Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1754: (??ω??) The real identity of the family?

In the end, a certain bad boy managed to save the lives of those pitiful idiots who were blocked by the Imperial Army and burned by the mountain fire.

At that critical moment, she directly opened a portal to Karthus City, and then, the remnants of the defeated soldiers could not wait to escape the tragic fate of being burned by the fire in time through the portal, and let the group directly Blocked on the other side of the stone bridge in the south, the imperial troops who even thought about blowing up the bridge were all dumbfounded.

As for those soldiers who dispatched more than 1,000 troops, who worked so hard to kill people and set fire to fire, what kind of thoughts and expressions did the soldiers of the Imperial Army have when they finally found out that their successes came to nothing, Anne didn't want to know.

Because ah, now she has gone to the lord's fortress of Karthus City with the stupid mage apprentice Hain and the other's equally useless pig friends and dog friends, and is accepting the hospitality specially prepared for her with peace of mind banquet.




(??~??) Chew~!

"Idiot Haen, remember, didn't they save you three idiots only once half a month ago?"


Eating and eating, Annie suddenly looked at Erwin who was present and Liana, the priestess of the temple, without concealing her contempt for these useless 'idiots' in front of her.

"Why did you fight with the uncles of the imperial army again, and you were almost burned to death?"


Annie really felt very strange about this, so while trying to eat delicious food, she did not forget to ask curiously.




Hein, Erwin and Liana, look at me, I look at you, none of them know where to start with that shameful thing to say.

"I know!"

"It's actually like this..."

In the end, Hein, who was still a mage apprentice, had a slightly better brain, so he smiled shyly and after arranging some language, he bit the bullet and explained.

It turned out that, in that village, when Annie rescued the two and successfully persuaded Leon, the leader of the Azure Dragon Knights, the unparalleled and terrifying knight on the continent, the other party did not give up, and was talking to Thrall. While the lord army sent by the city of Karthus was fighting fiercely, they also sent a small group of troops to chase and intercept them in various ways.

Fortunately, on the way, they met Lorgar, a powerful mercenary who traveled in all directions and drew his sword to help. They narrowly escaped the pursuit of the imperial army and successfully arrived at the Great Temple of Light.

But what do you think...

The Imperial Army seemed to be determined to win against Liana, and before they arrived at the temple for refuge, the other party sent out pursuers again and brazenly surrounded the Temple of Light.

Although in the end, after a **** battle, they managed to repel the enemy, but the Temple of Light couldn't stay any longer.

No way, they had to take Liana to Karthus City again, and with the help of the lord here, that is, Princess Shirley's father, began to investigate why the Imperial Army insisted on arresting Liana. matter.

Later, after the attack and defense of Karthus City, they learned more information, and at the same time, they had to come here again due to the increasingly serious threat of the Imperial Army, intending to ask the legendary great magician who lives in seclusion here. Teacher Jessica some of the half-understood things they investigate.

And then, they fought against the imperial army that came after them, and were almost killed by the sinister and cunning leader of the four imperial generals, the head of the black dragon magister regiment, and the cunning, ruthless and cruel Egbert. Burn the design bin alive!

Fortunately, at a critical moment, Annie appeared and would be besieged by the Imperial Army, surrounded by fire, and all of them, who had no way to go to the sky and no way to go to the ground, were rescued.

"Is that what it looks like?"


While eating and listening, at the same time, Annie did not forget to look at the little sister named Liana once again with curious eyes.

It can be seen that the other party is white and tender, with big breasts, round buttocks, and long white thighs. He looks like the type that Tibbs likes to eat.

But other than that, there is nothing more special. Anyway, Annie didn't think about why the uncles of the Imperial Army had to arrest each other.

"Then have you found the reason?"


So, without thinking there was anything special about Liana, the curious Annie continued to ask.

Anyway, that little sister Liana is weak, her combat power is basically scum, and her magical ability or spiritual power similar to the Holy Light is also very general. She doesn't think the other party is worthy of that one called the Empire. A country does not hesitate to start a war, but also to give the value of grabbing a hand.


"The reason is found..."

Hein first glanced at the great magician Jessica who was sitting at the other end of the table without saying a word, and after finding that the other party did not mean to stop, he continued:

"After investigation……"

"We learned that the people of the Imperial Army seem to be planning to find something called the Magic Wand of Darkness, and then use that magic wand to lift the seal of the legendary Dark Magic Sword?"

"And Liana..."

After that, Hain looked at Jessica across the table, who didn't say a word and didn't eat much.

"She happens to be the Miko of Light, and she is a necessary link to lift the seal of the magic sword, and this is the real reason why the people of the Imperial Army want to grab her at all costs, even attacking this place directly."

"Most of these things happened in that forest. Teacher Jessica told us. She is a legendary great magician who has lived for hundreds of years. She knows everything."

It's just that I don't know how the Imperial Army learned of their whereabouts, so that the other party not only followed them, but also ambush them and caught them off guard, and if this powerful Annie teacher arrived in time, maybe they are now Either they were burned to death, or they were shot by the soldiers of the Imperial Army with random arrows.

"Legendary Great Magician?"

∑('△')? !

Hearing this, Annie looked curiously at the aunt named Jessica.




(? ̄? ̄?)

"You talk nonsense, she is too weak, even the magic power is weaker than both you and Miss Liana, and the state of the soul is also very unstable, how can she be a great magician?"


Annie was a little disbelieving, and without caring about someone's face at all, she said mockingly in front of everyone.


