Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1787: ?|·'-'·) Temple of Light

The Great Temple of Light, this is a magnificent building.

Looking around, there are tall, snow-white boulder buildings everywhere inside and outside the temple, and in the center of the gate courtyard of the temple, there is actually a huge, magnificent and lifelike one, probably dozens or hundreds of meters away. Statue of Lucilles, the tall goddess of light!

At a glance, its luxury and grandeur directly compares the palace and castle of Karthus Kingdom.

However, if you think about it carefully, this is actually inevitable.

After all, the 'God of Light', or 'Lucilles' is one of the few, or even the only, large churches in this Elusaria continent, while Lucili, the goddess of light, is the only large church. Si is a well-known existence on this continent, and it can even show divine power, respond to believers, show magic, and show miracles, etc. Therefore, there can be many believers and can build such a large building here. A temple is a matter of course.

Today, Annie came here naturally as she strolled around. This is Esdrew, a place known as the Holy Land, which is also the location of the Great Temple of Light.

Annie has heard of this place. It is said that the idiots Irwin, Hein, and Liana, who were rescued by her outside that small village, came here for the first time and tried to seek refuge. .

As for the result...

Of course, the Imperial Army openly attacked this holy place without mercy at all, and forcefully drove the three of them out from here.

Then, a series of things happened when the three went to Karthus and Karthus was almost wiped out, and when they visited the great magician who used the technique of reincarnation, they were almost burned to death.

Of course, those things have happened in the past, and they have long since become irrelevant, and now, the important thing is that Annie is here.



Annie saw at a glance that there were many fresh attack marks on the huge decorative pillars and corridors outside the gate of the temple, some were caused by magic, and some were left after slashing with swords. None were repaired.

Obviously, the battle that took place here was definitely not as easy as Erwin and Hein said, otherwise, it would definitely not leave so many traces, and there seems to be a faint trace of blood on the ground. taste.

At the same time, Annie also saw that there were still many Templars, priests, and monks patrolling and on duty nervously inside and outside the gate, and there were many elite cavalrymen flying by occasionally in the sky.

Obviously, after this great temple was raided and coerced once by the soldiers of the Imperial Army, the high-level Lucilis sect in the temple must have mobilized the power of the church and urgently raised the vigilance here. And the level of defense, also sent a large number of high-end church armed forces.

That is the real reason why Anne can see so many monks, cavalry and Pegasus troops entrenched around this temple.

It's just that Annie just looked at and guessed at random about those things, and she definitely wouldn't take it to heart.

Besides, she just wandered around here, and out of curiosity, she followed those devout believers to watch the lively thing, whether the defense here is not upgraded, or how many powerful Templars are there. , it doesn't matter to her.



Because the monk soldiers and Templars standing guard on both sides of the gate did not intend to stop or question the believers, Annie passed through unimpeded and jumped into the courtyard inside the gate, and was able to see the huge ' Statue of the Goddess of Light.



Annie looked up at the statue and subconsciously let out a soft cry.

It was a beautiful big sister carved out of white stone. The other side's open skirt showed a huge long leg up to the bottom of the leg. However, the other side was wearing safety pants, so it didn't matter. I'm worried that that kind of fat will be seen by the devout believers who have to worship and pray after coming in.


(● ̄?? ̄●)

"It's really big!"




"Isn't it just a broken stone statue, it doesn't seem to be anything special."

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie ignored the nagging believers beside her and the priests around her who were preaching. She just looked up for a while, then pouted her lips and made a comment, and then planned to turn into the temple and visit the places that have never been.

Anyway, she seems to have a lot of similar statues in countless worlds, but she never pays attention to the boring prayers of those boring believers. Compared with those boring demands, she also Why don't you listen to the murmur of her little bear.



"Let's go Tibbers..."



!? (??\'\'\'\'????)??

However, without waiting for Annie to leave, maybe she saw that she was the only one who didn't pray to the goddess, maybe she heard the disrespectful words she just said to the goddess?


At this time, an old man in a white priest's robe suddenly appeared out of nowhere and blocked Annie just right.



"Bald old grandpa, you're blocking the way, can you let me go?"


"You almost stepped on someone just now!"


Annie first looked up at the smiling old man standing in front of her eyes, then blinked, and then, of course, she rudely let him out of the way and complained.

It's such a big place, and this lousy old man in front of him is not good at standing, but he just stood in front of her, and he didn't give way. Obviously, he must have come to find fault.

Therefore, Annie's tone of voice was not polite at all, she directly stuck her waist and stared at the other party angrily.


"Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Although he said that, the bad old man had no intention of moving away, and kept smirking. Obviously, the other party clearly did it on purpose.



"That bald grandpa, can you let it go now?"


"People want to go in and see if there is anything fun in there!"


With that said, Annie, who didn't plan to talk to the other party, planned to walk forward and walk around the other party's side.

"of course can."


"There is a temple inside, a very sacred place, but there is no fun."

Shaking his head, the old man just took a step back, but he stood in front of Annie again, and he still had no intention of moving away.

"how do you know?"


