Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1769: !? (·''·?)? Sonya's wish


"Where are we going?"

"Is there a sea in front of you?"

After flying around in the sky for a full day and night, finally, Ameida, who couldn't stand it, couldn't stand it anymore, so she had to ask aloud.

If she doesn't ask again, she thinks that it is very likely that this giant dragon will fly all the way to the east, and then fly to the other legendary continent?



"I didn't say where to go..."


"People just let it fly to the east indiscriminately!"


Yes, after getting the broken holy sword and the dark wand, and thinking that they are just like that, as if they are nothing special, Annie has no next clear goal for the time being, she is just random now. Just wandering around, not deciding where to go.

Anyway, she used to be like this, flying around randomly, stopping when she came across something fun, and there was really nothing else.



"Is that so?"

Ameida was startled, then stunned, not knowing what to say to the other party.


"Since this is the case, then you can put us back quickly. Although this giant dragon is flying very fast, it is still too uncomfortable to stay on it for a long time. I don't want to stay here anymore."


Of course, Gurnier also heard what Imeda and Annie said, so he complained loudly and shouted to go back.


"I'm also a little uncomfortable, dizzy..."

"I finally know now that although the Dragon Knight looks majestic, it is really not something that ordinary people can bear."

Matthew lamented too.

Flying in the sky like this for two or three days in a row, and having to endure the bumps and cold air in the air, even Matthew, a young man who has a girl to hug every day, can't stand it.


Sonia didn't speak, she was still sitting upright on the warm dragon's back.

Now she is basically used to it, and the things that Gnier, Matthew and others complain about are nothing compared to the hardships she has endured outside over the years.



"It seems that riding a dragon is no fun anymore..."


Scratching her head, after the two strange uncles Matthew and Grenier said this, Annie suddenly felt that the dragon mounts and so on, after the freshness passed, suddenly became a little boring.

Moreover, it is indeed a little stupid to ride such a huge stupid guy all day long and swagger through the market?



"It's still too narrow here..."


"There is no big bed, no garden, no playground, no palace, and there is no such food street where you can eat delicious food..."


The more she thought about it, the more Annie felt that the dragon mount she had caught on a whim suddenly became very useless.

After all, although the place above is a bit spacious, there is still no such warm big bed, luxurious palace and beautiful garden. It is indeed stupid enough to stand on it and drink the northwest wind all day long. Are you not too afraid of the cold?

But anyway, she remembered that she had robbed in that pirate world... no, it was the golden ship that she won.

It's still the big boat. It has everything on it. She can go wherever she wants, and it's very spacious.

"big bed?"


"A playground?"

Matthew, Grenier, and Ameida looked at each other in dismay, and then quickly exchanged glances.

"That's impossible!"


"Your giant dragon is already the largest mount in the world. If you are not afraid of falling, you can put a bed, but don't think about other things."

Ameida sighed softly.

The back of this dragon is really roomy, just a little modification, a firm saddle, and then a big bed or something is really good.

In that way, it is very comfortable to travel, you can lie down and fall asleep, and you are also very powerful and domineering. This is the kind of super-standard treatment that even kings and emperors do not have. Just thinking about it, Ameda is even more arrogant. I felt a little bit of excitement in my heart.

And it would be even better if there were only her and Matthew above!

However, a big bed can be satisfied with a little effort, but as for other things, such as gardens, palaces, etc., then don't think too much.



"why not?"


"People just come up with the kind of food street that has palaces, gardens, delicious food, and can fly everywhere to show you!"


Ameida's words made Annie feel competitive, so she directly raised her small fist and assured her angrily.

Although, this world is not like the pirate world, which is mostly ocean, so she has no way to directly get the golden ship over and blind the kryptonite dog's eyes of Uncle Genier and others, but she just remembered Another thing, and thought that maybe she could transform and use it a little, and then prove it to the three people in front of her in the shortest possible time?



Looking at Annie's serious face, Imeda didn't know what to say.

"Ha ha!"

"That's impossible, you can't make that kind of thing!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

But Gnier, who was on the side, didn't have so much scruples, and laughed out loud without hesitation.

After these days of getting along, although he also knows that the little guy in front of him is a powerful Arcane Archmage, the kind who can catch a giant dragon with a single hand, which is countless times stronger than the one who can slaughter a dragon single-handedly. However, it is necessary to have a palace. , garden and food street, and flying in the sky, how much effort does it take?

Anyway, Gnier couldn't imagine it, and felt that this was unfortunate. The red dragon who was beaten by Annie and captured as a mount would definitely not be able to carry something of that level, even if the other party went to catch ten more. Dozens or 20 giant dragons can never be carried, let alone fly everywhere.



"You wait for others!"


Annie said angrily, and decided that she must make it by herself to show them.

