Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1767: (?ω?) Holy Gladiolus Gulisa

In the ruins of the ancient city of Bardia, after getting the correct instructions from the poor old man in the small castle, a certain little girl finally arrived here at noon the next day, and came to this place that is said to hide the legendary holy sword In front of the ancient ruins of Rangulisa.

However, if it is said to be a ruin, the huge castle is not too broken. Except for the two bridges built by the lake that have been destroyed for many years, the overall building looks relatively intact. As for why there is no one Occupy here, it is unknown.


"We're here, it's here!"

"It's time to come!"

Gnir jumped off the dragon's back, and then ignored Matthew, who was hugging after the same jump and catching Ameida, and just walked forward on his own and pointed to the front. The huge fortress that has not collapsed after hundreds of years of wind and rain said.

The two or three days of flying really tossed him a lot, and made him make up his mind, never to yearn and envy those boring dragon knights!

"It's not easy..."

Looking at the familiar castle in front of him, Gnier sighed again.

Although, there is that huge dragon mount as the means of transportation for everyone, but, in Gnir's calculation, it seems that they are no faster than coming directly from the ground, and as for the reason, of course, because Some nasty little girl was flying and pointing in random directions.

"That's Bardia?"


"Why does it look empty?"

At this time, Sonia, who was also curious and longing for the holy sword, walked to Gnier's side, and asked with a frown at the ruins of the ancient city of Bardia, which had been empty and silent.

"Of course!"

"Me and Matthew and Imeda have been here before, and there's nothing here!"

"There are no terrifying monsters, no guardians, no treasures, and no holy swords of Lao Shizi."

"However, there are many traces of battle and destruction inside. It may be that this place has been raided many times by ancient people, and even the guardians have been killed long ago, right?"

Grenier held his head and said carelessly, and turned his head to look at the giant dragon behind him who was lying on the ground and taking time to rest.

Only this time, a certain miserable little girl mage not only made the four of them have a very poor experience and impression of flying, but also tossed the originally strong sub-adult dragon very seriously. Otherwise, he wouldn't be as tired as a local dog, who dared to fall to the ground and would not want to move anymore.

However, thinking that when he left later, he would take it to fly high into the sky to drink the northwesterly wind, which made Genier's mood a little better and a little worse.

"Let's go!"


"Is there a holy sword, let's go in and see if we can find out?"


It would be better if there were no monsters and no guardians in it. Anyway, Annie didn't want to be like the last time she went to that holy place, Leidel, to fight with those messy things and then get what she wanted!


I don't know if the uncles of the Imperial Army and Erwin of Karthus have thought of a way to pull out the fake 'staff in stone'?

That kind of fun thing, but Annie felt like laughing when she thought about it, but it was a secret that only belonged to her, and she would definitely not dare to share it with others.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"I didn't even go in!"

Gernier is obviously not holding out any hope. After all, they are not the first people to come here. It has been visited by countless people for a long time. After hundreds of years, valuable things have long been hollowed out. , If there really are holy swords, where will they get their turn?

"People say there is!"


With that said, Annie walked forward first.

And the reason why she is so sure is of course because she feels that there is indeed a seal inside, and there is nothing wrong with that kind of magic fluctuations, and since the seal is still there, it means that the holy sword is still there, then There can be no mistake.


"Annie, wait!"

"The bridge ahead is broken, we have to find a boat first..."

"All right!"

Ameida at the back just wanted to persuade, but she was soon speechless.

At this time, she had already seen with astonishment: in front, under the influence of some kind of magic of Annie, one of the two damaged bridges across the lake had automatically floated up from the bottom of the lake and was soaked for hundreds of pieces. Years of bridge bricks and stones, and then, as if they were alive, they re-formed a new bridge in an instant?

"Do you have any other questions?"


Annie turned her head and asked the people behind her with a cute smile.

"Let's go!"

"Ameda, why don't you think about it, Annie has even cleaned up the dragon, how could she be stumped by a broken bridge?"

"That broken piece of iron is on the throne, if the holy sword was there then?"

