Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1773: ?(???*)?'Light of Light' and 'Goddess of Light'…

Although Alvin, Jessica and the others have been looking forward to it, they still haven't waited for Shirley and Keith to return. With the last remaining hundreds of the 'Glorious Legion', they left the valley lonely and embarked on the road back to Karthus.

At this time, on the huge floating island, as soon as Princess Shirley and her loyal minister Keith came up, they were met by a group of fish-men, but they had snake-like tails, a hideous appearance, and a A monster with terrifying heat and very good at using fire magic was caught.

Then, after arguing and beating, the two quickly calmed down, and were escorted by the monsters to a certain place on this floating island.

On the way to the escort, I looked at the beautiful buildings that were very different from Karthus or the Empire, looked at the tall red maple, the vibrant forest, and the buildings running between the cities. The monster with two dark circles, the golden and red pavilions floating in the air, the suspended stairs, the beautiful buildings, the luxurious and magical city that is only seen from a corner, Shirley and Keith. Immediately stunned, and intuition that the two of them are like stupid villagers from the village.

There is no doubt that on the floating island, this is a huge city. It is bigger, more beautiful, more brilliant and more luxurious than Karthus City or the capital of the empire. Moreover, the race here will meet Shirley. They were all a little different, and she couldn't name them at all.

In the very center of this beautiful city, Shirley and Keith also saw that there was a huge golden building that reached the sky. The fortress is incomparable, and it seems that there is a large red fireball burning like the sun on top of it, emitting heat and energy?

In this way, it is not difficult for Shirley and Keith to imagine that at night, that fortress like a palace, the light emitted by the fireball on top of it, must be able to redden the entire floating island and make it easier for them The residents here provide lighting like daylight, right?


Judging from the splendid and dream-like sight they saw on the way to be escorted, as well as the generous architectural style, it is not difficult for Shirley and Keith to guess from the shocked eyes of each other that they are entrenched here. It must be a huge and powerful force far beyond the empire and Karthus!

And now, such a powerful force and city is floating above the border between the former Karthus and the empire. What do they want to do, and which party does it belong to? This is the current Shirley and Keith. The most worrying thing for both of them.

Although the two of Shirley have now been captured by those monster-like creatures, their lives may be at risk at any time, and they may even be bullied and tortured by inhumans before that, but that doesn't stop her. Want to figure out everything she wants to know ASAP!

Even if it is death, Shirley wants to know which side belongs to here, and what exactly do they want to do? !

However, no one answered her that question.

Just like the doubts in her heart at this moment, even though she had just tried to ask questions to the monsters who escorted them many times, the final answer to her was nothing but a hot and scorching terrifying whip.

They didn't allow her to speak and ask questions, or to discuss with Mr. Keith behind her, otherwise, what awaited her would be a ruthless whip, or even a fistful beating!

In this regard, she and Teacher Keith have long experienced it...

Therefore, at this moment, she and Keith can only silently follow the group of monsters who easily captured them and continue to move forward, and try their best to observe the situation on this floating island. Other than that, the two of them couldn't do anything.


'They just asked them to build a beautiful city, but as a result, they were lazy and copied Silvermoon City and Silvermoon Forest directly. Can't they be a little innovative? ’

"Although it's beautiful here..."

‘But as for getting the sun well out and hanging it on the top of other people’s palaces? ! ’


Shirley seemed to hear a familiar child's voice like a silver bell, and then, subconsciously, she turned her head, and soon saw: in a luxurious car, it was made of a huge golden head that I didn't know if it was a bug or another creature. On the floating carriage that the creature pulled and galloped forward, there was a back figure she was very familiar with?


"That is……"

However, without waiting for the two of them to take a closer look, the luxurious floating vehicle was in the bar. A group of beautifully armored, heroic looking, and they were riding the same as the large creature pulling the cart, but one size smaller. Surrounded by the knights of golden flying mounts, they ran away.



"It's Annie!!"

Shirley and Keith first glanced in the direction of the voice subconsciously, and then they both exclaimed in unison, and saw the shock and surprise in each other's eyes.



"Come and save us!!!"

Although I don't know why the little guy is on this floating island and rides that beautiful and luxurious floating vehicle, Shirley only knows that if the other party is from here, maybe the other party has a way to save them. two?

It's a pity that the other party didn't hear it because of the distance, and soon, the other party completely disappeared in the luxurious city and the red maple forest surrounded by the group of flying knights.

"To shut up!"

At this time, a fire demon beside him just wanted to raise his whip and beat Xue Li, but another fire demon beside him stopped him and walked over and asked hesitantly:


"What were you talking about just now?"


"Know our Queen Anne?"

The fire demon commander asked with a sullen face, his eyes fixed on Xue Li, as if he wanted to see if what she said next was a lie.


First startled, then Xue Li subconsciously blurted out a question.

"No way?"

"That little brat, is she your queen?"

In Karthus, she already knew that that little guy is just a little kid who knows some powerful magic, and likes to run around and find something to eat. Anyway, she has never I thought about it, the other party will be a queen or something.



Seeing that the other party was so reckless and rude to his own noble flame queen, the little fire demon's eyes became fierce in an instant, and then the flame whip in his hand was raised, and it slammed into Xue Li's. There was a crisp sound on the buttocks, and a bright red trace was left.



With a scream, Shirley instantly slumped to the ground under the hot and stinging pain, and wanted to reach out to protect her back.

