Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1780: ??(????)?Pandaren Dinner


Looking into the distance, I saw a large group of heavy-armed knights (paladers) in the military camp of the floating island who were happily returning from the portal. Egbert, the head of the Black Dragon Legion, frowned subconsciously and fell into contemplation.

He saw that in this floating city of unknown origin, the opponent has such a powerful military force, but it can still use the mature large-scale portal for long-distance force projection, that kind of exaggerated and dangerous means, let Egypt Gebert couldn't help but feel that things became more difficult, and at the same time felt more fearful of the power of this floating island.

You must know that even their empire does not have the power to operate a floating island's mages and to carry out long-distance teleportation.

Especially yesterday, when they first arrived, after they saw the Karthus people outside this Silvermoon City, and learned that the other party seemed to have some kind of subtle connection with a certain queen here, he became more and more nervous. It has caused a lot of doubts about whether their mission to this floating island can accomplish the predetermined goal.


"Liat went to inquire about the news, hasn't he come back yet?"

After watching it for a while, I didn't know whether the people on this island arranged themselves and others in this tower on purpose or accidentally, Egbert, and finally had to knock on the guardrail angrily, with a gloomy expression on his face. He turned around and asked the obscene-looking entourage behind him.

That Liat, the old guy who was the think tank of the empire and the head of the four generals, Leon was worried that he had come here in person to protect him, but just now, the other party was arranged by Egbert to inquire about the important things. The reason why the cavalry (the Paladins) went to battle.

"He's been out for a while, so he should be back soon, right?"

"Or..." Remember the URL m.luoqiuzww. cc

"Should I send someone to take a look?"

Looking at the place that looked like a barracks in the distance, and seeing that the large portal that sent the troops back finally slowly dissipated, the wretched Morgan thought for a while, and then asked tentatively with a smirk.

"No need to send!"


"Lord Eggbert, I'm back!"

At this time, without waiting for Egbert to reply, a full-bodied voice sounded.

Then, Liat, the lieutenant of the Blue Dragon Knights, who was wearing the green imperial cavalry armor, strode to the top hall of this ornately decorated Quel'Thalas-style tower, and went straight to the terrace by the window. Egbert made a fist in front of him and saluted.


"Just come back!"


"They didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

"Those heavy cavalry... and the purpose of their expedition, have you asked clearly?"

Seeing Liat coming back, Egbert walked into the hall for the first time and asked.

In fact, Egbert didn't have much expectations about whether Liat could ask the truth.

Think about it, after all, it was a military operation. Although it seems that it has ended and returned, the messengers of their empire are still outsiders after all. If he was the commander here, he had intentionally displayed part of the military force as a demonstration and Showing off is already the limit, and it is impossible to reveal more information.


"Everything is clear!"

"Those heavy cavalry are holy knights of the Holy Light Church, named 'Silver Hand', the exact number is unknown, but the subordinates guess that there are nearly 10,000 people on this island alone, and all of them have the kind of name Heavy cavalry of the 'Light's power' of 'Holy Light'!"

"They belong to the Kingdom of Lordaeron in the Alliance of Lordaeron of the Empire of Azeroth, and their queen seems to be a queen named Calia Menethil?"

"However, they seem to follow the orders of another queen named Anne Hastur, and they also say that the other party is the leader of their flame alliance?"

"This military operation was urgently dispatched because one of their flame queens was surrounded by tens of thousands of monsters!"

Liat didn't hide the slightest bit, and simply stated everything he knew.

However, he was a little confused about what was going on with that kind of organization that was both Lordaeron Alliance and Flame Alliance.



"Where is the Empire of Azeroth?"

"Also, why is the relationship between them so complicated?"

Eggbert frowned, he seemed a little confused.

After all, as Liat said just now, it was an empire, an alliance, a kingdom, and two queens who were under different affiliations and who led each other. So what happened?

And there is…

The news he got in the past two days also made him feel entangled, such as:

The kind of demons named night elves and high elves, they are actually hostile to each other, but they have a common queen named 'Light of Light' Azshara?

At the same time, those green-skinned orcs and humans, high elves, night elves, etc., seem to have serious hostile relations, but this does not prevent them from staying in the city openly?

And that kind of fire element family doesn't care about anyone except their queen, but it is very wrong to cooperate with the management of other races on this floating island to carry out daily security work. !


Those Stormwind City soldiers carrying lion heart shields, they are obviously human, and they are also human in the Alliance of Lordaeron, but they seem to have some kind of relationship with the soldiers of Lordaeron Kingdom and the heavy cavalry who have just gone on expedition. Gap?


The chaotic relationship between the various races and various kingdoms on this island, Egbert is more and more chaotic, he has no idea how the other party treats the different races, different races with hostility and hatred. The kingdoms were gathered under the Azeroth Empire, and they could coexist peacefully on this floating island.

Of course, what worries Egbert even more is that they, where did the Azeroth Empire come from?

Why did the other party suddenly send so many people here, and almost evacuated the rock peaks and valley mountains and floated them into the sky to become a floating island without knowing it, and built such a gorgeous large city And the fortress, the palace, and at the same time there are at least a hundred thousand elite troops stationed, so what is the heart?

As far as Egbert knows, in this world, whether it is the continent of Elusaria or another continent on the other side of the sea, there seems to be no empire called Azeroth!

