Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1776: !? (·''·?)? Sonia was caught?

[Inform book friends, the times are changing, free sites are difficult to last forever, and there is a general trend for mobile apps to switch to multiple book source sites for reading. ! 】



"Sister Sonia, are you okay?"


"Does your **** still hurt?"


Annie lifted Shirley's skirt directly, and saw the whip marks behind the other party.

Anyway, they are on the edge of the floating island, and there is no one else here, so she doesn't have to worry about being seen by a third person.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

"do not!"

"I'm fine!"


After all the beatings, it is impossible to take revenge again. After all, she forced her way in, and it was right to be caught and beaten by those fire demons. In short, Xue Li didn't want to mention the previous things.


"This island and everything here are yours?"

"I really can't believe that in addition to being a powerful mage, you are actually a queen?"

"Are you only eight years old?"

Then, Shirley began to sigh.

Thinking about herself, when she was eight years old, she should have been playing hide-and-seek with Keith or Teacher Allen all day long, and didn't want to seriously study swordsmanship or riding, right?

"Roughly the same?"


Annie didn't think it was a big deal.

You know, what Her Lady Queen Anne owns, but there are countless universes, countless plane worlds, such a big floating island, where would she put it in her eyes?

This is just a big toy that she made on a whim and then got angry with Miss Ameda and the others, and she lost it again at some point.


"that is……"

Suddenly, Shirley exclaimed, and then her eyes were slightly rounded, and she pointed to the sky in the distance.

It was already obvious, it seemed to be a red dragon, and it was still a giant dragon, and it was flying towards this floating city.

If she had seen such a giant dragon in the past, she would have been surprised for a while!

However, when she saw 'Pseudo Silvermoon City', 'Pseudo Saffron Fortress', those powerful pandaren with two black eye circles, holy paladins, countless upper elves and After the high elf mages and those terrifying fire elemental creatures, she already had some immunity to a mere dragon.

Perhaps, if the Goddess of Light also appeared here, at most, she would be nothing more than an 'ah' sound?

"That's just a dragon!"


"An immature little red dragon was caught more than half a month ago."


"But I got tired of playing early, and then I gave it away if I didn't want to raise it!"


Blinking, looking in the direction Shirley indicated, seeing that some stupid guy came back riding a giant dragon, Annie said indifferently.


"No, if you don't want to raise it, give it away?!"

Hearing this, Shirley had to widen her eyes.

"You're not kidding?"

"That giant dragon, you sent it out?!"

She can see clearly, that outline is definitely a big guy who can be called a giant dragon!

And for such a guy, she really wanted to say: If you don't want to raise it, you can give it to her directly. She is very happy to raise it, and she can even spend money to buy it!

Even if it costs Karthus Kingdom's financial income for a year, if she can buy such a giant dragon, Shirley agrees with both hands and feet, and it is the kind who dares to whip anyone who dares to oppose her. !

You know, the giant dragon is her dream mount. If she can be a giant dragon knight, she can wake up laughing from her dreams!

It is a pity that she is still only an eagle knight, and is not qualified to control dragons...

In fact, let alone giant dragons, even the ordinary young dragons ridden by the dragon knights in the Karthus Kingdom Flying Corps or the rarer elite young dragons mounted by the commander-in-chief of the dragon knights, she still She is not qualified to control it. As for the giant dragon that is slowly hovering and gliding in front of her and seems to be landing here, she has never even dared to think about it.



"Any questions?"


Annie looked at each other strangely and asked.

"Of course there is!"


"Such a great dragon, and it's a fire-breathing red dragon, you really gave it away like that?"

After gesturing with her hands for a while, Shirley, who was somewhat unacceptable, didn't know how to express it.

After all, if it is an ice dragon, a thunder dragon or a dark dragon, it doesn’t matter, because those giant dragons have high requirements for the dragon knight itself, and the frost, lightning or dark energy will bite the dragon knight if you are not careful. But the Red Dragon is quite different.

As an eagle knight, Shirley knows that the first enemy the knight needs to face when he is high in the sky is the knight himself!

Because ah, high altitude will not only make it difficult to breathe, but also be attacked by natural elements such as frost, cold, ice, snow, and rain before facing the enemy, and the body temperature of the red dragon can be well protected at that time. Dragon knights are protected from high altitude cold and ice and snow.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, in Karthus's flying corps, a young red dragonfly is unavoidable. Once captured or bought, the generals have to fight to break the head, and even more so. Not to mention such a big dragon.

