Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1745: ?(*?)? Kizaru's Choice

Today, it is the Bear Boy Pirates who defeated the BIGMOM Pirates, the Beasts Pirates and the main force of the New World Navy, forced the G-5 branch fleet of the Navy and integrated the entire New World and shook the world at the same time, so that all races in the world and Tenth day of people's uproar and disbelief.


At the end of the first half of the great route, here in the Chambord Islands, where the naval headquarters is temporarily stationed, Admiral Kizaru is sitting silently in his office, looking at the lieutenant generals standing in front of his desk. What should be said.

The same bleak face now, silently standing in front of the yellow monkey with his head down, is going to push the city to execute the 'slaughtering demon order', but in the end, he was slaughtered without success, and he was captured after a disastrous defeat. The Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo, gave the returned Chief of Staff of the Naval Headquarters Crane, Gumir, John Jaendo, Lonze and Dalmesia.

Of course, it wasn't just the five people in front of me who were put back, but there were only five people who were qualified to come to Kizaru's office.






Chief of Staff Crane, Gumir, John Garendo, Lonze, and Dalmesia explained the process of their battle and entered the trap, and finally had to surrender voluntarily and then stopped talking, so Standing there with an ugly expression.


And although Kizaru still looks like a fool, everyone can see that the expression on his face is also very ugly, and at the same time, he has not said a word from beginning to end, no one knows what he is thinking. .

But in fact, the yellow monkey himself has nothing to say!

After all, the Great War in the New World was so bad when it had an absolute advantage, and basically lost all the territory to the west of the Red Earth Continent in one battle. Now think about Nine Snake Island and Fishman Island. And the fate of the current chief of staff, Lieutenant General Tsuru and others...

Compared with this, it seems that he, the marshal, can't accept it?

"All right……"

"Just come back!"

"Don't you know that Warring States and Flying Squirrel are much worse than you."

"It is said that..."

"They are still being detained on Nine Snake Island and Fishman Island!"

"whispering sound!"

"It's really a headache..."

It was really a headache, because Kiabou had already received the exact news that the three fleets that set off and executed the 'Devil Slaughtering Order' came back with the people in front of Lieutenant General Crane.

As for the rest, it is definitely impossible to come back, at least not in a short time...

It is said that the flying squirrels and the others were captured in a fierce battle on Nine Snake Island. Except for a few lucky ones, the others were turned into stone statues, and the battleship was driven by the Amazons of Nine Snake Island to the pier on the island. Afterwards, the stone statues of those navy soldiers were all placed on an empty beach. When the statues were densely packed with tens of thousands of people, when Kiabou saw the photos in the newspaper the day before yesterday, his scalp felt numb.

The former Marshal Warring States was slightly better. They fought a battle with mermen, murlocs and Nagas in the underwater passage near Fishman Island. Of course, they were defeated and lost and fled, and finally the air was about to run out. , and had to go back the same way, and disarmed and surrendered to Fishman Island with a white flag.

For that matter, Kizaru didn't really blame the Warring States period. After all, he knew that going 10,000 meters to the bottom of the sea to fight the murlocs, mermaids and Nagas who had home field advantage was really not a good idea.

If it wasn't because it was a mandatory order from the Heavenly Dragons from the Holy Land Mariejoa, or if those guys didn't listen to him, the new marshal of Kizaru, he would have already rejected that kind of messy order!

Therefore, as of now, Kizaru has nothing to say, and he will not blame the Warring States, the flying squirrels, and the Lieutenant General Crane in front of him.

After all, now the Tianlong people have already killed themselves and threw away the whole new world. If it's a big deal, they will also throw away the East China Sea and the South China Sea to the east of the Red Earth Continent. That's no big deal.

Now, the Revolutionary Army is launching rebellions and subverting kingdoms everywhere. In addition, the bear children are making people all over the world panic. After the heavy losses, the navy has no actual control over the East China Sea and the South China Sea. Therefore, the world will change in the future. What happened, Huang Yuan already had a bottom line in his heart, and he didn't want to continue to toss. He didn't want to care about those Tianlong people's love, anyway, and he couldn't control it if he wanted to.

Because he really couldn't beat the bear boy, he tried twice, but he really didn't want to try a third time!

"Sit down!"

"It's good to be back, you go down first..."


However, without waiting for Kizaru to express his emotions and say a few words of relief to Lieutenant General Crane and others who were lucky enough to be released back, he was surprised to find that his office door had been closed without notice. Come on.

Immediately afterwards, a few guys in white suits, white top hats, and various masks on their faces suddenly broke in from outside, so they couldn't see their specific faces.


"You are..."

First frowning, then Kizaru raised Erlang's legs and asked with his arms crossed.

He knew that he came to the institution that directly belonged to the world's noble Tianlongren, who was known as the "Tianlongren's strongest shield" and the "world's strongest espionage agency" CP0.

