Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1759: ?(?'?')?? Demons attack

On the second day after Erwin and the others returned from the ancient ruins of the Holy Land, Annie, after watching the excitement and feeling that there was no fun, she resolutely told the group of middle-schoolers who were thinking about saving the world all day long. The uncles and sisters said goodbye and left the city of Karthus, which she had visited all the time.

At that time, that fool Hein and that Miss Elina and others naturally begged and invited her to stay and join their glorious team dedicated to peace and defeating evil.


Annie thought about it for a long time (about three seconds), but in the end she didn't agree to them, and she didn't want to go with them to find the so-called holy sword 'Rangulisa'. She directly expressed on the spot that she was not too interested, after all, she But a super powerful Arcane Archmage, as for the holy sword, although it sounds very rare, it is only a little rare, no matter what, if you want her to join the boring middle-two salvation team, just Certainly not enough.

Besides, holy sword or something, it would be much more convenient for her to go to see it by herself, so she didn't want to bring those cumbersome and troublesome guys with her.

Just like today, she followed a caravan along the way to this village, and her final destination, of course, is undoubtedly the ancient ruins, the former site of the Bardia Kingdom, the reincarnated great magician Jie. The place where Sika told Erwin and the others that Holy Sword Rangulisa was sealed - Bardia City!


At this time, it was dark outside...


"Come on, let's have a good drink!"


"Bring that barrel of wine here!"


"I said, Gnier, can you two stop drinking?"


"Ameda, haven't we sent the employer's caravan here safely and smoothly?"

"Since the task is completed, what's the matter with drinking a little?"


"The world is not very peaceful now. If you are drunk, what should you do in the event of an accident?"

"This is..."


"What can be wrong?"

"Okay, Matthew, leave her alone, she likes to think wildly, let's keep drinking ours!"


In the village, in this tavern, Matthew, Grenier, and Ameida, who had completed the task of escorting the caravan and made a fortune, were arguing noisily in a corner of the lobby.


(??~??) Chew~!



Of course, Annie, who was eating her own dinner, also noticed the noise of the three, and then, after thinking about it, she saw that the contents of her plate had been almost eaten, and she seemed to be talking about something she was interested in. After the incident, he jumped directly towards the three people.



"What were you talking about just now?"


Annie asked without looking outside at all.

In fact, she doesn't need to see outsiders either!

Because ah, the reason why she joined this caravan and followed them to this village is because when she was on the road, she saw these guys being attacked by a group of little demons and nerubians. When they were about to be eaten, they suddenly helped and saved the lives of them and the entire caravan.


"Archmage Anne?"

"Come on, let's have a drink..."


Seeing Annie approaching, the drunken Gernier hurriedly raised the wine glass in his hand, and then also wanted to hand a glass to the little girl they had newly met who looked young but was very capable.

Then, as a matter of course, he was slapped on the back of his head by Ameda who was beside him with that kind of rosewood wine glass.


"Ameda, what are you hitting me for?"

Then, of course, Gurnier, who almost fell to the floor, rubbed the back of his head angrily and protested loudly.

"It's okay for the two of you to drink!"

"Annie is a mage and a child, how can you let her drink?"

"Don't you know that if a mage is drunk, terrible things will happen?"

"At that time, if I burn you to death, I won't help you treat it!"


Saying that, after complaining, Ameida simply stretched out her hand and snatched away the cups in front of Matthew and Grenier. Obviously, she did not intend to let the two drunken guys touch them again. Sour wine.



Annie didn't speak, though, she wanted to say: even if the other party didn't stop her, she would definitely not drink those boring and choking alcoholic beverages.



"Uncle Nigel, continue to tell the story you just told!?"


After that Miss Ameda put all the drinks aside, Annie couldn't wait to ask.


"What did we just say?"


"By the way, when the ancient Kingdom of Bardia fell, Prince Redding led his friends on the road to recovery."

After dazedly looking at Matthew next to him, Nigel quickly thought of what they had just said halfway through.

"However, little guy..."

