Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1772: ?|·'-'·) Doubt, is the most powerful enemy...

Two days later, the group of Radiance Legion led by Erwin finally got out of the deep mountain with difficulty and came to the border of Karthus.

Of course, the former border.

Now this place has long been reduced to a war zone where the empire and Karthus are fighting each other, and they are not quite sure which side this area belongs to at the moment, so they have to temporarily rest in this high and densely vegetated mountain.

On the way here, after the battle with the Qinglong Knights of the Empire, they encountered a lot of trouble in the middle, such as endless barbarians, evil monsters, and various beasts in the jungle.

So, after the forced march and repeated battles, at this moment, they had only less than 600 members of the Radiant Legion, which originally claimed to be more than 1,000 people.

So far, it can be said that they have lost more than half, and they are still exhausted, and more importantly, the purpose of their trip, the holy sword or something, after all, they have not seen the shadow.


Standing under the dense shade of trees, feeling the coolness in the shade, Shirley, who was also cold in her heart, looked around and looked at the team that she had brought out. Just order something.

When she came out, she also swore to her father, that she would be able to complete the task beautifully and obtain the vital holy sword to go back to fight against the Emperor Barnhardt of the Empire and the terrifying evil sword.

The result can be...

Except for the loss of soldiers and generals, they got nothing this time!

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became and the more sad she felt, she couldn't help but subconsciously glanced at the back of the legendary great magician Jessica.

Then, her originally sunny and carefree eyes gradually became obscure.

That person, Shirley knew, the other party claimed to be the legendary great magician, but what happened?

I went to grab the dark wand, but I couldn't get the wand out. Then I went to grab the holy sword, but the holy sword was snatched away by the enemy. From beginning to end, the opponent basically didn't play any role, even fighting. At the time, the opponent's strength was far inferior to Haien. She didn't even know whether the legendary great magician who couldn't even open his own seal was the real deal!


Is the other party really trying to help them Karthus Kingdom?

Thinking of the fact that the other party was obviously the teacher of Egbert, the head of the empire's Black Dragon Magisters, but every time the empire was asked to complete the conspiracies one step at a time, she couldn't help but think about it, and gradually, she looked at the other party. His eyes became a little different.




"Sherry, what are you thinking?"

At this time, Erwin patted Shirley on the shoulder lightly from behind, and finally made her come back to her senses.


"It's Erwin..."

Shirley almost kicked the back without subconsciously.

However, when she saw that it was Irwin, she reluctantly gradually relaxed and stopped tensing the string under her heart.


"are you tired?"

"Drink some water first!"

Erwin shook his head, then stretched out the water bladder in his hand and handed it to the other party.



"Cough cough!!"

Shirley was not polite, took it directly, raised her head and took several gulps, and didn't stop until she was choked.


"I called you several times just now, but you didn't respond. What are you thinking?"

"Can you talk about it?"

Irwin first looked around at the soldiers who were sitting on the mountain, looking at the members of the 'Glorious Legion' who were in an extremely embarrassed shape, lying or sitting on the ground, remembering when they just set out from Karthus, With all the rhetoric and promises they had spoken, a trace of sadness flashed across his face.

To be honest, in the face of this skinny reality, at this moment, Erwin wanted to find a gap in the ground to get in.


"I was just thinking..."

"After returning to Karthus, how should I explain it to my father?"

After a pause, Shirley sighed again.

"There were more than a thousand people when they came out, right?"

"They are all elite veterans of Karthus, and now..."

"There are only a few hundred left..."

"Even if the holy sword is lost, I will definitely be scolded when I go back!"

After handing back the water bag, Shirley simply sat on the grass on the side and stared at her feet, without telling Erwin that she was actually doubting the identity of the great magician Jessica. thing.

In fact, if it weren't for her having some good feelings for Erwin around her, and Erwin had been rushing to the forefront against the empire, he even killed quite a few soldiers of the Imperial Army to contribute to Karthus If it's very big, I'm afraid she's even suspicious of Erwin just now.

"Furthermore, it's not enough that the empire has obtained the magic sword, and now it has also obtained the holy sword Rangulisa. You say, what should we do next to Karthus?"