Hain didn't know how to explain it. Although he also knew the reason, he was just a little bit, for fear that it would be unclear.


"That's because I used the method of reincarnation not long ago."

However, without waiting for Hain to speak, Jessica suddenly spoke up.

"One more thing!"


"That Egbert, the target he is going to attack this time, is not you."

Saying that, Jessica looked up at Erwin, Hein, Liana, Keith, and Princess Shirley, who were present, and saw that they were all looking at her before she could Going on to explain:

"That's right!"

"His real target is actually me!"

After speaking, Jessica sighed softly and lowered her eyelids.



Hain was taken aback and asked a little puzzled.

"that is because!"

"That abominable Egbert, the head of the Black Dragon Magisters of the Imperial Army, he was once a student of Teacher Jessica, and he, like me, was an orphan raised by Teacher Jessica together, His magic is also all taught by the teacher, of course he also knows the teacher's weakness!"

"This time, he deliberately calculated the time and attacked at the opportunity of the teacher's reincarnation. Your presence is just a coincidence!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have brought so many people to guard the stone bridge."

"Unfortunately, they were all given to the **** of the Imperial Army..."

At this time, without waiting for Jessica to explain, the unruly warrior Lista explained with hatred and resentment for the tragic experience of his companions.

"So it is!"

"We never thought about that..."

Erwin spoke up, and did not hide the look of shock on his face that was as shocking as everyone else's.

He had never imagined that the imperial army was known for its cunning, ruthlessness and cruelty, and no one was superior in strategy. It was a key role in the rise of the Reygard Empire. The head of the four generals, even Have such a close relationship with the legendary great magician Jessica?

However, when he thought about it carefully, he soon felt relieved.

After all, that Egbert's magic is so powerful that he even created the Empire's Mage Legion, so a terrible guy, I am afraid that only the legendary great magician who is said to have lived for hundreds of years can teach him. .



"But, what is the method of reincarnation?"


Annie didn't care what the other party had to do with that bad guy, she just wanted to know what happened to the "reincarnation method" of that Lao Shizi?

Of course, she has no other intentions, nor is she uncommon, she is just pure curiosity.

"The method of reincarnation..."

"It is a way of prolonging life by abandoning the aging body and then going through a new resurrection. However, because of this, the magic power must also return to the initial stage, and it needs to be accumulated slowly."

"That's why I couldn't help you before. Without enough magic power, Sora has a huge knowledge of magic, so it's useless."

Jessica just hesitated for a moment, and then explained the method and weakness in a generous way.

"Is that so?"


Annie stared curiously at the Jessica.


(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Then, she quickly turned her head away, and instantly became not rare at all.

Because, after the other party's explanation, she can roughly guess the specific method.

It is nothing more than using magic and technology to clone a new living body, and then, under the condition of suppressing the will of the new body, I used some method, such as magic technology or something, to directly forcibly transfer the soul to the new body. into the body!

That method is basically the same as the stupid guy named Voldemort that she had met at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Although, this method called Jessica is more magical and scientific, but no matter how safe the method is, if the soul is transferred multiple times, it will also cause the soul to suffer a certain loss or damage, which is fundamentally limited. the upper limit of individual growth.

In that case, the other party can at best be able to return to the heyday of the past or obtain a better body through cultivation. If you want to break through a certain upper limit, you will never want to think about it.


Seeing that the little girl was full of contempt for her method of reincarnation, Jessica didn't mind too much, but frowned and thought about something, staring at each other from time to time.


ヽ(゜Q.) ノ?

"What's the matter, is there something dirty on people's faces?"


Aware that something was wrong with the other party, Annie directly picked up Tibbers, her little bear, and used the other party as a towel to rub her face casually.






At this time, everyone also looked at that Jessica with some puzzlement.

Obviously, they also saw that the legendary great magician seemed to have something to say, so he kept staring at the little girl and looked like he was hesitant to say anything?

"Is such that……"

Finally, after a while of silence, the legendary great magician Jessica spoke up:

"From the time we met..."

"I found powerful magic and terrifying dark power in Your Excellency!"

"That level of power is definitely not something a child should or can have!"


"Who is it?"

Although his magic power is still weak, it is not a good choice to ask that kind of question rashly, but since the world is now shrouded in the shadow of war and careerists, and since the power of evil is gradually recovering, there are some things , Jessica has to figure it out as soon as possible.



Annie blinked, somewhat baffled by the other party's question.

"Who are you asking?"


"Then, let them tell you generously!"


First, she tilted her head and looked at the serious look of the other party. Then, Annie jumped directly onto the chair she was sitting on and tucked her waist, and introduced herself in the same serious manner:

"People are the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most, the most powerful, the most powerful Super Arcane Archmage!"


There is no Since the other party has asked the question sincerely, then Her Lady Queen Anne naturally needs to be merciful to tell the other party her true identity!






Of course, after finally listening, Erwin, Liana, Keith, Shirley, and one of Jessica's students whose names were not remembered by Annie all showed their shock, confusion, or Weird expressions that don't know whether to laugh or cry, or have their mouths open.


As for Jessica, the legendary great magician who asked the question, she froze in place, and she would be overwhelmed for a long time.


"I knew it would be like this..."

Hearing that his cheap teacher said the 'true identity' with a super long prefix again, Haien, who had already experienced it, immediately covered his face, not knowing what to say.


(● ̄? ̄●)


?(ˊ〇ˋ*)? New Year is coming, good luck!

???(?)???? I wish everyone good health and good food!

(????-) Also, don't forget to vote monthly!

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