Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1760: ?(ψ'?')o Is it wrong to take revenge indiscriminately...

At the entrance of the village, a small group of members of the village guard who had no time to escape were surrounded by a girl with blond hair and dark skin and pointed ears on the back of a rhinoceros mount and a large group of bone beasts and werewolves beside the girl.

"Help, help, ah ah ah ah!!"

"do not want!"

"Forgive me!"

"Please forgive us!!"

"do not come!"


"Who will save us?!!"

At this moment, the weapons in the hands of the villagers of the village guards who were brave and good at fighting in the daytime have long been snatched or bitten by those werewolves. Surrounded by hideous and terrifying bone beasts, those men and women could do nothing but lie on the ground and hug each other tightly, howling and howling.


"Now you know how to cry for mercy?"

"You won't forget me, will you?"


"I am like you, kneeling on the ground and begging for your forgiveness, how did you treat me?"


After hearing the cries and prayers of the group of village guards, to my surprise, the blonde girl with dark skin and pointed ears who was riding on the back of the bone rhino waved her hand, causing those werewolves and bone beasts who were about to choose someone to devour. They stopped, and then she calmly drove the rhinoceros mount under her crotch, slowly pushed aside the beasts, and walked to the men and women of the village guard members, and stood on the ground, using The arrogant and proud tone joked.




However, none of the villagers who were disarmed by the monsters dared to say a word.

They were just still squeezing each other tightly, and then, looking at the dark-skinned, pointed-eared girl who was pressing forward with those pairs of terrified and doubtful eyes, they didn't know why the other party suddenly said such inexplicable words.


"You shouldn't even recognize me."


"I am now, not the dirty and pitiful little girl who was only bullied by you every day!"

Looking at the group of villagers with vaguely familiar silhouettes in front of her, the dark-skinned girl's originally proud eyes gradually turned cold.

"A bunch of selfish and forgetful guys..."

"So, human beings are the most annoying!"

"Eat them!"


"You can do whatever you want!"

Finally, after looking at the group of terrified villagers for a while, the girl slowly raised her hand with many scars, and gave the cruel order with a sharp wave.

‘! ! ’

‘GAAAAH! ! ! ’

‘Waaaahhh! ’

After receiving the order, the group of monsters screamed in excitement.

Then, the demonized werewolves in the lead couldn't wait to open their huge fangs full of saliva, and swooped straight towards the group of terrified villagers.

"Do not!!!"




With a scream.

Soon, the group of surrounded villagers were completely absent from the backs of the demonized werewolves and the bone beasts, and clumps of blood splashed out, and there was no sound at all.

‘GAAAAH! ! ’

'Ow! ? ’

'? ? ’

But soon!

The werewolves who bit each other's hair and had a lot of bite marks and claw marks on their bodies stopped one after another, and slowly spread out a little overwhelmed.

At this time, where are the dozen or so young men and women of the village guard who were surrounded by them just now?


"Stop off!!"

Finally, the dark-skinned, pointed-eared girl who noticed the abnormality was stunned for a moment, then she rode the bone rhinoceros mount under her crotch in a rage, and then rushed away from the group of werewolves who were at a loss, and came to the place. On the grass that was already empty.

At this moment, on the grass, apart from the bloodstained fur left by the group of idiots and monsters just biting and arguing with each other, where are the figures of those individuals?


"This is……"

Obviously, the girl with dark skin and pointed ears is not stupid. She would not naively think that the dozen or so villagers have been eaten and wiped clean by the werewolves under her command.

So many people, those stupid werewolves can't be wiped out in a moment, even if they can eat them.

Moreover, even if it is eaten up, there will be at least some bone and meat residue left, but now, looking at the ground, there are not even those pieces of clothes on the ground, how can she still not know that something is wrong?

"This is……"

"No! There are magical fluctuations!"

"who is it?"

"come out faster!!!"

Soon, she felt something unusual, and then raised her eyebrows, pulled out the long sword around her waist, and asked angrily in the direction of the village.

Although there is only a very weak remnant of magic power, it is also very conspicuous for her half-human, half-demon blood.

Obviously, there must have been a certain mage who teleported those **** **** away at a critical moment.


However, the girl with dark skin and pointed ears waited for a while, but did not get any answer.

There was nothing but the sobbing, the barking of dogs, and the screaming and screeching of children in panic, which were still repressed in the village.

"Can't you come out?"



"Burn this place! Kill everyone!"