"I'm really an idiot!"

"Useless idiot!"


As she spoke, Shirley began to sob and whimper in a low voice.

She thought of herself as the princess of Karthus Kingdom, but as a member of the royal family, she failed to fulfill her obligations and responsibilities. She used to sneak out of the royal city to travel arrogantly. Her teacher, Keith, had a headache, and now it's better. When the national disaster hit, she was stunned to find that her existence was so insignificant and her ability was so weak, and if she could be stronger, how could it be possible? Down to what it is now?


He opened his mouth, Erwin had a thousand words, but in the face of the cruel facts, he didn't know what to say.

"Do not worry!"

"It's not all your fault, I'm also responsible..."

"I'll go and explain to the lord."

"Besides, their sacrifices are worth it. I believe that even without the Holy Sword, we will have other ways to resist the Empire!"

"Everything will slowly get better."

"I promise!"

In the end, Erwin could only say these empty words that even he himself was reluctant to believe.

But think about it, the only holy sword that can fight against the magic sword and the empire is gone. When Karthus faced the emperor Barnhardt with the magic sword and Leon, the leader of the Blue Dragon Knights with the holy sword, they What should I do to resist?

To be honest, from Erwin's point of view, even if the leader of the Azure Dragon Knights didn't have a holy sword, he would be able to drive their group and beat them all by himself, and he didn't even have a second sword.

And after the other party has the holy sword, how terrifying it will be, he never dared to imagine.


Shirley didn't respond to Erwin, she just buried her head deeply between her arms and between her legs, she didn't want to raise her head to look at the tired soldiers around and their faces just like hers. Sadness and despair.

She knows, Karthus, this time I'm afraid it's really going to end...

Even if the useless legendary great magician Jessica really contacts the surrounding countries, it is useless for them to unite and fight against the empire with Karthus, because the time is simply too late. Judging from the current speed of the empire's attack, I am afraid that without waiting for the other party to win over and unite the surrounding countries, Karthus City has already fallen!

In fact, last time, Karthus almost fell.

If it weren't for the fact that the Imperial Army was advancing too fast, the logistics couldn't keep up, and she was stunned by the surprise attack from Erwin and the others from behind, I'm afraid she would have become a poor country. princess.


Looking at the helpless appearance of the other party, although Erwin wanted to stretch out his hand to hug the other party into his arms and comfort him, but when he saw Leah who was concentratingly and diligently using magic to treat the wounded in front of him Na, looking at the slender but strong nun's back, in the end, the hand he stretched out had to be retracted embarrassingly.


Then, all kinds of words just turned into a short sigh.


Is there a situation? !

Just when Erwin was going to visit and greet the wounded soldiers, he suddenly looked up and found that: in front, two of the few Karthus soldiers who had been sent to the hillside for sentry, this time. Shi was running down towards them with a panicked face?


"The enemy is catching up?!"

Guat this moment, Xue Li suddenly jumped up, and then, she didn't care to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, she rounded her eyes, took the lead and ran to the front and asked with gritted teeth.

"No, not the enemy!"



"Your Excellency Erwin, and General Keith!"

"You'd better hurry up and have a look with us!"

Having said that, looking at the surrounding generals and mages, the two soldiers did not hesitate, they turned around and took the lead, panting, and ran towards the top of the hill in front of them.


Shirley didn't bother, just stomped her foot, grabbed her weapon and chased after her.


"Sherry, wait for us!"

No way, seeing this, Alvin, Hein, Jessica, Liana and the others could no longer care to appease the soldiers who stood up and looked suspicious, and immediately followed Shirley. up.


After turning over the hillside and running to the top of the mountain, without the barrier of the mountain, and looking in the direction indicated by the soldiers on guard from the sparse tree canopy, Irwin and others found in horror:

It turned out that I don't know when, above the sky, among the white clouds, there was a huge floating island floating? !


"Goddess of Light!"


"What the **** is that?!"

Liana was the first to exclaim, but soon, she reached out to cover her mouth, and just kept watching with round eyes.


Shirley didn't speak, but her eyes were the same as everyone else's, full of shock and disbelief.

