Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1748: ??(?????)??a long time…

long long ago……

In ancient times, there was a prince named Reddy who held a holy sword. After an extremely fierce battle, he finally shattered the ambitions of the emperor of the Dalsis Empire, Digos, and reintroduced the summoned Chaos God Kao. Si re-sealed in the ground, laid the opportunity for peace in this world once again.

Then, time passed quickly for hundreds of years...

During this period, the continent of Alusaria has been in an era of delicate balance between light and darkness.

Countless prosperous nations continued to emerge and then gradually declined, and after their demise new lives and kingdoms began to appear, every two to three hundred years, and the kingdom that defeated the evil prince Reddy, the kingdom of Bardia also escaped. Not that eternal law and destiny.

However, when the kingdom was destroyed, the descendants of the royal family hid the vital holy sword and let it disappear into the vast land for hundreds of years.

After the demise of the Kingdom of Bardia, many large and small countries began to emerge on this continent. After all, the world will not stop turning because of the demise of any country. Among them, such a small country is full of conquest. The ambition of the mainland is slowly extending and developing its sphere of influence and continuously expanding its territory.

This country is the famous Reygard Empire, referred to as the Empire!

Driven by the ambitions of its emperor, Berenhalt, the empire's major legions and soldiers are gradually eroding the surrounding countries.

Is this not?

Today, for some unknown reason, Leon, the commander and general of the Blue Dragon Knights, the four major armies of the empire, and his lieutenant, Liat, led the forty elite light cavalry and one hundred imperial recruits of the Blue Dragon Knights. The battalion's infantry sneaked across the border and into the territory of the neighboring kingdom of Sarras, which had not yet officially declared war.



"What are we doing on this road, aren't we going to the small village led by Sarras?"

"It's over there. If you go from here, it will be farther away and there will be more people."

When the team came to a fork in the road, and saw that Leon, the leader of the Knights, did not follow the original plan, but turned to another path, the adjutant Liat couldn't help feeling a little curious, and hurriedly planned The horse rushed to their general and asked.

He didn't think that their battle-hardened leader of the Azure Dragon Knights would not know the way, so knowing that the other party must have deliberately turned in, he couldn't help asking curiously.

"I know."


"Liat, you must have heard on the way here. It is said that there is a very powerful arcane mage in the mountains from this side?"

"So, I'm going to meet her first!"

Leon didn't care about his adjutant's words, just continued to ride the horse and led the crowd forward slowly, while explaining with a smile.


"I've only heard of summoners, great mages, sages, etc. in this world who are proficient in magic. I've never heard of the 'Arcane Archmage', and I don't know the details of the other party. As for the need for you to make a trip in person?"

Hearing that this was the case, Liat felt even more puzzled.

In Liat's opinion, their leader of the Blue Dragon Knights, Leon, is the general of the empire, and his importance is second only to the existence of the Prime Minister and Black Mage Ekbeir, even if this Sarras territory is really There is a certain very powerful mage, but when you go back, you can directly send someone to recruit. As for this, when you are going to perform important tasks, do you make time to rush to it?

"This is..."

"I don't know why, but I think that since everyone is here, it is necessary to make this trip."

"Let's go!"

"It's just a detour, it won't delay things!"

After pondering for a while, Leon finally shook his head, ignoring the objection of his adjutant Liat, and still insisted on moving forward, and took the lead in leading the way.


"My subordinate understands."

Seeing that his general insisted on going, Liat had no choice but to follow patiently.

At the same time, he also began to figure out in private what speed he and others should use in the next march, so that they could reach the border village of Sarras Territory on time and complete the important task.



"Listen, Captain Leon is thirsting for talent again?"

'Tsk tsk! ’

"Really, with our uncle Barter here, what more arcane masters do you need?"

"It is estimated that it is just a man who knows a few fireballs and runs to the mountain village to be deceived. I have seen a lot of guys like that!"

"One knife and one, I've cut a lot of them!"

At the back of the team, an infantry officer murmured and complained a little bit after hearing the conversation between Leon and Liat.

Because they don't have war horses to ride like the group of guys in front. They are now fully armed and walking. It is a hard job to travel in this state of combat readiness. Raoshizi's mage, can he have no complaints?


"Captain Barthe, can you keep your voice down?"

"If you are heard by Captain Leon and the others, you will look good!"

When the other little officer next to the guy named Bart heard it, he hurriedly stopped the other party, and then quickly pulled the other party's hand, signaling the other party not to be long-winded and hurry up.


"I got it! Got it!"

"Don't pull around!"

Soon, with the sound of small complaints, the sound of armor colliding, and the sound of horses' hoofs, this group of imperial soldiers who had sneaked into the neighboring country quickly disappeared between the mountains and mountains of Sarras. .

After half a day...

This small group of more than 100 people with mixed foot and cavalry finally arrived at one of their destinations, a small two-story wooden and stone structure house with a garden by a small river.


"This should be a hotel, right?"

After the adjutant Liat stopped the horse, he asked with some uncertainty.


"It is said that the Arcane Archmage lives there. A while ago, the other party also helped the people here to drive away a group of bandits and monsters."


"Isn't there a village at the foot of the mountain over there?"

Leon sat on the saddle, pointed with the whip to the fields not far away and the small houses hidden at the foot of the mountain and said.


"But General!"

"If there is a village here, wouldn't our actions be..."

Startled, the adjutant Liat suddenly asked worriedly.

After all, the military strength of the Salras leader should not be underestimated, especially when there is no official war yet, there is still a certain risk of their empire going deep into other people's territory, especially when their whereabouts are exposed. in the case of.

"It's okay!"

