Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1744: ?(???)? The slaughtering demon fleet that was wiped out

When the scene in the New World Totland waters swept the 'Four Emperors' forces such as the Bear Boy Pirates, the Bigmom Pirates, the Beast Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Red Hair Pirates, And there were the rest of the Pirates, almost all of the New World Navy, the Revolutionary Army, and CP0 and other espionage agencies. On the other side of the Clay Continent, the rest of the naval fleets who were ordered to set off and execute the 'Devil Slaughter Order' also basically ended their disgraceful battle.

Nine Snake Island, it is also called Amazon Lily, in this country where all the female fighting race 'Nine Snakes' is located, in this windless belt beside the great route, and because of the huge size in the windless belt. On the island where the sea kings have been around and have been peaceful, there are firelight and thick smoke floating everywhere at this time, showing that the place has suffered a lot of bombardment before.

And the navy who came to execute the demon slaughter order, after a day and night of war, was even worse than the situation on the island, and they went directly to the point where the mountains and rivers were exhausted.

Compared with the ten most advanced naval ships and the fleet of more than 10,000 elite naval officers and soldiers when they first arrived, the fleet now only has Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan, Dauberman, and Ghost Spider. , Stoloberg and other five people and a group of remaining naval soldiers.

Moreover, they were stuck on the last ship, which was broken and smoking everywhere, even the mast was broken.

As for the remaining nine ships, although they seem to be intact and have not sunk, judging from the fact that there is no movement at all, it is not difficult to guess the fate of those ships and the naval officers and soldiers above.




Looking at the surrounding enemies, looking at the underworld king Silbaz Reilly, the straw hat pirate Monkey D. Luffy, the former Shichibu Hai Boya Hancock and the large group of Amazon women behind him , and then, look at the three melons and two dates left behind him and the others and a large group of petrified naval officers and men, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan, Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Stoloberry and others really Really want to cry without tears.

They knew how powerful the Empress of Nine Snake Island was, and that Straw Hat Luffy was here. They also vaguely heard that there were more powerful guys, but they never expected that it would end like this.

In the face of the raids of Hades Rayleigh, Straw Hat Luffy and Empress Nine, their proud fleet had not had time to break through the first line of defense on Nine Snakes Island and landed, so they were so vulnerable. This kind of ending came, and it was directly wiped out by three enemies in such a disgraceful way?

Of course, it's not a complete annihilation.

However, they don't need to look to know that the soldiers on the other nine ships must have been petrified by the Empress of Nine Snake Island and by that Boya Hancock.

"Surrender now!"

"You have already lost!"

Straw Hat Luffy clenched his fists tightly and stood in front of the vice admirals with a taut face. There were patches of erythema on the skin of his body.

But no matter how many gears it is, that can't hide the fact that they have defeated most of the navy and his Luffy's small achievements in practice, one person can block two or more vice admirals alone.


At this moment, standing behind Luffy is Luffy's teacher who is smiling but not smiling, that is, the Hades - Uncle Rayleigh.

However, unlike the situation where Luffy directly drove the second gear and the third gear, now Rayleigh didn't even draw the long sword around his waist, he just folded his arms and stood behind Luffy in flip-flops. And looking at his appearance, it seems that he didn't make any moves all the way?

Of course, in addition to Luffy and Hades Rayleigh, there must be a large number of Amazon warriors who jumped over from the Perfume Snake, and that handsome, beautiful expression, with a peerless face, tall stature, and with a black head Boya Hancock, the Queen of Nine Snake Island, who has long hair, combed Ji's hair style, and has no trace of emotion in her dark blue eyes, is walking forward step by step with her waist twisted.


"You still refuse to surrender?"

Seeing that Luffy and Rayleigh were facing off against the enemy, Empress Boya Hancock stepped forward indifferently and teased.

"Just a few boats dare to come to my Nine Snake Island to make trouble..."

"It seems that the navy has forgotten that the reason why I was named Qiwuhai was not because of their gift!"


"If they want to cancel my title, they will cancel it. If they want to attack Nine Snake Island, they will attack. Who do they think of us?"

Lifting the round, delicate and slender chin, with that extremely arrogant and contemptuous attitude, the female emperor Boya Hancock, who can only use her nostrils to look at those men, doesn't care what the vice admirals and the remnants think. , sneered and sneered directly.


