Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1758: (?????) giggling dryly

"please wait!"

"Your Excellency Archmage Anne!"

In the castle of the lord of Karthus City, Annie, who had just returned from the frenzy outside, was stopped by a well-armed lord's guard officer.





Annie stopped and watched the other party running over with a 'clanging' in the thick plate armor.

"Is such that……"

"Archmage Anne, can I ask you to enchant my saber again?"

"It's okay to attach that kind of thorns, I'm just short of the last piece, and I'll be able to get four sets in no time!"


After finishing speaking, the officer didn't wait for Annie to agree, so he respectfully handed the saber in his hand to Annie with a shy smile, and at the same time handed over a 'Thorn' enchanted scroll .



"What's the use of this stuff?"


I looked at the broken saber in the opponent's hand, and then looked at the scroll. Although I have helped the other two three times in the past few days, I saw that this guy really did not hesitate to go bankrupt to get it. In this fourth picture, Annie was still a little dumbfounded.

Although, this 'thorn' enchantment can indeed increase a certain amount of vitality and rebound damage, but the effect is average, and Annie must be disdainful.


However, the other party did not refute, just kept pleading with a smirk.


ε=('ο'*))) alas

"All right!"


There was no way, it was a convenient thing anyway, Annie didn't bother, she just stretched out her finger, and the scroll instantly turned into a beam of light and disappeared into the ordinary saber.

"It's done!"


"If there is nothing to do, they will go back!"

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~

Finding someone else to enchant has a certain chance of failure, not to mention that you have to toss for a long time, and may have to charge a fee, but finding her Queen Anne is not only fast, but also 100% successful, perhaps, this is the reason why this cunning officer will do everything possible. The reason for standing here and waiting for her to come back?

It's just that Annie herself doesn't care too much about those little things.


"Your Excellency Archmage Anne, I heard that Ms. Jessica and Mr. Irwin have returned, and they should be in Princess Shirley's study now!"

Seeing that Annie was leaving, the officer suddenly remembered something important and hurriedly reminded him.

That was what the distinguished Archmage Anne explained to him a few days ago, and now the other party has helped him a lot, so he has always taken this matter to heart.

"came back?!"


"Great! Let's watch the fun!"


"Thank you, uncle!"


Hearing that important news, Annie couldn't stand any longer. She turned around and ran towards the study of a certain lord's daughter.

It turns out that more than ten days ago, Annie did not accept the invitation of Irwin, Hein, Liana, and a certain great magician Jessica to go to the boring holy land of Leedir, but by herself. Stayed in Karthus City and stayed for about ten days.

As for the reason why she didn't want to go, it must not be said...

During this period of time, she basically visited this small and medium-sized city. She had played all the delicious and fun places, and she had long been impatient.

However, it's alright now, when she was considering whether to leave this broken place or not, finally, it was rare that those guys who went to a secret holy place to find a magic wand, even if they finally came back, she was in love with If you don't care, you always have to 'greet' and 'care' with kindness.


(● ̄? ̄●)


At this time, Alvin, Hein, Jessica, Liana, Princess Shirley and others were sitting on the sofas, chairs and various places in the study. Negotiating something.

Kick, Kick, Kick...





It was not until the sound of heavy and cheerful footsteps sounded in the corridor outside that they all looked towards the direction of the door in confusion, understanding, or dumbfounding.

Sure enough, the next second, a smart, cute, well-behaved and clever little girl in a red dress rushed in like crazy and asked impatiently:

"Hey! Everyone is back?"




"Have you found that super powerful dark wand?"


A certain bad little girl rushed straight into this hall, and then, regardless of the ugly-looking people, she directly asked loudly and hurriedly with no good intentions and knowingly.



(Tibbers knew that it was going to be the case, and this was the bad taste of its wicked little master...)

"What dark wand?"


"You're wrong again, it's not a 'dark wand', it's a 'dark wand'!"

Seeing a certain Arcane Archmage who has not been seen for a long time, she still looks like a little girl, and she looks so carefree all day. Liana, who is crying and laughing, can only barely lift herself up and correct the other party with a smile. road.

"Does that make a difference?"




"That doesn't matter, the name or something, anyway, that's what it means!"


"Come on, have you got that magic wand? Take it out and let others see it?"


Annie continued to speak eagerly.

Although, she has already guessed a general result from the faces of these guys in front of her, but she still wants to ask it herself, and then look at the faces when they tell the specific situation. What kind of funny expression is that?

After all, for Annie, it was a fun and fulfilling little game, and what she paid more attention to was not the final result, but the interesting process.

"This is..."

"I actually don't know very well, because I didn't go in at that time..."

Liana didn't say more, just smiled slyly and perfunctory like this, at the same time, she also looked at Hein and Erwin who were looking for help.

But in fact, what she said was not wrong.

Because she did not enter the dark and terrifying ancient temple ruins with Erwin and Hein at that time, but stayed outside with the great magician Jessica.



"Hurry up and say it, you're in a hurry!"


