Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1765: ?(●??`●)? Son of Fafnir

Under normal circumstances, in the depths of the mines in the rocky peaks and valleys, in that relatively closed space, facing the frantic breathing of such a fire dragon under rage, very few people can resist, even that The same goes for a powerful battle mage.

It can even be said that fighting a fire-breathing dragon in that kind of space is not enough to die.

Perhaps, that is the real reason why the lords of Karthus City and the powerful empires knew that there were high-value magic crystals, but they did not dare to develop and utilize them?


Surprisingly, the terrifying breath of that fire dragon had no effect at all on a bad little girl!

Even, she still had enough energy to protect her and take the four of them, including Ameda and Sonia, and still in the flames, she turned her head and gave it to the red dragon who was kicked in the nose by her in her sleep and didn't understand the situation. A good beating.

And then……

That is, of course, her omnipotent Queen Anne, under the stunned and unbelievable gazes of Ameda, Sonia, Matthew and Gnier, managed to pick up a huge red head in an ownerless cave. Dragon mount!

It is said that the red dragon entrenched in the depths of the Yanfeng Valley mine is still the descendant of the legendary fire dragon Fafnir? And it is already hundreds of years old, but it is still a juvenile giant dragon, and this is the reason why it has been entrenched by the magma pool deep in the mine and is lethargic.

Of course, that kind of thing doesn't really matter, because that doesn't stop it from being the go-to mount for some miserable little girl and a great fun toy.

"Ah ha ha!"


"Look! Is it much faster than a carriage?"

?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*.

In the sky, there were bursts of clear laughter like silver bells.

"Fly quickly, stupid dragon!"


"Faster, so we can fly to that rotten Bardia city in one day!"


On the dragon's back, a certain miserable little girl, the Arcane Archmage, was cheering.

She did not mind facing the icy and cold air in the sky, proudly stuck her waist, and turned to face Ameda, who was also on the back of the dragon behind her, but most of them could only be cautiously lying on her stomach. Several people showed off.

But in fact, what the four of them didn't know was that at this moment, in Annie's heart, the Bardia and the holy sword had become less important, compared to looking for that kind of boring gadgets, she is obviously more willing to enjoy the wonderful process of enjoying her mind and body while playing carefree like now.


(● ̄? ̄●)




However, none of the four people behind Annie spoke. They were still lying on the back of the dragon in fear, and still seemed a little unbelievable that they had become a 'dragon knight' so quickly, and they were still a 'dragon knight' fact.

You must know that under normal circumstances, even in a powerful country like an empire, the army's dragon knights are nothing more than small young dragons or sub-dragons, but even that is already quite extraordinary! After all, it is difficult for ordinary people to control the creatures like dragons. Even the 'dragon knights' of young dragons are very few, and there are not many people in the entire continent.

But now it's better, a few of them actually rode directly on the back of a giant dragon that was as spacious as a large yard. If this matter were to be said, it is estimated that not many people would believe it, right?


"Good, very high!"

At this time, after seeing that the dragon was flying relatively smoothly and there would not be too much danger, Ameida finally summoned up the courage, tremblingly groped to the side of the dragon's back, and boldly stretched out her head towards the dragon. He took a sneak peek under his belly.

But soon, she shrank back at a very fast speed, and immediately squatted down to the very middle position and huddled with Matthew and Grenier again.

"Ann, Annie!"

"I'm afraid!"

"Can you make it fly lower?!"

Then, after making sure that she had grasped firmly, Imeda raised her voice and pleaded with the wicked little girl who was flying with the giant dragon in front of her.



"Fly lower?"




Just looking back at those useless idiots, Annie quickly turned around and firmly rejected Ameda's unreasonable request.

"People don't want to fly low, it's fine now!"


After speaking, Annie continued to stand carelessly at the place behind the neck of the dragon in front, overlooking the scenery on the ground.

To be honest, the reason why she didn't kill the dragon was because it was big and could fly higher and farther?

And what's the point of letting it fly a little lower, in that case, it's better to continue to ride that slow carriage or simply ride the stupid bear Tibbers!


(● ̄? ̄●)


"Then you must fly calmly..."

"I'm a little scared!"

Seeing that she couldn't be persuaded, there was nothing she could do, so Ameida had to settle for the next best thing.


