Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1743: (~?~) The Fall of the New World Navy

boom! boom!


"Continue shelling!!"

Under the command of the "Phoenix" Margao, dozens of ships of the Whitebeard Pirates are struggling to entangle and bombard the Navy's New World Fleet.

"Stop them!"

"The left flank covers, the right flank continues to bombard them!"

"Crash their formation!!"


boom! boom!

In the roar of artillery fire, the two sides have already killed and wounded each other, and each other's ships have also sunk a lot.

In general, the Navy's ships are larger, more advanced and more advanced, so they have a lot of advantages in artillery warfare, while the Whitebeard Pirates are more flexible and have stronger individual combat effectiveness. It can completely crush the navy, so, until now, the two sides are only half a catty, and no one can do anything about the other.

It's just that I don't know what's going on. Starting from an hour ago, this navy fleet suddenly seemed to be in a madness and wanted to turn east. That kind of weird situation, the Whitebeard Pirates Of course he didn't do it, so he stubbornly blocked it, and has been fighting until now.


"how's it going?"

After issuing the order, Margo anxiously turned his head to look at Ace, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates who was in contact with the Beard Pirates in the captain's room, eager to know what was going on with the Beards. .

From the large number of sea kings that suddenly appeared on the bottom of the sea just now and the fact that the current navy is trying to turn eastward, it is not difficult for Margao to guess that it must have something to do with the battle situation on the bear boy's side, but the specific He didn't dare to jump to conclusions and guess, he could only wait for Ace's contact.


However, Ace in the captain's room was still talking to someone, ignoring Marco outside.


After a long time, about five or six minutes later, Ace came out one or two strangely amid the rumbling of artillery fire outside.

"Got a good new!"

"The Bear Boy Pirates won!"

At this time, the expression on Ace's face was a little weird. Perhaps, even he himself didn't know what his expression should be?

Think about it, two of the four emperors in the new world, the combined fleet of the BIGMOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates was defeated, and it was defeated so quickly and suddenly, even Charlotte Lingling Both Kaido and Kaido were captured alive, if he hadn't confirmed it many times, I'm afraid even he would think it was fake news, right?


"So, so fast?!"


"No wonder I just said why the navy's reaction was so strange. It turns out that they got the news before us!"


"Did you just ask them to support us?"

Although Margo is not afraid of the naval fleets that are at war with them, it is estimated that the battle will not end in a long time, and their losses will be very large, so if the Bear Boy Pirates can be sent to reinforce If so, under the attack of the east and the west, maybe they will win a big victory?

"Of course I did!"

"They are on their way now!"


Saying that, 'Fire Fist' Ace suddenly became a little hesitant, not knowing whether to continue talking.


"But what?"

Of course, Margao asked urgingly. After all, the battle situation is tense now. If he could have known the reinforcements of the Bear Boy Pirates earlier, he would have made arrangements and adjusted the battle rhythm earlier.

"In the phone bug, they said..."

"Say let's retreat immediately, must we retreat as far as possible?"

"And said..."

"We have less than ten minutes to evacuate?"

Looking into Margo's eyes, Ace had no choice but to say the order that he himself thought was absurd and outrageous.


"Retreat now? What a joke!"

"There's no fraud, right?"

Sure enough, Margo himself exclaimed and cursed.

It's no wonder that, according to common sense, the Bear Boy Pirates won so quickly, then the next step must be to pursue the victory, and they should be ordered to hold the enemy at the same time, so that the naval fleet in the new world can be wiped out.

But now, the other party has asked their Whitebeard Pirates to retreat and let go of the naval fleet. That kind of order, as long as anyone with brains thinks about it, thinks it is abnormal.


"do not care!"

"I've just confirmed it many times. Although they didn't say why, their intention to let us retreat is very firm!"


"Margao, since they have already won, since they still let us withdraw, let's withdraw!"

"Go and order!"



