Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1779: ?|·'-'·)? Is there an ambush?

The giant dragon has been flying all night, and it looks very tired, and its huge head is a little listless, but at this time it still has to flap its wings weakly from time to time, carrying a certain **** on its back. The little girl at heart and some incompetent dragon knight moved on.





"Hey! Where is this?"


"Uncle Gernier, haven't you arrived yet?!"


Finally, a little girl who had been sleeping on the dragon's back all the way slowly woke up, and when she saw the sun was so high in the sky, she finally got a little impatient. asked in surprise.

"It's here!" The starting URL m. luoqiuwww


"Just ahead!"

"However, it's not clear here. Do we need to investigate and confirm before going down?"

Grenier asked cautiously.

At the same time, he was looking at the ground on both sides of the dragon's neck, as if he wanted to see if there were any enemies around the village.

But unfortunately, because it was high in the sky, and the trees below were very tall and dense, even if he opened his troubled eyes, it turned out that apart from the houses in the demon villages with some rough and hideous architectural styles, He saw nothing.

Before, the bodies and villagers who had been attacked were all gone, and he could only vaguely see puddles of dark-brown bloodstains remaining on the ground.

"What to look at, what is there to see?"


"Go straight down!"


Arriving at the destination as soon as you wake up is already the best result, how could Annie continue to wait?

So, without waiting for Gnier to ask again, she stomped her foot happily and ordered the red dragon to fly down quickly, because Queen Anne didn't want to continue blowing on it!

'Roar~! ’

Although he was sent away long ago, the giant dragon still did not dare to disobey the order of a certain little girl.

So, it dived directly, and without waiting for the order of its dragon knight, it plunged straight towards the middle of the familiar village.


As the dragon flapped its wings and lowered its height and speed, when its wings and tail smashed and smashed down a lot of houses, it finally slowly settled on the open space in the middle of the village. stopped.



"Is it here?"


"However, it seems that no one has seen it..."

(? ̄?? ̄??)

After looking around and finding that the village was quiet and there was no one, Annie knew that they seemed to be late, and that Sonia might have been transferred away by the attackers.

Of course, there are other possibilities, such as being eaten, being bullied by bad guys or something?

Thinking about it, Gnir flew back to rescue the soldiers and then flew back. One day and one night had passed. If the attacker wanted to do something bad, it would have been done or eaten.

For example, Tibbers, her villainous bear, if possible, like a young lady like Sonia, it will only take a few bites, and there is no need to delay too much time.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers said that the one called Sonia wanted to eat it, but its poor little master wouldn't let it...)



"anyone here?"


"Where are you?!"

Gernier ran out to the front for the first time, and while inspecting the dilapidated houses with wide open doors, he did not forget to call out Sonya's name aloud.

Unfortunately, after shouting and searching for a while, there was still no one here to respond to him.



Annie didn't interfere, just let the stupid uncle find it.

But in fact, from her point of view, it makes no sense for the other party to do it like that!

After all, such a big dragon flew down from the sky, that kind of big movement, as long as there are people here, they must have seen or heard it. Where do you need his broken voice to roar?


"It seems that Sonia and the others must have been captured..."

"It might even have happened!"


"What shall we do now?"

After checking for a while, Gnier found that the nearby houses were empty, and no one responded or made any movement in the village. He had to return to Annie's side in frustration, and asked anxiously. .

Now, what he was most worried about happened.

Sonia didn't know whether she was alive or dead, and at the time of the emergency, he had to go back to rescue soldiers, so that he was dumbfounded when he came back.

"How do people know what to do?"


"Sonia wasn't arrested by others. What are you asking them for?"

(???3?) Humph!

Annie was a little puzzled, and looked at the uncle Gnier, who was only shouting and searching, with eyes like a fool.

Sure enough, she had always thought the other party was a little stupid before, but looking at it now, the other party was indeed a fool!


