Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1766: (*?)?*)Do not! People are not here to help you...

Since the empire began to invade Karthus and surrounding countries, and announced the official start of the full-scale war on the Alusaria continent, it is only natural that the Ice Dragon Legion, one of the four legions of the empire, also participated in the front line of the war. And invaded the territory of Karthus.

Is this not?

Today, the soldiers of the Ice Dragon Legion are storming in front of this old small fortress, and are killing and injuring many defenders in the city, and killing a lot of the ordinary male civilians who were temporarily armed. After that, he had to leave many of his own corpses angrily, and temporarily retreated to a relatively safe distance.

Naturally, these soldiers of the Imperial Army did not give up here, they were only temporary repairs after the war.


"What a stubborn old guy..."

Imelda first looked at the last defenders in the small fortress with a gloomy face, then looked at the corpses of the fallen imperial soldiers under the fortress wall, and looked at the soldiers and soldiers who originally belonged to her own ice dragon army. I couldn't help but hate some old thing in that little fortress castle even more.

But no matter how much you hate it, there is nothing you can do. Although the castle fortress in front of you doesn't look big and looks a bit shabby, it is surrounded by water on three sides and is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There are not many troops that can be deployed in each attack. , In addition, when she came in a hurry, she didn't think about bringing the air force and navy, and she didn't have any siege equipment, so the battle situation had to be so stalemate.


"Listen to the guards in the fortress. You have been holding on for so many days, and you have proved your bravery. Now, your soldiers and men are almost dead, so should you give up?"

"Obviously come out and surrender!"

"Maybe, this general can think about it and let you **** die a little more happily. What do you think of this proposal?!"

After fighting for so many days and killing so many subordinates, it is definitely impossible to let yourself give up or something!

Imelda thought about retreating and coming back when she was ready, but she was a little unwilling. She also thought about going over here to attack other places first, but she was a little worried that once her army left, the defenders inside would run away. Come out to fight back or interfere with your supply line.

Therefore, she could only order her subordinates to reorganize the formation, while coldly riding the horse to the front of the castle, facing the small fortress and the last defender inside, especially the one who stubbornly resisted her for nearly half of the time. The more than a month old thing has once again persuaded to surrender.

But obviously, Imelda's persuasion did not have any sincerity.

But think about it, the battle has reached this point, and so many capable soldiers have been lost in front of such a small fortress. As one of the four generals of the empire, she has lost a lot of face, she will definitely not Forgive the people inside.

Besides, she is the only female general in the empire, and she is also a woman, and of course she has all the advantages and disadvantages that women have, such as...



"This is just a small castle that accepts refugees. After more than ten days of fighting, there are only some women and children left in it. What good is it for you to capture this place, and why bother?"

"You don't have any credit for laying down my small remote territory, do you?"

At this time, in front of a badly damaged city wall of the fortress, an old swordsman in silver-white plate armor walked out. The fierce woman in front of the enemy line responded.

That's right, he is the supreme commander in this fortress, belonging to the kingdom of Karthus, and also the noble lord of this small place. It was he who accepted the nearby refugees and organized almost all men to resist with difficulty. Lived the onslaught of the Imperial Ice Dragon Legion for nearly half a month.

Of course, although they have been defending until now, there are not many soldiers in this small castle fortress, and the casualties are not less than the imperial soldiers outside.


"Humph! I'm going to hit you here, it has nothing to do with that kind of thing!"

"Old man, I'm just unhappy with your stubborn resistance."

Of course Imelda recognized the old man in silver armor who showed his figure.

The other party's name is 'Alan'. He used to be a famous swordsman in the mainland. He also served as the swordsmanship teacher of Princess Shirley of Karthus. It is said that he is very good at it?

It's a pity, she can see that the other party is old now, not very useful, and it is estimated that there are only a few layers left. Originally, she heard that the other party was here for retirement, so she stopped by, and wanted to see if she could put the other party back. Incorporated into her Ice Dragon Corps as a recruit instructor or something.

But in the end, the other party gave her a big surprise, and let her toss up until now.

