Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1755: ('?') Anne's Goddess Q&A

"who is it?"


"I'm coming!"


Hearing that there was still a knock on the door at night, Annie shouted impatiently, and then made a series of heavy footsteps, reluctantly ran to the door quickly and took a hand. She opened the door to her bedroom.


!? (??\'\'????)??

"It turned out to be Haen, you idiot, what are you doing?!"


Annie was taken aback. She didn't know what the other party did when she didn't sleep at night. Anyway, she didn't think that the relationship between her and the other party was good enough for the other party to come to visit anytime, anywhere.

"What's matter?"


"If not, you can go back now!"


Therefore, she stopped directly in front of the door, and did not mean to invite the other party to sit in, although there was indeed a big study in her room or something.


"Is such that……"

"Ms. Anne!"

"I'm here to ask you about magic, and can you officially accept me as an apprentice?"


Hayne struggled for a while, then, soon after, he made up his mind and asked loudly and sincerely.



"You guy, haven't given up yet?"


Annie was startled again.

She never thought that someone would be so thick-skinned. She clearly stated many times that the other party would bother her again and again?


"Please, Miss Annie, please accept me as an apprentice!"


With a tense face, Hain bowed earnestly, and almost didn't kneel directly toward the floor.



Annie didn't answer, just started frowning in thought.



But soon, as her eyes rolled, she thought of an excellent solution, and then slowly moved away from the door.

"Come in first!"


Then, Annie led the other party to the study in her room, and then rummaged on the desk, and when she found a piece of parchment, she finally cheered, and once again looked at the doubtful and uneasy Haen .



"It's not impossible for people to accept you as an apprentice..."




"Thank you, Mrs. Annie, I swear, I will definitely study hard..."

Hearing that the little girl Arcane Archmage in front of him finally let go, Hain was overjoyed, and then vowed to open his mouth, ready to formally worship the teacher.



"People haven't finished speaking yet!"


Unfortunately, Annie reached out her hand to stop the other party and added.


"Mr. Annie, please speak!"

Hein didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly asked again cautiously.

"It's easy!"


"You have to answer some people's questions seriously. If your score can reach the pass line or above, they will accept you as an apprentice reluctantly, but if you can't reach it, you will not come in the future, and you will not be allowed to come again. Going around and telling others that they are your teachers!"


Annie waved the parchment in her hand and said solemnly.

Anyway, she won't tell the other party that this piece of paper was found by chance when she was wandering around in the room of the great magician Jessica after eating yesterday, and then she took it to look at it, and now, it was just used to assess the front of her eyes. this stupid guy.

"Is it an examination?"

"no problem!"

"Don't worry, I will make you satisfied!"

Hearing that this was the case, Hain was stunned at first, and then he assured him in a loud voice.



It was strange that the other party could satisfy Annie.

In fact, the other party's first impression alone made her give her a zero score and subconsciously eliminated it, but if the other party had not insisted on stalking her, she would definitely not even have the opportunity for this assessment interview now.

However, now that it was decided, Annie didn't say much, just pretended to be serious, sat on the seat behind the desk, and began to take a closer look at the parchment.



"Listen carefully, do you want to start now?"



"Mr. Annie, please ask!"

Hain raised 100% of his spirit, ready to go all out, and strive to become the apprentice of the most, most, most, most, most, most, most... the most powerful super arcane archmage in front of him, and learn To a more powerful magic than Pyroblast!

Just like...

Yesterday, the other party saved a group of them and let them teleport directly from the forest on the border to the portal magic of Karthus City?



"First question: When commanding troops to replenish and transport supplies, if you encounter an enemy's sneak attack, what will you do?"


This question seems to be used by Jessica to assess whether Alvin is a qualified commander. Although I don't know what the purpose is, Annie doesn't care about it now, she just plans to revise it a little, and then take it directly. to use.


"I might be defensive?"

Frowning for more than ten seconds, Hain replied uneasily.



"When you encounter an enemy sneak attack, of course, you use magic to burn them. Otherwise, what do you use to learn magic, does it look good?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Hearing that the other party replied like this, Annie didn't even think about it, she used a quill to make a cross at the back of the first question and wrote a number '-3'.

And the number of minus three means that the other party has lost three points of her Queen Anne's favorability on the first question, and of course she prefers favorability when recruiting apprentices. As long as the favorability is enough, then everything is negotiable. She is willing to teach even a pig.

And if the good feelings aren't enough...

I'm sorry, even if the other party is a super genius who is rare in ten thousand years, such as a genius like a certain witch Irena, she will resolutely refuse to teach it!



"What you've learned is that I know, please continue!"

First, he was sluggish for a while, and then Hain patted his head. First, he was annoyed, and then he cheered up again.



"Then the second question, listen carefully: Do you think there is a God in the world? Where is He?!"



"Of course there is!"

"There is a goddess of light in the world. Her name is Lucilis. It is said that she lives in the realm of the gods in the sky!"

For this question, Hein has 100% confidence, so he said his answer with great enthusiasm and waited excitedly for it.



"Wrong! Three points!"




"Why is it wrong?"

If the question just now is justifiable for the error, then this question is obviously the question that sent the points wrong, then it must be unreasonable.

The Goddess of Light exists. This matter is common sense known to everyone on the entire continent, but the other party even said something was wrong, which was unacceptable to Hein, so he hurriedly protested loudly.



"Don't you know yet?"


"Arcane mages are all a group of lawless guys. They never believe that there is a **** in the world. They only admit that 'god' is a kind of high-level energy body or other high-level existence. If there is a chance, they even dare to catch the **** Come to slice and study or destroy it!"


With that said, Annie swiped her pen and directly drew a big cross on the opponent's second question and deducted the opponent's three points.