Gnier was gone, and at the same time, the unease and agitated expression on his face became more and more obvious.


"Then what should I do next?"

At the beginning, he naively thought that as long as he found Annie, he could save Sonia, so he didn't think too much about it at the time, and just flew towards the floating island at the fastest speed.

But he didn't think about it, he only thought about looking for help, but he didn't think about other situations, let alone the kind of problem that Sonya and the others couldn't wait. After wasting so much time, he finally realized the seriousness of the problem.




ε=('ο'*))) alas

"What else can I do, of course, go to those bad guys and ask them directly!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie looked right.

After all, she didn't catch people, so what's the use of asking her? She doesn't know where that Sonia is hidden now, and she doesn't know whether the other party is dead or not, and she has nothing to do.

Of course, there must be some 'unconventional' methods, but she doesn't want to use them.

"Looking for those bad guys?"

"You mean, looking for those demons who attacked the village?"

Grenier asked subconsciously, and was quickly affirmed by the look of contempt on Annie's face.


"They don't seem to be here anymore, where are we going to look?"

Gernier thought it was a great idea, but what if it turned out to be like this?

"Uncle Gernier..."


"Do you really think they're not here anymore?"

(? ̄?? ̄??)?

Annie stretched her tone, and suddenly asked a question like this.


"Is not it?"

"Anyway, I didn't see any..."

Gnier subconsciously looked around again and said that there was nothing in this village except a mess.

However, before he finished speaking, violent fluctuations of magic power suddenly appeared around the village!

Then, the originally tall trees and the houses outside the village were twisted in a row...

Gradually, when the distorted pictures became stable again, Gnier was horrified to discover that a large number of skeletons, undead, gargoyles, vampire bats, Horrible monsters such as bone rhinos and rock giants?

It turned out that those demons had cunningly used some kind of magic to hide their stature, and hid in the periphery and around the village, waiting for them to come and throw themselves into the net again?


"not good!"

"There is an ambush!"

"Annie, let's go!!"

Seeing that there were a large number of monsters around, even several times more than when they attacked the village before, the number was at least thousands at a rough glance, Gnir was terrified on the spot, and immediately thought about it again. To pull Annie to the back of the dragon and run away again.



"What are you afraid of?"




Annie gave the other a contemptuous look once again, and turned around, easily avoiding the hand that the other was grabbing.


At the same time, the red giant dragon behind the two did the same, turning away its dragon head in disdain and shame.

It also seemed to suddenly feel that it would undoubtedly be the biggest stain on the dragon life of its life with such a useless dragon knight who could only run away?


"This, this..."


"So many demons, do you really want to fight them?"

In Gnir's view, if there are only two or three thousand monsters or less like before, with his dragon and Annie's powerful magic, then there must be no big problem, he just needs to protect himself and wait. With the arrival of victory on it.

However, now that the number of enemies has more than doubled, the number is estimated to be close to tens of thousands, and in the past it was boundless. How to fight this?

Anyway, this kind of battle, Gnier has never encountered before!

In the years when he, Ameida and Matthew were mercenaries, the biggest battle they fought was just a fight between about a hundred people on both sides, but it was already very dangerous, and now this In this case, he really couldn't think of any other way other than to quickly mount the dragon and escape.

"Let's run first!"

"Wait back and let the floating island fly over?"

The more Gernier thought about it, the more he felt that it was indeed a bit reckless to bring only Annie this time.

It's no wonder that he was also in a daze at the time, and he didn't think much about it at all. Otherwise, if he casually pulled a ticket of fire eagles, dragon eagle wizards or other flying legions on the floating island, now Not so passive!


(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

However, Annie didn't pay any attention to him at all, but walked straight ahead and looked at the demon leader in the distance who was grinning and instructing the monsters to slowly press down.



"That ugly **** over there!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

After walking a few steps, Annie stopped, stuck her waist, and asked loudly at the guy in front who looked like a vampire.

"Look at what, what people say is you!"


