Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1784: ?(*?)? The Assembly to Divide the World (2)

Floating Island.

In a small valley west of the pseudo-Silver Moon City, the fire demons burned the magma three days ago and completed a building similar to the Stranglethorn Arena, but it was a more complex structure than the Stranglethorn Arena. Big giant playing field!

Yesterday, the druids of the night elves and the tauren and the elven artists of Quel'Thalas dispatched together, and in just one day, the decoration and carving work were completed.

And this morning, Azshara and other upper elves and wizards of the high elves dispatched hundreds of archmages to carry out the final circuit transformation and super enchanting, turning it from an ordinary arena into a duel field. It has created a perfect magic arena that can allow warriors or mages of all races and professions to play freely, but will not cause some bad consequences at all.

So, wait until this afternoon, when Annie is invited to come to watch and accept her busy schedule (busy eating, drinking, playing, sleeping, having fun, etc.), this will hold that grand event in ten days, The duel field where the gluttonous feast to divide the world was held was basically completed.


"Basically, the general arrangement and arrangement will be like this. Maybe there will be some restaurants, barbecue stalls and resting places outside for pandaren?"

"Of course, there must be some festive decorations, after all, that's a big deal..."

As she led the way, Azshara smiled and explained patiently to the little girl next to her who was looking left and right.

"Annie, what do you think?"

"Here, whether it's a mage, a warrior, or a knight, you don't need to have any scruples when fighting!" Remember m. luoqiuww

"Our Highborne and Quel'Thalas mages used some ingenious space spells, and borrowed some space laws from the Dark Portal and Titan Ruins, to achieve a near-perfect effect in the shortest possible time."

"When they stand on the field and announce the start of the duel, they will be in another sub-dimensional space, but they can still transmit light and sound without hindering the surrounding audience from watching, and they don't have to worry about accidentally hurting the audience. condition."

"And, when the time comes..."

"The power of this arena will protect the last trace of vitality of the contestants under the operation of the magic contract, plus a large number of paladins, priests, druids and shamans will definitely be equipped on the scene during the game, so I I think that the safety work has been in place, and there will definitely not be any casualties."

Azshara said proudly.

This arena looks small, and it is far worse than the 'Silver Moon' city not far away. However, the top magic knowledge used in it is not low at all. If the upper elves of the high-level elves were to complete it alone, it would probably take several months or even longer, but now, with the help of several races, it has been completed in just three days.

At this time, there are still 12 days of surplus time before the scheduled official start date of the conference!

"so so!"


"Not so much actually!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

I lifted my leg and kicked the sturdy pillar, and found that there was no problem with the structure. The material used was the formula of magma mixed with certain metals, and there was no such thing as using mud instead of cement and strips instead of steel. The phenomenon of cutting corners, And the various enchantments and magic circuits are also very stable, and after they are also very reliable, Annie pretended to be the kind of supervisor on TV, and the little adults generally nodded noncommittally.



"In fact, they can help you to change it again. At that time, it doesn't matter if you kill someone. Do you want to try it?"


Annie remembered the little toy she had brought out to teach her little apprentice Irena.

And in her miniature version of the arena, it doesn't matter how you play or fight, and there is no limit to the individual's strength, even if you kill someone, there will be no harm. The bad bear Tibbers used that thing as a foraging tool, and ate and ate Irena and the Stardust Witch Fran as food.

"It doesn't matter if you kill me?"


"Is there such a thing?"

Azshara was stunned for a moment, and then frowned slightly, as if she was a little unwilling to believe and asked in doubt.

"Of course there is!"




Then, as soon as Annie stretched out her hand, she instantly copied a 'toy' that was exactly the same as the small arena she used to teach Irena. She showed off and excitedly placed it in Azshara's hand. .


"this is……"

Looking at the small arena model in his hand, Azshara didn't take it to heart at first.

However, as she looked intently at the model in her hand, and was projected onto it, after a while, she probably understood how it worked.

After all, Azshara is the most powerful mage among the high elves and the high elves. He has studied and used magic for more than ten thousand years. Although his achievements are really incomparable with the little guy in front of him, in a certain She is one of the few existences that can be understood relatively quickly at the level that involves the advanced magic rules.

Of course, although it can be understood, whether it can be used or not is another matter.

"What a great miracle device!"


"Annie, if you use this kind of thing too much, it will easily lose your reverence for death, whether it is for the mage or the warrior."

"That's not a good thing..."

Amazed and amazed, Azshara thought for a while, and after thinking about it, she shook her head and rejected Annie's proposal to remodel the giant arena that they had spent three days building.

But even though she said that, Azshara then smiled without a trace, quietly put away the miniature arena 'model' that Annie took out, and placed it directly into a beautifully shaped arena around her waist. I took the coral purse for myself, and I didn't seem to think about returning it.


"Should I put it away first?"

Azshara said casually.

She doesn't want too many people to touch that thing, and now it has become her personal collection, where she can carry out some dangerous magic experiments, and can also study the magic truth above in her spare time.