Seeing that the hidden enemy did not appear, the dark-skinned, pointed-eared **** the back of the rhinoceros was furious.

Then, with a wave of her hand, she planned to let the monsters under her command set fire to the village and completely destroy this small place that she hated and left endless painful memories.

‘GAAAAH! ! ! ’

‘Waaaahhh! ’

After getting the order, those monsters roared excitedly, and then planned to disperse and execute the order.

"Wait a moment!"


"Don't worry, can't people come out on their own?"

( ̄▽ ̄*)

First shouted, and then, after the monsters stopped and turned their heads to look at them all, a certain little girl was riding on the shoulders of Tibbers, the little bear that had been enlarged by her, swaying. Turned out from behind an uncle in the village.



"Miss, hello!"


While approaching unguardedly, Annie did not forget to playfully make a face at the blond, pointed-eared lady who was waiting for her.


"Are you a mage? You just teleported them away with magic?"


"Where did you send them?"

Seeing that it was a little girl who came out, the dark-skinned and long-eared lady was surprised at first, but when she felt the magic power on the giant plush bear, she then shouted and asked loudly. .



"They sent them to that big house over there!"


Annie didn't hide it, and pointed directly to the large building in the village that integrates hotels, pubs, and restaurants, which is the hot place where she and Uncle Matthew had been drinking and chatting just now.

Of course, Her Lady Queen Anne was just cooking and chatting, not drinking.

"So that's how it is..."


"Come on, let me eat her!!!"

However, after listening to Annie's words, the pointed-eared lady with an skin tone first nodded in understanding, and then she suddenly turned her face and waved her hand, ordering the group next to her who had just planned to kill Monsters such as arson werewolves and bone beasts charged.

‘GAAAAH! ! ! ’

‘Waaaahhh! ’

After receiving the order, the monsters, who were a little anxious and mad because of the disappearance of their prey, roared in unison again, and stared maliciously at the little girl who just appeared with their red eyes. Suddenly started to accelerate and launched a charge.



Seeing such a large group of roaring and rushing up, the scarlet eyes are full of cruelty and fury, there is no sane demonized monster at all, there is no way, Annie, who wanted to continue to say something, had to reluctantly stretch out. out her fingers.



It's too late to say that, with the release of the 'purification' magic on Annie's fingertips, and a flash of light, soon, those monsters such as werewolves, bone beasts, and hellhounds, There were bursts of black energy visible to the naked eye.

Then, as the black energy dissipated, the demonized and terrifying monsters also quickly shrank and deformed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and eventually turned into ordinary wild wolves and wild dogs. The bone beasts instantly turned into piles of bones that were shattered and spread all over the floor.

Then, those animals who had recovered to be wild beasts and were running, first looked around at the surrounding scene in a daze, and then slowly stopped at a loss, and then, I don't know who brought them first. Their heads, they soon howled and scattered with their tails tucked away, and soon they ran into the woods outside the village and disappeared completely.

"It's done!"


Annie proudly gestured towards the young lady in the distance.

You know, she is the daughter of darkness. No one really knows more about the power of shadows and the tainted dark energy than her, and the angry lady in front of her even brought that kind of boring stuff. To deal with her, isn't that making yourself uncomfortable?


(● ̄?? ̄●)

(Tibbers said that it is a shadow bear, the master of shadows, and it is also not afraid of those broken things that are distorted by the power of shadows. If it makes a move, it can not only instantly destroy the group of monsters just now, You can also directly clean the dark-skinned female creature and eat it in one bite!)



As the light of Annie's purification spell flashed by, the lady with pointed ears also stumbled and fell to the ground almost at the same time.

At this time, she realized that the bone rhino mount that was still carrying her under her crotch just now turned into a pool of bone scum that shattered everywhere?

"little girl!"

"Don't think that you humans are amazing if you know a little magic!"

"Come out!"

"My undead subordinates, darkness has come, kill them all, kill them all!!"

"No one left!!!"

Seeing that the large army that she had managed to get together was destroyed in an instant, and seeing that little girl seemed really difficult to deal with, so the dark-skinned girl with pointed ears first took a step back with some fear and hesitation, Then, when she reacted, she shouted hysterically.

In the next instant, some kind of distorted dark energy wave instantly centered on her and oscillated directly around her.



Annie exclaimed first, then turned her head subconsciously, and looked towards a corner at the other end of the village.


She saw that on the other side of the village, in what seemed to be a cemetery, there were bursts of strange noises and tidal fluctuations of energy?

