Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1753: ?~(′?`*) Early morning~!

"When the sun shines in the sky, the flowers???? smile at me~??"


"The bird said: early morning, why did you dig out the nest~??"


Early in the morning, in the woods, a certain poor little girl hummed a song while riding her little bear Tibbs wandering in the woods.

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

At the same time, she kept her hands and mouth non-stop, carefully peeling off the shells of the freshly baked bird eggs and throwing them into her mouth to chew.

It was the treasure she just found in a bird's nest on a tree. It was very delicious, but the number was a little small, and there were only less than ten.

And for this, she was chased by a bird like a magpie for a long time, and the other party repeatedly used feces to attack and bombed her tenaciously. It's a pity, who is Her Lady Queen Anne? , how could it be bombed by the other party?

So, after she counterattacked with a small pebble, the other party screamed and flew away, and she was finally able to eat eggs while roasting eggs with peace of mind.

A certain bad boy didn't mean to feel bad about it. After all, the bird's nest grows on the tree, and no one is watching and protecting it, and it is not written that it can't be eaten, and since she saw it, Then, of course, you will pay for it!


Under normal circumstances, whole baked bird eggs or eggs or something is definitely not advisable.

Because, it can easily lead to an explosion. Although there is no great lethality, the exploded protein will be scattered everywhere, and it is very difficult to clean up. It is not recommended for other children to bake or barbecue in adults. When it is time to secretly put the whole egg or quail egg into the charcoal fire.


However, she is different from Queen Anne. She can precisely and evenly control the flame, so that the entire egg is heated evenly and the temperature is well controlled to ensure that the egg will be cooked and will not explode due to expansion.



(Hearing that kind of song, Tibbs just glanced at the nasty little master on her shoulder, but didn't dare to say anything. Obviously, it must be used to it, so just keep going. write.)





While walking, Annie suddenly let out a slightly surprised snort, and then kept sniffing in the air with her nose.

(What's the matter, dear little master?)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)



"People seem to smell some kind of kerosene. Who is crazy to play with kerosene in this kind of forest? What should I do if I accidentally burn it?"


"If you are known by the adults, you will definitely be spanked!"

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

Annie knew a long time ago that you can't play with fire in the forest, but now, someone is playing with kerosene in the forest. That kind of thing is definitely not a small thing.

(Anyway, it won't burn us to death, who cares!)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers doesn't care about these shit, don't say it's hot again, you want to burn this forest, even if you burn the entire planet and world, it and its nasty little master will have nothing to do with it. The question, what is love!)

"That's right!"


"Okay! Forget it!"


Having said that, after thinking seriously for a second or two, a certain poor little girl agreed with Little Bear's statement, and then continued to concentrate on roasting the eggs she had brought out.


boom! ! !

Suddenly, there was a loud noise not far from the north, and then, while the magic was surging, the sky-high fire quickly spread and rose into the sky.



"Tibbers, look, someone really set fire in the woods on purpose!"


Annie jumped up on the shoulders of her little bear with a bluff, and looked towards the north of the forest in disbelief.

She finally understood now why she kept smelling a greasy smell just now. It turned out that someone was deliberately playing with kerosene in the woods. Then, those bad guys used magic to start the fire. Now, the fire is burning directly. That kind of fire cannot be extinguished by ordinary people.

Of course, she is not an ordinary person, nor is she from the second class.

As long as Her Lady Queen Anne is willing, she can of course put out this man-made fire easily and casually!

However, she doesn't want to do that now.

"There seems to be a sound coming from the south, is there another fight?"


Annie heard the clamor from the south and the sound of weapons colliding, so she could know with her feet that the fire must have been caused by one of those fighting parties.

"Let's go!"


"Tibbers, let's go over there and see what's going on!"


After taking out a nest of eggs, Annie reached out and patted Tibbers' big furry head, signaling him to hurry up.

(But, little master, the fire is burning, and the little one must run fast...)


(The north wind is in a hurry, and now it is downwind again, so Tibbers does not think that he can dare to leave the forest before the raging and violent forest fires come over.)

"It doesn't matter!"


"Burn it! Just let it burn!"


Annie must be indifferent, anyway, she is not afraid of fire, and Tibbs is not afraid either.


(● ̄?? ̄●)

(Since a bad little master doesn't mind, of course Tibbers doesn't bother to talk about it any more, so he just swayed to the south and walked with the bear's paw unhurriedly.)


At this time, in the south, a group of hundreds of people including a certain unemployed slutty boy, the so-called adventurer Irwin, his good friend Hein, and his good friend Liana, etc. A large group of Imperial soldiers in green armor fought.

Of course, it can't be said to be a war. It may be more appropriate to say that it is a breakthrough?

Because, they have now been surrounded by a large number of troops of the Imperial Army, and the flame magic and the burning forest fire just now were obviously set by the Imperial Army.

What made their group even more desperate and angry was that the initiator, the imperial black magician who set the fire, ran away with a teleportation spell, and the other party's escape was not counted, and he also let a large group of imperial troops The soldiers blocked the bridge to the south. It seemed that they were determined to burn all of them, as well as Karthus' princess, general and soldiers here?

Therefore, Erwin, Hein and others, who were unwilling to be encircled and annihilated in such a humiliating manner, naturally had to fight against the soldiers of the lord of Karthus City and the large group of imperial soldiers.


"Erwin, we are downwind here, if we continue like this, we will be burned to death by the fire!"