What's worse, just when the empire was about to destroy the Karthus Kingdom and plan to unify the continent next, the other party came here and stared at the top of the border between the empire and the original Karthus, what did they want to do?

All of the above are things that Egbert urgently needs to understand now, and they are also the biggest gains after he insisted on coming here in person. thing.

"Lord Eggbert?"

"Your Excellency the Legion Commander?"

Seeing that Egbert suddenly fell into contemplation, and did not know what he was thinking about, after waiting for a while, Liat finally had to gently wake up the other party.


"All right…"

"Go on, why are they going to conflict with those demons this time around?"

When he came back to his senses, he shook his head first, and forgot all the chaotic thoughts just now, and then Egbert motioned for Liat to continue.

If the evil between the demons and the Azeroth empire caused the other party to come here at this critical time and affect the great cause of the empire, perhaps, Egbert would have to greet their emperor as soon as possible after returning. Let's revisit the partnership between the Empire and Demon Bozaru.

Naturally, he was not afraid of the Azeroth Empire.

Although the strength displayed by the other party is already very terrifying, he just doesn't want to casually engage in bad relations with the other party before he understands the real intention of the other party, especially when the empire is about to complete the great reunification. This critical time of the great cause.


"I heard it was to save someone?"

"Feel sorry!"

"Commander of Legion Egbert, I only heard that a woman seemed to be kidnapped by the demons, and then the dragon knight ran back to rescue soldiers, and then one of their queens followed."

"And then, the queen seems to be surrounded. Next, the Knights of the Silver Hand were urgently summoned and set off."

"The rest, you should have seen it here too, so I won't go into details about the humble post."

Seeing the puzzled look from Egbert, Liat didn't dare to conceal the slightest, and hurriedly shared some more specific information that he hadn't reported just now.


"That's how it is..."

Nodding, Eggbert expressed his understanding.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that this floating island and that Azeroth force have officially started a violent conflict with the demons. That has become an established fact. Then, the empire will be more or less. I need to adjust the cooperation relationship with the Demons and Pozanlu.


"How much did they lose?"

"How much is the gain?"

From the elated appearance of the guys named Paladins when they returned, it was not difficult for Egbert to guess that the other party must have triumphed. However, he still wanted to know more specifically so that he could evaluate it properly.


It's okay not to say this, but when I talk about this, Liat's face suddenly becomes ugly.

"What's up?"

"What's the problem?"

Egbert also noticed, and frowned quickly and asked.

"Is such that!"

"This time, the paladins of the Silver Hand dispatched about 5,000 knights, as well as two paladin lords. They killed nearly 8,000 demons, and their losses were..."



Although he couldn't believe it, Liat finally hesitated to say what he had learned about the battle losses on both sides.


"what did you just say?!"

"Report to Your Excellency the Legion Commander!"

"It is reported that those Paladins have no losses!"


"This is impossible!"


"Your Excellency, that seems to be the truth!"

Although Liat himself was a little unbelievable, judging from the elated appearance and cheerful expressions of the paladins he saw at the scene, and the fact that no corpses were brought back, it was probably true!


"Is it because the divine power of light restrains the demons?"

The Templars and monk soldiers of the Temple of Light have restraint effects when fighting monsters. Egbert has long known that, but five thousand monsters against more than 10,000 monsters can still kill eight thousand enemies. And his own record of zero casualties is something he can't believe.

In his opinion, even if the five thousand heavy cavalry of the Qinglong Knights, the most elite of the empire, fought against the ten thousand demon army, in the end, even if they won, they would definitely suffer a lot of losses, but now...

"But I remember, they shouldn't be knights who believe in the Goddess of Light, right?"

"Those paladins, are they Queen Azshara who believes in that 'Light of Light'?"

In addition to being puzzled and shocked, Egbert continued to ask.


"They are the paladins of the Church of the Holy Light, and they believe in an existence called the Holy Light!"

I don't know which big mouth Liat heard so much important news from. Anyway, it seems that he knows quite a lot, and he said it one by one.

"Holy Light?"



"Is there anything you need?"

While Egbert was listening to Liat's report and began to ponder again, suddenly, an entourage of the imperial envoy came in from the outer spiral staircase, causing Egbert to interrupt his thoughts and raise his head to ask. road.


"The people from Floating Island just heard news that their queen is back, and tonight, she will entertain us in that Flame Palace!"

"It is said that…"

"Invite us to a meal prepared by the pandaren chef?"

The Imperial Army's entourage did not hesitate and reported it loudly.


"Which queen's banquet is it?"


"Are the people from Karthus also entertained?"

Frowning, Egbert, who did not know which queen it was, thought about it, and continued to ask. UU reading

After all, he knows that there seem to be quite a few queens on this floating island?

"This is..."

"very sorry!"

"Your Excellency, they didn't say it, and we didn't remember to ask..."

The entourage didn't expect that Legion Egbert would ask such a question, so he was stunned for a moment, and then he bowed his head apologetically when he thought that he hadn't done things well.

"All right."

"I know, you step back!"

Since he didn't ask, and the person who came to invite didn't specifically explain it, Egbert couldn't do anything, so he just nodded and said that he should stop.

Then, he signaled that Liat could also retire.

Because, he has to prepare well for the banquet at night, keep his spirits up, bring their gifts, and think carefully about how to deal with it when the time comes, and then he has to inquire from side to side to see if the other party is floating in the air. What does it mean that the island is parked above the territory of the Empire?


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