Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1785: !!! ∑ (? Д? ノ) ノ Female brother 贵 Yasui…

It's cold today and it's snowing.

At this time, Annie, who was wearing a cute blue and white winter fur skirt, was alone in this city on the north side of Alusaria, stepping on the white snow and leaving footprints on the street. and swayed wildly.

It seems that this is not the battle area between the empire and Karthus, otherwise it would not be so prosperous and lively. However, which country it belongs to, Anne does not know, and never thought to ask.



"Tibbers, what is the place over there, why does it sound so lively?"


Annie glanced around curiously outside the door, obviously very interested in the big house in front of her, which was emitting bursts of lively and noisy sounds.

(Dear little master, should I advise you not to go in?)

(● ̄? ̄●)

(Finding that his nasty little master seemed to be interested in some not-so-good places, Tibbers had to speak up and remind him in time.) The starting website m. luoqiuwww



"If you don't let people in, they will!"




As she said that, Annie stomped and ran into the strange big building in front of her.



However, as soon as she entered, Annie was shocked by her success.

It turns out...

She saw that, unlike the cold and cold environment outside, it was actually hot inside, and there was actually a large group of unshy, only wearing red pants, and then the muscular uncles (aunts?) were sweating and exercising. ?



After being surprised, Annie glanced at some of the words on the side, and finally found the big characters "Brother Gym".

"People know!"


"It turns out that this is a strange place for those rich uncles and aunts who don't learn well, who have nothing to do when they are full and do those strange things?"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

Looking at the hot-eyed bald-headed uncles in the distance, who were showing off the tendons on their arms and thighs to their companions while training, Annie nodded, probably knowing why Tibbers didn't recommend her to come in just now.

And this time!

Those bald guys who are in the gym also seem to have discovered the arrival of Annie, a well-behaved and cute intruder.




As a result, they all threw a wink at Annie, and posed a standard pose, as if they wanted to show off or win the little girl's praise or marvel.


(ˉ▽ ̄~)~~

"What's so great about having thick arms? Isn't it just a bunch of weird uncles with well-developed limbs and simple minds, who have more strength than you?"



o('^') o Humph!

After pouting and judging those strange uncles aloud, Annie turned around and planned to leave this hot place that seemed to be heated by a geothermal system.

Although, the arms of those strange uncles are full of tendons, they still look shiny and bulging, and they are estimated to be several times thicker than their own waists, but, that kind of thing, then Annie It seems that it is of no use!


"Wait a minute!"


Originally, when those 'brothers' saw Annie, they thought she was just a little girl from a nearby family who strayed here, and they didn't mind too much, and their behavior just now was just a normal tease. But now...

After hearing Annie's words that tried to belittle their proud muscles, these "brothers" were angry, and it was obviously impossible for her to leave like this easily.

So, after shouting a few times, the 'brothers' uncles who just wanted to tease Annie strode forward and blocked Annie's way with their strong bodies.



"Uncle, what do you want to do now?"


Is Annie a little weird?

She didn't know why they were angry and blocked her, because what she had just said was the truth, and there was nothing wrong with that.

"little girl!"

"Apologize to us for what you just said, and we won't make it difficult for you."

"That's right!"

"Dare to say that our brother's arm is useless, do you know how much strength there is here?"

Just like that, a group of people jammed in front of Annie and coaxed the road.

That is to say, the commenter is a cute little girl like Annie with small arms and legs, and if someone else came, they would not be as simple as coaxing, and they would have to beat each other up and let them know that their brother What's so great about your gym, and then you can't throw it in and out horizontally!





He blinked and looked at the one on the side, who was still holding a big pink iron dumbbell. He was strong and big, but his lips were covered with thick lipstick. He didn't know if it was an uncle or an aunt. At the same time, he was flirting with himself The eyed guy, Annie didn't know why, but suddenly felt a chill, and the favorability of these guys dropped sharply from neutral to the level of disgust.

However, it was still a long way from being burned by her.

"What's the use of your strength?"


"Get out of the way, they are going back!"


Annie didn't want to hang out with these weird uncles.

Moreover, she smelled it, they all smelled of sweat, and even the whole gym was full of that strange smell, she didn't like to stay here too much!

