Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1747: ?*. ?(???*)??*. When the bear child is old...

June 1, 1521, according to the Haiyuan calendar.

When all the forces and islands in the New World were integrated, finally, the Golden Mothership Bear Child led the New World's combined fleet of nearly 300 ships to the Red Earth Continent and the Holy Land Mary Joe. Departing from the western port of Asia, the final battle to overthrow the world government and the totalitarian rule of the Draco people was officially launched.

June 3, 1521, according to the Haiyuan calendar.

In the first half of the Great Route, Marshal Kizaru, Deputy Marshal Garp, Empress Boya Hancock of Nine Snake Island, Magellan, Speaker of the Three Islands Alliance (Propulsion City, Judicial Island, and Marin Vando), and part of the revolutionary army responded to the bear children. At the call of the legion, a large fleet was dispatched to blockade the eastern port of the Holy Land Mary Joa, blocking the retreat of the Tianlong people.

June 6, 1521 in the Sea Circular Calendar.

The Holy Land Mary Joa War officially broke out!

Just one day, before the sun set on the distant sea level, under the onslaught of the Royal Naga Guards and Highborne mages, led by the Abyssal Commander Sivara in Highborne form, and a group of powerful followers, inhabited. It was captured as scheduled among the flowers in the deepest part of the ancient city of Mary Joapan.

Immediately afterwards, with the death of the master of the Void Throne, the leader of the Draco, the mastermind behind the world government and the supreme ruler Im, the war finally came to an end.

June 7, 1521 on the Haiyuan calendar.

Under the writing notice of the white albatross known as 'Big News Morgans', the president of the World Economic News Agency, the old world government announced the official dissolution, and the new government will be led by Abyss Commander Sivara and others. In a few days, all heads of state or kings from all over the world who are willing to support the bear children will be invited to the Holy Land Mary Joa for a meeting to discuss the reorganization of the new empire.


August 15, 1521 on the Haiyuan calendar.

As most of the most vicious pirates in the world have changed careers, been exterminated or disappeared due to the bad reputation of the bear children, the era of the great pirates has finally come to an end.

On the same day, Straw Hat Luffy and others finally set foot on the land of the Holy Land of Mary Joa for the first time. The people gathered together again and came to the West Coast Garden of the Holy Land Mary Joa.


"Haha! Look!"

"So, you can see the new world from the Holy Land Mary Joa?"


Without waiting for his companions, Luffy was the first to cheer and rushed to the cliff guardrail on the west side of the Holy Land Mary Joa. To the new world to the west.

Originally, he planned to wait until the end of the two-year period to gather his friends and go to the new world for adventure, but he had to follow Hancock and Lei before he finished learning. Uncle Lee and the others came here.

"It's so high here..."


"Be careful Usopp!"

"It's terrible to fall, you will be crushed!!"

Chopper and Usopp huddled against the guardrail and shouted.

Just now, the two of them looked down at the bottom of the red earth continent, but found that they could hardly see the end at a glance. Even the sea surface was dark, and they were so frightened that they fell to the ground. just fell.

"It's really high!"

"The island country Visalia usually doesn't fly so high. If you study weather magic here, it must be very convenient, right?"

"It's abominable!"

"In the past, those Tianlong people didn't let ordinary people come up casually. Now, they are all driven away. We can come as long as we want, and stay as long as we want!"

Nami is clearly not afraid of heights.

In fact, she was already used to this height when she was in Visalia on the Sky Island, so she was not as exaggerated as Usopp and Chopper did.

"Weather magic?"

"Compared to that, I am more concerned about the collection of books in the Tianlongren library!"


"I asked before, but I didn't find any valuable books. Maybe it was destroyed by the battle?"

At this time, Robin walked to Nami's side, and said with a faint sigh.

She came here with Monkey D. Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, and ran to the library of the Holy Land Mary Joa as soon as possible, but as a result, she did not find anything of interest and value to her. The books that are hidden inside and still intact are those that have been seriously tampered with, and those books have no meaning at all!


