Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1742: ━(?Δ?∥)━ンCP Zero's last stubbornness

As we all know, CIPHERPOL-AIGIS0, referred to as CP0, is a spy and security agency belonging to the 'world nobles' Tianlong people.

Those who can enter CP0 not only require outstanding ability and incomparable loyalty, but also require that they must have a deeply entangled interest relationship with the Tianlong people. A loss-and-loss relationship is all it takes.

And this also led to the fact that the cadre of the Don Quixote family, Xia Tang and others, did catch the CP0 spy in a timely manner, and obtained some important information from some of the arrested peripheral members who were related to the other party. , However, as for the more core content, they have not been able to do anything until now.

So, more than half an hour later.

The abyss commander Sivara and Gilder Tezzolo in the form of the upper elves hurried to the messy palace garden with some ugly expressions.

"Lord Leader!"

"Time is running out, we must evacuate this golden mothership immediately!"

Sivara didn't even look at the broken eaves and broken walls that Kaido and Charlotte Lingling made in the palace garden before, and she didn't even look at the hands of a maid with a livid face. The glass cylinder bottle body was wearing, but with a sullen face, he walked gloomily to the front of a bad boy cute master who was still whipping the mermaid princess to study hard.



"But why?"


Annie was a little puzzled, because they seemed to have won the battle. Not only did the opponent's fleet annihilate, but even the two super powerful guys just now were turned into frogs by her and filled them into glass bottles full of sea water. soaked in.

And now, these two guys came here to evacuate themselves?

"Is such that……"

"Your Majesty, the officials of the Don Quixote family have just caught an important spy belonging to CP0!"

"Of course, that doesn't matter, what matters is..."

"Among them, a spy associate provided a message that the CP0 spy had brought in a terrifying device that could instantly blow up this golden mothership and wipe out all the people on it!"

銆毯鈉鋹鋴閲锎鍒雨囨崲锎鍾雕閹網雽長捗镹誋鏋What are you talking about?/

"But the officials of the Don Quixote family have been pressing for a long time, but they have not been able to find out the whereabouts of the bomb."

"Therefore we recommend that you must evacuate here immediately!"

"Of course, some important personnel must also be evacuated until we find that device!"

Without waiting for Sivara to speak, Gilder Tezzolo, who was on the side, hurried forward and explained on his behalf.

Although he can control the entire huge ship with a length of more than 10,000 meters by controlling the gold, if the people on the ship hide something somewhere, it is not so easy for him to find it. .

After all, not all parts of the entire ship are like the Golden King Hotel. The whole body is made of gold, so when time is tight, evacuating important personnel has become their only option.

"Is that so..."


"If you really can't find it, then don't look for it, let's wait for it to blow up!"


After I understood what was going on, I was surprised that a certain bad boy just said indifferently as if he didn't know the seriousness of the matter at all.



Hearing Annie's answer, Sivara and Tezolo instantly widened their eyes, as if they didn't hear clearly.



"Is there anything you can do?"

It took a while for Sivara to react, and she asked nervously.



There must be a way, but Annie obviously doesn't want to waste her precious brain thinking about such boring questions.



"Anyway! You can rest assured!"

(? ̄?? ̄??)??°

"Wait a minute, you'll know when it blows up!"


Annie winked at the two of them playfully, giving them a reassuring look.



Although I think it's unbelievable and irresponsible to say such a rude child, but thinking about the previous Sea Kings, and considering that the other party has never made any mistakes so far, I think that maybe I and others are too ignorant Tezzolo and Sivara looked at each other and nodded helplessly.

However, the two of them simply didn't go anywhere, and just stood there, as if to see what the other party meant by "waiting for it to explode".

At this time, the important spy of CP0, the stuffed teddy bear who was made exactly like a certain bear Tibbers by the cadre of the Don Quixote family, Shatang, was finally caught and **** in the interrogation room of such a prison. .

"You are Lu Qi, Rob Lu Qi!"

"Formerly a member of the CP9 espionage department, known as the 'killing weapon', known as the strongest of the 'CP9' for 800 years, but now he is a CP0 spy who is solely responsible for all the espionage on our golden mothership and sabotage missions!"

"am I right?"

Standing in front of Rob Lucci, who had been turned into a 'bear man', there was a large group of family officials with arms folded around to support him. Therefore, Sugar, who was in charge of the interrogation, didn't worry about the other party's escape at all, so he just pointed and nodded. Holding her beautiful chin, she told the information she had just obtained one by one.

"You can see it too!"

"Now, Charlotte Lingling and Kaido have both been defeated, and the spy you sent to guide them has also been killed. Now the enemy who invaded our golden mothership, the Bear Child, has been wiped out, and the victory has belonged to us. !"

"At this level, you should be able to say it, right?"

"The bomb you transported to the ship..."

"Where is it?!"

Saying that, Xia Tang pretended to be vicious and approached Rob Ludge, and looked at each other hatefully with the savage bear face she had turned into.