"no way!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"It eats too much. It has to eat a lot of food every day, and it is also shriveled. It always stinks and doesn't like to take a bath, so people don't want to keep raising it!"


That's right!

That red dragon is a fire, so, like Tibbs the bear, he doesn't like water, and he never takes a bath. He smells hot all over his body, and Annie doesn't want to deal with the bear. Press the other party into the water to soak in the same way.

In short, it was too troublesome to raise, and she didn't want to take care of it, so when she got tired of playing, she naturally had to take it as a gift.

The big guys she met, but not everything can be like her little bear, and they will not kill you if you press it into the water, soak it in water, or bully it, even those pure blood fire in the fire element army. Not even an eagle, that kind of big bird will go out after soaking in the water for a long time, and then burp.

And that kind of secret thing, don't ask how she knows it, she knows it anyway!


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers said that it will never tell the story that a certain poor little master once pressed a fire eagle into the water to clean it out of curiosity, causing the other party to extinguish into a lava core. Now, that one Poor guy, I'm afraid I'm still slowly absorbing the fire elemental essence in a corner of the fire land and waiting for it to hatch again?)



She opened her mouth wide and was stunned for a while before Xue Li dared to say, next time, please be sure to catch a red giant dragon, and then give it to her when she is tired of playing, but she suddenly scratched on the side. There was a heat wave, so she had to exclaim and cover her head and face.

It turned out that at this time, the red dragon that was hovering and decelerating in the sky finally landed on the ground, and then the other's huge head, the size of a house, slowly moved towards Shirley and the one next to her. The miserable little girl mage reached out here.

Then, Xue Li saw that the other side's thick neck with huge scales and barbs was really thick and long, making her think that it might be at least a hundred meters long?

If you add the huge body and tail of the giant dragon, this giant dragon is likely to be five or six hundred meters or even longer, and the dragons in their Karthus Kingdom Flying Corps are less than ten meters long. The mount, in comparison, is more like a toy played by children!


"so big……"

This terrifying situation caused Shirley to hide behind Annie subconsciously, and looked at the terrifying beast in front of her with trepidation.

Just now, when the other party was still flying in the sky, he didn't feel anything, but now, when the other party landed before and after her, Xue Li had to admit that the giant dragon, who was said to be underage in front of her, was with the Karthus Kingdom Flying Corps. Compared with the proud 'young dragon' mounts, the dragon knights of , they are simply not a level of existence!

Before, when she heard the glorious deeds of the so-called ancient dragon slaying warriors, she always felt that it was not a big deal, because dragons or something, such as the dragons in the Air Corps of Karthus Kingdom, were on the ground. She can beat several by herself, and if they weren't too precious, Princess Shirley might have become a 'Dragon Slayer' by now!

But now...

Looking at the big guy in front of her, Shirley suddenly felt that it is very likely that the entire flying regiment of Karthus Kingdom would join together, and it is estimated that they are not opponents of the other party?

And to hunt down such a terrifying big guy, how many people have to die in order to get the title and honor of the 'Dragon Slayer Warrior'?

That kind of thing, after Shirley has seen it now, she never dared to imagine it.

What made her even more unimaginable was that, like such an amazing big guy, how did the little girl mage in front of her catch it?

And, ah, if you catch it, it doesn't count, but you just give it away casually? !


"Who is that?"

Soon, Shirley had to stop her cranky thoughts.

Turning to curiosity, envy, and a little jealousy, he looked madly at the man who was jumping off the back of the giant dragon. He was wearing golden armor, with a slender head and a long spear. He didn't seem to be very capable. In the same way, the man who was floating and hurried towards this direction asked.



"He's Uncle Gernier, an idiot!"


Annie introduced her family's chief dragon knight without hesitation.


"Then is it okay for him to be a dragon knight?"

Shelly exclaimed again.

As she thought about it, if she wanted to be a dragon knight, she had to be the strongest knight at least, right?

For example, the dragon knight and the dragon knight commander in the flying corps of the Karthus Kingdom, if they don’t have the extraordinary ability and the power to convince the mount, they will definitely not be able to ride, and even Shirley’s current strength is still a little bit. Not qualified enough!

"This is..."




