Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1741: (?︶`) Large-scale dungeon: Battle of the Bears...


"Commander Sivara!"



"Are you all right?"

Don Quixote Doflamingo, who hurriedly came from a distance, had just landed slowly from the sky. Then, he just wanted to ask about the situation of the group of powerful enemies just now, but when he turned his head, When he saw the languid enemies behind Sivara who were being slackly **** by the murloc soldiers, he immediately shut up and changed his mouth to ask about the other party's situation.

"What can I do?"


"With ten thousand years of life, martial arts have long been understood in my heart. The energy of the Well of Eternity causes magic to call me all the time. Coupled with the experience of the eternal palace under the sea, my control over the sea is beyond that of you mortals. Imagination, there are all kinds of advantages in..."

"Why do you think they can beat me?"

Sivara, a master of martial arts and magic, spoke arrogantly.

Just now, those guys rushed to her and threatened to destroy her, but the result...

Whether it was martial arts competition, magic competition, or other moves, she didn't take much time to easily tidy up the opponents one by one.

For those who turn into soft-footed shrimp as soon as they touch the sea, she is a ruthless abyss commander who has led Queen Azshara's vanguard to countless victories, there are really 10,000 ways to make and against them.




"Your Excellency Commander, I just got news from the sky that the last enemy has arrived at the Golden King Hotel. Do we need immediate support?"

Don Quixote Doflamingo did not refute the other's words, and certainly did not flatter, but turned to another matter that was equally important to him.


"They went to the ally?"


"Do you need to support Her Majesty Queen Anne now? You also know that the defense at the Grand Hotel is relatively lax now..."


"Need not!"


"No, no need?"

"But why?"

"No reason!"

"All right!"

"Don Quixote, you don't need to ask anymore, let's go, let's **** these boring prisoners back!"

Without waiting for Don Quixote Doflamingo to ask again, Abyss Commander Sivara didn't know what he was thinking, but he suddenly smiled and stopped the other party from wanting to transfer people back as soon as possible. The idea of ​​​​reinforcing the palace.


"Are you sure?"

"Is it really okay?"

Still, Don Quixote Doflamingo hesitated.

After all, it is now the final stage of the battle. If something goes wrong, all the hard work and huge investment they have made before may be in vain. That is something he does not want to see anyway. and bearable.

"Do not worry!"

"They go to the palace if they want, because they are just asking for their own death!!"


"Let's take care of this place first!"

After speaking, Sivara stopped explaining, but waved her hand, signaling the murlocs and Naga troops to quickly **** all the guys who ran to their golden ship to make trouble and were not dead yet. .

"whispering sound!"

"what the hell!"

Don Quixote Doflamingo, who looked at Sivara and the others who left, looked at the splendid and tallest golden building in the distance, and wondered where Tezzolo and the others were now. Thought, I couldn't hold back in the end.


"I'd better go and see for myself!"

Then, he resolutely tied the antenna on the top floor of the King of Gold Hotel in the distance with a thread so thin that the naked eye could not see it, and then flicked the pink feather coat on his body to let himself be pulled by the thin thread. , spread its wings like a big bird and flew towards the direction of the palace garden.

At this time, on the top floor of the Golden King Hotel, in the palace garden.

Charlotte Lingling of the BIGMOM Pirates and Kaido of the Beasts Pirates have already rushed out of the broken golden elevator, and by virtue of their strength and dexterity, the two Naga Royal After the guard was overturned downstairs, he was finally able to face the nasty little boy who had been watching those images that looked like projections of surveillance phone bugs in the last second.



Neither of them said a word, they just stood at the entrance of the palace hall, which was in a mess when they attacked the Naga royal guards. The second time close face to face to see the legendary little girl of the bear child - Anne Hastur.

They can see now that the bear child, as expected in the newspaper, is a blond and blue-eyed, wearing a red hooded skirt, holding some kind of snack in his arms, looking white and tender and very cute and sweet. A naive little girl.

If it wasn't for personal experience, perhaps, it would be hard for anyone to believe that a smart, cute, and innocent-looking little girl had caused their two New World Four Emperors' current predicament and the chaos of the world's seas. Change?