"So your mouse is also here?"


"The last time I turned you into a stone and didn't learn the lesson, do you still want to continue to 'stand guard' in the office of your Admiral Sengoku?"

"Ah, sorry!"

"I just forgot, it seems that the Warring States period is no longer a marshal..."

Recalling the situation when the other party was placed in that office before the outbreak of the war, it was rare for the Empress to cover her mouth and smile.



"Well, so beautiful..."



With such an inconspicuous little gesture, the surviving ordinary navy soldiers on the opposite side all looked straight, and instantly forgot that she was actually the one who just turned their tens of thousands of navy robes into stone. Demons, and the terrible fact that they are still hostile, uttered a sound of unknown meaning directly from their respective mouths.


"Everyone is ready to fight!"

However, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel didn't pay attention to the empress's ridicule. He first gave a loud drink, and after the soldiers came back to their senses, he clenched the samurai sword in his hand and prepared for the final battle of trapped beasts. .





Seeing the reaction of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, the remaining navy soldiers and the remaining four lieutenant generals also clenched their weapons and stared at Luffy, the Empress, Rayleigh and those around them. Amazon women warriors armed with bows and arrows or sharp-edged spears.


"Don't you want to surrender yet?"


"I tell you, you are useless!"

"If you continue to fight, you will definitely lose, or simply surrender!"

Seeing the reaction of these navy remnants, Luffy was startled for a moment, and then soon, he frowned and persuaded.

"shut up!"

"Where is the reason for the navy to surrender to the pirates?"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel scolded him angrily, and planned to do it.

Although they had received news before that it was the Chief of Staff of the Navy Headquarters Tsuru and the others who had been wiped out and had surrendered to the rebels and pirates advancing to the city, but no matter what their starting point was at that time, Lieutenant General Tsuru and the others were anyway. The navy of the fleet will never surrender!

'Extra! Extra! ’

'Big news! ’

'The world has never been changed before! ’

'Extra! Extra! ’

'Big news! Big news! ! ’

Suddenly, without waiting for the final decisive battle between the two sides, a newspaper delivery pigeon flew in the sky at the right time, and howled hysterically, as if afraid that the people who were fighting below would not hear it.

Of course, as for when others are fighting, it happens to fly over to sell newspapers, and at the same time, it is a matter of opinion whether it is appropriate to use a camera to secretly take pictures of the battle below.

"Big news?"

"What big news, is it about Annie again?"

"Give me some copies!!"

Luffy, who was distracted, was stunned for a while, and then he reached out his hand regardless, and directly made his arm become elder, and then stretched it out to the one that was flying dozens of meters in the air. Next to the newspaper pigeon, he grabbed all the newspapers the other party was carrying.

'Ah~! ! ’

Suddenly being raided, the newspaper delivery pigeon was agitated at first, and then staggered and circled for a few laps.

When he saw that the person who snatched his newspaper seemed to be Luffy with a straw hat, he raised his camera angrily and took a few pictures, then fluttered his wings, leaving behind a few feathers that drifted in the wind. Walk away.

The people below seem to be fighting a war. It would be inappropriate for it to fly down to ask for newspaper money. Besides, it was Luffy with the straw hat who robbed it of the newspaper. The other side also had the Queen of Nine Snake Island and the previous era. The king of Hades, it can take this picture far more than the value of those newspapers.

"What news?"

"Luffy, show me too!"

Seeing that Luffy grabbed a stack of newspapers, the Empress and Hades Rayleigh didn't care about the navies, they each grabbed a copy directly from Luffy's hand and looked at it.




Seeing this, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan, Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Stoloberry and others who were just about to attack first glanced at each other, and then stopped wisely.

Obviously, they also know that once an attack is launched, they will be defeated, and even death may be possible!


If before then, they can see that the newspaper pigeon said it was a big news and 'the world has never been changed', they would still be willing to wait a little bit.


"Why are Anne and the others so powerful?!"

It didn't take long for Luffy, who seemed to have almost finished reading it, to shout and shout, and even the red spots on his body disappeared, and he didn't have the heart to continue fighting with the navy in front of him.