"If it is said that the fighting strength of that giant dragon is 10,000, after adding that guy Nigel, there may be only about 5,000 left!"


After thinking about it for a while, and calculating with her fingers, in the end, under Shirley's doubts, Annie came up with a not too bad result.


"Why is that?"

Shirley was a little confused, so she didn't know why after the dragon was added to the dragon knight, the combat power did not increase but became weaker by almost half.

"It's very simple!"


"Generally speaking, Genir's ability is too bad, he would be a disservice when he rides on it, and then, when fighting, the stupid dragon needs to be distracted to protect him, and the fighting power will naturally become half weaker. about?"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Annie was indeed right.

If it weren't for the idiot of Uncle Gnir, even if the dragon encountered the thousands of troops in this world, it would have dared to go up and killed a lot of people and then spread out. go.

However, if the idiot of Gnir rides on it, then it will only dare to take a few breaths of dragon breath from a distance and then have to run away, otherwise, the 'knight' on its back accidentally burps. If it does, it will be beaten when it comes back!


"How can you do this?"

"How can such a weak guy make him a dragon knight?!"

After listening, Shirley subconsciously exclaimed loudly.

Moreover, she blurted out her thoughts directly, so that she couldn't even care about the giant dragon knight Gnir running in front of her.


Hearing that the strange woman next to Annie dared to say that she was weak, Gnier couldn't help but glared at him fiercely.

However, now that the matter was urgent, he didn't care about entanglement with the other party, but immediately approached Little Annie anxiously.

"Oh no!"


"Something happened!"

"Sonia was caught!!!"

With a panicky expression on his face, Gnier flew himself back all night, and before he could find Matthew and Ameda in time, he was in a hurry to find and report the big event here. come out.

It turns out...

The day before yesterday, he and Sonia set out together, intending to bring Sonia's friends and those peace-loving demons to this floating island and settle down. After all, the environment here has changed for the better, and he and Matthew As well as the relatives and friends of Ameida and others were also picked up by him, and now, it was Sonya's turn.

So he, the giant dragon knight who is also the captain of the transportation team, said that he could go with the other party, and they set off at that time.

After arriving at their destination, at the beginning, their mission went smoothly. The demons were indeed different from the rumored monsters who were bloodthirsty and warlike. When they were about to carry things, an accident happened... …

A vampire lord who knew a lot of powerful spells appeared, and led a lot of demons to launch an attack, and captured the demon tribe, and then Sonia was naturally arrested by the other party in order to protect those tribesmen.


!? (?\'\'??)?



"Why didn't you save her first by yourself then?"


Annie was a little surprised at first, but soon she widened her eyes, made a strange expression, and asked back in a strange way.


Gnir just wanted to say that he couldn't beat him, and then just wanted to tell the fact that if it weren't for the dragon's presence, he might have been caught, but, looking at the strange and hateful woman on the side, he didn't want to. He was looked down upon by outsiders, but he swallowed those words abruptly, and just stared at the omnipotent little girl in front of him with a fixed and anxious gaze.

Now, he can only count on the other party, otherwise, Sonia is afraid that it will be more fortunate.

"All right!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"I knew you were an unreliable idiot!"


"Then you lead the I'm free now, I'll take a look with you!"


With a sigh, Annie, who was just idle, thought for a while, then she waved her small hand and motioned to Gnier to lead the way quickly, and she went to see it herself, maybe if she was fast enough, she would still be able to catch up with tomorrow's lunch?

It is said that tomorrow, the panda people in the Xinxin Silvermoon City will hold a celebration ceremony for their new home. There will be a lot of delicious food at that time, and she doesn't want to miss it easily.

"Miss Shirley!"


"You stay on this floating island for a while, and they go to play first... No, they go to save people first, and they will probably be back tomorrow!"


While letting Gnier lead the way, Annie waved to Miss Shirley behind.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)



Shirley just wanted to say something, but soon, another wave of heat hit her face.


So she had to exclaim and cover her head with her hands.

And when she opened her eyes again, the red giant dragon that had just landed had already taken a certain bad little girl and the useless dragon knight Gnir, flapping its huge wings and flying into the air again. , and soon disappeared under the 'horizon' of the floating island in the distance.


(⌒?⌒*) Remember the monthly pass!

[Inform book friends, the times are changing, free sites are difficult to last forever, and there is a general trend for mobile apps to switch to multiple book source sites for reading. ! 】

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