After thinking for a while, he looked at the navy ships in front of him that were fighting with the ships of his Whitebeard Pirates. He hesitated for a while. In the end, 'Fire Fist' Ace still gritted his teeth and made obedience to the bear boy. The pirates decided and prepared to retreat.


Staring at Ace with round eyes, Margo was obviously a little unacceptable for the other party's willingness to obey that obviously wrong order.


"Order! The whole army retreats!!!!"

However, he did not continue to insist in the end, just gritted his teeth bitterly, and then loudly shouted the order to retreat.

Soon, under Margo's order, the Whitebeard Pirates fleet, which sank several warships, slowly disengaged from the navy, then set sail, and quickly evacuated away from the navy fleet to the north. , out of the way for the navy to turn eastward.

At this time, the navy was eager to get out of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Therefore, seeing the Whitebeard's fleet retreat, they were not too embarrassed. After continuing to bombard a few artillery demonstrations from a distance, they began to organize their formation and slowly drove towards the east.

At the same time, in the sea not far from the southeast.

At this time, the fleet of the Red-haired Pirates was also trying to contain the mixed fleet controlled by the G-5 branch of the Navy.

But what is strange is that, unlike the situation where the fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates in the north went directly to fight with the naval fleet and suffered heavy casualties, here in the southeastern sea area, the Red-haired Pirates and the G-5 Naval Branch and those who were gathered The pirates who got up were able to live in peace with each other. The two sides were just confronting each other, but they didn't make any shots.

It turned out that it was because those pirates had different intentions and wanted to preserve their strength, so they were reluctant to fight with the red-haired fleet, and the G-5 naval branch had only a few ships, and Smog also He didn't dare to use his own naval ships to fight against the red hair. After all, he needed to use the naval fleet to suppress and supervise the pirates who were tangled up.

As a result, the two sides were so bizarrely confronted and stalemate at a distance in this sea area that no one thought of firing or attacking first, and of course, no one wanted to take the initiative to show their cowardice and leave.

In this way, the two sides faced each other for a few more minutes, and when they felt that the confrontation was likely to continue...


rumbling rumbling...

I don't know why, but there was a huge movement in the sea to the north!

Immediately after, it was the red terrifying mushroom cloud that shot straight into the sky.

The horror of the scene was like a sudden eruption of a century volcano in the sea, so that even the Red-haired Pirates and the fleet led by the Navy G-5 in this sea area saw it.


"Redhead! Shanks!"

"You see, that explosion, it should be our CP0's battle plan was successful."

"That's Explosive Rock!"

"Now that the bear children are finished, I advise you to surrender quickly!"

After the shock, without waiting for the waves rolled up by the explosion in the distance to reach this sea area, the commander of the G-5 naval branch, Smog, hurriedly walked to the bow of the flagship, and smugly turned towards the red-haired man. The flagship of the pirate group shouted loudly towards the red hair above.


However, Shanks was silent, ignoring the Smoker, and just frowning at the huge red mushroom cloud slowly rising into the sky on the northern horizon.

Of course he knew what the explosion rock was, but what he didn't expect was that the navy used that dangerous weapon.

"Do not be silly!"


"The bear boy's golden mothership is in the west, and the explosion is in the north. According to the distance, it should be the location of your navy's main fleet?"

Soon, without waiting for Shanks to speak, the vice-captain of the Red-haired Pirates, Ben Beckman, came out of the cabin and handed a phone bug to him while sarcastically. Shanks of something.



This time, it was Smoker's turn to be dumbfounded, because he didn't seem to know how to refute that Ben Beckman's words.


Suddenly, the red-haired Shanks opened his mouth and reached out to signal the enemy general on the opposite side to stop arguing, before he nervously talked to the phone bug.

Soon, his expression became strange, and after the call was over, he slowly put away the phone bug and looked at Smoker from the G-5 branch opposite.

"latest news!"


"BiGMOM Pirates and Hundred Beasts Pirates have both been defeated by Bear Boys!"

"Charlotte Lingling and Kaido have also been captured, and the bomb on the Bear Child has also been found. You also saw that it was thrown on the head of your navy's main fleet by the Flying Fish Knight!"