Annie said that if it was fun or not, she would have to go in to find out, and there was no need for the other party to come here to meddle in her own business.

"Ha ha."

"I'm the bishop here, of course I know."

The old man said with a smile, not paying any attention to Annie's impatient and angry expression.


"Little girl, I heard it just now. You seem to have said something to the idol that shouldn't be said, right?"

"Can you talk about it?"


"Why do you think that way?"

At this moment, the old man leaned down, revealing a dry smiling face, and asked tentatively.



"this one?!"


Annie was startled for a moment, and then she quickly came to her senses.

She didn't expect that the other party came to find fault with her because of that kind of thing, and she thought it was because of something else!

"The bald grandpa, are you too careful?"


Gu Concealed, "People are just talking about it casually."


"Also, it's just a statue in the first place, and it's nothing special. Isn't it allowed to tell people?"


Then, Annie, who was outspoken and without any scruples, of course directly shared her own thoughts and thoughts.

And as for whether there is any offense to the gods, what does it have to do with her? Anyway, she is not familiar with that goddess of light, so what can she say to each other?


"That's right."

Although he said so, but judging from the restrained expression of the old man in front of him, he definitely didn't think so in his heart, and he definitely didn't agree with Annie's point of view.


"Here, it is not just a statue, but at the same time, it also represents the great and omnipotent goddess Lucilis herself."

"The words you just said..."

"If the goddess hears it, he will be angry."

"Do you think that's okay?"

But there is no way, if you don't agree, you don't agree. The old man can only try his best to guide him in a tone that children can understand, understand and accept easily.

"Be angry, be angry!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

"How can it take other people?"


Annie pouted indifferently and made a comical gesture.


This time, the old man bishop couldn't help but feel a little angry, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

He did not expect that the little girl in front of him would be so stubborn, and, in front of his own archbishop, in this extremely sacred place, he would utter such absurd remarks.

However, when he returned to his anger, there was no good way for him.

After all, the other party was just an ignorant little girl, and he couldn't just let the Templars subdue it and throw it out like he did with the pagans who came to make trouble.


ε=(??ο`*))) alas

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the other party, and the other party was the bishop here, his head was bald, and he looked pitiful, so Annie didn't plan to say more, so as not to really **** the other party off.

"It's okay if people don't say it?"


So, she had to change the conversation and reluctantly said soft words.


The old man's face brightened a little.

Of course, it was just a little bit, because he could see that Annie's expression was still disapproving, so he was not very satisfied with this attitude.



"It's just a stone statue, and it doesn't speak, so what if it jumps out and bites people?"


However, before the bald bishop could figure out how to reprimand or guide, Annie spoke to herself again carelessly, and glared at the huge idol again in a displeasure.


This time, the old man was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and at the same time, his hands began to tremble slightly, and it seemed that he almost turned his eyes away.

This time!



Annie suddenly exclaimed, then turned her head at a very fast speed and looked at the statue.

"No way?"


"Really heard?"


In fact, in the eyes of ordinary people, the idol still hasn't changed at all at this time.

It's just that Annie is not an ordinary person. Although the other party's behavior is very secretive, she still found out: at this time, a faint white light was surrounding the huge statue, and at the same time, she also discovered that the statue Those slightly shining eyes seemed to be watching her secretly, intentionally or unintentionally?

"Look at what?"


"Aren't you really stingy enough to jump out and bite someone?"


"Tell you, people are not afraid of you!"


Annie responded to the idol who was peeping at her for the first time.

Of course, Annie didn't say the above words directly in front of the old man, she just sent feedback to the **** who was peeping and watching her in the form of thoughts.

In the eyes of others, she just looked back at the statue with some curiosity, and did not make any outrageous actions or words.


Soon, I don't know if Annie's words worked or not, and the white light shrouded in the statue quickly dimmed and disappeared completely.


"where is your family?"

It was only then that the lousy old bishop in front of him seemed to relax.

He didn't find any abnormality in the statue from beginning to end, just looked around angrily.

"Where are they?"

"I'm going to talk to them!"

Since there is no way to reason with the little girl, the bishop of course intends to go to the other party's parents.


He may add fuel to the fire and accuse the little girl in front of him for being disrespectful to the goddess just now. Then, it is best to signal the parents of the other party to guide or teach them a lesson when they go back. For example, beat the other party's **** to make Does the other party have a deep memory?

Perhaps, that is the only way to guide the lost lamb to the right path?



"But they won't tell you where you are!"


Annie knew what the other party and made a big face for the other party

Moreover, she will not say that her family, her mystic father Gregory Hastur and the shadow witch Amorim's mother are living happily in the voodoo land, they will not care about her things too!

Furthermore, the place of voodoo is far away from here, and the boring idea that the other party wants to sue will definitely never be realized.





After finishing speaking, and making a big face to the other party again, without waiting for the other party to respond, Annie dexterously accelerated past the other party and followed the crowd into the temple.

"you you you……"

Behind him, the bald old man in the white bishop's robe stiffened his outstretched fingers and couldn't say a word for a long time.


ヾ(=??????=)o monthly pass

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