"No, no use?"


"Little girl, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, how could it be useless?!"

"Have you heard of it? The commander of the Flame Dragon Corps of the four major legions of the empire, the Vargas with the name of [Fighting General], the guy who used it to scare children like you, is from our brother. Seniors who exercised at your gym!"

"He is an unparalleled general in the world. He beats the Karthusians to cry, and he is close to destroying the country. How dare you say that our brother's gym is useless?"

"Do you know how many adventurers, mercenaries, and strong men in the armies of various countries have gone out to make a name for themselves after exercising in the chain stores of our brother's gym?"

"We have various teaching materials for various occupations, various arms, various races, and from low to high. How dare you say that we are useless?"


"You say it again!"

"Is the strength and figure from our brother's gym training useful?"

One of the brothers, as if he had suffered some kind of humiliation, ran to Annie directly and exaggeratedly, and with an extremely exaggerated expression and action, shook out all the deeds and achievements he was proud of.

That is to say, the target is an ignorant little girl like Annie. If it was a different person, how could he explain it in words so aggrieved, maybe he would have picked up his arms and started to work.



"Is that so?"


"Maybe it's really useful?"


After struggling for a while, looking at the serious expression on the other side, Annie had no choice but to stretch out a little finger and reluctantly gesture a little bit.

Yes, after hearing what the other party said, Annie also felt that maybe it was really useful, but it was just a little bit, it really couldn't be more.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"Uh ♂ ah ah ah!!"


"Wow! It's **** me off!"

"Me too!!"

Seeing that the little girl still had this attitude, these brothers were about to be mad on the spot.

However, even though they were scratching their heads and ears in a frenzy, they still maintained their basic sanity and knew that they could not easily resort to force against a little girl, so they just roared loudly and held back very well. The big fists that he wanted to swing out.

"come here!"


"We show you the power of our brothers!"

Seeing that the language could not convince Little Annie, soon, one of the elder brothers and noble leaders seemed to have thought of some good idea, and then waved his hand, and let the crowd crowd around the girl they liked and walked towards a certain training area.



"What are you doing?"


Annie didn't want to follow her, but seeing these people surrounding her and wanting to move forward, she didn't want to touch their dirty, smelly and sweaty bodies, so she could only reluctantly He followed in their footsteps.


"Let her see the true power of our brothers and sisters!"

When he got to the place, the elder brother didn't talk too much, just waved his hand, and then, let a few brothers step forward, ready to give the little girl a live performance, and let her know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is. .



Annie's face was innocent and curious. She didn't know what these guys were going to play with, and she reluctantly resisted the urge to turn her head and leave.


"This is a 300kg barbell. It is a tutorial that must be completed if you want to complete the advanced infantry manual. Do you think it is useful?"

The elder brother pointed to a sullen face, blue veins on his head, and his blushing face was holding the huge 300kg barbell adorned with red bows, proud of Annie. show off.


"Heroes and nobles are good brothers and nobles!"

Boom! !

After the elder brother who was holding the barbell shouted such a loud voice, he, who was almost unable to hold on, suddenly let go and threw the barbell to the ground. While making a heavy muffled sound, he did not forget to face Annie made a move, showing off his big arms and his bulging muscles.



Annie frowned her lovely little brows and said nothing.

"And here!"

"This is a 100kg spring bar. Without strong chest muscles and grip strength, it will never be bent!"

"You look good!"

The elder brother leader who thought Annie was frightened finally got a little complacent, and then, his face became charming, he was ready to strike while the iron was hot, and happily guided Annie to the next brother's subordinate.


Seeing the little girl coming to him, the elder brother hurriedly started his performance.

"Mmmmm ♂ah!"

He took a horse stride and roared, and then his hands began to exert force. The muscles on his chest and arms gradually swelled, and he successfully and slowly bent and straightened the 100kg pink spring rod. Bend again and straighten again.

In this way, after repeated several times, he finally stopped, panting violently, sweating profusely, and gently put the 100kg standard spring rod aside.



Annie didn't comment, she just watched the other party's muscles start to tremble, but she still had to put on a smile on her face.

"And here!"