Under normal circumstances, he should stand up to welcome him, but since he is in a bad mood right now, and the other party barges in without giving him face, of course he won't give the other party the slightest courtesy. , he continued to sit on his own marshal throne in such a good way.

"Marshal Kizaru obeys!"

"Immediately lead the naval fleet and all the fighters of the headquarters to the Holy Land Mary Joa, and prepare to participate in the protection of the Holy Land Mary Joa, make no mistake!"


"It is a mandatory order signed by Mary Joa, the Five Old Stars, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies. It must be executed immediately!"

Saying that, the masked, tall CP0 member took a few steps forward and released the document with three different seals and signed several names. At the table of the yellow monkey.


Wei Wei sat up straight, looking at the exaggerated order, Huang Yuan opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word for a long time.

However, he soon relaxed.

After all, after defeating Charlotte Lingling and Kaido, with the assistance of 'Red Hair' Shanks and 'Fire Fist' Ace who inherited Whitebeard's legacy, the Bear Child is already a nominal ruler. Once the whole new world has been rectified, once the opponent has finished rectification, he will soon continue to undermine the world government. At that time, the holy land of the red earth continent, Mary Joa, will bear the brunt of the battle!

So, now the Tianlong people hastily ordered him to send fighters to Mary Joa to help defend, then there is nothing to say, just...

What puzzled him was, what does it mean to lead all the combatants to Mary Joa?

If everyone went to Mary Joa, would the remaining islands and bases on the red earth continent, as well as his admiral, and even the navy itself, continue to exist?

Is it possible, just throw it all away before?


However, before Kizaru could understand and raise his doubts, the CP0 who brought someone into his marshal's office spoke again:

"In view of the serious dereliction of duty and the suspicion of collaborating with the enemy, the Chief of Staff He and others, our department is specially ordered to immediately arrest the Chief of Staff of the Naval Headquarters, Lieutenant General He, Gumir, John Jaendo, Lonze and Dalmesia!"

After that, the guy who was wearing a white suit, a white top hat, and a mask on his face, who couldn't see the specific face, waved his hand and planned to let those who followed them from the Holy Land Mariejoa to the Chambord Islands. A team of agents, also wearing white suits, carried out the arrest of the vice admirals in Kizaru's office.


"Wait, what are you doing?"

Kizaru finally couldn't bear it anymore, stood up directly from his seat, and asked in disbelief.

You know, how miserable the Navy is now!

The fleet and strength of the new world are almost completely wiped out, not to mention the fact that even the strength here in the east of the red earth continent has been lost by more than half. It is estimated that there are less than fifty battleships left that can be used. The Marin Fando was directly taken away by the rebels who pushed into the city. Right now, it was the time for people to be employed, and General Crane and the others were finally brought back. How many people are to be arrested?

"doing what?"

"Of course, arrest them, and then **** them to the Holy Land Mary Joa for disposal!"

The leading CP0 spoke arrogantly and unquestionably, and at the same time, the eyes looking at Kizaru gradually became cold and dangerous.



As if he had heard it wrong, Kizaru opened his mouth and stared, apparently in disbelief.

He didn't understand, people like CP0, and those idiots from Tianlong, have reached this point, how can they still do such stupid things?

Although Lieutenant General Crane and others are indeed defeated, everyone knows that it is not ineffective in combat, and surrender is helpless. Otherwise, the new world war planned by CP0 himself will not be destroyed by the entire army. The point is!

The battles that their CP0 and Tianlong people personally commanded were defeated so badly by the bear children, how could they have the face to accuse the Navy Lieutenant General Crane of their ineffective combat?

As for 'collaborating with the enemy', that's even more ridiculous!



Seeing that Kizuna was just surprised and didn't speak, he thought it was tacit approval, so the CP0 waved his hand again.

Then, his men in white suits took out a sea of ​​stone handcuffs, and then planned to handcuff the five lieutenant generals who were standing silently in the office.



Without waiting for Kizaru to recover from the shock, the retired Vice Admiral Garp, who was watching with other navy soldiers outside the door, let out a loud roar, and then walked through a passage that the crowd automatically gave way to the navy. In the Marshal's office.

"You can't take Lieutenant General He and the others!"

"What are they guilty of?"

"Besides, they are from our navy, and they have paid enough for this world!"

"See for yourself!"

"He Zhongjun started to join the Navy at the age of 18. It has been more than 50 years and almost 60 years now. Her hair is gray and she is still serving in the Navy. I will never believe a person like her who upholds justice and belief. Will go to the enemy!"


"You can't treat them like that!"

"Even if we want to review them, it should be an internal matter of our navy. It's not your CP0's turn to point fingers!!"

Cap said righteously.

Judging from his stern expression, his current mood is obviously very excited, because this is completely different from his usual carefree and giggling attitude.