"I'm not an uncle, I'm only eighteen years old this year..."

"And ah..."


"That's not a story, that's what actually happened..."

Nigel, who was already drunk and completely forgot that the little girl in front of him was a terrible archmage, first reprimanded Annie in a big way, and then staggered about the ancient kingdom of Bardia and The story of Prince Reading.

According to legend…

Hundreds of years ago, the ancient kingdom of Cubaldia was attacked by the emperor Digos of the ancient Darcis Empire, and the kingdom was on the verge of extinction. At that time of crisis, Prince Reading, the last descendant who inherited the power of brilliance, courage and The honored hero led his partner and the holy sword 'Rangulisa' on the road to recovery.

Afterwards, as the epic prelude of the legend was opened, after a very hard and brutal battle, Prince Reading counterattacked and smashed the conspiracy of Emperor Digos and the King of Chaos, and left behind all kinds of songs and songs. Song's heroic leader deeds.

It is a pity that, under the erosion of time, the ancient kingdom of Bardia, which once dominated the continent, has died out after all...

However, it is said that when the kingdom was destroyed, the descendants of the royal family, that is, the glorious descendants, hid the holy sword Rangulisa and made it completely disappear in this vast land?

Up to now, the holy sword has not appeared for hundreds of years, and the previously unknown magic sword, the legend of Aluhasato, has begun to spread in the hearts of people full of desire. And someone said with oath, have seen the Emperor Barnhardt of the Empire attack a city in a neighboring country with a magic sword?

"That's probably what happened..."


"You have also seen it, and I don't know why. Recently, there have been more and more monsters. The power of darkness must have awakened. The new empire is fighting everywhere. I don't know who can hold the holy sword to pacify this time. This troubled world?"

"But that's fine. We mercenaries are getting better and better."


After he finished speaking, the short-haired Gernier laughed drunkenly, and went straight to the table and tugged at random.

"Getting better?"

"Grenier, are you crazy?"

"When we came, if we hadn't met Annie, the three of us would have been wiped out with the caravan. Do you call this a better life?"

"You forgot who was carried into the air by those monsters and almost died?"


At this time, the Miss Ameida came over, and after hearing Nigel's words, she stuck her waist in angrily and reprimanded loudly.

"Okay, Ameda, calm down."

"Besides, what Nigel just said is actually correct. Didn't you find it? There have been more and more monsters recently, which is very abnormal!"

"I don't know, will the descendants of Radiance come out and save the world this time?"


After comforting his companion, Ameda, the uncle Matthew also followed Nigel's example, lying directly on the table and sighing heavily.

"Knowing that there are more and more monsters, how long have you been drinking when you go out?"

"Look at you!"

"Can you still afford a weapon now?"

Looking at the two guys who got drunk after completing a small task, Ameda couldn't help but get angry.



Annie didn't care about the dispute between the three in front of her, but pondered about the ancient Bardia Kingdom that the short-haired Uncle Nigel said just now.

Of course, she doesn't care about the ancient prince or the descendant of the power of brilliance. What she cares more about now is obviously the specific location of the city of Guardia, and she is eager to know where it is!

"That is to say..."


"Uncle Gernier!"


"And Uncle Matthew!


"Do you know the exact location of that ancient city of Bardia?"


The number of monsters in this world has nothing to do with Annie, and Annie doesn't want to care if there are any radiant descendants who come out to save the world. Anyway, as far as she knows, that Alvin and that big magician who doesn't know who he is. Jessica and the others have already started to move, and are planning to find the holy sword. At this moment, it may be behind her, so she must move faster!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

"Ancient Bardia City?"

"Of course I do!"

"But, little guy, what are you asking this for?"

The drunken Gernier didn't think much of it, he sat up proudly and patted his chest, then he went back to the wooden table and asked strangely.

"doing what?"


"What else can I do? Of course, they want to go there to find the legendary Holy Sword Lan Gulisa!"


Annie didn't hide it at all, and Mengmeng said her purpose out loud.

"Holy Sword?"


