Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1788: (???)?Time Rift

After leaving the Great Shrine of Light, Annie went south along a sparsely populated path and wandered around in the south of Asdrew.

Maybe it's because the barbarians, beasts, or monsters don't think she's easy to mess with, maybe it's because it's still within the patrol range of the Holy Pegasus Guards in the Temple of Light of Asdr, or because it's so desolate that Those guys don't want to come to this kind of place at all?

Anyway, Annie has never been stopped and robbed by people or non-humans along the way, and she has never noticed what the idiots of Erwin and Hein said, that they will be robbed at every turn. A situation where monsters or undead block the way and get into a tough fight.



"Tibbers, it's getting desolate as you go south, there's not even a village..."

ε=('ο'))) alas

Looking at the blue moon and the red moon filled in, Annie, who was sitting on the shoulders of her little bear, couldn't help but sigh.

When she came out of the Temple of Light, which was not fun at all, she thought there were many villages or towns in the south, but it turned out...

"never mind!"


"Let's go east. I heard that after passing a huge double bridge, there will be a beautiful green enchantment?"


That news, Annie learned from the mouths of the believers who went to the Great Shrine of Light in Esdras, and knew that there was a thing called the 'Emerald Gate', which was said to be the masterpiece of the Goddess of Light, and it was Is it because of it that the demons on the red moon can be prevented from being sent to this world to make trouble?

So, Annie guesses, that's probably a teleportation jamming device?

Because ah, when she opened the portal to the world of Azeroth on the floating island, she also suffered some kind of interference, but unfortunately, the guy who built that interference device was an idiot, and she was easily given to her. cracked.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers didn't talk nonsense, he turned his head and continued to walk along the desolate path in the east direction. Anyway, it doesn't matter where it goes, so since that poor little master of his own wants to go east, Then it goes straight east.)


Just when Annie asked her little bear to turn around, suddenly, in front of them, something like a blue portal appeared inexplicably.



"that is……"


At first, Annie, who thought that someone was going to teleport to find her, could not help lying on Tibbs' big furry head and sat up straight and stared.


(? ̄? ̄)

"Tibbers, how could someone mess around with this dangerous crack in time?"


Then, after seeing the blue portal-like thing, Annie couldn't help but wonder, and scratched her head and looked left and right.

"no one there?"


"How is this going?"


It's a pity that there is no one around. Anyway, in this broken place in the wilderness, she didn't notice anyone existed.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers doesn't want to answer, because ah, whether it's a person or not, everyone knows that Mr. Tibbers knows all ten and nine of magic, and the other one can't understand anything, so , or don't take that kind of magic or arcane matters to embarrass it. Naturally, don't come to the question of arcane math, if you ask, say you don't know!)




"Forget it! Leave it alone!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

After staring at it for a long time, I found that there was no response. The portal-like fissure was still just turning and turning. Finally, Annie got a little impatient, and directly reached out and patted the little bear on the head, and planned to go around. Go over and get out of here.

After all, Her Lady Queen Anne is no longer as curious as she was when she was still doing whatever she wanted in the Voodoo Land. Just like back then, when a teleporter casually appeared and wanted her to do it herself, It certainly won't happen again.


Swish! Swish! Swish!

Before Tibbers could act and circle around, suddenly, several guys popped out of the crack in time and space, and one of them was actually known to Annie.



"Aunt Jessica, what are you looking for?"


Annie exclaimed subconsciously.

Because, from the time she was about to fulfill Sonya's wish, she had thought that some acquaintances would definitely come to trouble her, such as stupid Hain, Miss Shirley, or someone else Alvin Liana or something.

It's all right now, it's not what she expected, but Erwin and Liana didn't come, but the legendary great magician in front of them came to the door first.



"You don't seem to be that old witch archmage, you are..."


But soon, Annie realized something was wrong.

If she took a serious look, it would not be difficult for her to find that the guy who popped out of the time gap seemed to be a little too old compared to the 'Jessica' she knew?

She knows that Aunt 'Jessica'. The other party just used the reincarnation technique not long ago. Very full, directly in that peak state?



"Who is crazy and summoned you from the past timeline?"


