Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1746: ?(?ω?)?NE Zero Navy's Destruction Plan

new world.

Next to an uninhabited volcanic island, at this time, a ship was moored in the bay, motionless, and it was unknown what it was doing.

And if someone takes a close look at the telescope, it is not difficult to find that on its mast, there is an upside-down navy pattern and a strange flag that represents a pirate's skull bone and was pierced by a sword at the same time.

That's right, this ship with a strange flag is the former Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, who is the same Black Wrist Zefa of the same issue as Vice Admiral Garp, the hero of the Navy, and Marshal of the Warring States of Buddha (former)!

Not long ago, for some unknown reason, he suddenly announced that he had left the navy and completely lost contact with the navy headquarters.

Immediately after, he took advantage of the opportunity of the bear children to stir up trouble in the new world and the world war, and secretly took his students to set up this 'NEO Navy' with the purpose of annihilating pirates around the world with a strange flag. And has been acting in secret.

And right now, it's Zefa Blackwrist and his NEO navy who are carrying out a secret plan.

Here is a huge volcanic island, and the high mountain on the island is the crater. However, this volcano has always shown signs of activity, so no one has come here to live or develop, even pirates are disgusted. here.

And this just gave Zefa and his NE0 navy a chance.

Because Black Wrist Zefa knows that here, this huge volcanic island is also one of the three ultimate points of the new world. If he destroys all three 'perfect points', then the entire The land of the New World west of the Red Continent, whether it is an island with an active volcano or an island with an extinct volcano, will be instantly implicated and all the magma will erupt!

At that time, the pirates of the whole new world will no longer have any place to stand, and then they will not attack themselves.


"Hum hum……"

Watching their NEO naval engineering troop put a batch of devices called 'DYNA rocks', which are explosive rocks comparable to the three ancient weapons, into various places in the crater and installed detonating devices, Black Wrist Zefa Not only laughed wickedly.

No matter how strong those pirate pirates are, what if the other party has Poseidon, one of the three ancient weapons, and unified the new world?

Those who only care about the turf must not know that he is carrying out this crazy and secret world-destroying operation, right?

Today, this is the last 'to-break point'. As long as the installation is completed and the explosion is detonated at the same time, all the islands in the new world will be destroyed in the magma. At that time, most of the pirates will be destroyed. All will be destroyed, and he Zefa's purpose is half accomplished.

And as long as the land of the new world is destroyed, those pirates have no base, and the fishman island is blocked, it will not be long before they will fend for themselves,

As for the destruction of the pirates in the new world, there are still many naval bases and innocent people who will be affected and sacrificed, so they are not taken by Zefa. The predator of the world order, he is willing to do anything!


At this time, when Zepha the Black Wrist was staring at his NEO Navy engineering unit carrying out the demolition work and thinking about it, a **** beauty with long smooth navy blue wavy hair, wearing a purple vest and black shorts twisted her waist. Limb walked quickly behind him.


"It's Ain..."

"What's up?"

Hearing that his student came to report, Zefa had to put away his thoughts and excitement just now, and turned to look at the other party strangely.


"It's happened again!"

With a blink of an eye, the beauty Ain took out a newspaper that was folded by her and raised it, showing off playfully.


"I guess……"

"It was the Bears that attacked Maryjoya, right?"


"She has won for half a month, and she has almost finished reorganizing her forces and is ready to counterattack on the Red Earth Continent."

Without waiting for his beautiful student, Ain, to tell the story, Black Wrist Zefa rubbed his chin and guessed.

While guessing, the corners of his mouth inevitably curved into a proud arc, because although the bear boy won the whole new world, the other party will soon lose it again.

Those stupid pirates, I'm afraid they will never think that he Zefa and his NEO navy are actually carrying out this crazy operation to destroy the new world, right?

Of course, in fact, the secret operation they are doing is not completely unknown.

After all, what he was doing was once held in the Navy Headquarters, and many high-ranking Navy officials knew about it. In addition, when they robbed the explosive rock, they couldn't hide it at all. Therefore, the new The world's navy and CP0 may have guessed what he Zefa wants to do or is doing, but, whether it's the navy or CP0, they have just lost and lost in the new world. The bear child or someone else revealed the news!

Even those in the know are afraid that they will deliberately conceal the news, and then hope that Zefa will act sooner, in order to give all the pirates in the new world a fatal blow, right?

"That's not it!"

The beauty Ain smiled and shook her head, denying her teacher Zefa's guess.

"It's the Navy!"

"There's something wrong with the navy!!"

Then, she didn't continue to hold on to it, but spoke out the object of the accident generously.


"What happened to the Navy?"

"Report to the teacher!"

"Under the leadership of the new Admiral Kizaru, the Navy announced an uprising three days ago!"


"A naval uprising?"

"This is impossible!"

"What kind of righteousness does he have? It's ridiculous! Is it possible that he wants to join the Bear Boy Pirates?"