"Ha ha……"

With a dry smile, Matthew did not speak.

Because, he could see that Annie seemed to have made up her mind and was going to compete with Gnier, so he simply didn't say anything or comment, and he was just watching the fun.

"Go, go, go!"

"We're waiting!"

Whether others believe it or not, Gernier himself does not believe it.

"But, Annie..."

"Look, we took you to the ancient city of Bardia, and you finally found the holy sword, so now..."

"Should we settle the commission and then put the three of us down?"

After the frolic, then, Gnier shyly, rubbed his hands, approached Anne embarrassedly and asked with a smile.



"No money!"


Looking at the other party's face, Annie always felt that she must have been underestimated, so she was very angry. As for the reward that was promised before, that kind of gold, of course, it was all gone.


(● ̄? ̄●)




"You want to cheat?!"

Gernier was anxious, jumped up directly, and pointed at Annie with a blushing face, trembling and angrily scolding.

Although, the ancient city of Bardia was not completely taken by the three of them, but the main reason why they needed to run to ask for directions was not on their side. It was completely because the little girl in front of her caught the dragon herself Because of the flight, that really can't be blamed on them!

But now, after completing the entrustment, the other party wants to cheat, which is unacceptable to him.

After all, he was still waiting for that windfall just now, and then he wanted to go back to that small village in Karthus Forest to become a rich man, build a big house with a courtyard, and then marry several village flowers to go to himself of small days.

He had already made a plan and made a complete life plan, but now, when the end came, the other party suddenly said that he didn't want to give the promised reward, and he didn't want to give that large sum of gold. unacceptable.

"You're just kidding!"

ε=(?ˇεˇ??))) Bah! !



"These two pieces of junk will be given to you as a reward!"


As she said that, Annie directly reached into the space pocket in front of her skirt, and then took out the shiny holy sword and the dark wand exuding strong magic fluctuations, and threw them to Uncle Matthew and Aimee respectively. In the arms of Miss Da.


"This is……"

"Good, what a powerful magic!"

"Really give it to us?!"

The next second, Matthew and Ameida were startled, and subconsciously hugged the holy sword Rangulisa and the dark wand in their arms, while looking at Annie with some trepidation and disbelief.

"that is……"

On the other side, Sonia, who had been smiling and watching the noisy family like family, was also a little surprised.

However, she did not look at the holy sword Rangulisa, whose seal was said to have been unsealed by some nasty little girl, but frowned at the magic wand full of dark power in Ameda's arms and said Look and look.

"This is Rangulisa..."

"Ann, Annie..."

"Are you really willing to give it to me?!"

Matthew looked at the holy sword exuding powerful sacred energy in his arms, and felt that he had become extremely powerful in an instant, and he was so excited that he could not say anything.

"That's right!"

( ̄ー ̄)

"Then it will be regarded as a reward, and it will be given to you!"


Anyway, the holy sword or something, that broken iron piece Annie lost interest in an instant after she finished researching, and she didn't take it to heart anymore, so she gave it away.

As for the gold that was promised before, Annie, who is angry now, will definitely not give it, and if she says no, she will not give it, and the bad guy Uncle Gnier will be mad!


(● ̄? ̄●)



"Let's settle it then!!"

Without waiting for Matthew to confirm again, Ameida, who was beside him, hurriedly reached out to stop him, and then she smiled and agreed to Annie's novel way of paying.

Although she didn't know the specific value of the wand in her arms, the three of them had earned countless times from the holy sword Rangulisa in Matthew's arms alone, and it was the kind that could wake up laughing from a dream!

For such a big bargain that fell from the sky, she will definitely not easily miss it.



"I disagree!!!"

However, at this time, Gernier suddenly jumped and rushed over and sternly refused.

"They have holy swords and wands, but what about me?"

"I got nothing, it's not fair!!!"

"That does not work!!"

Garnier was anxious.

On this trip, Matthew got the holy sword and Ameda's childhood sweetheart village flower, while Ameda got the magic wand and Matthew's dog egg in the village, but he, the most handsome spiritual boy in the village, got nothing. , When the time comes to go back empty-handed and disheartened, what will the other people in the village think and think of him?

So, this deal, he can't agree to anything.

After all, Ameda and Matthew couldn't really sell the holy sword and wand and then give him a lot of money, so he absolutely couldn't get this kind of thing that he didn't get any good for. Let it go!



Matthew and Imeda suddenly stopped talking.

However, judging from their attitude of clinging to what they got and hiding aside, showing a clear line with Nigel's companion, they are definitely not on the same front as Gnier in this matter. I definitely don't want to give back what I got.

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"This is..."


Looking at the puffed-up Uncle Gernier, Annie couldn't help but have a headache.

"All right!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"Then I'll give you this dragon after they've got the palace that can fly everywhere!"


