Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1756: =????(???*) As for the trouble...



Annie heard Erwin, Hein, and a certain reincarnated great magician gathering in this room outside the door, and they seemed to be discussing something fiercely, so she was curious and went He went to the door and eavesdropped.



"What Holy Land Leidel?"


"Is there something fun?"


"Let's talk about it, what kind of big baby is it?!"


Soon, when she heard some key information, Annie rushed in hastily, then got close to those guys and asked excitedly.


"Master Anne, don't you know?"

Seeing that the person who came was the Arcane Archmage who was said to be very powerful, and even Ms. Jessica was afraid of, Princess Shirley of Karthus couldn't help but ask a little strangely.

She previously thought that the other party knew about this matter long ago and did not want to come, so they didn't wait, and a few people directly discussed it here.

"what do you know?"


Scratching her head, Annie was a little puzzled.



"I remembered, yesterday, you didn't seem to come to the meeting..."

After Keith reminded him with his eyes, Karthus's Princess Shirley suddenly made a sound, and then nodded a little embarrassedly.

Then, she closed her mouth directly.



"Hey! Say it, you were going to find some treasure just now, but hurry up and say it!"


Seeing these guys hide and tuck one by one, Annie got a little angry.

Because she saw that these bad guys actually treated her as an outsider?

Although, she is indeed an outsider, and she never wanted to be involved in the war between their Karthus and the Imperial Army, and she has never harmed even an Imperial Army from beginning to end, but, no matter what, she is It was also the one who saved the stupid life of Erwin and Hein several times.

What's more, if it wasn't for her a few days ago, one of these people in front of you would count as one, and at least half of them would have been burned to death by that fire!

And now, they have fun and interesting things, so they hide it from her like this?

"Master Anne, don't worry..."


"It's not a baby anymore."

"We've just been discussing whether we should set off for the Holy Land Leedir right away in the early morning tomorrow, go to the ruins, and bring back an ancient dark wand kept there in advance."

"Because Teacher Jessica said that the next target of the Imperial Army's Egbert is likely to be it!"

"If we don't act quickly, it may be snatched by the enemy!"

When the others were still hesitant, Hain explained directly.

Although, two days ago, he was severely rejected and beaten by the ugly little girl Arcane Archmage in front of him, but in his opinion, Archmage Anne still has great kindness and guidance for him. Yes, so he still had a respectful attitude and did not dare to slack off in the slightest, even now that he has officially become Teacher Jessica's official apprentice.

"Dark wand?"


Annie was a little curious, and pondered the name of what seemed to be the magic item.


"It's not a dark wand, it's a dark wand!"

At this time, Liana, who was beside him, hurriedly corrected with a smile.



"Is there any difference? Then you say, what is the use of that thing?"


No matter what kind of stick it is, Annie, who has never heard of it, naturally asks directly.


"I do not know either……"

Opening her mouth, Liana looked at Erwin with some embarrassment.

After all, she is the witch of the Temple of Light, and she will definitely not have any research on things in the dark world, such as the evil item called the 'dark wand'.


Erwin didn't answer, just gave Liana an innocent look.

He is a swordsman. Not long ago, he was a wandering adventurer without a proper occupation. How could he know such a mysterious thing?

Therefore, after taking a look at Liana, he finally could only turn his head to look at the legendary great magician Ms. Jessica who was staring at the little girl.

"Dark Wand..."

"It's also called the Staff of Darkness. It's a terrifying magic weapon that was sealed in the Holy Land Leedir hundreds of years ago!"


"It has a terrible magical power itself, which can greatly increase the lethality of magic, especially dark magic. At the same time, it can also improve the range of magic and enhance the magic power of the user, etc."


"The above are actually only secondary, its most important function is..."

Speaking of this, the great magician Jessica paused, and did not say it directly, but after looking at the people present, she finally stopped on the curious little girl, and then continued to speak. :

"the most important is……"

"In addition to being a powerful evil magic item, the dark wand is also one of the necessary prerequisites for releasing the seal of the magic sword Aluhazato!"