At this moment, Annie was also staring at them curiously, and looked up and down the fat aunt who was more than eight meters tall and the uncle from Qinglong who was also about eight or nine meters tall.

Immediately afterwards, the two sides stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and neither of them spoke first.


"Ann, Annie..."

As for the mermaid princess Bai Xing, she shrank behind the little girl who was not as big as her palm with a look of apprehension and fear, and couldn't help shaking her whole body and called out softly.

Obviously, she was very afraid of the two bad guys who had just rushed up and were full of evil spirits.

She just saw that one of those two enemies went mad. As soon as they appeared, they overturned the two powerful Naga royal guards guarding the gate and pushed them under the building. That kind of terrifying enemy, on land, can't be helped. In the case of summoning the help of the Sea Kings, she, Shiro Xing, would definitely not be able to fight and would not dare to fight.

Even, let alone beating, just looking at her makes her legs weak, even though she is a murloc, she doesn't seem to have legs?



"Uncle and aunt, how are you, do you want to come and eat some popcorn?"


After blinking her eyes and staring at the two vicious guys for a while, Annie suddenly raised the BB popcorn in her arms and sent a warm invitation to the two of them.

She didn't really want to invite each other to eat, but because she hadn't figured out how to beat those two guys, so, before she thought of the fun and interesting way to punish each other, she Queen Anne The adults must have been generous enough to give the two of them a little sweetness.

Of course, it's just a little bit, it really can't be more, and once she thinks of a way, those two will be miserable.



Charlotte Lingling and Kaido did not speak, nor did they respond, they just glanced at each other subconsciously, and each saw the look of fear and fear in each other's eyes.

That's right, it's fear!

Although the little girl didn't make a move, she didn't even threaten them, but she kindly invited them to eat, but... even so, they still felt something from the smiling little girl. An indescribable and terrifying threat, that was their intuition!


In the next second, the two of them seemed to have a good heart and made a decision in an instant, and they moved!



Charlotte Lingling and Kaido suddenly shouted in unison.

Then, they each waved their weapons and used almost all of their strength to unleash their super combo technique—Bahai! ! !

The next moment!

That huge, swift and extremely terrifying shock wave, enough to wipe out everything within a few kilometers in front of them, oscillated from the front of the two, and instantly destroyed the golden floor of the beautifully decorated palace garden, Swimming pools, sea water, flowers and plants, and all, were annihilated, and at the same time, with its terrifying violent gestures, it rolled towards some heartless little bear girl and the mermaid princess who was fading from fright. .



Seeing that the two terrifying guys made such a terrifying move, the Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi was of course screamed in fright in an instant, then directly covered her face and curled up.

She did it like that as long as she covered her eyes and couldn't see that terrible shock wave, then the shock wave wouldn't hurt her?



Originally, Annie still wanted to play slowly with the other party, but when she saw that the other party had destroyed her own beautiful courtyard as soon as she made a move, and then thought about the two Nagas who had just been shot down, she instantly changed her attention.

"You broke other people's gardens!"


So, just before the swift and terrifying shock wave that was enough to wipe out everything within a few kilometers in front of her was about to touch her and the stupid mermaid princess Shirasu behind her, Annie held out her little hand.


Only the sound of 'pō' was heard.

Then, something that Charlotte Lingling and Kaido could never have imagined happened:

At the moment when their terrifying move, the shock wave enough to destroy half of the golden mothership, touched the bear child, to be precise, it should have touched the bear child that looked white, tender and still sticking out. At the moment when the small palm of the hand is holding the cream and other greasy substances, it is like a bubble that has been smashed, and it immediately disappears without a trace.


"Ling, Lingling!"

"F, what happened?"


"I do not know either……"

Then, of course, Charlotte Lingling and Kaido were dumbfounded on the spot.

You know, that is the combination of the four emperors of their two new worlds, the two who are stronger than the naval admiral, and the strongest strike!

The power of that move is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two!

That power is definitely many times greater than two. If it is used to wipe out an island, it will be very easy. Even if one fails, even they themselves may be attacked by the power.

But now it's better, that move was so lightly followed by the bear child with one palm, and the next thing is not counted, but it was also lightly disappeared in an instant?