With that said, Gnir stepped onto the wet bridge that had been rebuilt and walked in towards the fortress of the ancient Kingdom of Bardia.

He is here for the second time now, and he is very familiar with this place!


And when Anne's five men and one bear had begun to enter the ancient city of Bardia, at an empire's frontier fortress to the south, Erwin and others, who were rushing out of the deep mountains, suddenly attacked an empire that was seriously lacking in troops. The frontier fortress, and the soldiers of the Imperial Army who were caught off guard and severely under-strength were retreating, and the entire army was about to be wiped out.

In fact, I can't blame the imperial army. After all, the big legions of the empire are already carrying out a comprehensive offensive against Karthus. Strictly speaking, this place is already a big rear area. There are only three to five hundred imperial soldiers on duty in this fortress. How could they have imagined that a thousand people would suddenly appear in the deep mountains and old forests? The Karthus Legion on the left and right, and the other party is all the elite of the elite?

So, in less than an hour, the defenders of the empire were completely beaten.

Not only did they suffer heavy losses, they lost all the outer walls and corridors of the fortress, but they were also easily attacked by the enemy to the core of the fortress, leaving dozens of people trapped in the last fortress hall.

At this time, inside the fortress, a bald imperial commander walked up to a strong middle-aged man with a bald head with a sad face and persuaded earnestly:

"General Vargas!"

"We have a serious shortage of troops here. The reinforcements just can't come without more than half a day. It's not a good idea to continue fighting with the elites of Karthus here!"

"Besides, Mrs. Alyssa is about to give birth, but I can't lose you at this time!"

"Hurry up and leave the secret passage, we beg you!"

That's right!

At this moment, trapped here, and on the verge of defeat, is one of the four generals of the empire, the supreme commander of the Flame Dragon Corps, General Vargas, the leader of the bald army with the name of 'Fighting General'!

Because Karthus' raid was too sudden, Vargas, who had originally asked the emperor for leave from the front line and was planning to return to the imperial capital to visit his family, only rested here for one night. The next day, before he had time to leave, he was attacked by the enemy. Got blocked.

"Do not!"


"I am Vargas, I will never leave you behind and run first!"

"If you want to leave, you should leave first, and I'm here to help you stop them!!"

Vargas stubbornly rejected the plea of ​​his loyal subordinate, waved his hand directly, and said in an unquestionable tone.


Hearing what his general said, the bald imperial commander Sorum was moved, anxious and indignant, and he didn't know what to say.

They know the character of their commander of the Yanlong Corps. The other party looks like a reckless man, but he is a guy with a delicate mind and a stubborn temper. He also loves soldiers very much on weekdays, and is willing to share weal and woe with their lower-level soldiers. But it's not that easy to persuade.

Moreover, even if they want to use force, no one can suppress the other party and carry them away, so now he can't do anything except be anxious and moved.


"Lord Vargas!"

"Forget we begging you, you'd better go quickly and go back to Mrs. Alyssa, she needs you more than we do!"

"We swear, even if we risk our lives, we will never let them pass here!"

Sorum pleaded again.

The secret passage leads to the back wall of the fortress. There are also some enemies there. If there are only one or two people, they should not be discovered if they are careful. However, if everyone escapes together, they will definitely be discovered. At that time, there will be no Without the protection of the fortress, if there is no one here to attract the attention of the enemy, they will die faster!


"No more."

"Only a coward would run away on the battlefield, and I, Vargas, never flinched on the battlefield, and I will never go into that dog hole!"



"No but!"


"We've been born and died together for so many years, I don't believe it, those Karthus chops can take my Vargas's life here?"


"Get ready to fight!"



"I guess, their new round of impact is coming soon. You should pay attention later, be careful about their mage, and try to let our last battle mage contain him!"

"In that case, might we still have a chance?"

Vargas refused his subordinate's plea and spoke with a pretence of lightheartedness.

Then, without waiting for the other party to say anything, he took his giant axe and walked to the front, ready to see if the enemy who rushed through the passage to the last hall of the fort later could take the piece on his neck. bald head.



Silently looking at the tall and strong figure walking to the front, while Sorum felt sad, he could only grit his teeth in response, and then he picked up his battle axe and followed resolutely.