Right now, she is already in a difficult position to ride a tiger, and she has long stopped thinking about the boring idea of ​​incorporating the other party. Now she just wants to destroy this small but extremely strong fortress in front of her, and level this territory, and then put this place here. Incorporated into the empire's territory.

Of course, in addition to that, it must be the intention of cutting off the old dog's head and taking it around to show the intentions of the die-hard local lords who still want to resist the imperial front.

She must let the stubborn local lords of Karthus know what will happen to those who dare to go against the will of the empire and resist her Imelda and the Ice Dragon Legion!

"I'll say it for the last time, come out and surrender, or else, when you break down the castle, it's the time when you will be left alone!"

"I've never left any living room for guys like you who go against the will of the empire. Do you have to think about it?"

"Now is your last chance..."

Of course, although she has made up her mind to carry out a massacre here in order to deter the surrounding lords, if the other party can take the initiative to surrender and save some losses for her soldiers, she is still happy to deceive the other party.


The old swordsman Allen didn't speak in a hurry, just kept his face calm and silently looked at the smiling blonde woman in front of the castle.

"Do not!"

"I reject!"

"I will never promise to hand over the lives of me and thousands of villagers to a murderous woman like you!"

"Your Ice Dragon Legion has a lot of bad deeds, and the massacre of the city is also done. Do you think I will be fooled?"

If they wanted to surrender, they had already surrendered, so how could they resist until now?

Therefore, after pondering for a long time and feeling that his physical strength was gradually recovering after a battle, the old swordsman Allen supported the damaged city wall of the fortress, and shouted to the evil woman outside in a loud voice.



Originally, Imelda never thought that she could persuade the stubborn old man inside. After all, the same thing has been repeated many times in the past half month. It's just some clichés that she said when her soldiers retired and repaired, whether it was her or the cunning old guy inside, I'm afraid they didn't take it seriously.

"Very well, then..."

And now, since it's over, and the soldiers on your side have organized a new round of attacking echelons, then, next, it's almost a new round of fighting.



Imelda, who was about to give another attack order, had to stop her hand that she wanted to raise, and turned to look strangely at the lieutenant who was rushing towards her.

"Oh no!"

"General Imelda!"

"It's the enemy!"

"The enemy's reinforcements are here, look!!"

However, the lieutenant didn't bother to explain, and stretched out his hand in a panic and with an ugly face, pointing in a direction towards the distant horizon.


"That is……"


"Giant, giant dragon?!"

With just one glance, Imelda recognized the not-so-big red thing on the horizon.


"How could Karthus have dragons?"

"I've never heard of it..."

After being shocked, Imelda quickly calmed down again, and muttered to herself, frowning her eyebrows in thought.

Even in the face of a giant dragon, she was not too flustered.

After all, after all, she was also one of the first four generals to follow Emperor Barnhardt, and she has always been in command of the Ice Dragon Army, one of the four legions of the empire. What kind of big battles have not been seen in these years, just a giant dragon, how can she easily take it to heart?


"Never mind where Karthus got the dragon!"

"Now we have few people here, and the main force is not here. A giant dragon can't be dealt with by a group of recruits. Let's retreat!"

"It's too late to be late!"

Before Imelda could think clearly, the lieutenant hurriedly persuaded.

He was right, they were really just a sub-division of the Ice Dragon Legion, and most of them were a group of recruits who dared to come out of the recruit camp for a while, otherwise, they would not even be able to even such a small fortress. It's been ten days of attack.

If it is replaced by the main force of their Ice Dragon Legion, it is such a small broken castle, and a direct wave of charges should almost be taken down, and where will it be tossed to now?

However, it is precisely because all of them here are a group of recruits that they have to withdraw now!


"Are you sure, that thing is Karthus' reinforcements?"

Turning his head and looking at the giant dragons on the castle walls not far away, he also noticed the dragons slowly descending in the sky in the distance. Karthus, who was also in shock, was also participating in the defending army. Imelda hesitated. asked the lieutenant next to him.


"Whether it's Karthus's or not, it's definitely not our empire's!"