"All right!"


"Now it's the third way, listen carefully: what do you think is the most important thing about learning magic?"


Without waiting for the other party to recover, Annie asked a third question.

Actually, the third question was originally for the assessment of the ruling troops, but Annie felt that it seemed to have nothing to do with learning magic, so she changed it temporarily.


"the most important……"

Valley“Is it knowledge?”

After hesitating for a long time and considering his own situation, Hain hesitated to say an answer.

Because he himself was suffering from not having more magic knowledge, he studied everywhere, and pulled his face down to beg the little girl in front of him, the Arcane Archmage.



"That's right..."


"But the answer is not firm enough, so I will only give you two points!"


With that said, Annie barely ticked a tick on the edge of the third question and drew the number '+2'.



Three questions are right to one question. Although he only managed to add two points, Hain was still greatly relieved. Then, he cheered up again, and planned to deal with the next problem well, and strive to throw away the problem just now. points are earned back.

"The fourth question..."


"What do you like and what do you want most?"


Annie asked again.

"Favorite thing?"


Hein's mind instantly flashed the pretty face of Liana, who he grew up with as a childhood sweetheart, but soon, after thinking of Alvin, he shook his head vigorously and said his answer:

"The thing I like and want the most is peace!"

"Yes, it is peace!"

"The war has brought too much damage to this land during this time, and if I can, I hope that peace will come sooner."

Thinking about the terrible scene of life in various places after the invasion of the Imperial Army during this period, Hein thought for a long time, and finally said what he wanted most.



"The favorite thing for arcane mages is always the knowledge of arcane law, and what they want most is knowledge! Only with knowledge can you have power, and with power, you can fight for peace or grab whatever you like. This kind of simple You answered all the questions wrong, and you will deduct three points!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie unceremoniously deducted the opponent's three points again.

This question is actually a question with points. The other party answered all the previous questions correctly, but I didn't expect this question to be wrong. It's hopeless. It's really stupid.


Hain opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but in the end he was still speechless...



"When the world is in crisis of destruction, what do you think can save yourselves?"


Speaking, Annie also gave three optional answers, such as 'great god', 'abundant knowledge' and 'own power' and so on.




Hain replied somewhat uncertainly.

Originally, he wanted to answer God, but after thinking about the previous questions, he finally chose the second one.

As for the third, he didn't even think about it, after all, he never felt that his own powers could save the world.

"So cunning, forget it, give you three points!"

ε=(??ο`*))) alas



"What's your impression of dark magic?"



"Dark magic?"

"That kind of power is evil and must be discarded, they have no value in existence!!"

Without even thinking about it, Hain shuddered, and then hurriedly answered righteously.



"Power does not distinguish between light and darkness, and there is no right or wrong, you dead brain!!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah! !

Very simply, Anne once again deducted a full three points from the other party on the question and answer sheet.


Hein opened his mouth wide, unable to say a word.


So, the two of them were like this, the door was not closed, and they continued their assessment in the study, asking and answering questions.

After half an hour...



"The assessment is over, your current result is..."


Swish a bunch of data on parchment and start counting.

"There are 20 questions in total, the full score is 60 points, and your final score is minus 27 points, and the pass is 0 points. You are far from even passing, and you are indeed a hopeless idiot!"


"All right!"


"You can go out now, you are not fit to be an arcane mage!"


After finishing speaking, Annie directly issued an expulsion order, and threw the parchment with an extremely bad score directly into the opponent's arms.


"Is it that bad?"



There was no way. Hein, who felt that his self-esteem had been severely hit, finally sighed sadly, then grabbed the parchment, and turned around like a corpse. He was about to walk out of this room. A room that took a huge hit.



At this moment, Anne suddenly shouted again.


"Mr. Anne, have you changed your mind?"

Hearing this, Hain suddenly turned his head excitedly and asked nervously.



"People just want to say..."


"When you go out, remember to close the door!"



In a corridor of the Lord's Castle in Karthus City, Hein didn't know how he got here.

Now he is in a very bad mood, especially when he was rejected by a little girl after the assessment. Thinking about that desolate score, let alone how frustrated he is, he just squatted in the corner of the corridor and complained to himself.

"Could it be..."

"I'm really not suitable to be a magician?"


"Why is that?"


He got a bad grade in the test and was rejected by an arcane archmage, which made Hein seriously doubt his ability, and faintly had the idea of ​​returning to his village to be an ordinary villager. .


"Ms. Jessica, the great magician?!"

Suddenly Hain stood up abruptly, and looked at the legendary great magician who did not know when he appeared behind him with some trepidation and nervousness. .



"From tomorrow, come to me when you are free, and I will personally guide you in magic."

Jessica first looked at Hein.

After a long time, she suddenly said such a sentence to Hain.


"You, you mean..."

"Would you like to teach me magic?"




"Why, why?"

With round eyes, Hain still couldn't believe it.

"It's simple."

"I actually heard your conversation just now. I think your character should be very suitable for being my apprentice. How about it? Would you like to?"

Saying that, Jessica suddenly laughed.

No matter how she looked at it, the apprentice magician who was with Erwin in front of her met her criteria for apprenticeship, especially after she knew that the other party had a good relationship with Erwin and completed the assessment of the little girl.



"Of course I would!"

"Teacher Jessica, then please!"

Hein was so excited that he almost jumped up in place.

You know, he was still complaining about himself just now, but now it's better, there is no more most, most, most, most, most, most, most... the most powerful little girl Arcane Archmage as a teacher, replaced by the legend in front of him Ms. Jessica, the great magician in China, is not bad for her to be her teacher?


(??ω??) Gong Xi Fa Cai, bring the monthly pass


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