"That's why it exploded in the north!"


"Now the fleet of 'Fire Fist' Ace of the Whitebeard Pirates and more than 30 ships of the Don Quixote Doflamingo family are approaching here to encircle!"

"It will only take an hour at most, and they will arrive here one after another."

"You have already lost, surrender now!"

After answering the phone, the red-haired Shanks shouted out to the commander of the G-5 naval branch in front of him and the New World Pirates who were not of one mind at all.

Of course, unlike the calm mood on his face now, his heart is also turning a thousand times, and it is hard to imagine that the people of the BIGMOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates would lose so quickly and miserably, and just because of Too anxious and too surprised, he did not remember to ask for the specific process.

But that kind of thing is not urgent, Shanks believes that after the events here are over, he will definitely have time to slowly understand.


"Do not!!"

"That's impossible!!!"

"You lied to me!"

At first, his eyes widened in shock, and then, without waiting for the naval officers and soldiers on his ship to confirm, Smog rebuked and refuted loudly.

"You do not believe?"

"You can contact your naval fleet now, or your CP0, and see if you can get in touch?"

The redhead shook his head, ignoring the hysterical guy.

Anyway, he had time, and he didn't really want to fight again at the end of the battle, so he just turned his head and signaled to Ben Beckman to let the other party do some preparations.

"Do not!!"

"That's impossible!"

Smaller panicked, and then he actually took out a phone bug and started dialing numbers one by one.



"what happened?"

"Do not!"

"This is impossible!!"

He dialed several times in succession, but what he couldn't figure out was that there was no reply from those numbers.


Then, he fell silent, and the phone bug in his hand fell into the sea in a state like petrification.

The truth of the facts is actually not difficult to judge from what the red-haired Shanks just said, the terrorist explosion from the north, and various information.


"Damn it! The Navy and Kaido are so useless?"

"Go, go, go!"

"Sail, set sail! Let's withdraw!"


"The navy is defeated! Everyone, run!"

"hurry up!"

"Otherwise, the bear boy will be called!"


Hearing the redhead's words, and looking at Smog's reaction, those New World Pirates who didn't have much will to fight didn't know who took the lead first, and suddenly they all rushed to each place. Dispersed, and soon ran in all directions, never mind the few ships that were originally responsible for bombing and commanding their naval G-5 branch.


"Need to stop them?"

The fleet was being dispatched, and then, seeing that the New World pirates were about to run, Deputy Captain Ben Beckman hurriedly walked over to the red-haired Shanks and asked.

"No need!"

"In the future, the arrogant people will naturally go to them to liquidate We just need not to let the G-5 people run away!"

After pondering for a while, looking at the pirates who were in a hurry, finally the red-haired Shanks shook his head and rejected the idea of ​​his co-captain sending someone to stop him.


"If we want to stop them, we will have to fight, so our losses will not be less."

Nodding, Deputy Captain Ben Beckman agreed with the redhead's opinion, stepped aside with a sense of interest, and looked at the fleet of the G-5 branch of the navy who were withered and whose morale was instantly slumping.


"It didn't take a lot of effort to win, thankfully we came!"

"Fortunately, I didn't fall for those old men!"

Suddenly, looking at the silent fleet of the Navy's G-5 branch, the redhead smiled wryly and sighed with emotion.


"A new era is coming, and I don't know if it's good or bad?"

Ben Beckman also sighed and shook his head.

"who cares!"

"let's talk about it later!"

"I just hope it's the kind you and I want to see..."

After speaking, the red-haired Shanks stopped talking, and just followed his deputy captain and all his men to stand on the bow, staring at the G-5 naval branch fleet that was motionless in the distance.

At this time, a tsunami wave crest with a height of only a few meters appeared in the north. It was obviously the aftermath of the explosion just now.

Immediately afterwards, the fleet of the Red-haired Pirates and the ships of the G-5 branch of the Navy began to sway up and down on the rolling waves of explosions.


(??ω??)Monthly Pass


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