"She can do magic!"


Soon, while being frightened, Kaido 'Beasts' instantly thought of another way to defeat the bear child.

"Let's go, cut her!!"


"Go together!!"

Then, after greeting Charlotte Lingling, he planned to abandon that flashy move, and prepared to use the simplest, most violent and direct way to deal with that terrifying bear child.






The next second, the two of them didn't know what was going on, and they shrank sharply in an instant, and instantly turned into two green fat frogs, and then they both exclaimed and fell to the ground and rounded up. Their eyes had no idea what was going on.


(ˉ▽ ̄~)~~

"A guy who doesn't have magic resistance dares to come to someone's house to make trouble. Now you know what's wrong?"


Saying that, Annie jumped up at once.

Then, she quickly took out a jar filled with sea water, grabbed the two frogs that were still spinning in place, and stuffed them in, and after covering the mouth of the bottle, they began to shake violently. .



Turns the enemy into a frog. The target is paralyzed and unable to attack or cast spells while under the influence of the Hex, but any damage may interrupt the effect.


That's right, just now Annie used a spell called 'hex' that the orc shamans are very good at. Just like the sheep transformation, the two guys with basically zero magic resistance can easily be used. It turned into a frog, and also gave the two bad guys a mandarin duck package for bathing in sea water for free.

At this point, those who dared to declare war on the bear children, the Beast Pirates and the Bigmom Pirates of the Four Emperors of the New World finally declared their entire army wiped out.

In this battle, the Beast Pirates and the Bigmom Pirates, including their leaders, were all planted in the hands of the bear children and declared complete destruction in the true sense!

And what happened just now happened to be seen by Don Quixote Doflamingo, who slowly descended from the sky using his fan feather coat as a buffer.


Don Quixote Doflamingo, however, was terrified and didn't know what to say.

When he landed on the ground, he just stood there dumbly, without saying a word, watching the bear child fiercely brewing up the two unfortunate emperors of the new world that had been turned into frogs.

That's the four emperors...

And now?

The combined force of the opponent's attack, the kind of terrifying attack that Don Quixote Doflamingo thought he would definitely not be able to take, and even the combined strength of his entire Don Quixote family probably couldn't stop it. , was still easily blocked by that bear child.

What's even more frightening is that even if the opponent blocked them, they even turned the two New World Four Emperors into frogs and put them in a bottle with a strange magic.

Don Quixote Doflamingo can't understand that kind of thing. Anyway, in his opinion, it is even more bizarre and unpredictable than the childlike fruit ability of the cadre in his family, Sugar!

After all, he knows the toy-like ability of sugar, at least it needs to touch the target with the hand to play its role, which has great limitations, and just now, the bear child just stretched his finger from a distance, two four The emperor was turned into a frog. Don Quixote Doflamingo himself could not understand a move like that, let alone guard against it.


"What about them?"


At this time, the mermaid princess Shirahoshi, who was so frightened that she could only cover her eyes and crouched on the ground When she couldn't hear any movement for a long time and didn't feel any harm, did she finally dare to secretly tell her She quietly opened her eyes and exclaimed in confusion.

At this time, she discovered that...

The two terrifying uncles and aunts just now seemed to have disappeared and disappeared, leaving only the half-destroyed palace garden and the mess in that place?



A certain bear child did not answer, and was still busy 'taking care' of the two frogs in her hand, still shaking the glass jar full of seawater vigorously up and down.

And at the same time...

The hustle and bustle in the Golden City finally subsided completely, and this farce-like raid was drawn to a less-than-perfect ending.

In the distance, in an alley of the Golden City.

The cadre of the Don Quixote family who was misled and caught a certain correct bear by mistake, and of course the other party took off his pants and gave him a hard spanking. The little girl finally took Garret and her comrades and murloc soldiers to block a hateful suspect in an alley.

"You run!"

"Are you going to keep running?"



"Arrest him, I want him to look good!!"

The cadre of the Quixote family, that is, the sugar, spoke viciously, and ordered a group of fish people to rush up, tying up the 'bear man' CP0 secret conversation that was successfully blocked again.


Remember the monthly pass??(??????c)


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