Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1775: ?('ω')? Karthus' response

Today, the city of Karthus was relatively calm after being threatened by the imperial army.

However, in the royal castle council hall in the city, it is a different scene.

At this moment, a group of Karthus high-level officials have become a mess, especially when Erwin and other 'Glorious Legion' remnants of defeated soldiers returned to Karthus and brought back the extremely After bad news!

"Lord Sarras!"

"Please calm down!"

"You don't have the ability to attack a floating city, and you shouldn't attack, it will only lead to your own death!"

Looking at Lord Laurent who were fully armed and planning to lead an attack, the legendary great magician Jessica had to step forward to stop them and patiently persuade them.

When she came back, she had already expected this situation. Originally, she thought that the other party would be more rational. Even if she wanted to act, she had to wait until the siege of Karthus was lifted. Even more intense?


"Lord Loren, please think twice!"

At this time, Erwin, who was beside him, also hurriedly stood up and persuaded him.

"calm down?"

Bang! !

"To shut up!"

"How do you keep me calm?"


Lauren was so angry that he even overturned a square table next to him.

"How am I calm?!"

"In the beginning!"

"You said you were going to find the Dark Wand. I agreed. When the front line was tight, I sent troops to follow you. What happened?"

"You didn't bring the wand back. Now, it has been occupied by the Imperial Army!"

"Then, you said that in order to fight against the empire's magic sword, you must find that holy sword, and I promised you that, and I also dispatched the most elite soldiers from Karthus City to you, forming the brilliance you mentioned. Legion, right?"

"But now?"

"Where is that holy sword Rangulisa?"


"You didn't get that holy sword, and even if you lost the battle and lost your generals, that's fine, but what about Xue Li?"

"And what about Keith?"

"Where are they now? Why are you the only ones back?!"

Lauren roared angrily, and almost didn't order the guards to drive out all these guys in front of him.

You know, Shirley is the princess of Karthus, the only royal bloodline...

But now, the other party followed these guys to find the holy sword, and they found her, but they found her, so that Lauren has the heart to kill now.

And not to mention Keith!

The other party is the commander of the flying regiment of Karthus Kingdom. He is a serious and rigorous person who strictly abides by the spirit of chivalry. He is known as the most powerful knight in Karthus. He is also an experienced commander and commander. Still thinking about waiting for the other party to come back and let the other party only fight on the periphery of Karthus!

As a result, the other party and Shirley were also lost by these hateful guys, and these people have the face to come back first?

It’s okay to come back, but he still has the face to stop him from taking people to the floating island to save people. What kind of heart do these guys have? !


Opening his mouth, Erwin suddenly didn't know where to start. In the end, he had to bow his head shyly and step aside.

Speaking of which, he really should be blamed for this.

If he had been a little firmer when he first saw the floating city in that mountain pass, he would have used force to forcibly leave Xue Li, instead of being a little hesitant after being kicked over by the other side, he turned instead. If you want to use words to impress and dissuade the other party, I am afraid that there are not so many things now.

"Listen to you calm down!"

"Lord Loren!"

"Now I have contacted the surrounding countries, and they have all agreed to raise troops and cooperate with Karthus City to resist the attack of the Empire. Some lords and generals are even on their way to bring their troops here, and they will arrive at any time. here!"

"you sure……"

"Do you really want to lead all the flying regiments of Karthus to that floating city at this time?"

Seeing that Lord Loren couldn't control his emotions, Jessica, the legendary great magician and the spokesperson of the Goddess of Light in the world, had to keep a straight face and use that extremely severe tone, half threatening and half persuading to persuade road.

That's right, it's a semi-threat!

Because, once Lord Loren really doesn't care, if he has to take all the flying regiments of Karthus to the floating island and plan to save Shirley and Keith (mainly Shirley), he will lose the commander. The Karthus will undoubtedly soon become a mess of sand and will no longer be able to withstand the onslaught of the Imperial Army!

Right now, the 100,000 main force of the empire is forty miles away. If Lord Loren chooses to leave at this time instead of staying in Karthus City to preside over the situation, then, no matter what the consequences of the other party's going to that floating island, presumably The Imperial Army will definitely be one step ahead.

By then...

Karthus will have no defensive value!