She believes that when the time comes, she will definitely benefit a lot.

"Why isn't it a good thing?"


Annie didn't ask for it, she was just a little dissatisfied that her proposal was rejected.

"Irena, the former apprentice, she used it to slowly become a super powerful witch. If you don't believe it, when the time comes, they will let her come over and knock down all your players for you to see?"


Seeing that her always-popular little toy was not favored by the other party, Annie, who was a little unhappy in her heart, waved her fists and retorted in dissatisfaction.


Azshara was a little surprised, she never seemed to think that Annie would have an apprentice.

"Of course you can!"

"Our little Queen Anne's apprentice... I will look forward to this?"

But soon, she complied.

After all, now the various races of Azeroth are gearing up, ready to show their skills and gain the 'development rights' of this world, so she doesn't mind their little Queen Anne also sending people to make trouble together, like She herself would not mind having the 'natives' of the world get involved.


This also seemed to remind Azshara that she felt that she had to let people think about the corresponding rules while there was still time.

Otherwise, a certain powerful little guy will surely secretly give the opponent's apprentice some powerful equipment or magic items when the time comes. In that case, the basic principle of fairness will be lost in the game.

"Looking forward to it!"


"There are times when you cry!"

o('^') o Humph!

With that said, Annie couldn't wait to send a message to a traveling witch Irena who was wandering around, explaining that she was ready so that she could come to this world at any time and participate in that 'duel' conference.

Apart from sending a message to the other party, Annie didn't give the other party any further explanation, and at the same time, she didn't ask the other party whether she was willing or not.



(Tibbers said that it was very happy. After so long, it seemed to miss the taste of the witch Irena... that kind of crunchy, chicken-like, tender and smooth taste , it will salivate just thinking about it.

Of course, the premise is... At that time, I have to ask Azshara to borrow the small arena model that was just taken away by the other party. After all, it also knows that the original version from the last time seems to have been taken by the Stardust Witch. Fran let it go. If the other party doesn't come this time, then Uncle Xiong won't have anything good to eat. )

"Cry your nose?"


"I won't cry!"

Although, Azshara will also send someone to participate this time, but it doesn't matter if she wins or loses.

After all, their Naga now have an entire pirate world available for development. The world where most of the area is the sea is the favorite of the races who can switch between Highborne and Naga forms at will. .

As for this world...

At that time, they can go directly to occupy the ocean. Presumably, no one else has anything to say, so she is really not in a hurry.



"I won't tell you!"


"People are going out to play!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

As she said that, Annie angrily held Tibbers the bear in her hand, ready to go to the Alusaria continent below.

These days, she is a little tired of this floating island.

Especially after those guys still like to remodel this place into the shape of the Silvermoon City and the Palace of Fire Land that she is very familiar with, she gets tired of it even faster, because, wandering around here, it seems that there is no Mid-Levels Collection. City to have fun?

You know, back then, when she was at the mid-mountain market in Pandaria, she could still roll around on the hillside and grab mud in the mud pits to smash the clumsy red pandaren to play with, she could smash them all by herself A group of dozens of people who are not cowardly, where is it like the boring appearance of clean, extravagant and gorgeous everywhere?

She has some aftertastes of those big eagles flying in groups in the sky of the Valley of the Four Winds. They are so big that they can be eaten with a full meal if they are shot down!

At the same time, I also miss those kites...

Of course, what she prefers is to secretly play tricks on other people's kites, and then hide and watch the pandaren monks exclaim when they find the kite leaking from the sky and fall into the field. Funny look.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"Go out to play?"


Hearing that Little Annie was about to run around again, Azshara could not help but sigh.


However, thinking that there are still twelve days left before the competition, and that the other party also said that he would send apprentices to participate, she hesitated for a while, and finally did not say the words that she wanted to exhort.

"Remember to be back on time."


"Don't play too much. After all, we promised that we wouldn't interfere too much in this world until the conference has a result?"

Then, Azshara hurriedly warned again.

She knows that the little girl in front of her has always liked to do things unscrupulously and do whatever she wants. If she doesn't say it in advance, God knows what the other party will do.

At that time, I am afraid that the natives of this world will mistake them for the Azeroth Empire that does not like to abide by the rules and promises. In that case, it will be greatly unfavorable for them to accept this world in the future.

"You don't need to worry about it!"




After making a big face to the long-winded sister Azshara, who was becoming more and more like Amorim's mother, Annie couldn't wait to turn her head and run.

Her Lady Queen Anne has always wanted to play wherever she wants, and do whatever she wants, so she doesn't want to listen to the other party's super boring and long-winded clichés!




Having said that, where did she want to play just now?





For a After thinking and thinking, Annie seems to think that if she runs down to play alone, it seems that it is better to go to the food world to find pandaren for those delicious food?

"never mind!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"Anyway, they said they were going to play, so let's reluctantly go and play for a while!"


Since she said she was going to play, she must go, and if she doesn't want to go, she must count her words!

So, no longer entangled, she continued to jump forward, and at the same time pondered some messy things.


(● ̄? ̄●)



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