Zoro didn't speak, just stood behind the crowd holding his knife.

Undoubtedly, he has always been a little worried about the fact that he was late and could not participate in the battle. After all, it was the last battle against the world's noble Tianlong people, enough to be recorded in history, but as a result, he got lost on the way. , When he was taken by Perona and flew to the Chambord Islands, the day lily was cold.


"It's super tall..."

Frankie also got close to the guardrail, and looked at the bottom of the red soil continent like Chopper and Usopp. However, unlike the two, he was not at all cowardly about such heights.


"What's so good about this?"

"I still want to chat with Princess Baixing..."

Ever since he met Shirahoshi, the mermaid princess who was shocked by him on the golden mothership of the Bear Child, Sanji has always been like a lost soul.

It's a pity, whether it is on the Golden Mothership of the Bear Child or in the Holy Land Mary Joa, it is not so easy for a bear child to get close to the man, so he can see the mermaid princess Shirahoshi. There were only a handful of times, but he was suffocated.

"Oh **** ho ho..."

Skull Brook laughed directly without expressing any opinion.



"I seem to have seen that golden ship. We can finally get our Sonny back and continue to be pirates!"

At this moment, Luffy, who was looking down from the guardrail, suddenly shouted.

Because ah, in the light and reflections of the setting sun, he seemed to see Anne's golden mothership, the Bear Child, and as far as he knew, his Sonny had been stored in one of the indoor berths. .

Anyway, that's what Dibalu, Hachi and Kemi told him, and the Sonny has always been taken care of by them.


"Do not!"

"Luffy, we don't need to be pirates now!"

At this time, without waiting for everyone to agree, Nicole Robin, who was more beautiful, plump and **** than a year ago, came over and explained with a smile.

turn out to be……

During the reign of the dragons and the old world government, ordinary people wanted to go to sea, either by applying for a permit, or they had to go with the ships of those big kingdoms or big business groups. If you go out to sea without authorization, it is easy to be dealt with as a pirate.

Of course, that is a pirate in a broad sense.

Under normal circumstances, most pirates have no bounty, and the navy and the world government are too lazy to take the initiative to take care of them. Just like before Sauron, they belonged to the kind of pirates who entered the sea illegally by definition. What are you doing that violates the laws of the old world government, so that you don't have any bounty, so you can wander around, and you can often catch pirates in exchange for bounties.

For other bounty hunters, they can only apply for permission to go to sea on the grounds of catching pirates, or they can only guard an island and wait for pirates to come. The bounty hunters are waiting, and even Dibalu and the others were originally.

However, it's different now.

In the past, due to the reason of the Tianlong people, you had to have the permission of the government, but now the Tianlong people and the old world government have collapsed, so that kind of regulations no longer apply, plus the original bounty has been completely voided , So, this is what Robin said, the main reason why you don't need to be a pirate anymore.


"As you say, Robin!"


"Aren't we all pirates anymore?"

Nami was the first to cover her mouth and exclaimed, and at the same time she rounded her beautiful orange eyes, which were full of incredible expressions.

"That is not true, is it?"

"I'm not a pirate anymore?!"

Hearing Robin's explanation, Luffy hurriedly came over and asked in surprise.


"Everyone is gone!"

Seeing that everyone came over, Robin had no choice but to explain with a smile:

"What do you think..."

"Annie is now the new ruler of the world. In the past, our bounty was issued by the navy, but now that the navy has been reorganized, our bounty has naturally been banned."


"According to the laws of the New World Government, as long as we go out to sea and do not carry out any private plundering activities, then we are not pirates!"

"Even if it is to find the text of the lost one hundred years of history, there is no problem. The new government is not like the Tianlong people who need to hide the truth of history."

Robin said excitedly.

After all, being able to study history freely was something she had always dreamed of.

It's a pity that the archaeological island 'O'Hara' in the West Sea was destroyed. When she was eight years old, O'Hara was brutally destroyed by the navy's demon slaughter order. The following year, O'Hara's name was also used Completely erased from the map, the great O'Hara, the archaeologists on the island, and countless precious documents were completely erased from the world in that terrible disaster led by the Dragons...

