After receiving the letter that Egbert asked Liat to bring back in advance and listening to Liat’s own remarks, the empire’s 100,000 army entrenched around the fortress forty miles outside of Karthus quickly disappeared. The troops have withdrawn, and they have withdrawn very resolutely and simply!

In less than a week, in addition to leaving behind some necessary garrison troops, most of their main forces have completely withdrawn to the original territory of their empire, while Emperor Barnhardt and Leon and other high-ranking generals of the empire have completely withdrawn. , and even went directly back to the capital of the empire, Faruzania.

Obviously, after learning that the floating island is indeed a powerful and threatening enemy, and it is also the kind of terrible foreign enemy that is ready to invade the entire Alusaria continent, the Empire is of course not in the mood to hide in Karl. The rats in Saas City fought and wasted time, but they were preparing for the more difficult and terrifying war that was likely to come.

After all, compared to Karthus's obvious and worthless enemies, who is still hanging 10,000 meters above the border of the empire, and also blatantly claims to occupy the entire world and urge the peace of all countries The huge floating island that handed over power is the first enemy they have to deal with now.

No one wants to 'peacefully' hand over their power and country, and the emperor of the empire, Barnhardt, is of course not happy, even if the other party is the same as the empire, it is in the name of establishing a 'no racial discrimination, no class oppression, no war pains. The power of the slogan of "Peace in the World", but that is also not good!

Although, their Rekaert Empire has always waged a war to unify the continent under similar pretexts. They also want to unify the entire world and build a 'a peaceful world without racial discrimination, class oppression, and war pain'. , However, that kind of slogan, it's okay for their empire to call it out and put it into practice, but if someone else calls it out and is ready to put it into practice, the taste will be very different.


Just like the monarchs of the countries that were invaded and destroyed by the empire, the current Emperor Barnhardt, after hearing that such a powerful force suddenly appeared and put forward the slogan of 'high and high', he felt in his heart. Very unpleasant.

Faruzania city.


At this time, Barnhardt was turning his back to his four confidants, standing silently in front of his throne, listening to his stay on the floating island for several days, until earlier today. Egbert, the head of the Empire's Black Dragon Mage Legion and the Prime Minister of the Empire's think tank, who returned, described everything the other party saw, heard and inquired about in the floating island and Silvermoon City. Remember the URL m.luoqiuzwww. cc

a long time.

It wasn't until Egbert finished speaking and stopped that Barnhardt seemed to suddenly come to his senses, turned around slowly, and looked at the haggard expression that looked no worse than it had been in a few days. Sleep well he wants better Eggbert.



"That is to say..."

"That floating island, that Silvermoon City, they have the ability to directly deliver large-scale legions to the ground, so they don't need to land the floating island on the ground or use other landing tools at all?"

"Is that so?"

Originally, Barnhardt thought that their empire might be able to take advantage of the opportunity of the enemy to descend the floating city and land the troops, and lead the four major legions to suddenly launch a surprise attack and attack the floating island, and then destroy the opponent's teleporters and even the entire Urban.

Or, they can still try to capture the enemy's landing ships, such as those ancient weapons, airships, etc., and then lead the troops to land and attack that abominable island?

But now, after listening to Egbert's report, when he knew that those foreign enemies did not need to land or transport troops at all, but directly used the advanced portal technology for fixed-point and large-scale troop delivery, he directly Just a little dumbfounded.

To be honest, there are actually a lot of magician commanders in the black dragon magister army of the empire, and their strength is not weak. Eggbert is very good at that kind of teleportation spell, but Barnhardt himself is also very good. You know, the empire itself can barely manage to teleport some small troops on a small scale and short distances.

However, if you want to directly use the portal to send thousands of heavy cavalry on a large scale like the floating island and send them back after the battle, that kind of technology and ability, in terms of the current magic power of the empire, is just Definitely an impossible task.

This alone can let him know that the Recart Empire, which they have always been proud of, is compared with the other party's power that has applied large-scale portal technology to actual combat, and even applied it to ordinary military operations. How big is the difference!