The hatred on her face wasn't all fake, because, more than half an hour ago, she was caught by a nasty guy with such a bear face and pressed down on the bear's legs, pulled off her pants and beat her. , the back is still swollen at this moment, so that now she gets angry when she sees such a furry bear face, even if she knows that the two are not the same bear at all.


The bear man Rob Lucci, who was turned into a stuffed teddy bear, did not speak, but continued to remain silent and looked at Sugar without any shyness.


"I advise you to stop trying."

"Haven't you already turned over the building where you found me several times?"

"it's useless."

"I have already hidden it, even if you dig three feet in the ground, you will definitely not find it!"


After finishing speaking, and seeing that Sugar's face became even more ugly, Xiong Ran Rob Luqi raised his head and laughed arrogantly.


Hearing this, Xia Tang was so angry that his hands and feet trembled. He was about to continue to do something, but was suddenly pressed on his shoulders by someone behind him.


"Rob Ludge..."

"Now you can see the form of the new world side, two of the four emperors are helpers on our side, and the other two have just been defeated, the defeat of the navy and the world government is now a foregone conclusion, Mary Joa It's only a matter of time before it falls."

"What's the point of continuing to resist now, and continue to hide and tuck?"

"If we really can't find it, we'll be evacuating all of us. We don't need this ship. As for you..."

"Don't tell me, do you want to be buried with those stupid Tianlong people?!"

After signaling Sugar to step aside, Don Quixote Doflamingo, who looked very non-mainstream wearing sunglasses, a pink feather coat and cropped trousers, and pointed shoes, came forward at this time. And calmly persuaded.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Do not……"

"We haven't lost yet!"

"If this ship is gone, if all the people on board are dead, there is still a chance for everything!!!"

"We haven't lost yet!!!"

Bear Rob Ludge growled, as if he didn't listen to Don Quixote Doflamingo.



"Do not!"

"You have no chance!"


"As long as your ship is gone, as long as the bear child is dead, we still have a chance!"


"It seems that you are obsessed with it. Anyway, I believe that our people will find that thing soon!"

The two exchanged a few sentences, and seeing that the other was still obsessed, Don Quixote Doflamingo had no choice but to turn around and leave the interrogation room.


"You can't find it! You'll never find it!"

Rob Ludge continued to laugh hysterically, and subconsciously looked at the wall clock in the monitoring room.


"The time has come, it, in fact, has always been in front of you!"

"For justice!"

"For Holy Land Mary Joa!!!"

Suddenly, after Rob Ludge finished saying that, he roared two slogans.


"What does he mean?"

The officials of the Don Quixote family such as Xia Tang obviously did not react, but you look at me and I look at you.


At this time, Don Quixote Doflamingo, who was about to walk out of the interrogation room, seemed to have thought of something, and rushed back in a single step, intending to stretch out his hand to tear the furry bear tied to the chair.


next second!

A fierce red light suddenly lit up inside the bear man Rob Luigi, and then, everyone in the monitoring room, including several officials of the Don Quixote family, a few murloc soldiers, sugar As well as Don Quixote Doflamingo himself and the bear, they were instantly evaporated into steam and completely annihilated before they could react.

However, that is not the end, on the contrary, it is just the beginning!

boom! ! ! !

The next moment!

As the huge energy was instantly released, a violent explosion sounded, and then, a whole huge golden mothership was directly engulfed, exploded, melted and torn to pieces by the flames in the terrifying roar of the explosion. This entire giant ship with a length of more than 10,000 meters was completely annihilated by the orange-red mushroom cloud that exploded in an instant!

Even the terrifying power of the explosion also affected the more than 40 ships and many sea kings around the mothership of the Bear Child. At the same time as the terrifying fireballs and mushroom clouds shot into the sky, the sea seemed to be covered by that. Horrible energy and explosions boiled over.

rumbling rumbling...

As the orange-red mushroom cloud slowly rose and expanded, after a long time, in the terrifying high temperature, flames and explosions, the two giant turtles dragging the ship were directly overturned and torn apart by the terrifying explosion. Then, countless golden yellow gold solution and gilded building fragments fell down like rain, and splashed all over the sea for dozens of kilometers.

And in the firelight, the originally huge and splendid golden mothership Bear Child had been completely engulfed by sea water and flames, and even the wreckage could not be seen...

Seeing this, those sea kings who were having fun, those creatures with the same intelligence as humans and not being affected and affected by the explosion, all exposed their huge and hideous heads from under the sea. Qi Qi glared at the Golden Mothership Bear Child, which had turned into a huge fireball.

Now, they have felt that the king of their sea kings who only appears every few hundred years, the mermaid princess Shirahoshi who summoned them to come here and destroy those boring wooden toys, has completely disappeared.



When the sea kings were stunned, the huge fireball that exploded on the golden mothership of the Bear Child continued to expand, and when the huge mushroom cloud continued to rise into the sky, it was very strange that the whole world suddenly stopped.

Those flames, thick smoke, sea kings with their heads out of the sea, and the golden solution that was sprayed everywhere, like raindrops, were all still and stopped at this moment?


The screen starts to reverse rapidly!