As a last resort, Annie, who was impatient, had no choice but to look at Hain on one side and Erwin on the other.

"I'm not sure about magic either."

"I think, it's still Hein, right?"

Erwin opened his mouth, and finally shook his head with a bit of frustration and a wry smile, and pushed that matter to Hain, who was still in good spirits.



"Say it!"


There was no other way, Annie had to turn her head again and glared angrily at the stupid blue-haired apprentice magician.

"A wand..."

"Unfortunately, although we did find it, but..."

"We didn't bring it back!"

Seeing that everyone was exhausted, he didn't want to mention what happened in the ruins of the Holy Land Leidel a few days ago. The beginning and end of the story were slowly said one by one.

"We didn't get the dark wand, but we fought Egbert, the head of the Imperial Army's Magister Legion, in that ancient temple."

"Things may be a bit long to talk about, the situation at the time..."

"Probably so?"

It turned out that, more than ten days ago, Hein, Erwin, Liana, Loga, Princess Shirley, General Keith, Lista, and his teacher, the Great Magician Jessica, led the troops together. And also brought a lot of mercenaries hired in Karthus City.

Then, after a few days of trekking, and under the leadership of his cheap teacher Jessica, they quickly found the destination hidden in the dense forest among the mountains and mountains - the holy land of Leedir.

And then……

Sure enough, it was not what his teacher Jessica expected. The head of the Imperial Black Dragon Mage, Egbert, who was known for his cunning, ruthlessness and cruelty, also arrived there almost at the same time, and he was one step ahead of them. into the ruins.

Immediately afterwards, of course, they rushed in hurriedly, and the number of those inside did not seem to be very large. Anyway, it was far less than his teacher Jessica said. The demonized slime, the werewolf, and the soldiers of the Imperial Army who entered first fought a battle.



Annie snorted.

Of course, she knew why there were so few monsters in that ancient temple, because, ah, the undead in it had already been purified by her fire, and not a single one was left!

As for the disgusting 'little soft', of course she cleaned up some of them. Maybe the only intact ones were those cunning werewolves who ran away when they saw her.

However, those werewolves were first beaten by the uncles of the Imperial Army, and then they were beaten by Erwin and Hein, so there must not be many left in the end, right?



"And then, did you win in the end?"


However, for the ancient guardians or something, that kind of trivial matter is not important, and it is not the focus of his own concern, so Annie continued to ask about the next thing with great interest.



"at the end….."

"The sly Egbert of the Imperial Army saw that the situation was not good, so he led people to run away from the other side of the temple. I think, we should have won, right?"

Thinking of the exasperated but helpless Egbert at that time, Hain showed a reluctant smile for the first time.

"Is it a win?"


"Since it's a win, why are you all so frustrated?"

∑('△')? !

Annie continued to question a little strangely, and looked forward to it.




"Because, we didn't get the wand either!"

He opened his mouth, and in the end, Hein first took a heavy sigh, and his face that had just improved a little instantly collapsed, and at the same time he lowered his head in frustration and said something that made him feel a little bitter and uneasy. The unrelenting truth that knows how to deal with it.



"Was it stolen by the enemy?"


Even though she knew that that kind of thing was somewhat unlikely to happen, Annie still deliberately asked aloud and pretended to be surprised.



(If possible, Tibbers would really like to jump out and say loudly to his nasty little master: Who stole that thing, don't you know it yourself?)

"That's not there!"

"I think, it should still be in that holy place now?"


"I don't know what's going on. Whether it's us or those in the Imperial Army, everyone has tried many times, but they can't pull it out?"

Talking and talking, thinking that in the deepest part of the temple, the two sides fought a battle between you and me, but in the end, looking at the ridiculous appearance of the wand that was inserted into the altar but could not be pulled out, Hein said. A rare wry smile appeared.

After that battle, both of them suffered a lot of casualties, especially the Imperial Army. Due to the fact that the lone army went deep and the number of personnel was small, and inside the temple, the Egbert could not use more, stronger and destructive power. Greater magic, so they were lucky to win each other, and under the deterrence of Teacher Jessica outside, they finally scared each other away.

"Is that so?"




"It may be the same as the 'sword in the stone' of a certain Miss Duma. Does it require a specific person or a specific time to pull it out?"


"Why did you guys come back so soon, why don't you try it out?"


I blinked, thinking that these guys were busy tossing for a long time for the fake and absolutely impossible to pull out magic wand, and even the two sides did not hesitate to fight, directly punching their heads, but in the end, no one could take it away. It seemed that Annie held back the smile when she succeeded in her prank after holding it back for a long time, and asked with a concerned look.

The company's main chain is the largest and the most powerful chain in the world.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"Try more?"

"No way! We've tried it many times!"

"Me and Irwin, Princess Shirley and everyone have tried it several times, even Teacher Jessica!"

"Master Annie, are you afraid you don't know?"

"We stayed there for two full days and tried every means. In the end, because we were a little worried that people from the Imperial Army would come back, we had to hurry back and think of other ways."