However, how can she do it with her hands bound by that weird energy rope?

"Princess Shirley!"

"You monsters!"

"Fight with you!!"

Seeing that his own princess was beaten again, although Keith was also being tied up, he was very protective of his master and planned to go to the rescue.

It's a pity that the fire demon elders around him didn't know what magic they used, and soon, hot red energy ropes tied him tightly in the middle and couldn't move.


next second!

There's nothing he can do but howl, and Keith and the throes of death.


"Mr. Keith..."

Ignoring the burning pain in her back buttocks, Shirley struggled to sit up on her knees and turned her head to look at Keith behind.

"do not!"

"Don't, stop fighting!"

"I really know your little fart... no, it's Queen Anne, really!"

"We know her very well!"

"Goddess of Light, please, stop fighting!"

Seeing that the fire demon beside her was about to lift the whip and hit her again, Xue Li hurriedly squatted down and planned to protect her important face with her bound hands, and at the same time, she did not forget to plead stand up.


"Over there, stop!"

Fortunately, there was no waiting for the fire demon leader to continue a new round of whipping on Xue Li. Not far away, another gorgeous vehicle for showing off wealth, similar to that of a little girl just now, floated over.

Then soon, I don't know if the people above heard Xue Li's words, and shouted to stop the group of fire demons who were planning to continue their violence.

"Tell me..."

"What's the matter with these two prisoners?"

As the carriage slowly stopped, a group of slender and **** women, all dressed in fancy clothes, walked down from above.

It should be a woman. Anyway, Shirley, who was languishing on the ground, saw the high heels and slender legs of those people, it must be a woman.


However, some physically and mentally exhausted Xue Li didn't look up. She just took advantage of the opportunity of those monsters to stop, and hurriedly panted and rubbed her wounds.

'Queen Azshara! ’

'They rode a big eagle to our floating island and were caught by us. ’

'That woman was disrespectful to Queen Anne just now! ’

Soon, a fire demon greeted him and explained to one of the women who came down.


Shirley didn't try to quibble, and she didn't even go to see people. She just rubbed her thighs and buttocks while wondering why there was another queen.


"I heard, she was just saying..."

"Goddess of Light?"


"I'm very interested in this!"

Following the unintelligible laugh, and as Shirley raised her head in confusion, she saw a tall man dressed in a gorgeous robe inlaid with various colored gemstones, with a pair of golden eyes and long hair of the same color, but his complexion was Violet, with a radiance around her body, and a pair of pointed and long-eared women walked towards her with a group of maids of the same appearance.

"You are……"


"Demon, Demon Race?!"

When Xue Li saw the appearance of the person who came, she subconsciously exclaimed.

Everyone on the continent of Elusaria knows that only the demons have pointed ears, plus the monsters around who grabbed her and Keith, and now there is a group of demons with pointed ears, and they are still What kind of queen do you call yourself, so it seems that even if this floating island is not from the empire, it must be inseparable from the demons who are very close to the empire?


"Stupid mortal!"

"Now, standing before you, is the leader of the ancient Kaldorei and the Quel'dorei, the embodiment of love and beauty, Queen of the Light of Light - Azshara!"

"What demon?"

"That despicable race is not worthy to carry shoes for the Queen!"

Hearing Shirley's words, a maid behind the woman in the fancy dress stepped forward and reprimanded Shirley loudly.

At the same time, her eyes and hands emitted a terrifying and powerful blue magic light. It seemed that some kind of magic was being brewed, and she planned to carry out some kind of terrible punishment on Shirley who had been rude?

"All right."

"Vashj, you step back first..."

First, she stopped the maid who was planning to cast spells, and then, the woman known as 'Light in the Light', the Queen Azshara, under Shirley's suspicious gaze, walked slowly to her. And arrogantly looked down at her for a while.

Then, the woman called the queen spoke up.

"I thought I heard..."

"You're calling a guy named 'Goddess of Light'?"


"tell me!"

The other party squatted down, and then, very frivolously, he reached out his hand and stroked Shirley's injured thigh and buttocks.

"Mortal, who is..."

"Dare to call yourself the 'Goddess of Light'?"


It wasn't until Xue Li couldn't help but get that the other party suddenly pinched Xue Li's smooth chin, and then lifted Xue Li's face with force, and then, the pair of The golden eyes and Shirley's gradually blurred eyes looked at each other and questioned.


Shirley originally wanted to stubbornly turn her head away, or bite the opponent's hand with her mouth open, preferably a few fingers or something.



"I say……"

"Goddess of Light, she is..."

However, I don't know why, under the eyes of the other party's strange eyes emitting golden rays of light, she mysteriously extinguished the idea of ​​​​the fish died and the net was broken, and turned to be honest and know that she knew one by one. Yes, everything about 'Goddess of Light' and 'Temple of Light' has been said.


"I saw……"



After a long time, the terrifying woman let go of Shirley's chin, and at the same time, the golden light in her eyes became restrained again, no longer giving Shirley the strange illusion that her soul was taken away.



"What did you just do to me?!"

Of course, Shirley, who had regained her senses, hurriedly retreated with her hands and feet, trying to get further away from the woman.


"Take these two to the palace..."

"She does seem to know our honorable little queen..."

Unfortunately, that woman didn't answer Xue Li's words, she just gave an order to the fire demon guards and then walked away.


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