The two giant turtles that were overturned and shredded were restored and returned to their original places, and the dragged chains were restored as before. A large number of gold solution, construction debris, etc., which were sprayed out by the explosion, were also restored from the air and seawater. Backwards, and quickly formed the still magnificent ship - the golden mothership of the Bear Child.

Then, as a matter of course, those characters who were supposed to be swallowed up by the flames and high temperature in the explosion were also restored, and the endless energy began to gather upside down in the interrogation room on the golden mothership while the ship was recovering. , gathered into the body of the furry bear that looked exactly like a certain bear Tibbers.

And then.

The people and things in the interrogation room then went backwards to a certain stage...

At the same time, on the top floor of the Golden King Hotel, Abyss Commander Sivara and Tezolo walked out of the broken palace gate.

"Lord Leader!"

"Time is running out, we must evacuate this golden mothership immediately!"

Sivara didn't even look at the broken eaves and broken walls that Kaido and Charlotte Lingling made in the palace garden before, and she didn't even look at the hands of a maid with a livid face. The glass cylinder bottle body was wearing, but with a sullen face, he walked gloomily to the front of a bad boy cute master who was still whipping the mermaid princess to study hard.

"You don't need to say anything!"


"People have found it!"


Suddenly, a certain bear child, who was whipping the mermaid princess Shiraoshi to study hard, directly reached out and interrupted what Sivara and Tezzolo were still trying to say, and smiled and winked playfully at the two of them.


"You, what did you say?!"

Sivara and Tezzolo looked at each other subconsciously.



"Is that Miss Sugar?"




"People tell you, that bomb, it should be in that bad bear's body. You should have about ten minutes to throw it away, so hurry up!"


Annie took out the phone bug, and after talking to a guy named 'Sand Sugar', she hung up the phone bug directly.



Sivara and Tezzolo looked at each other again, dumbfounded.



"How did you find out?"

Sivara was shocked. They had just arrived here, and they didn't say anything. Why did the other party seem to find something that they sent thousands of people to dig into the ground and couldn't find it?

"That's a secret!"


Annie wouldn't tell the other party that she was just being lazy, she just waited for the bomb to blow up, and then went back in time to find out.



Sivara and Tezzolo were speechless, and suddenly felt that their Lady Queen had become a little mysterious, and she was indeed a great being who could be trusted and followed.

At the same time, in the interrogation room, Xia Tang also put away the phone bugs suspiciously.


"You can't find it! Never find it!"

"Don't ask, it's useless, you die with that heart!"

Seeing that Sugar answering the phone, the CP0 bear Rob Luch who was tied to the chair laughed arrogantly, not worried that the thing he was hiding would be found by the other party.


However, Xia Tang didn't talk nonsense to the other party, just hung up the phone suspiciously, then she took out the pocket knife and walked to the bear without saying a word.



"What are you going to do?"

It's rare that Rob Ludge, who was laughing and mocking wildly just now, suddenly stopped smiling and had such a bad premonition.

"it is a pity!"

"That thing, our queen has found it!"

Holding the knife, he walked to the front and back of Rob Ludge the fur bear, and Xiantang said solemnly.

"Look, found it?"

"Where did you find it?"

Lu Qi asked subconsciously.


"In your belly!"

The moment he finished speaking, Sugar directly swung the knife and slashed towards the bear's belly.

Then, after she pulled away the cotton, she took out a cylindrical glass body in the other's stomach, and in it, there was a red liquid and an unknown block soaked in it.

More importantly, at this time, there is no more or less a timer device on the top, which is exactly ten minutes!


"how come……"

"How did you find out?"

"This is impossible!!"

Seeing that the other party took out the thing from his stomach, Rob Luqi of CP0 was anxious.

You know, he is the only one who knows about this and he took advantage of the fact that he would not feel pain and bleeding after being turned into a fur bear to hide it in his stomach, but now , How and when did they discover it?


"Our queen is indeed omnipotent!"

Shatang mocked the other party with disdain, then walked aside and respectfully handed the device to Don Quixote Doflamingo, who had been staring at him without speaking.

"Ten minutes left!"

"I'll take it and throw the flying fish on the head of the naval fleet commanded by CP0!"

Looking at the timing device above and counting the time, Don Quixote Doflamingo, who thought he should be able to fly, raised his eyebrows and made a decision.


"You have people contact the Whitebeards and let them withdraw first!"

After speaking, without waiting for Sugar to answer, Don Quixote Doflamingo took the device and hurriedly turned his head and left, without daring to delay for a moment.


"Do not!!!"

"let me go!!!"

"let me go!!!!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

Seeing that the things he had carefully hidden were unexpectedly turned out, and hearing that Don Quixote Doflamingo also said that he would use it to blow up the fleet of the New World Navy, he was full of grief and indignation and was shocked and terrified. Rob Ludge, the fur bear, shouted hysterically.

"Shut up!"

However, this time, no one paid him any attention.

Even, the sugar that had just cut open his belly with a knife even took out a handful of cotton from his furry bear's stomach and stuffed it directly into the other's bear's mouth.


?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*. monthly pass

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