Soon, the omnipotent Annie recognized the general origins of the people in front of her and told them in one bite.



"It's not right, it seems that you are not really living people..."


Then, it didn't take long for Annie to deny her own point of view just now, because the guys in front of her seemed to be in a bad state?

"People know!"


"You must be the kind of guy who looks like a heroic spirit, right?"


In the end, Annie exclaimed again and revealed the true origins of those guys.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers doesn't care what the origins of those guys are. In his opinion, it doesn't matter what the origins of those guys are, but as long as the other party is looking for trouble, there will definitely be no good fruit to eat in the end.)



"Looks like you're the one we're looking for."

The few people who came out of the time crack first glanced at each other unexpectedly, and then they nodded in understanding.

"I am Reading, the prince of the ancient kingdom of Bardia, summoned by the goddess!"

"Evil foreign invaders, the goddess has already explained something to me. Now, if you promise to quit our world immediately, maybe a few of us won't do anything with you?"

"what do you think?"

After confirming that Annie was the target of his and others' mission this time, the red-haired guy said so, as if they had completely settled on Annie.



"do not know……"


"Then who are the two young ladies beside you?"


Annie ignored the red-haired guy. She just glanced at the strange hair accessory on the other's head before turning her head to look directly at the other two.



Afterwards, the two young ladies beside the red-haired guy looked at each other and took a step forward.


"Royal Bardia!"


"The nun of the goddess Lucilles!"

The two little sisters didn't mean to refuse to answer, and said their respective names and identities directly and crisply.


At this time, the Jessica Archmage also seemed to want to say something, however, before the other party could speak, Anne arrogantly reached out and interrupted.

"You don't need to say anything!"


"You must be the projection that the goddess summoned from the strongest state in the past through the space-time crack just now, and you are manipulating somewhere, right?"


As long as Annie thought, these guys wouldn't have any secrets in front of her, so she directly told why Aunt Jessica looked so old and why the magic was so powerful.



"Didn't they just say a few words about her idol, can she be as careful as a child?"


Then, of course, Annie scolded the Goddess of Light angrily.

Because ah, she subconsciously felt that it must be because she said bad things about the other party in the great temple before the day, so these guys were called out to find trouble for themselves?

"What idol?"

"We're here for nothing to do with the idol you're talking about!"

The red-haired Redding looked innocent and didn't know what Annie meant.


"You actually know that I manipulated this projection through my will. It seems that the goddess is right, you are really difficult to deal with!"

That Jessica was silent for a while, then nodded, and then she suddenly clenched the staff in her hand, and at the same time let the magic resonate on her whole body and the staff.



"Your goddess of the slaughter, she is wrong!"


Annie ignored the other party's act of preparing to cast a spell, but refuted the other party with some disdain and continued to say:

"People are not easy to deal with!"


"But, you can't deal with people at all!!"


Annie made a big face at the four people in front, and said that she didn't take them to heart at all.





Hearing this, the four of them couldn't help being a little surprised and dumbfounded, and exchanged glances with each other without a word.


"Even with the power of the goddess, the time to maintain heroic spirits and projections is limited."

"We're going fast!"

At this moment, that 'Jessica' got a little impatient, and urged the red-haired Redding directly.


"It's useless to talk too much!"


"Since you are still stubborn, then we will represent the goddess to destroy you!!"

Hearing Jessica's urging, coupled with the fact that the target has been confirmed and the target is not easy to deal with, so the guy who called himself Reading stopped talking, he straightened his face and pulled out the handle around his waist. A strangely shaped long sword.


∑('△')? !

"Why does your sword look familiar?"

Annie didn't care if the other party wanted to make a move, but instead glanced at the sword a few times more curiously, and always felt that she had seen it somewhere.



"I think of it, it seems to be very similar to the holy sword that they gave to Matthew?"


After thinking for a while, Annie exclaimed, and finally remembered why the opponent's sword made her feel a little familiar.


!? (?\'\'\'\'??)?

"How did it glow?"


"Does the projection have the same ability as that holy sword?"


Annie was curious.