"I said it just now."

"Now, I feel that the power of darkness is awakening and invading the earth, and the hidden evil is about to move, plus the recent military operations of the Imperial Army and the efforts to capture Liana, etc., I already have enough reasons to believe that they may have obtained that magic sword, Ahluhasato!"

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Jessica, the legendary great magician who has lived for thousands of years, said the fact that made everyone stunned.

Of course, except for a bad little girl, she was just curious.


"The dark wand must be one of their targets!"


"We must recycle the wand as soon as possible, just in case."

In this way, in front of a bad little girl of unknown origin, the great magician Jessica did not hide it any more, and directly told everything she knew and the general reasons why these people gathered here today to discuss things. come out.



"It turned out to be for a wand..."




"Do you know where the Holy Land Leedier is?"


Hearing that was the case, Annie continued to ask.

She assured that she definitely didn't mean to hit the wand, she was just curious, after all, something that will be remembered after hundreds of years must be interesting.


Jessica nodded.



"Since you know, why don't you hurry up and take it back?"


"What are you doing now?"


Since it is said that things are urgent, and that thing is also very important, and at the same time, you know the specific location, then you can just go straight to recycling, but now, these people are sitting here indifferent, and even have time to drink tea for a meeting, Annie couldn't understand anything about this.


Opening her mouth, Jessica didn't know how to explain to the powerful little girl in front of her.

"No way!"

"Mage Anne, you don't know yet, do you?"

"It is said that there are many powerful monsters defending the holy place. They are the guardians of the ancient times. Even the imperial army will not be able to easily get them. Therefore, we need to discuss with Princess Shirley and General Keith. See if you can borrow some soldiers from Karthus and go to slay those monsters."

Erwin told the things that all of them had been struggling with just now.

It's really simple, but it's not easy to get that thing, or it wouldn't have been left there for hundreds of years without being snatched or stolen.


∑('△')? !

"That's how it is..."


"Then go straight to the army!"


Annie looked at the beautiful big sister Shirley, and signaled that the other party could dispatch troops. If she moved fast enough, maybe she would follow along to see the excitement or something.


"The Imperial Army is now carrying out a full-scale attack on our territory. At present, the defenses of various places are already very difficult. Karthus City cannot produce too many troops for the time being."

"Once we act rashly..."

"Like the last siege of Karthus, it is likely to be repeated!"

At this time, Keith, the general of the dragon cavalry sitting next to Princess Shirley, said with a sullen face, and politely declined the request to send troops.

"Then what?"

"Can't we just spend money to hire those mercenaries?"

Hearing Keith's words, Hein asked in disappointment.

"I'm afraid not!"

"There are mixed people among the adventurers, especially those mercenary groups!"

"If they send us to a holy place, things will definitely be spread, and it will be hard to predict what will happen when that happens."


"This is going to the Holy Land to fight the terrifying monsters there, and the magic wand has been guarded there for hundreds of years without making any mistakes, which is enough to prove the terrifying place there. Ordinary mercenaries would not dare to swim in this muddy water. ."

Erwin shook his head, explained the reason in a deep voice and rejected Hein's proposal.


"I didn't expect that..."

Unlike Erwin who is an adventurer and travels all over the world, Hein grew up in the village with Liana when he was a child, and he obviously did not know about some of the doorways outside. .

"I do have some brothers who can call for help. However, if you want to raid the Holy Land and clear the monsters in it, they are obviously not enough."

"Kess, how many troops can you send from Karthus City?"

"Let's talk about it first, we only need elite soldiers. Those ordinary recruits are useless. If you go to such a dangerous place, you will die!"

At this time, Lista, who claimed to be the same disciple as Egbert, the leader of the Magister Legion in the empire, spoke up, and immediately expressed his willingness to solve some of the manpower problems on his behalf.


Shirley didn't speak, but looked at Keith nervously.


"At most, only a small part can be selected, five hundred elites, no more!"

"Otherwise, Karthus' defense will have a big problem!"