Without waiting for the other party to look around and react, Annie stretched out her finger and pointed to the other party's nose and continued to shout coquettishly.

"Sonia was taken by you, right?"


"They advise you to release the people quickly, then admit your mistake and serve a delicious meal. Maybe they won't make it difficult for you."




"You guys, one counts as one, don't think about it later!"


In this way, Annie was full of anger and shouted in her childish voice, as if it was not her who was surrounded now, but the demon leader who led a large army to slowly surround her in the distance. Same.


In the distance, hearing Annie's words, the vampire lord was stunned for a while, and then his expression gradually turned cold.


"That little human girl, arrest me, I want to live!"

"Sonia, that half-blood slut, will definitely be happy to see me drinking up the blood of her human friends little by little in front of her!"

Obviously, the vampire lord of the Demon Race was incensed by Annie's words.

So, not wanting to talk nonsense, he gritted his teeth and directly issued the order to attack the thousands of demons.

Obviously, at this time, in the eyes of the demon leader, in addition to the red dragon that needs to be dealt with with extra care, the other weak dragon knight and a human girl who said some inexplicable words must be He didn't take it to heart.

"That dragon..."

"Remember to keep a whole corpse, I still want to keep it useful, don't eat up its flesh and blood!"

"Hum hum……"

Immediately afterwards, in the sneering laughter that the demon leader used magic to spread all over the hell, the demons who seemed to be all over the mountain began to make a strange cry, and slowly walked towards the center of the village. Slowly and cautiously suppressed it.

At the same time, those flying monsters quickly covered the entire sky, flying everywhere, directly blocking the possible flight escape route of the dragon, and preparing to cooperate with the demons on the ground. Their great feat of slaying dragons.

"Is that so?"


"So that guy Sonia isn't dead yet?"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

"Then people can rest assured."


Compared with Gnier, who was so frightened that he almost didn't spread out directly on the ground, Annie was much calmer, and she also analyzed from the other party's words that that Miss Sonia was just arrested, The fact that it is definitely still alive.



"Come out, paladins, crush them for me!!"


As Annie raised her small fist, two huge legion portals instantly appeared on her left and right sides.


rumbling rumbling...

First, the terrifying sound of hooves came from the giant blue portal.

Immediately after...


A lousy old man in a bright messenger suit, riding a ferocious golden-armored horse under his crotch, and waving a large shiny knife in his hand, was the first to burst out laughing.

"The warriors of the Knights of the Silver Hand!"

"Hold up the weapons in your hands, and summon our holy light that pierces the darkness!"

"In front of our eyes is the source of evil in this new world!"


"Fear is your greatest enemy, and courage will make your soul brighter than a thousand suns!"

"The Holy Light will protect us!"

"And the enemy will collapse in front of us! The light of justice will soon completely destroy all darkness!"

"Come with me!!!"

The lousy old man had just finished speaking, and under the terrifying sound of thunderous horse hooves that was getting closer and closer, in the next instant, a large group of people dressed in golden armor, holding golden sledgehammers or golden giant swords, rode under their crotch. A large group of paladins of the Silver Hand with the same golden military horses rushed out of the two portals.

Then, when the blinding golden holy light emitted from them almost illuminated the entire sky, and when the monsters of the demon race were frightened, they screamed back or scattered, and at the same time, they were extremely violent. With a charging stance, he resolutely charged towards the demon army who had already been overwhelmed more than a hundred meters away in an unmatched formation!

In an instant, wherever the golden light went, the demons blocking the paladins, those monsters were like an avalanche, instantly purified or crushed to pieces.



"You old man!"

"Give me back my Ashbringer, it's mine!"


Then, I don't know if it was an illusion, Gnier was surrounded by golden light, and the rumbling sound of horse hooves filled his ears. In the trance state where he could hardly feel anything, he faintly heard a frantic voice. Curse?


(=?ω?)?Monthly Pass

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