And that is also one of the sins committed by the Tianlong people.

However, what makes Robin a little relieved is that all the Tianlong people have been arrested, waiting for those hateful Tianlong people, there will be a just trial of history, as long as they are found guilty, they will all escape. Don't fall!


"It's really not a pirate anymore?"

"What are we after that?"

After listening to Robin's explanation, Usopp was a little dumbfounded.

To be honest, after being a pirate for so long and being hunted by the navy for so long, I have long been accustomed to the days of sneaking and hiding, but suddenly today Robin said that he will not be a pirate in the future. Really a little uncomfortable.

"What is it?"

"Well, let me think about it..."

Nicole Robin blinked, looked at her companions around, and then she stretched out a finger and tapped her chin, thinking seriously.


"Maybe we can be great explorers?"

"That's right! It's an explorer!"

"For the truth of the blank hundred years of history, in order to conquer the great route, in order to find the legendary OnePiece, the explorer who embarked on a great adventure on the great route!"

Then, Robin suddenly clenched her fists and gave a high five, and said this to her friends around her with a wink and a playful look.


Luffy widened his eyes and began to imagine.

"Ha ha ha ha!"


"In the future, I will be the great explorer Straw Hat Luffy!!!!"

Then, Luffy quickly regained his senses and opened his hands to the orange-red sky under the sunset, laughing and cheering, not at all frustrated by not being a pirate or a pirate king.



"Our Sonny is in the golden mothership below, the Bear. Now, let's continue our great voyage!"

"We must find the legendary OnePiec!!"

Then, after cheering, Luffy didn't discuss with his companions, he made a sudden decision, and took the lead to go directly down the road, from the top of the Holy Land Mariejoa towards the other half of the great route, towards Facing the new world, he rushed towards the golden ship that was moored in the western port of the red earth continent.


"Luffy, wait for us!"

Seeing Luffy taking the lead in running down the red soil continent, Chopper and Usopp hurriedly chased after him.

"Really, at least say goodbye to Annie?"


"Hey! Wait for me!"

"I'm a navigator, you can't go anywhere without me!!"

Nami just complained a few words, but seeing Luffy, Chopper and Usopp all running away, she had no choice but to chase after being afraid of being left behind.


"Explorer, it's super cool!"

Franky also cheered, and then strode towards the four to chase after them.

"Oh **** ho **** ho..."

"The great expedition, the endless journey, and the sea of ​​the new world, made my heart skip a beat with excitement."

"Although I've long since lost my heart..."

After a few words of ridicule, Skull Brook also hurriedly chased after him.


"Although there are no more pirates, there are still many dangerous monsters, so I'll go with you!"

Zoro, who was holding three knives, first said this stubbornly, and then he jumped over the guardrail and chased after him.


"Luffy! I have to tell you about the fact that you haven't come to see me for so long!"

"Wait a moment!"

"At least let me say goodbye to Princess White Star first?"

Sanji looked inside the Holy Land Mary Joa, and then looked at the group of friends who had left. After hesitating for a long time, he still had to grit his teeth and chase after Luffy and the others.


"Everyone's spirits are really good!"

"Now that Annie's new government no longer has any control over history, I must write a book about that blank 100 years and distribute it all over the world!"

"That's it!"

"Luffy! Nami!"

"You wait for me!"

One last glance at the direction of Holy Land Mary Joa, and then Robin shook his waist-length black hair, and then quickly chased after him.


"Straw Hat Boy!"

"Wait! I'll go sail for you!"

At this time, a fat murloc Jinping didn't know why, but suddenly ran over from the side, and dragged his chubby body towards the original straw hat pirates, and the current straw hat adventure group chased after him.

It didn't take long for the garden of the Holy Land Mary Joa to become quiet again, and only twos and threes of tourists or patrolling murloc Naga passed by occasionally.