"I haven't seen that kind of large-scale transport on that floating island from beginning to end, but there are quite a few legion-level teleportation bases."


"They also have a huge super portal that can directly connect to their 'world of Azeroth' across interstellar and planes!"

"Some of them like to call it the 'Dark Gate'?"

Although Egbert doesn't know what it means to cross the plane and the 'door of darkness', but he can understand the meaning of crossing the interstellar space. After all, according to legend, the demons of their world were summoned from the red moon in the sky. to the world.

It is very difficult for those demons to come to the continent of Alusaria from the close red moon, but those Azeroth races who do not know where the planet is can directly carry out large-scale interstellar teleportation and build That kind of terrifying giant interstellar portal, the power and sophistication of its magic technology can be seen.

Anyway, in those few days, Egbert himself became colder and more timid as he looked at it, especially when the other party didn't mind him, the black magister, to study, watch, and inquire. His behavior made him feel even more frightened and shocked!



"Can it be destroyed?"

"for example……"

"Take advantage of the opportunity that they invited us to attend that conference, and send some capable magisters to mingle in it, and then take the opportunity to destroy it?"

Barnhardt suddenly seemed to have grasped some key points, and hurriedly walked down the steps of the throne with great interest, came to Egbert, and asked eagerly and somewhat taken for granted.

"His Majesty……"

He opened his mouth. Although Egbert didn't want to attack the Emperor, who didn't seem to know much about magic in front of him, but he couldn't lie about this kind of thing, and he didn't dare to lie, so he still had to add honestly. road:

"A portal of that level can already be said to be permanent, and it is unlikely to be destroyed."

"It can only be shut down."

In fact, Egbert did not dare to say something, that is:

At that level of portal, the power of mortals cannot be shaken, let alone a few mages.

And if the real one is forcibly destroyed by brute force, at that time, the chaotic and terrifying space turbulence and the tearing force formed by energy will definitely tear their world to pieces in an instant, and even if the portal is It's useless in the sky at 10,000 meters!

If nothing else, the power contained in a portal of that level, in Egbert's rough estimation, will definitely create a terrifying black hole in the true sense!

That level is at least tens of thousands of times more terrifying than the so-called 'black hole magic' created by the black magisters, and it is not easily imagined by the wisdom of mortals.

What makes Egbert even more desperate is that since the other party can skillfully make that kind of permanent portal in a short time and run it well, and even send at least hundreds of thousands of warriors of all races, then It can even explain what kind of level the strength and civilization of the other party has reached, and the queen named 'Azhara' always likes to call these messengers 'mortals', so it is definitely not without for any reason.

"Shut down?"


"What's the use of closing it, they can open it again!"

Barnhardt gasped in annoyance, then turned his head bitterly and walked back to his throne.

He didn't know the terrible things Egbert was thinking, and he didn't know that Egbert was hiding a lot of things that made them even more desperate. He was just a little annoyed and unhappy that he couldn't destroy that kind of portal. .

"That is to say..."

"Because they have the ability to accurately send troops at a fixed point, when we come back, the defensive troops secretly arranged on the ground around the floating island will not play any role?"

"am I right?"

After sitting back on the throne in annoyance, Barnhardt continued to ask in a muffled voice.


"Your Majesty, if they want, they can even directly send tens of thousands of troops to the square outside our castle."

"The mages of our Black Dragon Legion can only defend and interfere with the space in the palace, and prevent them from easily opening the transmission channel here. As for the outside, there is nothing they can do."

In order to make Emperor Barnhardt and Leon and Vargas beside him clearly recognize the gap between the enemy and the enemy, Egbert could only imagine this and sighed.

And the reason why he sighed was because it wasn't all hypotheses, but that the other party really had that kind of ability, and he had seen it with his own eyes, so it would never be fake!


Barnhardt suddenly stopped talking.

Obviously, he also knows that if that kind of enemy can really send thousands or even tens of thousands of heavy cavalry to the outside of his throne castle at any time, what will it mean to him as an emperor and the empire they have worked so hard to conquer for so many years? what.