"I know!"

"Is that the floating city?"

"I heard that the mages in the magic kingdom to the north are working on a device called the floating city, which seems to be called..."


"It seems to be called 'Tisreo'?"

"Did they finally finish it?!"

At this time, without waiting for other people to comment, Hain, who used to study everywhere, was very eager for knowledge of magic, and also paid attention to the situation in the magic kingdom in the north. Hein, who knew many secret things, suddenly exclaimed and shouted loudly. stand up.

"Do not!"

"That's not Tishreo!"

However, without waiting for him to continue talking and explain to everyone, the legendary great magician Jessica on the side suddenly interrupted him.

"Tis Leo's progress is not that fast, nor is it that big!"

"I have been to the construction site of Tishreo, and I have also participated in the construction and planning of the floating city, but from here, it seems that its size is at least ten times that of Tishreo!"

"In addition, the shape is not right, so it will definitely not be Tishreo!"

After first stating that she had participated in the construction of Tishreo, Jessica stated her opinion with certainty.

"Isn't it Tishreo?"

"Then which force's floating city is it?"

"It won't be from the Empire, will it?"

Hearing this, Erwin also hurriedly exclaimed and asked with an ugly face.

"I have no idea……"

However, Jessica shook her head slightly.

"I haven't heard of the Empire or Egbert's plans and actions to create a floating city. It is a big project, and it can be seen from the construction of Tishreo."


"I can't guarantee whether it is the Empire or not."

"As you all know, a considerable number of demons are active in the empire's army, and that magic sword..."

"There are various indications that the empire and the demons have a cooperative relationship. If the demons are secretly helping the empire, it should not be impossible to secretly create a floating city in a few years with Egbert's knowledge. ?"

The more she analyzed, the more ugly and frustrated Jessica's face became.

Because she thought, these few years are the most critical period for her to prepare and use the reincarnation technique, and it is also the time when she has the worst monitoring ability on this continent, and if Egbert and the empire secretly let the demons If the clan cooperates to build a floating city, it does not seem to be completely impossible?

"That is to say..."

"Maybe it's from the Empire?!"

Hein screamed, his face turned pale in an instant, and he didn't hold much hope that they could win the empire.


"It shouldn't be 100% sure, right?"

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene gradually became desolate, at this moment, Liana, who had finally climbed to the top of the mountain with Erwin's help, hurriedly let go of her hand and reluctantly smiled and comforted.

"I have no idea……"

Jessica shook her head painfully.


"What's the use of you talking about this here?"

At this time, after being repeatedly attacked, Xue Li, who had already gone to extremes and felt self-pity, and had planted the seeds of distrust of the great magician Jessica, finally broke out.

"It's not hard to know who's it is!"

"Don't you know if you go up and take a look?!"

So, after loudly refuting those guys who would only talk on the side, she turned around and quickly rushed down the mountain.


"not good!"

"She wants to force her way up?"

Of course Jessica could hear Shirley's intentions and the dissatisfaction in her words.

However, from her point of view, no matter whether the huge floating island belongs to the Imperial Army or not, as long as the other party can operate such a huge floating island, the existence on it is definitely not a small role.

Anyway, even in her heyday, Jessica needed at least the support of a large group of powerful mages to operate such a huge floating island!


"Erwin, go and stop her!!"

So, knowing that Shirley would face a terrible end if she rushed forward recklessly, she hurriedly urged Erwin.


It was a shock first, and then, Erwin didn't hesitate, jumped out from Liana's side, and chased down the mountain at a very fast speed.


It didn't take long for everyone on the top of the mountain to see: Xue Li rode her big white eagle alone into the sky, and flew towards the floating city at a very fast speed regardless.

Behind her was Keith, who was also riding the other and only remaining white eagle in the team.

Obviously, Erwin was not able to stop Shirley.

As for whether he didn't catch up or couldn't stop it, it's unknown for the time being...

As a result, everyone on the top of the mountain had to watch the two Eagle Knights flying farther and farther in the sky, until they completely disappeared from their sight.


??(ˊ〇ˋ*)?? Remember the monthly pass??


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