Gernier was stunned, and he didn't come back to his senses for a while.



"That's right, they are going to that city of Bardia to find that holy sword!"


Annie nodded, repeating her intention again.



Gernier didn't speak, just subconsciously glanced at his good friend Matthew.

Immediately after…


"Little guy, I advise you not to go there, there is nothing there, just the ruins of a fortress of the King City of Degubaldia!"

"That's right!"

"There is no holy sword in it!"

"Many people have been there, and we have been there in the past. It was empty. The valuables were taken away hundreds of years ago, and now there is only a broken piece of copper inlaid on the stone seat. iron!"

Of course, Grenier and Matthew just laughed out loud without restraint, and didn't take Annie's words to heart.



"A piece of broken copper and iron? Great, maybe that's the holy sword!"


Annie directly cheered excitedly, and jumped for joy that she had found more clues.


"That's the holy sword?"

"No way…"

"You must be talking nonsense!"

"I do not believe!"

"I don't believe it either..."

It's a pity that Gnir and Matthew, who are already drunk at this time, are not willing to believe the words of a little girl, even if the other party is a powerful Archmage!

After all, they had indeed been to the ruins of the fortress of the Royal City of Degubaldia, and it was indeed empty. In the stone seat, there are rust spots, and there is really nothing except the broken iron pieces that are glued to the stone seat and can't even be buckled.

"That's it!"

ヾ( ̄0 ̄)

"They hire you, and then you take them to the ruins of the ancient castle tomorrow, how about that?"


Annie didn't need their idiots to believe it. Anyway, it doesn't matter if it's true or not, she just needs to look at it to find out.

And the sooner the better, although she set off a few days before Erwin and the others, but maybe those guys will take shortcuts or something, so she must move faster.



"Do you have money?"

"You came here by hitchhiking!"

"that is!"


After speaking, Matthew and Nigel both laughed again.

They had seen it long ago, the little girl had a hideous stuffed teddy bear on her body, and then, there was no more luggage and packages.



"People have money!"


With that said, Annie swiped and took out a large pile of gold coins from her pocket, and then piled it directly on the table in front of the two guys who dared to laugh at her.

The next second, in this slightly dim country tavern, a golden light almost blinded the eyes of two alcoholics and a certain young lady.




Sure enough, just this time, in front of the powerful facts, whether it was the two strange uncles Matthew and Grenier who were still laughing at the moment, or the little sister Ameida who was covering her mouth by the side, they were all caught by that one. The pile of gold coins was so shocked that he couldn't say a word for a long time.

‘! ’

'Yeah! ! ’


Without waiting for the three mercenaries to return to their senses and consider whether or not to agree to the hiring request of a certain little girl mage, they went to the ruins of the city of Degubaldia and searched for the holy sword that did not exist. Suddenly, the village There was a shrill scream from outside.

"Oh no!"

"Matthew! Nigel!"

"There are monsters outside, and they are blocked at the entrance of the village!"

"We are now surrounded!"

Then, UU reading www.uukanshu. com broke into a caravan's groom, and the other party shouted at Matthew and the other three who were a little overwhelmed by the large amount of gold coins.

Under the influence of strong fear, he didn't even care about the pile of gold coins on the table of the three, and he was even less in the mood to ask what was going on.




"No way?"


After listening, of course, Matthew and Grenier jumped up in exclamation, and then went to grab their weapons and wanted to run out to see the situation.


They were already drunk, and before they ran to the door of the tavern, they staggered and bumped into each other, and then the spears rolled into the distance, unable to get up for a long time.

"I knew it!"


"I told you not to drink, but you want to drink, what should I do now?!"

Seeing this, of course, the companion of the two of them, that Ameda, scolded angrily and loudly, and then stepped forward, trying to support the two of them.



"Forget it! It's better for people to help, Miss Ameda, as long as you remember to take them to the castle ruins tomorrow!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

After speaking, Annie stopped looking at the three people who were entangled together, and stopped taking back the pile of gold coins that were used as employment fees. out.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


?()? Monthly ticket~?


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