At this time, not far away, on the roof balcony of a white house in the Holy Land Mary Joa, Raleigh, the Hades, was sitting on the guardrail with a jug, smiling as he was making a noise and looking towards him. Luffy and the others who ran to the holy ground.


"Really a bunch of troublesome brats..."

"Don't worry about it!"

Next to Pluto Rayleigh, of course, was his lover, partner and student Aunt Shaqi, who was holding a cigarette in his mouth, holding the guardrail with both hands, and was also looking at Luffy and the others.


"You said, can they find it?"

Suddenly, after the figure of the straw hat group disappeared completely, Xia Qi suddenly opened his mouth and asked Leleigh who was drinking beside her.

"What about finding and not finding?"

"You just heard that this world will no longer need pirates from now on, only explorers!"

"Luffy and the others may be able to find it, but..."

As he spoke, Rayleigh suddenly stopped, and the jug in his hand that was about to be put to his mouth also froze in the air instantly.

"and then?"

After waiting for a while to see that Rayleigh had no more words, Shaqi continued to ask.


"Of course it doesn't make sense."

"You can also see that Annie's child is amazing. She has not been to that place, nor does she need to go, she has already done everything!"

"At the beginning, Roger and we went early, and now..."

"Luffy and the others, it's too late."

"Of course!"

"It doesn't matter if it's late, it's better to go and have a look. After all, they are explorers now. If they can't conquer the great route, what kind of explorers are they?"

After speaking, Rayleigh suddenly laughed.

Immediately afterwards, as soon as he raised his head, he put the mouth of the flask in his hand to his mouth and drank several gulps in a row.


"If he can't be the Pirate King, Luffy can still be a great explorer."

"The Great Explorer, Straw Hat Luffy and his friends?"

With a chuckle, Xia Qi exhaled a large smoke ring and watched it slowly rise until it slowly spread and was blown away by a gust of sea breeze.



"I was thinking, if Roger was still alive, knowing that an eight-year-old kid did all this feat, and then seeing that the two of us pirates could buy a house and settle here in the Holy Land Mary Joa, he What kind of expression will it look like?"


"whispering sound!"

"It's fine now, who cares what he looks like?"


"It's fine now..."

"From now on, there will be no more pirates in the world..."


"Hey? Look! The sun has set. It's the first time I've seen such a sunset. It's so beautiful."


"I didn't expect that the sunset in the Holy Land Mary Joa would be like this?"

"very nice……"

"Yeah, that's great..."

In the distance, the afterglow of the golden sunset spilled over from the sky, directly pulling the figures of the two retired former great pirates, Rayleigh and Shaqi, two retired former pirates, on the balcony of the house.

Of course, from now on, there will be no more pirates in the world, and no one will pay attention to their former identities. They are just in this world where anyone can come and visit~www. And you don't have to call any more reports to the two bad old men who settled in the Holy Land Mary Joa.


Haiyuan Calendar August 15, 1521.

With the departure of the great explorer Straw Hat Luffy and others, the era of the Great Pirates came to an end, and the era of peaceful sailing and exploration of great unity was also announced.

Of course, compared to the "Great Unification Age of Peaceful Navigation and Expeditions" or other names, perhaps, people in the world may be more fond of joking about the new order from this day as: the great age of a certain bear child?

Although, a certain bear child has never admitted that she is a bear child...


?*. ???(?)??????*.

?The pirate volume is over, ask for a monthly pass?

The following episode...

Half a month after Luffy and the others set sail...


"No, Speaker Sivara, Her Lady Queen Anne is gone!"

In a building in the Holy Land Mary Joa, Sivara, who was working in the form of an upper-level elf, was shocked by a murloc and the maid Dasqi who rushed into the office. a character.



"What's missing?"

First, he rolled up the parchment and threw it into the wastebasket. Then, Sivara put the pen away and asked in a leisurely manner.

"The Queen is gone!"

"I was going to help her get up just now, but there was no one on the bed, there was only a letter of farewell!"

With that said, Dusky handed the letter to Sivara's desk.

For more exciting stories, please see what the author of the ㊣ version said

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