(? ̄? ̄?)

Stable or something, of course there is no problem.

"Accelerate! Go forward!!"


Because ah, Her Lady Queen Anne's driving skills are top-notch, no matter what fighter jets, chariots or Gundams, there has never been any accident, and as for the giant dragon stepping on her feet, let alone Now, it can be guaranteed to be fast and stable, and she will definitely not fall.



Soon, amid Ameida's shrill screams, the red dragon flapped its wings desperately so that it could fly faster at the command of its new master.




"Look, the one in the distance, is Karthus City?"

After a few minutes, when Ameida's screams had just stopped, although he did not dare to go to the edge of the dragon's back to check the situation below, but Gnir, who had been secretly paying attention to the distant scene, suddenly suddenly stopped. Exclaimed and pointed in a certain direction.




"Okay, it seems to be true..."

"But, no, why did we turn back to Karthus City?"

Just looking at it, Matthew also noticed something was wrong, and exclaimed.

"Sure enough..."


"Annie, you're flying in the wrong direction, and now we're back in Karthus!"

Although looking at the ground from the sky may be a little unreal, and the view from above is not the same as usual, but the two people who were already familiar with Karthus were quick to give Recognizing the city, he hurriedly shouted at the troubled little girl in front of him who was chaotically flying the giant dragon.

You know, it takes several days from Karthus to the mountains on the border, and now it's better, under the random flight of that bad little girl, within two or three hours, they will be back again. fly back.



"Flying in the wrong direction? Are you sure?!"


Some Annie, who couldn't believe it, even looked at a certain direction on the ground several times.




When she found that the city was indeed familiar, it was indeed the city of Karthus, she had to accept the fact that made her depressed.

"It really is..."


This time, Annie was dumbfounded.

"never mind!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

But if you fly wrong, you fly wrong, the big deal is steering, no big deal!

So, after asking the four people who were lying on the back for an approximate direction, Annie re-steered her newly caught mount, ready to turn it and fly to the left.


I don't know why, but the stubborn red dragon just carried them to the right direction?



"Idiot! Flying wrong! This side is the right side, and that side is the left side. Have you ever studied, and you can't even tell the difference between left and right?"


Saying that, Annie slapped the opponent's neck with the flame whip in her hand.

She just said, she is the omnipotent Arcane Archmage, how could such a thing happen to her by admitting that Luffy was in the wrong direction?

Is this not?

The reason is actually here, all of this, it turns out that it is all the fault of this stupid giant dragon?



"You don't know what studying is?"


But when she heard the other party's answer in that obscure dragon language, Annie unexpectedly discovered that she had accidentally caught an illiterate dragon that had not received any inheritance?



"You just flew the wrong way, you should hurry up and fly to the left!"




"Why did you fly to the right again?"


"Do you know which is left and which is right?"


After teaching for a while, she found that the other party still couldn't tell the difference between left and right, some stupid, even more stupid than her own Tibbers, Annie was decisively angry.

"do not know?"





Then, Annie, who was a little impatient, suddenly stretched out her small fist and smashed it **** the left side of the part where the opponent's wings were connected to the body.

'Ow~! ’

The next second, a wailing sound rang out, and then the flying posture of the giant dragon began to shake slightly, causing Ameida and the others behind to scream and mourn.

"Does it hurt?"




"It hurts right, the side that hurts is the left side!"


After speaking, Annie ran to the right wing connection again and punched again.

Boom! !

"Moo woo woo..."

This time, the red dragon's wailing sound became louder, and the flying posture swayed violently from side to side, and almost fell to the ground without a single stumble.

"Is it more painful here?"


"That's right!"


"It hurts on the left side, and it hurts more on the right side, how about it, isn't this very memorable?"


"Do you want someone to review it for you again?"


To deal with this kind of stupid dragon who doesn't know whether it is really indifferent or deliberately making things difficult for her, Her Lady Queen Anne has the best solution.


The red dragon, who was almost not scared to death, hurriedly wailed in a low voice, and tried to adjust its flight attitude. It honestly circled in the air, completed the turn, and began to fly in the left direction.



"All right!"


"Then you have to remember it clearly, if you fly wrong again, they will definitely re-test you!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Smacking her lips, Annie came to a halt in a somewhat unfulfilled sense.