"Lieutenant General Garp!"

"You are about to retire, and you have no right to express any of your opinions on this matter!"

Unfortunately, that CP0 didn't seem to listen to Karp's words at all, and turned around to look at him and retorted so indifferently.



Garp was momentarily angry, but, clenching his fists, he finally had to look at Kizaru who was silent.

At this time, the only one who can forcefully leave Lieutenant General Crane and others from CP0's hands is the Admiral Kizaru.






First, they glanced at Lieutenant General Garp gratefully. Chief of Staff Crane and the other five, while their hearts were ashes, also looked at Kizaru with a hint of luck and anxiety.


Kizaru didn't speak, just glanced at Lieutenant General Crane and the others before turning his head to look at Karp.

Of course he knew what Karp meant, as well as the urination of those Tianlong people. Once Lieutenant General Crane and the others were really taken to the Holy Land Mary Joa by CP0 people, I'm afraid it would be really bad luck.

Therefore, he began to think about what kind of excuses to use to keep these people.

"Marshal Polsalino!"

"Please give an order to allow us CP0 to arrest and take away these prisoners!"

However, before Kizaru could think of a good solution, the one who headed CP0 was a little impatient, urging him in a command-like arrogant tone.

"Criminal, criminal?"

"whispering sound!"

First, he repeated the inconceivable word in a murmuring manner, and then, Kizaru, who had been silent since just now, didn't know what he was thinking, but suddenly flattened his mouth and sneered.


"Marshal Polsalino!"

"Is it possible that you have the same attitude as Lieutenant General Garp and want to prevent our CP0 from exercising the power to arrest these prisoners?"

Saying that, the CP0 took two steps forward again, walked directly to the desk of Kizaru, and then stood there almost against the desk, and stared at Kizaru from a close distance without flinching at all, as if thinking about it. To use the identity and authority of CP0 to force the Admiral Kizaru to give in.


Kizaru didn't answer, but his gaze went over the CP0's shoulder and looked at Garp at the door, wanting to see if the other party had any good ideas.


Unfortunately, Karp just clenched his fists with a straight face, and it seemed that there was no good way to do it.

"It's really a headache..."

So Kizaru sighed, and bowed his head a little helplessly.

"Of course!"

"You are right, my thoughts will definitely not be the same as Lieutenant General Garp, and I will definitely not stop you from taking Lieutenant General Crane and the others."

Kizaru slumped his shoulders, then returned to his sloppy appearance and said with a pretense of ease.


Hearing Kizaru say such words, a light called 'disappointment' instantly appeared in Garp's eyes at the door of the office.






The chief of staff, Lieutenant General Crane, and others also showed a frustrated look, and lowered their heads sullenly, preparing to wait for CP0's people to arrest them in front of the mountain and take them to the Holy Land Mary Joa for inquiries.


At this time, Kizaru suddenly spoke again just before CP0's people were about to start.

"My marshal's opinion is..."

"From now on……"

"Navy Uprising!!!"

Eight-foot Qionggou jade!

boom! ! !

As soon as the words were finished, Huang Yuan made a bold move and fired light bullets one by one directly at the CP0s sent by the Tianlong people, instantly hitting and smashing through the wall for those Tianlong people who were caught off guard. flew out.


"Yellow, Yellow Ape?!"


"You are..."



I saw those CP0s from the Holy Land Mary Joa were instantly knocked I looked at the holes in the Marshal's office, and at the Admiral Kizaru who was still shining with light in his hands, whether it was Both Garp and Lieutenant General Crane were stunned, and they all looked at Kizaru with disbelief.


"Bear kid or something..."

"It's scary!"


"I don't want to go to Mary Joa to fight her anyway..."

After speaking, Kizaru continued to hold his arms, crossed Erlang's legs, and sat on his marshal's throne again.

He will not tell Garp, Lieutenant General Crane and others that the uprising he just mentioned has not conspired with any forces or anyone, it is just a unilateral and temporary decision of his Kizaru!

Moreover, he also felt that the World Government and the Tianlong people seemed to be unable to pay the navy's wages soon, so it seemed that it was too late to revolt and find a bigger backer as soon as possible?

By the way, you can also save Lieutenant General Crane and the Warring States Marshal who were captured by Nine Snake Island and Fishman Island, so why not do it?

Besides, it doesn't matter who you are working for, it's just clocking in to work and receiving wages. Do you have to risk your life to fight?

As for whether he, the Admiral of the Navy, will be taken over by the bear boy or some other force after the uprising, that is another matter.

However, it shouldn't be a big problem when we think about it, even if no one accepts it, the big deal is that everyone will divide the last remaining property of the navy, and then go back to their respective hometowns to become rich. , he, the marshal of Kizaru, definitely doesn't mind taking the big head.


(σ???)σ and remember the monthly pass

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