Anyway, giant dragons are not uncommon now. Anyway, Annie has decided to create a new 'mount' for herself in this world with palaces, gardens, and food courts. Therefore, this head is about to be released. It doesn't seem like a big deal to give the fallen dragon to the other party?


"Giant, giant dragon?"

Hearing Annie's words, Grenier immediately widened his eyes.

"make a deal!"


"Master Annie, please keep your promise, please!!"

In the next instant, Gnier, who had been making a fuss, changed his face.

Then, while acknowledging and agreeing, he knelt down on the dragon's back and pleaded earnestly while exercising a solemn etiquette similar to a kowtow.

Originally, Gnier didn't like the dragon or something. After all, it was someone else's dragon, but now that it's his own, it's different.

So, while he was excited, he began to think about it again, and felt that at that time, when he was the only dragon knight in the whole continent, when he flew over the cities with a red dragon, how much beauty would he gain? The girl's scream and crazy pursuit?

That kind of thing must happen, right?


Thinking about it, Gnier, who was crawling on the dragon's back, couldn't help smirking.

Now, he doesn't pay much attention to the village flower or something. He, the wise and handsome dragon knight Gnir, who wants to marry in the future must at least be a noble lady or a princess of a big country!

Moreover, it must be upside down dowry and territory?

"Hey hey hey..."

Gnier, who was lying on the ground, continued to smirk.





Listening to the voice of the other party, although I always felt that the other party must be thinking of something super evil, Annie didn't go into it in the end, she just turned her head to look at the lady Sonia who was beside her.



"Sister Sonia, what do you want?"

ヽ(゜Q.) ノ?

The three things that I got in this world are now given to those three guys, except for Miss Sonia, who has been following me and has not expressed her willingness to be a maid.

Therefore, Annie, who felt that she was not tender, thought about it, and asked with a smile with her head tilted.

Anyway, if you give one, you will give it, and if you give three, you will also give it. Now, for the last one left, let's just give something along the way!


Sonia opened her mouth and didn't speak in a hurry, she just looked at Matthew, Grenier, and Ameida, who were beaming with joy because they had obtained the magic wand, holy sword, and dragon.


She suddenly found that she herself, it seemed, did not want those external things?

"Sister Sonia?"


Seeing that the other party was silent, Annie asked again strangely.



Matthew and Imeda were also a little puzzled, and they didn't know why Sonia didn't care.


"Sonia, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you should hurry up!"

"hurry up!"

"That guy Annie is a super powerful guy. His family looks very rich. He must have what he wants. Hurry up!"

Gnier didn't care so much, he saw that Sonia was a little stunned, so he hurriedly walked to the other's side, and lowered his voice to the other's ear to instigate and urge.

They all know that now is a golden opportunity, and if they miss this village, there will be no such shop.


Sonia opened her mouth and seemed hesitant.



Annie gave the other party a big smile, and gestured for the other party to speak quickly with her eyes.

Because what Uncle Gnier said was right, Her Lady Queen Anne is the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most powerful Master Shu, she is omnipotent, she wants whatever she wants.


Finally, Sonia spoke up.

"Actually, I don't want those things from them..."

"If you can."


"I think……"

"I want a world without discrimination..."

"I want all demons, humans, elves, half-demons, and all other kind races that yearn for peace to be able to live on this land with equality and freedom..."

"I want a world without discrimination, oppression, pain..."

I think of my childhood experiences, the pain of separation between my brothers and sisters, and the hardships and bullying and humiliation I have encountered when I wandered outside all these years because of my identity as a Finally, Sonia is a ghost. Like a prayer, she quietly spoke out her deepest wish.


!? (?\'\'??)?

"This one seems to be a little troublesome, can't I change it?"


Anne subconsciously exclaimed and asked.



Hearing this, Matthew and Ameida also looked at each other in astonishment. Then, although they wanted to go forward to comfort Sonia, they didn't know what to say.


"Feel sorry!"

"Did I just say something?"

"You don't mind, I don't seem to want anything in particular."


Soon, Sonia seemed to realize that she had made an excessive request, and then she came back to her senses, and hurriedly wiped the tears that fell from the corners of her eyes, while forcing herself to smile, revealing a very reluctant expression. smiley.


Looking at the sunlight slanting on Sonia, although she has dark complexion and pointed ears, her profile face looks very charming at this time, and she looks at the little bits of crystal that float to the back as the dragon advances. , Gernier suddenly gradually raised his handsome face with a hippie smile on the floor, and his palms could not help but gradually clenched fists.


At this moment, Gernier seems to feel that the noble lady and the princess of the big country are not very fragrant. Perhaps, what he wants to obtain and protect with his life is something else that is more important and worth pursuing. thing?


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