At this time, on the side of the throne hall, the two legion commanders, Leon and Vargas, who had been listening silently, finally couldn't help but looked at each other in horror.

They know that Eggbert never lies!

Moreover, the other party doesn't like to exaggerate things. On the contrary, that guy often likes to cut things down and choose some less important ones to comfort them?

But now, the other party has a low face from the beginning to the end, his expression is also a gloomy and there is no smile at all, his wording is also very strict, and his tone is also unusually low, which is enough to explain something.



When the atmosphere at the scene became a little dull, Imelda, one of the four generals who followed Emperor Barnhardt, commanded the Ice Dragon Army and was the only female general, suddenly opened her mouth to say something.

However, when she looked at Egbert, who didn't know what she was thinking, and exchanged a look with him, she finally had to choose to shut up.

As a mage, even though she was once ridiculed by Egbert for not being good in her studies, she still heard more information, and knew that Egbert had been taking things lightly and did not make it clear, but since The other party didn't want to say it, and signaled her not to say it, so she had to choose to shut up temporarily.




In this way, the people at the top of the empire suddenly stopped talking, and they were all digesting the terrible news that Egbert brought back.

As a result, the throne room became eerily quiet, except for the subtle 'crackling' sound when the wax oil of the white candles occasionally exploded.



"Egbert, you said..."

First, he sat on the throne thinking and was silent for a while. Suddenly, Emperor Barnhardt spoke again, and asked Egbert by name.

"Do they really have an army of millions?"

"The matter is true?"

You must know that the empire is now considered to be a military force, but the four elite corps are only about 100,000, and if the defenders from all places are mobilized together, regardless of the good and the bad, the old and the weak can collect 300,000. It's already the ultimate, and so many troops can't stay together for too long, otherwise, there will be big problems in logistics.

Therefore, Barnhardt thought about it and thought about it, but he was still reluctant to believe the fact that the 'little' floating island could easily take out a million troops.

"His Majesty."

"The army of one million is just the number that the orc tribe is willing to dispatch."

"This does not include those merchant elves, naga, high elves, dwarves, gnomes, fire elements, trolls, tauren, etc. in the Empire of Azeroth, as well as the troops that various human kingdoms are willing to dispatch."


"Millions of troops, it's probably just the least?"

Although he really didn't want to destroy his own prestige with his ambition, but, in fact, Egbert still had to tell a little bit more information that he had discovered during the few days he stayed.


Bang! !

After listening to this, I was a little stunned, and I felt that there was no longer any luck towards that kind of enemy. Emperor Barnhardt, who couldn't even defend himself, was finally angry, and he slapped the armrest of the throne and stood up.

"Since this doesn't work either, don't even think about it!"

"Three days later!"

"I'll go to that floating island with your four major army commanders!"

"I want to see with my own eyes, are they really as powerful as you say?!"

Then, in the chagrin, Barnhardt quickly made a final decision.




Leon, Imelda, and Vargas did not try to persuade them, but silently turned around and watched them, His Majesty the Emperor strode towards the side door behind the throne in anger.


Eggbert didn't mean to persuade either, because he really didn't have any way.

Now, the situation of their empire and the entire Alusaria continent is: in the face of the coming or the public threat that has already arrived, they can't beat it now, and even more can't defend it, so, in addition to going out and being invited to that place Outside of the floating island, there is really no better way.


"Or you won't go there then?"

"Your family still needs you, and you just happen to stay in the empire to guard?"

At this time, when the four imperial army commanders present were about to end their meeting, Imelda suddenly turned around and persuaded Vargas, the tall and strong Yanlong Corps commander.


However, Vargas raised his head and laughed.

"Imelda, I appreciate your kindness."

"If it's really as bad as Egbert said, what difference does it make if I stay or not?"

"Stop talking!"

"That's it, I have to go back to see little Emilia quickly, you don't know, she just urinated on my face yesterday, but it made me mad."

Saying that, Vargas waved his hand, pretending to be indignant, and took the lead in walking quickly towards the door of the throne hall, and soon disappeared into the night.


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