And after the fluctuation, the undead, zombies and skeletons crawled out of that broken place?


(ノ ̄▽ ̄)

"Hey! Miss, it's not right to abuse the power of shadows like you do!"


"Besides, what's the fun in summoning skeletons?"


"Stinky and dirty, disgusting!"


Looking at the undead crawling out of the graves in the distance, looking at the corpses that were rotting and crawling with maggots, or simply turned into pale skeletons, Annie turned her head quickly, yes The strong young lady not far away cast a disgusting little look.

Fortunately, she was full just now, otherwise, she probably wouldn't have to eat dinner if she saw those disgusting things.


"How do you know what dark power is?"

"Stupid humans!"

"Wait to die!!"

Seeing that his helper was emerging from the cemetery, and seeing that there was even a powerful necromancer influenced by his own dark energy pollution, the dark-skinned girl with pointed ears was vigilant with a sword in her hand, while proud. laughed out loud.

In her opinion, although the little girl in front of her has some powerful spells and is riding a monster that looks very powerful, but when the helpers she summons come over, the result will be different. .

"A dark power?"


"All right!"

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

"Then let you see what is the power of darkness..."



The next second, just after Annie's words were finished, I didn't know what happened. The world seemed to lose all its colors in an instant. The stars, the bright moon, the singing of insects and birds, the cries of the villagers, and other things All the abnormal noises disappeared, leaving only the darkness.

And at the same time!

The dark-skinned girl also saw that the power of endless shadows, the pure darkness that was not mixed with any trace of impurities, slowly dissipated from the little girl's body?

And there is...

That little girl, her originally blue eyes and golden hair, suddenly turned pitch black for some reason?



Then, just looking at the little girl, the dark-skinned girl was so frightened that she lost all her strength in an instant. She couldn't even grasp the sword, and fell to the ground softly, her mouth open for a long time. Can't say a word.



"Go back to your graves!"


However, Annie did not take care of the other party, but regained the power of shadows, changed back to the previous smart, cute, well-behaved and smart little blonde girl, and slowly placed her on Tibbs' shoulders. Turning around and facing the other side of the village, he shouted at the undead who were standing in the cemetery and didn't know what to do next.

‘! ! ’



It's amazing that the group of undead monsters who had just been summoned and were planning to eat the flesh and blood of living people, all shivered together, and then they really hurriedly drilled back from the position where they broke out of the ground?



"You, who are you..."

It wasn't until all the anomalies disappeared and she knew that her body was back under her control, the girl with dark skin and pointed ears suddenly crawled backwards while looking at the little girl who turned her head back in horror. The words were not very eloquent.

She didn't know what the other party was, but anyway, she knew that the other party was terrible. It was probably even more terrible than her evil **** agent and the prince of darkness?

Otherwise, how could the other party scare the undead who were summoned by her back into the grave with a single word?

"It's Annie!"


"It's the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most the most powerful The Arcane Archmage is!"


Annie gave each other a big and cute sunny smile.



"Miss, what Amoline's mother said, it's not right to take revenge like you just did!"


Obviously, from the few words just now, Annie had already learned the general reason why the other party would attack the village.

In her opinion, it was nothing more than the fact that the other party was abused or bullied by others when he was a child. Anyway, for the other party, it would definitely not be a good memory.



"Mother Amoren also seems to have said to retaliate with a purpose, but that's okay!"


While talking, Little Annie, who was lecturing in a serious manner, didn't wait for the other party to say something, but she suddenly changed her words so playfully.

"How about this!"


"Here! I'll give you this whip. Go for a walk in the village and pick out all the bad guys who have bullied you before. They will definitely not stop you. What do you think of this proposal?"


At this time, Annie actually made a hot flame whip, and then she really ran up to the dark-skinned young lady, and without waiting for the other party to refuse, she shoved it into the other party's hands. .

"When you hit someone with a whip, the pain will multiply several times, but you won't get hurt!"


For fear that the other party would not dare, Annie added this thoughtfully.

Anyway, from Annie's point of view, since this young lady in front of her has been bullied by people in this village before, then it would be extremely just to bully her back tenfold now!

For example, whip each of those bad guys savagely, and then hang them on the big tree at the entrance of the village and starve for a few days?

Of course, the specific punishment measures still have to be based on the other party's own wishes. At most, she is just making suggestions and giving some fun ideas.


(● ̄?? ̄●)


(*^▽^*) Ask for a monthly pass~??


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