"We must find a way!"

In front of an old-looking house in the woods, I watched Erwin and the general of Karthus lead people to the south, but they were chased away by the archers and magicians of the Imperial Army. After coming back, Hain was in a hurry, and hurriedly said anxiously.


"You use magic to disperse them!"

"Then let's rush over!"

In a hurry, Erwin could only think of one way.

Guhe knows that Hein can use pyrotechnics, and he is very powerful. If he can suppress the archers of the Imperial Army and the commander of the female magician, maybe they can rush through before the fire comes over. Bridge to go?


"No way!"

"The people of their imperial army have hidden a lot of kerosene in the woods. I can only use flame magic. If the south side also burns, we will have nowhere to retreat!"

Hayne hurriedly explained.

Although he does know Pyroblast, and the current accumulation of magic power is enough for three, but judging from the speed of the spread of the flame and the duration of the forest fire, once he dares to use the flame magic, he will be bound to the front and back of the fire. Surrounded, at that time, before a fire barrier was burned, maybe they would have been burned to ashes by the forest fire that burned behind them.


"Then we can only rush again!"

After finishing speaking, Erwin, who had no other way to do it, couldn't care for Liana to treat him, so he wiped the blood on his face and planned to take the generals and soldiers of Karthus City to rush south again.


"The Imperial Army is on the other side of the river waiting for work, so the casualties are too high, and we can't rush any more!"

"We didn't bring many people here in the first place, and we continued to rush forward. Before the forest fire came over, we would all die first!"

However, the general of Karthus City shook his head dejectedly, rejecting Erwin's reckless proposal.

"Then what?"

Seeing that neither of them could do anything, the trainee magician Hain was also a little dumbfounded.



"We have flying mounts,"

"If the fire burns down later, let's evacuate first. I'm afraid others won't be able to take care of it for the time being!"

At this time, the general of Karthus City did not speak, but quietly leaned into the ear of their princess and whispered such a sentence.



"Keith! We must not leave everyone behind and run first, die together if we want to die, or go together if we want to go!"

However, the Karthus princess was a little naive, and directly and loudly refuted the idea of ​​the Karthus city general named Keith, and then walked to everyone angrily under the strange eyes of everyone.


"Can we jump into the river?"

At this time, Liana spoke timidly.

"No way!"

"The river is very fast, and it is even more dangerous to jump!"

"Besides, there are soldiers from the Imperial Army guarding the opposite side. Let's jump down, don't we give them a chance to shoot us one by one?"

Without thinking about it, Erwin directly shook his head and rejected Liana's idea.

It would be fine if there were only one or two people. They could jump directly into the river to give their lives and have a good chance of escaping. Hundreds of people rushed into the river like this, how many are left in the end?

"Then what?"

"Mr. Jessica, what can you do?"

As a last resort, everyone had to look at the legendary great magician Jessica.


"Feel sorry!"

"I just used the method of reincarnation not long ago, and now the magic power is very weak, otherwise, I can still directly teleport away the hundreds of you."

"But now..."

The great magician Jessica suddenly sighed.

Her implication is very simple, that is, her magic power is not enough to support the large-scale teleportation of so many people, and she can only escape with herself or a small number of people at most.

However, there are hundreds of people here, who should I take and who should I leave behind?


"Can't I just wait to be burned to death by the fire?"

There is a terrifying forest fire behind, and it is getting closer and closer, and the imperial army is blocking the road in front. Once approached, it will be shot randomly by the enemy's magic and bows and arrows. Erwin and others who cannot advance or retreat are dumbfounded. Time, I don't know what to do.


At this time, the forest fire behind them was getting closer and closer, and when the scorching forest fire was so hot that everyone's body began to heat up and their mouths were dry, they were surprised to find that it seemed that What is slowly coming out of that horrific bushfire?


"who is it?!"

Seeing this, of course, Erwin and the others picked up their weapons and were on guard, thinking it was the backhand of the Imperial Army.


Soon, they saw in amazement: they walked out of the forest fire without haste and appeared, their whole body was scorched by the terrifying fiery snake, and even their bodies were still burning with flames. At the same time, it was also braving the heat wave, but the huge figure without any injuries was actually a giant bear with a ferocious face and a man sitting on the shoulder of the giant bear...

little girl? !



"What are you doing?"


Seeing the group of people in front of them who were vigilant and alert, but very embarrassed, Annie couldn't help but ask At this time, she didn't care how much she walked out of the flames. Shock and that weird, surprised and stunned look on those faces.


"Old, teacher?!"

The next second, Hein jumped up and down in ecstasy.


!? (??\'\'????)??

"Is it you guy?"


At this time, Annie finally recognized the blue-haired guy who was burnt to ashes by the fire.


Hein was so excited that he wanted to pounce.

Because he knew that when this powerful little girl appeared in front of him, they would be saved.

"To shut up!"


"Who is your teacher? People tell you, you sly guy, don't mess around!!!"


Annie would definitely not admit it as a teacher. After all, she just gave the other party a pyrotechnic to fool the other party, and she didn't want to be the other party's teacher at all.

That kind of cheap thing, the other party doesn't even think about it, it's better not to think about it!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"She is......"

Seeing the person coming, the great magician Jessica's face instantly became solemn.

So, she first frowned and stared at the little girl sitting on the shoulder of the giant bear for a while, and then asked Hain in surprise.


??(ˊ〇ˋ*)?? Gong Xi Fa Cai??


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