Although Pluto Rayleigh and the Empress did not speak, it is not difficult to guess from their wonderful and ever-changing expressions that they must have been shocked at this time.


"You can see it!"

Finally, the beautiful eyes of the empress, who was the first to read it, turned around, and then, she smiled cruelly, and then, under the bewildered gazes of the navy officers in front of her, she put her hands in her hands. The copy of , and the extra newspapers that Luffy took away were thrown directly at the group of navies.



Seeing that the newspaper was thrown over, the five vice admirals and the navy soldiers were stoic.

However, it’s okay not to watch, they were stunned to see such a shocking piece of information on the big subtitle of the front page headline:

'The bear boy summoned the Sea Kings, the BIGMOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates were wiped out, the New World Naval Fleet was destroyed by a terrible explosion, the G-5 Naval Branch was forced to land by the Red Hair Pirates, and the New World now appeared. It has basically fallen into the hands of the bear children...'



"how so?!"

Seeing such a piece of information, and thinking about the changes of the sea kings in the waters near Nine Snake Island yesterday, how could Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel still not know the authenticity of the contents of this newspaper?

Therefore, he doesn't need to read the rest of the specific information. When the newspaper in his hand slipped quietly, his whole person also seemed to have lost all strength and fighting spirit in an instant. He lowered his head in frustration and dropped his hand. weapon and fell to his knees on the deck of the ship.




And the other lieutenant generals and navy soldiers present were the same as him. Soon, after reading the newspaper, their faces became even more ugly. They were all withered, either standing or sitting helplessly. On the deck, the weapons in their hands were also thrown away by them at this time, and the courage to fight the enemy to the death even if it was death has just disappeared.

Obviously, they already know that the navy is over, the world government is over, and their fight seems to have become meaningless.

"very good!"

"In that case..."

"This war is over!"

After saying this arrogantly, the Empress waved her hand.

Immediately afterwards, the Amazon female warriors rushed forward as ordered, and arrested all the navy officers who had put down their weapons and had no will to resist.


And at the same time.

In the trench 10,000 meters deep under the sea, a navy ship was also fleeing embarrassedly against the resin coating.

Unlike when the fleet had ten ships, now, they only have the last ship.

Moreover, if the captain hadn't had the former Marshal of the Navy Headquarters and the current Chief Inspector of the Navy Headquarters, Warring States, I'm afraid this last ship would not have been preserved.

Of course, it is still unknown whether this ship that came to Fishman Island to execute the Demon Slaying Order, but became the last remaining naval ship, can continue to exist.

"Warring States!"

"What should we do now?"

"We seem to have lost our way!"

Bastiu, Lakrowa, Tina and other admirals walked quickly to Sengoku with a look of panic and embarrassment, and asked anxiously.

At this moment, the expressions of the surrounding navy soldiers were similar to theirs, or even worse. They looked like frightened birds, scanning the dark sea around them with those frightened eyes.

In the battle on Fishman Island, those terrifying Naga directly wiped out the vigor and confidence of their Now, they don't dare to imagine the terrible scene when the war started. Now they just want to get out of the bottom of the sea, get back to the land, and never come to this dangerous and terrible bottom again.

"How to do?"

"I don't know what to do either..."

"We have less than half a day's worth of air left..."

Although there are no murlocs or Nagas around, but thinking about so many people on the ship, thinking about the air that only lasted for less than half a day, and then looking at the shrinking resin coating and the dark trench ahead, Even if the combat power is strong, what can he do other than sigh in the Warring States period?



Hearing this, I didn't know what to do when I heard the Warring States period, and the expressions of the admirals such as Bastius, Lakrowa, and Tina became even worse.


After being silent for a while, and finally glanced at the miserable and panic-stricken naval soldiers crowded on the deck, Warring States couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart.

"That's it!"

"If we continue to run around, it will only be a dead end!"

"Hang the white flag..."

"Let's go back to Fishman Island immediately!!"

In the end, after weighing between death and survival for a long time, the Warring States still chose to consider for the soldiers who followed him, and had to choose the option he least wanted, that is-surrender.

Otherwise, what else could he do?

In this dark seabed, if they continued to spin around, they would not even have enough air to return to Fishman Island. How could he really have the heart to bring so many innocent soldiers to death?


??????(??)????????? Monthly Pass


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