"However, General Keith has left a lot of spies to observe nearby. If there is anything, they will definitely pass the news back to us as soon as possible."

Hein didn't hide the slightest bit, and directly told all the things and arrangements he knew to the originator of a bad little girl.

"That's right!"

"Just like what Hayne just said, I did try it at the time, but..."

"I don't know why. Hundreds of years have passed. Not only does the seal show no signs of loosening, but it's getting stronger and stronger. Even I myself feel helpless."

Seeing everyone's dejected expressions, it was rare, but at this time, the great magician Jessica gave a comforting smile.

"Is that so..."


"That's really a pity!"


In fact, Annie wanted to tell the other party that no one could pull that wand out!

Because, the real dark wand is already in her pocket, and what remains in the temple now is just a fake with the same appearance and magical fluctuations.

Moreover, it is still the kind of fake that no one can pull out?

"It's a pity!"


"Looking at it from another angle, it's actually quite good. I think, at least that guy Egbert can't do anything about that seal, right?"

However, even though she said that, judging from Jessica's still frowning brows, that kind of weird thing must be bothering her, and her mood at this moment is definitely not like her. It's so easy on the lips.

You must know that she has lived for thousands of years and has been reincarnated as a great magician I don't know how many times. When she sealed the dark wand, she also participated in it, and even some of the seals also had her handwriting. !

But now it's better. After hundreds of years, she, the caster herself, can't lift the firm seal. This joke is really a bit too big.

"Okay, everyone, don't think about that."

"Ms. Jessica!"

"Although the dark magic wand may not need to worry for the time being, but after all, the terrifying magic sword has been obtained by the emperor of the empire. Even if it is not unblocked, its power is still terrible. We must take corresponding countermeasures as soon as possible!"

"Or talk about the holy sword you talked about when you were on your way back?"

At this time, Alvin spoke up in a bit of annoyance, and directly signaled everyone to stop discussing the matter that gave everyone a headache, and instead talked about another matter.



"Holy sword? What holy sword?!"


I just finished talking about the dark wand. No, if I didn't pay attention, Annie seemed to have found something amazing again, so she hurriedly put out the idea of ​​leaving, just looked left and right, wanted to Learn more about the 'Holy Sword' from the mouths of these guys present.


ε=('?'●))) alas

(Seeing the expression of the nasty little master of his own family, Tibbs knew that some guys, I believe, will soon be unlucky because of their talkativeness, that's for sure.)


"Erwin, the legendary secret sword, that holy sword Rangulisa, does it really exist?"

At this time, Princess Shirley, who had been silent for a while, finally spoke.

Obviously, as the daughter of the lord of Karthus City, she has dabble in many secret rumors, and it is not the first time she has heard of Holy Sword Lan Gulisa.

"Of course there is."

"Back then, in order to hide people's eyes and ears, that holy sword of light was sealed in Bardia City by me!"

Without waiting for other people to say doubtful words, the great magician Jessica answered the question decisively.

Just like the dark wand, Jessica also participated when the holy sword 'Rangulisa' was sealed. Who gave her the way to reincarnate and live for thousands of years?



"Bardia City..."


have to!

This time, Annie seemed to have accidentally discovered another great secret.



"Mr. Jessica, will that holy sword be the same as that magic wand, the seal is so strong that it cannot be taken out directly?"

He exclaimed first, and then Hein asked a little nervously.

After all, the dark wand thing has already cast some psychological shadows on them, and he no longer wants to work in vain for ten days and a half months or more, and then in the end, just like the wand, a group of people look at it' Holy Sword' stared.

"Will not!"

"I know very well the seal of the holy sword. As long as it is the descendant of the, it can be easily pulled out!"


"If you want to go, Erwin, you must move quickly!"

"I can't guarantee that Egbert will infer the real seal of the holy sword from other books. I am afraid that there are not too few people who knew where the holy sword was?"

After first denying Hain's guess, Jessica looked at Alvin who was frowning and contemplating.


"Why Erwin..."


"Could it be..."

At this time, looking at the expression of the great magician Jessica, Princess Shirley seemed to have guessed something, and she exclaimed with round eyes in disbelief.


"Erwin, like you, is also a descendant of Radiance!"

Jessica didn't hide it, and nodded directly.

Princess Shirley is a descendant of Lance and Namu, and Jessica has long known that she also has the identity of a descendant of Radiance.

It's just that, unlike Shirley, Elvin is the prince of the Kingdom of Barbardia, the descendant of the Prince of Reading who inherits the power of brilliance, the blood descendant of Prince Reading, who is full of courage and honor. For Lance, the captain of the Gudarsis Empire's personal guard who had chosen the wrong path, he should appear more rooted and more trustworthy.

And this is the real reason why Jessica chose and optimistic about Alvin.

"Bright Descendants?"


Listen, listen, Annie seems to have found another interesting statement.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


?(ψ`▽′)o Remember the monthly pass~?

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