"It's only half a day's journey from here to the destination. We will be able to carry out the mission on time and return tomorrow. Even if the lord of Salras finds it, so what?"

"Let's go!"

"It's all here, let's go and see it first!"

"Let the others wait here, you come with me!"

After he finished speaking, Leon quickly rushed over on his horse.

Soon, as they approached, the two saw that in front of the roadside inn, a cute little girl with blond hair and blue eyes was following a man in a white cape, holding a magic wand in her hand, looking at The boy, like a trainee magician, was arguing about something.

"Everyone said it!"


"I'm sure I won't teach you magic again, get out of here!"


"If you don't leave again..."


"Be careful that the bear will eat you!"





Then, before the boy who looked like a magician wanted to continue to say something, Leon and Liat both saw it and didn't know what the little girl had done. The other party screamed, Directly from the hotel's garden yard door, he was shot and rolled out.




"You are……"

The boy got up and was about to go forward to explain, but when he turned his head, he saw Leon and Liat who were approaching the horse, and then looked at a group of imperial soldiers in the distance. I couldn't help being surprised, and then my face changed greatly, and I no longer dared to entangle with that little girl.


Gu "Excuse me, does the distinguished Arcane Archmage live here?"

Looking at the little girl inside, and then at the apprentice magician who couldn't even beat the little girl, Leon became even more determined to see that great arcane spell.

After all, if the other party can teach even the villagers and children in front of him to become a magician apprentice and use magic, then the other party's knowledge must be very powerful.


"You, you are the army of the Empire?"

However, the young man wearing a white cape, holding a magic wand in his hand, and a little blue-silver hair did not answer Leon's question, but took two steps back in fear and was surprised. asked out loud.


"That's it!"

"Okay, boy, can you answer the question I just asked?"

After hesitating for a while, Leon did not choose to hide it, and directly and generously affirmed the boy's question.


"Has the Reygard Empire started a war with... and the Salras leader?"

"I do not know how?!"

However, the boy still didn't answer Leon's question, just widened his eyes in fright, and stepped back step by step in fear.


"Not yet."

"This is the temporary residence of the Arcane Archmage, right?"

Shaking his head, Leon answered directly with a smile and asked again.

He was not too surprised to see the other party's reaction. In fact, over the years, as the troops of the Reygard Empire went south and north, he had seen similar fear, misunderstanding or resentment. It's no wonder.


"Are you looking for an Arcane Archmage?"


Hearing Leon's words, the boy subconsciously turned towards the little girl in the garden who was also looking curiously outside, and then his face became ugly again.


"I have no idea!"

After he finished speaking, the boy turned around and ran, and ran quickly along the road in a direction away from here, not wanting to answer Leon's question just now.



"Would you like me to go..."

Seeing the boy's expression and reaction, Liat suddenly thought of something. Then, he hesitated for a while, and then, holding the long sword around his waist, he rode his horse to Leon's side and asked in a low voice. road.

"No need!"

"Even if someone led by Sarras knew about it, what would happen?"

"They were too late to react."

As he said that, watching the figure of the young man running farther and farther, Leon didn't care, he got off his horse and walked to the hotel.


"Little girl!"

"I want to ask, is she there, the Arcane Archmage who lives here?"

First, he looked at the surroundings, and then, walking to the front and back of the blond little girl, Leon smiled, tried his best to keep a kind expression and asked.



"Arcane Mage? She's not here!"


Yes, this little girl is Annie!

However, she will not admit that she is the Arcane Archmage the other party is looking for, because she is not an Arcane Archmage.

She is the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most the most, the most, the most the most, the most the most, the most the most, the most the most, the most the most, the most the most, the most the most, the most the most is the most The most powerful super arcane archmage!

Therefore, the person the other party is looking for is definitely not her.




"not here?"

With a frown, Leon stood up in disappointment, then looked up into the lobby of the hotel.

He saw that there was really no one inside except the innkeeper who was looking at him with a look of fear and doubt. As for whether there was any in the room, he didn't know.


"When will she be back?"

Some unwilling Leon paused and asked again.

"I do not know!"


Annie said that there is no such thing as an arcane master at all, only her, the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most...

Well, she didn't want to repeat it.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"Could it be that the archmage has left?"

"It's just a hotel after all."

Liat rushed over and persuaded.

Anyway, according to what he thought, no one would stay in a hotel for too long, and the mysterious arcane master must just pass by and help the villagers here?


"Let's move on, shall we?"

Now their whereabouts have been So, for the sake of the mission, Liat just wants to leave here quickly, and then directly raid the village that is not far from here.

"Not urgent!"

"It's getting late, let's rest here for a night, and then leave when it's almost dawn!"

After thinking about the distance from that destination to here, and thinking about the soldiers, especially the infantry, who had been on the road for a day, Leon quickly made a decision.

Of course, the more important thing is: he doesn't want to make a trip in vain, he wants to wait a night to see if the legendary Arcane Archmage will come back?



Responding helplessly, Liat turned his head and walked out, ready to greet the soldiers outside.

"Little girl!"

"Go and tell the proprietress that we will stay here for one night tonight and let her prepare food and drinks!"

With that said, Leon planned to go forward and touch the little girl's head.


!? (??\'\'????)??

"Aren't you going to tell it yourself?"

o(??^')o Humph!

After tactfully avoiding the other party's salty pig hands, a certain poor little girl snorted arrogantly, then turned her head and left.


"You little guy..."

"The response is quite fast!"

Looking at his hands, although he was a little surprised that his head touching was avoided by the other party, after all, Leon didn't think about it, just shook his head dumbfoundedly, and then headed towards this roadside. The door of the hotel walked in.


|??˙??˙) Hello? Do you know a monthly pass?


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