of them hurried up the golden stairs.


And the blind man standing in front of the reception desk just 'looked' at them sideways, but he didn't mean to stop, he still stood in place and 'looked' at the person in front of the opposite gate. The Big Beast Kanban Ember.


"Who are you?"

They faced each other for a while, and after Kaido and the others ran away, the big kanban Jin of the Beast Pirates suddenly asked.

To be able to kill one of the 'Flying Six' of their Hundred Beast Pirates in one move would prove that the other party is definitely not an unknown person, but he is very sure that he has never heard of such a powerful person. blind.


"The chief general under the bear child's command..."


After hesitating for a while, finally, the 'blind' Fujitora spoke for the first time and answered proudly.

As far as he knows, he is indeed the first crew member recruited by the bear boy. As for the lieutenant admiral and the admiral candidate of the navy headquarters, Gion, nicknamed 'Peach Rabbit', is the second. Therefore, he himself claims to be the chief General, presumably no one has any problems?



"The subordinates of the bear boy are really talented! Don Quixote Doflamingo and Gilde Tezzolo just now chased us so embarrassed!"

"However, after all, you are still the most powerful opponent we have encountered."

The Hundred Beasts Kanban Jin sighed and sighed, feeling very uncomfortable.

Think about it too, in a blink of an eye, their Beast Pirates have reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted. It is still unknown whether Kaido boss and the others will succeed. On the other hand, the bear child, a newcomer who has appeared for less than a year, is not only capable of subordinates. Too much, and in the blink of an eye, the whole world has been smashed into pieces.

First the navy, then the pirates, and now the Four Emperors of the New World. If they fail again today, the world will soon become that arrogant child.

"Do not……"

"I'm not the best yet."

"Commander Sivara is much better than me."

However, upon hearing the enemy's words, Fujitora shook his head.

It's not that he is humble, but the fact is that, he is indeed not the opponent of the master of martial arts and magic, not to mention the other party has the means to target them with devil fruit ability.

"do you know?"

"Actually, I'm just here to watch the gate... Of course, I also manage this place by the way, but because of the war with you, there have been no guests for a long time."

"I've been sad all the time..."

"But it's alright now, as long as you get rid of you, someone will come again soon."

"Are you right?"

Fujitora said with a smile, and opened his cataract-like dead fish eyes, and at the same time slowly pulled out his knife hidden in the cane.



"It's also likely that there will never be any more guests."

After hearing the meaning of Fujitora's words, Hundred Beasts Kanban Jhin suddenly said sarcastically, and at the same time began to step forward, taking the initiative to intimidate the opponent step by step.

"No one will ever come?"

"Do not……"

"Based on my years of gambling experience, I don't think that odds are possible."

Fujitora smiled and ignored the other party, but continued to 'stare' at the other party and the other party's footsteps with his cataract-like eyes.


"Then wait and see!"

Emperor Yan!

Saying that, Jhin, the big beast signboard, didn't bother anymore. He directly used the mysterious flame on his body to create a fireball from his hand and smashed it towards the blind Fujitora who drew his knife in the distance.

He could see from the opponent's move that he had just solved Foz Fu's move that the opponent's martial skills were very powerful, so he planned to use the long-range attack method to try the opponent's skills first.

boom! ! !

The flames exploded in an instant, and the sparks naturally blocked the sight of both parties.

It's a pity that the fireball didn't get any record. After it was easily smashed and exploded by Fujitora's sword, it was used by the blind Fujitora, which allowed him to rush out of the fire and slammed it out with a single sword. He slashed towards the big beast sign.


clang! !

With the sound of weapons colliding, Jhin blocked the strange attack and the gravity loaded on him.

Then, the two of you went back and forth to fight in the first-floor amusement park of the Golden King Hotel.




"Good! That's it, Uncle Blind, hit him hard! Hit him! Cut his wings! Cut his feet!"




"You use gravity to limit his speed first and then chop! It's really stupid!!"

(ノへ ̄,)

And at this time on the top floor of the King of Gold Hotel, a certain bad boy was still hanging up high as if it had nothing to do with him, while continuing to look at Fujitora and the big beast sign A duel between them, eating her snacks and yelling.


"Ann, Annie!!"

"It's all this time, are you still watching?"

"The enemy is coming soon!"


At this time, the mermaid princess Bai Xing finally couldn't bear it anymore, and she didn't have the mind to learn the magic that sent the sea kings away, but anxiously pointed in the direction of the palace hall and shouted.

There, there was a huge commotion of noise and demolition.

Obviously, it must be the leader of the BIGMOM Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates, the fat woman and the blue dragon who directly broke through the walls and gates and killed them.

"Not urgent!"


"Didn't they come up yet?"


"Look at it for a while, just for a while!"


However, Annie didn't take that kind of imminent little thing to heart at all, and she still focused her attention on the duel between the blind uncle and the winged birdman on the first floor.


??(????????????????)?? Remember the monthly pass~!


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