"They are the Navy!!!"

Hearing this, Zefa the Black Wrist rolled his eyes and exclaimed, and he couldn't believe the news brought by his student Ain.

You know, even he, Zefa himself, just couldn't get used to the practices of some bureaucrats in the navy and took the students away from the navy to set up his own NEO navy. He never thought about becoming a pirate, and he even devoted himself to To eliminate all kinds of big pirates whose bounty is over 100 million, and the method is just a little more intense.

But now it's good, that guy Kizaru has brought the navy to revolt, what's the joke? !

"I don't know about that..."


"Teacher, why don't you read the newspaper yourself, it's written more clearly?"

The beautiful Ain took a step back a little bit, first avoiding the spittle stars that his teacher snarled, and then hurriedly handed over the newspaper in her hand.

She just bought it from the newspaper delivery pigeon. She was shocked when she saw it, but she was relieved in the end, and then hurriedly sent it to the teacher who was supervising the work here.


After taking the newspaper, Zefa ignored his beautiful student, but hurriedly shook off the newspaper and began to read it at a glance.

'notice! ’

'For hundreds of years, the Tianlong people have committed numerous crimes, such as being arrogant and domineering, disrespecting laws and regulations, murdering the people, **** women, contempt for justice, trampling on human rights, arrogance, etc., while our ministry and the people have suffered from their dictatorial and **** rule for a long time. It's...'

'Therefore, from now on, the Navy Headquarters declares an uprising in the Chambord Islands! ’

"From the date of the notice of uprising, the Chambord Islands and related naval bases will no longer accept any orders from the Holy Land Mary Joa, the World Government, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces or the Draco! ’

'My Ministry will block the Holy Land Mary Joa Passage and continue to perform its duties of maintaining order and justice east of the Red Continent. We will not join any party for the time being, but are willing to accept the leadership of the new government that will give peace and justice to the people...'

Looking at the telegram and related inside information about the naval uprising on the front page of the newspaper, Zefa Heiwa was so shocked that his eyes widened, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.


"Want to accept the leadership of a new government that will give the people peace and justice?"

After a while, Zefa muttered to himself, repeating the paragraph from the newspaper.


"Kizuna and Garp really got a good hand!"

"Seeing that the world government and the Tianlong people are about to collapse, they took out themselves and the navy first, and in the end they were able to retreat no matter what, they are really shrewd!"

"Tianlong people are stupid enough!"

"All the people who were loyal to them were sent to die by them. In the end, the two cunning fellows, Kizaru and Kap were left. They dared to go to the naval headquarters to show off their power. Isn't that courting death?"

When he saw in the newspaper that it was the Admiral and the retired naval hero and lieutenant general, that is, the highly prestigious Garp, who dominated the whole incident, Zefa the Black Wrist sneered and clenched his fists. The newspaper he read.

"The teacher, our actions..."

After waiting for a while and seeing that her teacher had gradually recovered from that incident, the beautiful Ain asked tentatively.


"No matter if the navy is uprising or what they want to do, that will not shake our determination to destroy the pirates here in the new world!!"

With a wave of his hand, Black Wrist Zefa threw the newspaper into the dark abyss behind the volcano, letting it sway little by little towards the ground where the scorching heat and sulphur aura came from. come down.



Opened her mouth, although the beautiful Ain wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't dare, she just responded weakly.

She is Zefa's right-hand man. She respects her teacher Zefa very much, and is even willing to sacrifice her life for him. So, since her teacher wants to continue, she can continue. As for the consequences, she doesn't want to think about it anymore. .


At this time, without waiting for Ain to leave, a man in a ridiculous ninja uniform came hurriedly, and hurriedly gave Zefa a military salute.


"What's up?"

Seeing that the person who came was another student of his right arm, Zefa had to cast a suspicious look at him again.

"Just received the news!"

"It's an exclusive interview with the bear boy. I guess teacher, you should want to see it, so you quickly brought it."

Saying that, Binz, who was wearing a funny ninja costume, took out a OB phone bug, and at the same time, the two NEO navies who came with him hurriedly set up a white screen, and then, the Just broadcasting the phone bug directly put on the white screen an exclusive interview with the bear boy himself by the president of the World Economic News Agency, known as 'Big News Morgans'.


"Then have a look!"

Zefa was noncommittal, just folded his arms and took his two students and many engineering soldiers to watch directly on the big volcanic crater, one of the "breaking points" in this new world.

It was a real-time world-synchronized live broadcast. Anyway, Zefa and others saw it. In it, except for the white albatross Morgens in a black dress and a top hat of the same color, there was only one who was a little impatient. Just a little girl sitting on the golden throne.

And who is that bad little girl, who is not the most terrifying and powerful big pirate bear child in the world, Annie Hastur?



However, it is not difficult to see from the picture that the bear child does not seem to be in a good mood?