You know, this is the chance to ride a dragon that she finally won, and she couldn't help but play a bit.

I think back then, when she was three years old, there was also an old dragon about this size who didn't know how to lift it up, and then she burned it, but now, this one is much more acquainted, after being beaten by her Immediately, she became a lot more honest, so that many of the training methods she had planned to come up with did not have the opportunity to practice.


"Ann, Annie!"

"Can you stop hitting it?"

"If you really fall down accidentally, it will be fatal!"


"Please, let it fly a little more smoothly?"



"I am so scared!"

On the dragon's back behind Annie, Ameda and Mathew hugged each other tightly and lay on the scaly dragon's back, wailing and begging.


"Hey! You dogs and men, don't hug each other, it's very annoying!"

On the other hand, Gernier was lying on the other side of the two with an angry face, and angrily scolded the two guys who were huddled together.


As for Sonia, she was much better.

She is now half-squatting, even though her hands are firmly grasping the two large tough dragon scales, and her face is a little pale, but compared to the three of Ameda, she is much better.

"Calm down a bit?"

∑('△')? !

"Okay! There is no problem!"


"It's over there, stupid dragon, fly!"


"Oh hoo~!"

(^0^)/Speed ​​up!


"No, no~!!!"

"Hurry up!"



Amid the cheers of Annie, and the exclamations of Ameda, Matthew, and Nigel behind, the giant dragon had to speed up again, and flew back in the direction it came from.


Half a day later, Leon, the leader of the Blue Dragon Knights, and others, who were rushing along the wide avenue, saw the huge red dragon roaring and flying in the sky once again.




"It's that red dragon again, it's flying back again!"

Liat, the adjutant, ran to their leader Leon for the first time, and pointed at the huge red behemoth high in the sky and said with hatred.

"That is……"

"The dragon in the Yanfenggu mine?"

Combined with the position he saw half a day ago, and looking at the direction of the opponent's flight now, Leon, who was riding on a horse, quickly judged where the red dragon came from.

After all, a well-developed intelligence network is very necessary and necessary for the empire that is determined to conquer the entire continent of Alusaria, and before launching the war, they have already investigated almost all parts of the entire continent. So, as one of the generals of the Empire's Fourth Army, he naturally knew about the fact that there was a sleeping red dragon nearby.

"should be!"

"Now that it's finally out, do we need to fight it?"

Seeing that the giant dragon quickly flew over them and flew towards the rock peaks and valleys, Liat began to be eager to try.

For dragon slaying, especially such a giant dragon, Liat has been thinking about it for a long time!

Besides, if they can follow Captain Leon to conquer the opponent, not only can the Azure Dragon Knights obtain higher honors, but at the same time, they can also harvest the mine and the magic crystal mine in it. In that case, the empire is conquering It will definitely be much easier when you are in different No! "

However, after pondering for a while, Leon still shook his head.

"It's not in a hurry!"

"Detouring to Yanfeng Valley is too time-consuming, and there are too many variables."

"Now, it's more important to find the holy sword quickly. We must not let the holy sword fall into the hands of the glorious descendants of Karthus, so as not to affect the great cause of His Majesty!"

"Go ahead!"

Then, after briefly explaining the priorities of the matter to Liat, Leon no longer looked at the giant dragon that was flying farther and farther, but resolutely gave the order to continue to move forward according to the original plan.



"My subordinates understand!"

Hearing that Captain Leon didn't really want to kill the dragon, but decided to prioritize first, Liat didn't dare to say anything, but kept it in his heart, and then responded loudly, Then he turned around and ran to the back of the team, continuing to perform his duty of urging the army to march.


"Speed ​​up!"

While urging the team to move forward and prevent falling behind, Liat also secretly decided:

After the matter of the holy sword comes to an end this time, if they have the opportunity to pass by the area near the Rock Peak Valley again and there is no major military action, he must remember to mention the incident to their Leon army commander in time. , be sure to lead the knights of the powerful Blue Dragon Knights of their empire to slaughter the red dragon that is entrenched on one side, and transport the huge dragon head of the opponent to the Blue Dragon Knights of the capital of the empire, together with the commander of the Leon army. Go to the barracks!


?(????) Remember to vote monthly~?

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