"General, your child..."

"You said, will it be bald?"

Since he could not be persuaded to leave, the imperial commander Sorum also gave up.

Then, when he had an idea, he suddenly changed the subject, and wanted to use his general's soon-to-be-born child to touch the stubborn heart of the other party and see if he could change his mind.


"Now I don't know either."

"But, I think he will be a **** with sparse hair by then, and in the future, he must be a strong bald man like me?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

As he spoke, Vargas raised his head and laughed as if he had thought of something funny.



However, what he didn't know was that the soldiers behind him only felt a little sad when they heard his words.

At the same time, they also clenched the weapons and shields in their hands tightly, and made sure to fight for everything to protect their generals later, and to block the enemies who rushed in. Then, try to let them go as far as possible. The general's determination to survive and go back to see the child who was about to be born.

In this way, the final hall in the depths of the fort gradually became quiet, and no one spoke any more, just thinking about their own affairs and waiting for the final battle.


After half an hour, there was still no movement outside...


"Sorum, where's the enemy?"

"It's been so long, it stands to reason that they should also attack, right?"

I didn't know what he was thinking just now, Vargas, who had been silent for a while, suddenly became impatient, and asked aloud with some doubts and anxiety.


"Open the door!"

"I'll go out and see!"


"When I come back, I will knock twice!"

Sorum, the commander of the empire, also felt that something was not right, so after he said something hastily, he let the soldiers guarding the door open the door.

He wanted to go out and see what was going on outside.



Vargas didn't stop him. After all, in this case, someone always needed to go out and take a look.

"Don't worry, General!"

"I know!"

After finishing speaking, while the soldiers quietly opened the door of the fortress hall, when a gap was opened that could allow him to pass, the Sorum rushed out quickly, and then the imperial soldiers hurried to the first place. In a short time, the two heavy doors were quickly closed and the crossbars were placed on the top to prevent the enemy from hitting the doors.

Even if they know that it may not be of great use, the enemy's spell or a sword can blow it up, but they still choose to do it, just to stop the enemy from attacking for a while. Speed, even if only for a while.

Another ten minutes passed...

Benedict! Benedict!

When everyone was a little impatient and worried about Sorum who volunteered to go out, finally, there were two hurried passwords knocking on the door.

As a result, Vargas waved his hand, and the few imperial soldiers hurriedly took down the crossbar holding the gate again, struggling to open the heavy gate, and then saw Sorum running in sweating profusely.

"Don't close it anymore!"


"good news!"

"The enemy has retreated!!"

Sorum first asked the soldiers guarding the gate not to close the door, and then said so excitedly.



"But why?!"

Vargas was immediately stunned, and instantly rounded the two big eyes of copper bells on his bald head.

You know, when the battle reaches this point, the opponent only needs one shock to kill himself and the last dozens of imperial soldiers around him who are almost all wounded here, and obtain the annihilation of the imperial flame dragon. The supreme honor of the commander of the It doesn't take much time, but why did the opponent run away at this time?

"do not know!"

"I just went to the city wall to see it, and I found out that the elites of Karthus were walking in the direction of the ancient city of Bardia."

"And they walked so fast and hastily that I almost didn't see their tails!"

Sorum didn't know why, just excitedly told what he saw.

Anyway, he only knew that their General Vargas didn't have to fight with their useless guys to die here, and he could go back to see his wife who was about to give birth.

"The ancient city of Bardia?"


"No, it's the holy sword..."

"The man who just fought us has a weird hair accessory on his head, right?"

Vargas seemed to remember some important information, and then hurriedly asked Sorum.



"It seems that Princess Shirley of Karthus also wears it?"

After scratching his bald head, the imperial commander Sorum thought for a while, then said uncertainly.


"They really went for the holy sword!"

"Could it be..."

"It's that guy Leon, are they already in action?"

Vargas began to speculate suspiciously.

However, no matter how much he guessed, it was useless, because now they have only a few dozen remnants of defeated soldiers left. They can send someone to inform the empire and major legions of the infiltration of small enemy troops. Can't do it either.


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