And she will completely abandon the kingdom of Karthus, and instead call on the countries united by her urgent contact to reunite around another lord or another elected commander, and continue to seek to resist and crush the empire and A new opportunity for the demon conspiracy.

At that time, Karthus will fall completely and become a mere speck of dust in history, just like the Kingdom of Bardia and the Empire of Darsis a few hundred years ago!

"Please trust me!"

"If you leave now, no more reinforcements will arrive here, and Karthus will be doomed to fall!"

"In that case, no matter where the future of this continent is, it has nothing to do with Karthus."

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

As the spokesperson of the goddess in the world, Jessica has been used to seeing the prosperity and decline of too many countries for hundreds of thousands of years. She does not think Karthus will be irreplaceable.

In fact, no country or person is irreplaceable. In her eyes, all kingdoms and lords, even the Radiant Descendants, are nothing but tools that can be used.

If Karthus is still useful, she will spare no effort to guide and assist, so that this continent can smash another round of invasions by the empire and the demons and restore peace as soon as possible.

And if she can't, then she will give it up without hesitation and seek a new guide object.


Lord Lauren, who was about to walk out of this hall without a care, obviously heard what Jessica meant, so he had to stop, and turned his head back with a fierce expression, staring at him badly. The great magician in front of him.


"I think Archmage Jessica is right, you'd better be steady now, don't be too impulsive?"

At this time, the young knight of Karthus, who was adopted by the lord Roren since he was a child, learned a lot of knowledge about the art of war and swordsmanship from Roren. He was relatively calm, and was widely praised. He was said to be an IQ Scott of the Superior Knight stood up and persuaded:

"According to our investigation, the floating island should not belong to the empire."

"A captain of our Karthus Flying Air Force also said that they saw the Imperial Royal Griffin unit trying to force into the floating island a few days ago, but in the end, those Imperial Royal Griffin units also All the magic on the floating island was captured."

"In addition, the main army of the empire is now stopped forty miles away. It is not difficult to infer from their formation that they are guarding against the situation before and after. Maybe they are also afraid of the floating island?"

"No, not possible, but certain!"

"So father, we can wait first!"

"I think that Shirley and General Keith must have been detained by the people on the floating island. Although they don't know the intention of the other party, at least, you don't have to be in such a hurry, especially when the empire is about to invade the city. at this critical time?"

At this time, other people's persuasion will definitely not work, it will just add fuel to the fire, but if it is Scott, the adopted son who was adopted by Lauren since he was a child, the nature will be different. Trusted outsiders are always slightly different.


Looking at the eloquent adopted son in front of him, Lauren's eyes first flashed a hint of surprise, and then a certain inexplicable and fearful expression appeared, but soon, he didn't think about it any more, just took a deep breath first. After taking a breath and suppressing those chaotic emotions, he finally calmed down a little.


"What else do you think, keep talking!"

Although it calmed down a little, everyone present could hear that Lord Laurent was still holding back his anger, and it seemed that his attitude towards stopping his adopted son Scott suddenly had some sort of anger. Subtle changes, become a little dissatisfied?



Everyone did not interrupt, but turned to look at the young knight who dared to speak at such a time.

But think about it, compared to Princess Shirley, the status of the adopted son Scott is too much worse, and if Princess Shirley really has an accident or can't come back, who will make the most profit, then Some are self-evident.

"It's easy!"

"Since we are not sure whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, and there is no chance of winning by forcefully trying to save people, why don't we try to send an envoy in the name of Karthus to formally submit documents to that floating island?"

"In that way, you can not only inquire about the truth of the other party, but also determine the situation of Princess Shirley. If you can, you can even try to win over them. That's something that kills three birds with one stone. Why don't you do it?"

Scott continued to talk eloquently,

Over the years, others have always liked to say that he is a theoretical school on paper, and he has never had any impressive records, and he has not even participated in a few actual battles. However, his judgment told him that in the face of such unknown Enemy, they Karthus had better not show hostility too early?


"What a great idea!"


"Who to send?"

After listening, Hein exclaimed in surprise, and then looked at Erwin subconsciously.


"Erwin can't do it, his identity is not enough!"

Before Alvin could speak, Archmage Jessica interrupted Hein's unrealistic thoughts.

After all, he is now on the floating island on behalf of the kingdom of Karthus, and Erwin has nothing to do with Karthus.