"Time is running out!"

"General, even if you want to train your troops, you can change the day or place. Now, please order a retreat!"

The lieutenant was in a hurry, so he had to urge so anxiously.

And what he just said was right. It doesn't matter which side the dragon belongs to, it's definitely not from their empire anyway. Therefore, even if it is a wild dragon, it can already be seen from the other side. It can be seen from the action that its goal is very clear, and it must be right here.

And later, after it flies down, whether it is simply wanting to attack or want to prey, the Ice Dragon Legion, which is lined up on the wild plain at this moment, will definitely bear the brunt of the attack and become the opponent's attack. The target, when the time comes, God knows how many people their legion will die innocently!

As for slaughtering dragons or something, that's even more of a thought.

Dragon slaughter was not something that could be accomplished with just him, the legion commander, Imelda, and a few officers. Anyway, he never imagined that even a small castle would be beaten for more than ten days by these new recruits. What effective threat can they pose to such a terrifying beast.


I looked at the dragon that was getting closer and was actually lowering its height, and analyzed the opponent's body size and approximate threat level. In the end, although Imelda was very unwilling, but , she couldn't do anything except stare fiercely at the castle not far away and remember the old guy named 'Alan'.

"Go and order!"



Now that she can't win, she may become the target of the terrifying beast when she waits. No matter how unwilling she is in her heart, Imelda knows that it is not a good idea to stay here, so retreating becomes her right now. The smartest choice.


With the order of Imelda, the head of the Ice Dragon Legion, those recruits who had been fighting here for more than ten days and were about to take down the small fortress had to quickly complete the turn in a sullen manner, and then With only the light supplies and the wounded that could be taken away, he evacuated here at the fastest speed, and left behind the corpses all over the castle and a lot of camp vehicles and other baggage.



"Hey! Uncle Gernier, why did they run away in vain?"


"People still want to ask for a way..."


That's right, at this time, on the back of the dragon, in an invisible place on the ground, who is controlling the red dragon and slowly lowering the height to prepare for landing, is the unfortunate and omnipotent Arcane Archmage Anne. Lady Queen!

However, unlike the guesses of the imperial army just now, she was not the reinforcements invited by Karthus, nor did she want to help anyone. She was just flying in the sky and lost her way. Then, the human navigation devices such as Ameda and Matthew made mistakes again and again, and it seemed a little difficult to use outside the signal service area in the sky. So, as a last resort, after she saw that there seemed to be a lot of people gathered here, she planned to fly. Come down and ask for directions.

Moreover, she promised not to interfere in the battle between the two sides, and she promised to turn her head and leave immediately after asking the way, and then the two groups below can continue to fight them!

But what do you think...

Without waiting for her to let the dragon slowly lower its height and reach the flat grass in front of the ruined castle, the soldiers of the Imperial Army in green armor ran away first, leaving the boss's debris and burrowing into the woods disappeared soon after?


"This is..."

"I guess maybe the Imperial Army thought we were reinforcements from Karthus, so they were scared away?"

Looking at the mess on the ground, looking at the lower and lower heights, and looking at the friendly land that is close at hand, Gnier didn't forget to guess while he was greatly relieved.

For them who have never flown before, after flying for half a day, they are really frightened and frozen. Now, he just wants to rest for a while, then regenerate a fire and eat a bowl The hot broth, as for anything else, he was in no mood to think about it any more.

"Is that so?"


"Forget it, let's go ask the people in the castle, they haven't run away anyway!"


Although she also felt that she was misunderstood by the uncles of the imperial army, Annie didn't mind much, and continued to control the huge reptile under her feet, making it slowly circle and move towards the open space in front of the castle. Descend slowly.

This is a big guy that is bigger than that kind of big plane, at least several thousand tons, and such a huge behemoth must not be ordered to dive down to the ground casually, so she must let It slowly lowered its altitude on its own, slowly hovered and slowed down.

Otherwise, if she dashes to the ground without any hesitation, then she might have to consider changing to another new mount.


(● ̄?? ̄●)


??????(??)???????? Remember the monthly pass

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