After hesitating for a long time, he looked at the expectant eyes of his own princess again. In the end, Keith was rarely relieved, and was willing to draw a small part of the elite troops from Karthus City.

"five hundred?"

"That's fine!"

"I know that there is a mercenary group in Karthus City. Their reputation and strength are not bad. If there are soldiers from Karthus City and Lista's brother to assist, maybe we can hire some of them. manpower?"

"As long as the pay is enough, I think they should be temporarily trustworthy."

At this time, Erwin followed.

Now that Karthus has been at war with the Imperial Army, many adventurers and mercenary groups have left here, and there are really not many who can be trusted.

"That's great!"

"Now that the issue of troops has been resolved, the next issue is how to fight!"

Seeing that the most difficult thing had been solved, Hain cheered, and couldn't wait to look at his teacher, Jessica.



"so troublesome!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"If you want, can you just go now?"


After standing by and listening for a long time, Annie, who probably understood the whole story, became impatient again.

That kind of thing is very small in her opinion. According to her opinion, it is just a matter of rushing to the past. But these guys are better, not only to have a meeting, but also to send troops and even continue to discuss. How to fight, and how to avoid those threatening monsters...

At that time, Her Lady Queen Anne might have brought back that wand long ago!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)




However, everyone just smiled awkwardly, and did not pay attention to Annie, who, although powerful, was just a little girl in her behavior.

So, after being silent for a while, they once again turned their attention to Jessica.

"All right!"

"Let's look at the map first!"

At this moment, Jessica waved and motioned Shirley to spread Karthus' military map on the table.

If it was before, before Jessica didn't use the method of reincarnation, it was really a small matter. She could also directly use powerful magic to teleport to the depths of the temple and use the magic wand as Annie just said. Just take it away.

But not now!

It has not been long since she used the method of reincarnation, and her new physical magic power is still very weak. Maybe even her new student Hein is slightly inferior to her, except for the power of Erwin and others, there is nothing better. way.


"The Holy Land Leidier is here. It is surrounded by mountains and is very secret! And the dark wand, it is hidden in the deepest part of this temple!"

The company's main chain is the largest and the most powerful chain in the world.

Soon, Jessica pointed to an inconspicuous location on the map. It was located in the mountains. There were no roads or signs. I was afraid that even the lord of Sarras didn't know that it was in the mountains on the border. There is still such a good place hidden in the middle.

"Is it there?"


"It doesn't look like it's very far..."


Annie also leaned in and quickly took it to heart.

"It's not far!"

"But it's very troublesome. I think the guardians inside will not let us in easily, even if we have good reasons?"

"If I can, I really don't want to disturb them..."

As she spoke, Jessica could not help frowning.

But there is no way, the conspiracy of the empire and that Egbert is already obvious, she must not continue to remain indifferent, she must recover and properly preserve that vital wand as soon as possible, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!

"If only I could survey the terrain first..."

"In that case, maybe those monsters will be better to deal with?"

Staring at the map, Alvin sighed and gave his insights, which, of course, seemed like nonsense to a little girl.



"People don't play this kind of boring game with You continue, people are going back to rest now!"

o('^') o Humph!

Finally, knowing the whole story, and seeing that these people were wasting their time, Annie became impatient, turned her head and walked out in big strides.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)




"Tibbers, you remember that location on the map just now, right?"


After leaving that room and walking, Annie suddenly thought of something interesting and started to move around.

(Dear little master, don't you think...)




"People are just curious, and if you go with them, you'd better wait for several days!"




"Let's go take a look first?"


(Really just to see?)


"Tibbers, you talk too much!"


(But it's getting dark now...)


"It doesn't matter, we'll be back soon!"

(? ̄?? ̄??)??°

"That's it!"


After finishing speaking, I looked around and found that there was no one there, and after the group of stupid guys seemed to be having a meeting in the lighted house in the distance, Annie suddenly teleported and disappeared at the corner of the corridor in an instant.


Monthly pass?(ˉ﹃ˉ?)

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