‘Cough cough! ’

'Dear Her Excellency Anne Hastur, we proceed to the next question! ’

In the picture, the albatross Morgans coughed, and after attracting the attention of the bear child, he began to ask again.

Obviously, it is not difficult to hear from the other party's words that this real-time exclusive interview, which is being broadcast live all over the world, has obviously been going on for some time.

'I believe many people are just like me Morgens, very curious about your origins...'

‘Some people say that you are a human-like fish-man pirate, and they also have relevant evidence, such as you can directly survive and breathe directly in the deep sea below 10,000 meters? ’

'nature! ’

"Someone said..."

‘You have all the above magical abilities because you ate some kind of amazing devil fruit. What do you say about you, who has ruled the whole new world? ’

In the picture, the albatross Morgans asked excitedly, and extended the microphone during the interview to the throne.

‘! ! ’


'They're not some pirates! ’


'It's not even a murloc! ’


'And people will never eat that super unpalatable devil fruit! ’


Not to mention the devil fruit, but the bear child in the broadcast screen almost didn't jump up when he mentioned the devil fruit.

'The reason why people are great is because...'


'People are most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most powerful, the most powerful Arcane Archmage! ’


'Your Majesty Morgans! ’

'I want to reiterate one thing: this great being in front of you is the queen of the flame kingdom in the world of Azeroth, the leader of the flame alliance and the emperor of the empire of Azeroth! ’

'She is from the world of Azeroth just like our Naga, you can think so for the time being! ’

'and! ’

'Neither she nor we are pirates, nor are we murlocs. In the future, please pay attention to the wording in the newspaper? ’

At this time, without waiting for a certain bear child to be questioned further, Commander Sivara, the high-level elf with pointed ears, walked to the Golden Throne and half-threateningly faced the somewhat nervous big news Morgans corrected.


'Azeroth Empire? ’

'That's really a new word, I need to memorize it! ’

The white albatross, the big news Morgans didn't pay any attention to the woman with pointed ears at all, just took out a pen and paper and hurriedly memorized it.

'And then...'

'We will soon start to attack the pirates in the New World. In the future, in the New World and even the whole world, any pirate and privateer behavior will not be allowed! ’

‘Now, is it too late for those pirates who are on the wrong side to take the initiative to surrender? ’

Abyss Commander Sivara continued to speak.

'what! ’

‘Fight the pirates? ’

'So that's the case, are you really the army of the Azeroth Empire? ’

'Are you here to invade our world? ’

Big News Morgans continued to ask excitedly, like he wasn't part of the world himself.

'It's not an invasion, it's a liberation! ’

'We have brought true peace and justice to the world! ’

Sivara raised her chin arrogantly. As for whether what she said was true or not, only she herself knew.

In this way, under the broadcast of the broadcast phone bug, the big news Morgans in the picture chatted with the bear boy and the chief commander of the bear boy, and they were all talking about the whole The world's people care about and sensitive topics.

After a full half an hour, when a certain bear boy couldn't help himself and suddenly jumped off the throne and left, the exclusive interview conducted by the big news Morgans himself finally came to an end.


And after watching the interview, Black Wrist Zefa was silent, just stood beside the crater, staring blankly at the screen that no longer had any pictures.





"What's up?"

After being shouted several times, Zefa Black Wrist suddenly shuddered and came back to his senses, then turned his head and looked at his beautiful student, Ain, with doubtful eyes.


"The work of the engineering team is completed, and the scheduled time is almost here. Are we going to start?"

Ain asked with a stern face.

Because she knew that once her teacher nodded in agreement and ordered the evacuation, then this new world would be destroyed! At that time, all the large and small islands to the west of the red earth continent will cease to exist, and at the same time, thousands of people will die in an instant!


Black Wrist Zefa was silent, did not answer, but looked at the screen just now again, wondering what he was thinking?


After a while, Ain, the beautiful woman in a black NEO navy coat, asked again.

"Wait a minute..."

"I need to think again..."

However, What surprised the beauty Ain and that Binz was that they didn't know what was going on. At this critical moment, Zefa the Black Wrist actually said something like that.



He glanced at Binz, who was beside him, and then an expression called 'surprise' appeared on the face of that beautiful woman, Ain.


"Follow orders!!"

Then, her stern face suddenly showed a big sweet smile and excitedly stretched out her jade hand to give a military salute to their teacher.


???(?)???? Monthly Pass



In the cell of Cake Island, the bear child's maid, Dasqi, was in front of a cell, silently looking at Smog, the chief of the Navy's G-5 branch, who was locked inside.


"The navy is defeated, and the world government is expected to be destroyed soon. A new era has come. From now on, you will completely forget us, forget the navy, and serve well under the bear children."

In the cell, Smoker lay with his arms crossed on the cold single bed and sighed.


Dusty didn't speak.


"I'll find a way to save you!"

"There are others!"

After a long time, Da Siqi suddenly said this.




As he spoke, the Smog seemed to be hesitant to speak.


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