After all, she seldom summons heroic spirits to fight or anything. Generally, she summons a living person, or simply summons her little bear Tibbers, which is much more useful and convenient than heroic spirits.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"I see!"

"That holy sword was stolen by you!"

At this moment, that Jessica finally understood something, and gave Annie a deep stare in surprise and surprise.

"You are talking nonsense!"

ε=(?ˇεˇ??))) Bah! !

"It was inserted into the broken stone pier by itself, and it was about to rust. People picked it up by themselves, not a robbery!"


The holy sword or something, it has been inserted in the ruins for hundreds of years, and it has no owner for a long time, and since she came and discovered it first, it is hers, how can it be called a robbery?

Anyway, Annie would definitely not agree with the other party's wrong point of view.


"I imprisoned her!"

At this time, without waiting for Annie's reaction, the projection of the great magician Jessica resolutely used magic to imprison Annie's spells and movements, and let a red magic circle appear at Annie's feet and tightly encircle her .


"Use Aluhasato! You only have one chance to attack!!"

Then, that Jessica urged excitedly and nervously to the side Redding who had drawn the magic sword from its sheath.


"I protect you!"

"And me too!"


At this time, the two little sisters, Namu and Chris, were holding bows and arrows and a holy staff to protect Redding's side, and stared nervously at Annie's every move not far away.

They didn't attack rashly. It is possible that they had already negotiated a certain strategy before coming, and probably knew that their attack would not have much effect on an existence like Annie? Of course, it is also possible that they do not want to destroy the magic circle that binds the great magician Jessica.


"Then please!"

Having said that, Redding was also unambiguous, directly holding and erecting the sword in his hand, and at the same time closed his eyes and prayed with words.



Annie originally wanted to break the boring circle that imprisoned her movement and magic, but when she saw the behavior of the red-haired brother Redding, she thought about it and decided to wait for a while. What the other party is going to do.


At this time, Redding was still concentrating with his eyes closed.



And Namu and Chris were still guarding his side nervously, for fear that some bad little girl would suddenly burst out and smash one or two terrifying magic.


At this time, Jessica continued to grit her teeth to monitor and maintain the magic circle that imprisoned Annie for a short period of time, which she thought was enough to imprison the demon **** level.

Because, when she sealed Chaos, the God of Chaos, she had used this magic circle that could only be used in her heyday, and now, she is still somewhat sure of using it to trap the little girl.





"Isn't it the holy sword?"


At this point, Annie was just pondering the connection between the projection of the sword in Redding's hand and the holy sword she gave to Matthew, and waited to see what would happen later. Thinking of fighting back or fighting back or something.



"All right!"

"I locked her!"

After a few minutes, when Annie became impatient, the red-haired little brother Redding finally shouted.

"It's now!"

"We withdraw!"

In the next instant, a beam of teleportation flashed, and then, Jessica used the teleportation magic that she had prepared for a long time, and sent the four of them to teleport and instantly disappeared in front of Annie.



"what does it mean?"


Scratching her face, Annie's face was of course inexplicable, and she easily walked out of the other party's binding circle as soon as she lifted her leg. I don't know what the other party meant by locking.

(Report! Dear little master, maybe the lock they said is in the sky?)

(● ̄? ̄●)

(At this time, Tibbs, who had discovered something, kindly reminded him, and raised his head and stretched out his bear claw to point to a certain direction in the sky.)





Annie also looked up to the sky.



To be precise, he looked at the blue moon and blinked curiously, and then

Rumble boom! ! !

The next moment, with Annie's exclamation, a thick white light roared, and its terrifying power cut through the atmosphere and stimulated layers of ionized energy, slamming into her head from the blue moon. Down, and instantly completely submerged her in it.


At the same time, on the floating island, not long after the blast of white light, a goblin engineer and a dwarf engineer ran into Queen Azshara's palace with sweat on their faces and a little embarrassed.

"Something is bad!"

"Queen Azshara!"

"problem occurs!"

"Someone activated the magic device on the artificial star Blue Moon and bombarded the surface of the planet with orbital bombardment!"

As soon as he came in, the goblin engineer shouted at a certain Queen Azshara, who was sloping on the crescent bed and was comfortably eating the peeled grapes handed by the maid.