"Here is the necessary prop for completing the intensive course - iron dumbbells!"

Seeing the expression on the little girl's face, thinking that she was the leader of the brothers and nobles who was intimidated, she became even more happy, and couldn't wait to walk to the side, personally picking up two of the pile of red iron dumbbells.

"This is a 50kg iron dumbbell, an essential tool for advanced strengthening courses!"

"It's the perfect tool to work your arm muscles, glutes, shoulders, abs, and thighs!"

"You can take good care of it."



As he said that, the elder brother grabbed a 50kg iron dumbbell in one hand, and at the same time made bursts of crutches, making a set of fitness movements, and until the corner of his eyes saw Little Annie's expression gradually. He became a little impatient, and he had to stop until he was sweating profusely.


"Are you convinced now?"

"Don't you dare to say that the strength and figure our brother trained in the gym is useless?"

After putting down the iron dumbbells, the elder brother and noble leader asked proudly while panting.


(ˉ▽ ̄~)~~

"It was useless!"




"I'm furious!"

"I really want to beat her up!"

"If she's a man, I'll beat him up!!"

Seeing that the little girl still had the same attitude before, the brothers and you were mad, but they were mad and mad, but they couldn't really take a naive little girl.

"You look good!"

With that said, Annie no longer paid any attention to them, but walked straight to the side.


"What is she doing?"

"do not know…"


"No way?"

"She wants to lift that barbell? Is she crazy? She might not even have that barbell in ten..."



Those brothers and sisters didn't know what Annie wanted to do when she ran to the huge barbell, so they just wanted to make a few sarcastic words, but one of them was shocked on the spot before they even finished speaking. eyes.

Because they saw:

That little guy, that cute little girl who probably weighs less than 40kg and has thin arms and legs, she was in front of all of them and lifted the 300kg that only senior brothers can lift. big barbell?

Moreover, it is not enough to lift it, and even turn it several times in the air with one hand?

That thing, in the little girl's hand, turned out to be like a piece of paper?

Boom! !

Fortunately, there was a loud noise when the big bar was dropped, letting them know that it was still that heavy.

Then, the little girl dropped the barbell that weighed several hundred kilograms, ran to the spring bar that weighed one hundred kilograms, picked up the two and folded them together, and then smashed them for several times. ten times? !

They are a little unbelievable. Is that something that people can do?

Then, when they were still in disbelief, she ran to the pile of pink iron dumbbells and grabbed three of them at once, just like a clown tossing an apple, directly weighing the 50kg of three dumbbells in your hand tossing in circles?





Then, as a matter of course, the group of self-righteous brothers and sisters squinted their eyes, and instantly became petrified, unable to say a word.

Naturally, they didn't know what to say.



"Is it true what they said?"


"You guys are useless. What's the use of spicy tendon meat, and you can't eat it. People's strength is much more than those of you guys!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

After speaking, after dropping the three iron dumbbells, Annie mocked them arrogantly, then clapped her hands, turned her head and left with her own bear.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)




And this time, those brothers and nobles didn't dare to stop them, they just stared round their eyes and watched her leave.

for a long time…


"Ah ah ♂ ah!"

I don't know why, the elder brother suddenly came back to his senses and howled loudly, and then, without waiting for others to ask, he strode towards the door of the gym for the first time.

"No ah ah!"

"We should have left her just now!!"

"You saw it too!"

"She is still so young, but she has so much strength. If she can be trained well in our gym for a few years, she will definitely be the most powerful person in the history of Alusaria in the future. The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most powerful, the most powerful girl, you!!”


"Go and bring her back to me!!"

The leader of the brothers and nobles first said a great deal to his brothers and nobles, beating their feet and beating their chests and regretting, and then hurriedly ordered.


This large group of brothers, who were only wearing red pants, but with unusually developed muscles, rushed out of the door of the brother's gym under the strange eyes of countless people around them.

However, in the ice and snow outside, where is the little girl in blue and white winter clothes?

So ah...

After searching hard for several minutes and successfully receiving more strange looks from the surrounding citizens and tourists, they could no longer bear the severe cold, so they had to hug their tendon-filled arms one by one, trembling all over. and dragged the frozen slug back to their warm gym.


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