Furthermore, Erwin is one of the two glorious descendants chosen by Jessica. Now that Shirley has had an accident, Erwin will definitely not be able to do anything more, otherwise, in the event of a demon. If it really makes a comeback, she can't find a second obedient radiant descendant in a hurry.


"Who will you send?"

"Why don't you go there yourself, teacher?"

Hein thought for a while, and felt that Erwin really had no identity in the kingdom of Karthus, and then he had to turn to look at his teacher, Jessica.

The other party is a legendary great magician, and he has contacted the surrounding countries to unite so many countries. Now it seems appropriate to go to a magician force?

"Do not……"

"Neither can I!"

"The floating island has strong magical protection. Once I go in, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out easily. At that time, no one will go to mediate and contact it, and the countries' resistance to the invasion of the empire will probably fall short. "

Shaking her head, Jessica rejected Hein's proposal.

To be honest, if she could go, she would have gone already!

However, once she stepped into the protection of the floating city, she, the legendary great magician who had lived for thousands of years, was afraid that she would not be able to control her life and death. In the situation where everything was out of her control, she had to try her best. Avoided.

She is the spokesperson of the goddess stationed in the world. She has been monitoring this land for hundreds of years. Although the situation this time is a bit dangerous and some are beyond her own expectations, she still won't do things like risking easily. Yes, at least not yet.

Because things are far from bad enough to require her to take risks, and, no matter what, she only needs to be responsible to the goddess, not the rise and fall of a kingdom on earth or the safety of a mere princess.

"You don't need to say anything!"

At this time, the young knight Scott, the adopted son of Lord Loren, spoke again, and stood up without hesitation.

"I made the matter, so let me do it!"

"Also, I am the son of my father. In terms of identity, there is no more suitable Karthus than me."

"Besides, it's useless for me to stay here now. If the empire really attacks, even without me, it won't affect the overall situation, right?"

Scott said with a relaxed smile, as if he really found a good job for himself.


"Let me go!"

"I only need to bring your letter, the flag of Karthus, and a few eagle knights, so that more air force regiments can continue to stay in Karthus to defend, and you will be under pressure at that time. It will also reduce a lot.”

"Don't worry, I will bring Shirley back safely, I promise!"

Scott didn't wait for Lauren to refuse, he walked to the other side, knelt down on his knees, and gave a big salute.



Lord Lauren was a little surprised, not knowing what to say.

Just now, he had some doubts about the other party's intention to dissuade him, but now, the other party has proposed to represent Karthus on a mission to the dangerous floating island, to that terrible place that is likely to never return, which moved him. Besides, he was also slightly annoyed by some of his own too extreme thoughts just now.

"In that case, I'll go too!"

At this time, Hain suddenly stood up and said.


"Hain, are you sure?"

"You have to think clearly, once you go up, you probably won't be able to come back!"

Jessica looked at her new innocent student with some surprise, and frowned carefully to discourage it.


"Teacher, I have decided!"

"Scott is a knight. If there is a mage like me around, someone can answer some difficult questions, right?"

"Besides, it's a floating island, a floating island ten times larger than Tishreo, there must be many, many powerful mages and many, many magical knowledge that I don't know ~I really want to see and see."


Hein said with a look of longing.

Although he doesn't know the big truth of 'It's okay to die in the morning', but he only knows that for him who has never had the opportunity to visit the 'Tisreo', the current bigger and better floating air The island is his dream holy land!

As long as he can take a look, touch it, and have a good understanding of it, even if he dies on top of it, or even if he is trapped there forever by the other party, he will have no regrets!

"It's terrifying!"


"That's it!"

At this time, without waiting for Jessica to refute and refuse, Lord Lauren on the side supported his adopted son Scott with a gratified face, and waved his hand and directly agreed to Hain's request. And then even if it was finalized.


Jessica shut up, just glanced regretfully at her student, and in the end said nothing more.

Obviously, although Hain is very good, she is just one of her students. In the past few hundred years, she has had too many students. Compared with the overall situation, such a student is lighter. She can still weigh the weight.

"That's great!"

"Scott, you go to prepare first, I'm going to pack some luggage, we'll meet outside later!"

"That's it!"

"Erwin, Liana, I'm going to work first, let's see you later!"

After saying that, Hain happily ran out of the council room and ran back to his room to pack his things.


?(\'ω\')? Monthly pass!

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