"Is that ancient weapon like a Titan creation activated?"

"The target shouldn't be our floating island, right?"

"Then let it go!"

Frowning, Azshara waved his hand indifferently after finding that there was no energy fluctuation on the island.


"However, it seems to be targeting Queen Anne!!"

At this moment, the dwarf engineer next to him screamed and added.


So, very rarely, Azshara, who was eating fruit under the service of the maids, frowned and waved the maids to step aside before slowly sitting up straight.


"What is the detected energy intensity?"

Azshara sat up and hesitated for a moment before asking.


"It should be similar to the mana bomb we condensed with the Blue Dragon Artifact Focusing Iris, right?"

The goblin engineer first glanced at the dwarf next to him before speaking uncertainly.

"Definitely is!"

"The detected strength and damage range, I think it should be the same!"

The gnome engineer hurriedly added.

Anyway, in the eyes of this dwarf engineer, that kind of orbital bombardment, one shot into the soul and easily destroying a city would not be a big problem.

"Is that so?"


To the surprise of the goblins and gnomes, Azshara, instead of worrying, laughed.




"Queen Anne was hit!"

The two engineers looked at each other and said anxiously.


"Don't worry, with that level of power, I'm afraid even I can't do anything, let alone our little queen."

"Is she joking?"

Shaking his head, Azshara guessed so and so.


"Floating Island is here..."

"Can you defend against that level of bombing?"

Then, Azshara asked suddenly.

Compared with a little girl who was hit by an orbital bombing, she was more worried about this floating island, which was bigger and more vulnerable.

It wouldn't be fun if those guys who were dissatisfied with their arrival also shot here.

"Of course you can defend!"

"We have a new sun well as an energy shield. As long as the new sun well is still there, with the constant supply of energy, that kind of orbital weapon will never break the defense of our floating island!"


"We have three layers of shields!"

"Three floors!!!"

The dwarf pointed to the small sun at the top of the palace outside and said proudly.

It was another well of the sun made from the well water of the Well of Eternity. Not only did Illidan have a lot of water in the Well of Eternity, but the Queen Azshara who once dipped in the Well of Eternity in front of her. More as much as you want.

"That's right!"

"Goblin technology, shocking!"

Seeing the dwarf showing off, the goblin added smugly.

"You are talking nonsense!"

"What goblin technology, that shield technology belongs to our gnomes!"

The dwarf turned his head and refuted the goblin's argument.

"Do not!"

"Our goblins also participated in the construction of the shield and provided valuable guidance!"

"do not you remember?"

"The energy stabilization device of the shield is the masterpiece of our goblin engineers!"


"But it's not stable at all, and it's only used by our gnome engineering department to improve it!"

"Do not!"

"It's our goblin's technology! It's our goblin's patent!"

"Absolutely not!!"

"that is!!"

Soon, the two engineers, gnome and goblin, were arguing in front of Azshara over the patent ownership of a key shielding technology.


However, Azshara was not used to them.

She snorted coldly, then raised her hand, and a teleportation magic easily threw the two big engineers outside the palace.


"Queen Anne, is she really all right?"

It wasn't until the visitor was expelled that Vashj came over and asked softly.

"If there's something going on, it's going to be fun!"

"I guess……"

"At that time, someone here will definitely have bad luck!"

Azshara smiled.

Unfortunately, she knew that there would be absolutely no problem with that little girl, so her assumption would not hold true.


Wasqi Ha! "

"I can't tell you."

"All right."

"You go out, I want to rest."

After waving his hand and signaling Vashj and others to step back first, Azshara lay lazily on her exquisite gemstone crescent bed with a high elf style.



Vasqi and the other maids didn't dare to say more, just bowed and bowed before slowly turning around and exiting the palace.

What they didn't know was that at this time, on the ground, dozens of miles south of the Great Temple of Asdrew, an orange-red mushroom cloud was bombarded by a thick white light and then rose up, and instantly disappeared. Destroyed the forest in a radius of more than ten miles, and burned the original green surface into Shashuo.

At the same time, the magical radiation began to affect the place for a long time...


(??w‖)? Is there a monthly pass?

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