Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1783: ?(*?)? The Conference to Divide the World (1)

The Royal Palace of Karsas City.

In the conference hall of the castle, at this time, the ministers of the Karthus Kingdom, the generals of neighboring countries who came to support, as well as the legendary great magician Jessica of the 'Shining Legion', Erwin the Radiant Descendant, and Lily the Witch of Light Yana, Lista, Loga and others are all here.

Of course, at the same time, there was also Keith, the commander of the Karthus Flying Corps, who hurried back by flying eagle to deliver letters and report the specific situation, the most powerful knight in Karthus.




At this time, everyone was listening to Keith's answer without saying a word, and watching the lord of Karthus, Loren, watching the copy of Queen Azshara's own hand from the floating island of Silvermoon City, Azeroth Empire. Writes and prints letters that notify the various lords and nations of the continent of Alusaria.

Although Keith has roughly explained some situations, such as what he saw on the floating island and the powerful Azeroth Empire and various races, everyone still wanted to know what was written in the official letter. knowledge.


A few minutes later, Lord Loren finally read the letter word by word, and his face became a little gloomy, not sure what he was thinking about.

But in the end, he still didn't say a word, just handed the letter in his hand to the legendary great magician Jessica who had long been eager to see. Remember the URL m.luoqiuzwww. cc


Soon, unlike Lauren, in less than half a minute, the great magician Jessica quickly read the letter, frowned and felt some kind of magical power in the letter, and then be careful about it. He handed it to Alvin next to him.


"is this real?!"

Irwin took the letter, and after a while, he exclaimed, and looked at Commander Keith, who had just finished explaining what he saw in the floating island of Silvermoon City, his eyes filled with disbelief. Full of unbelievable looks.


Keith didn't answer, just stood silently waiting for Lord Lauren's response.

Anyway, he has said what he should say and what he shouldn't say. This is the situation now. What he just said and what he wrote in the letter is very clear.

Karthus' princesses Shirley and Scott are still stranded on the floating island, but at this time they are not in any danger, and even live better than anyone else. Everyone is safe!

However, it is not up to him to decide how to deal with the crucial news he just brought back, it depends on what Lord Laurent wants.


"That is to say..."

"That floating island doesn't belong to any country. It comes from a different world, a great empire called the world of Azeroth?"

"The other party also intends to openly invade our Elusaria continent?"

"Goddess of Light!"

"How did it become like this?"

At this time, it was Liana's turn to read the letter, and she couldn't help but exclaimed as soon as she read it.

Well now, the army of the empire is still staring at them forty miles away, and before they have time to fight back, there is another more terrifying opponent, and she doesn't know what to say.

Well, the letter reads:


To all races and kingdoms in Alusaria:

I, the Empire of Azeroth, have come to this world in accordance with the will of the great and honorable Her Majesty Queen Anne, and have successfully established a permanent portal.

In order to transform your world into a peaceful world without racial discrimination, class oppression, and war pain, we have decided to send more than one million troops of the Azeroth Empire and officially land after ten months. Are all the races and kingdoms of the Salia continent ready for the peaceful handover of power?


Before the official landing of our army, all races and kingdoms in Alusaria will have an opportunity to discuss with our high-level officials. Please send your most powerful warrior (or mage) to the floating area within half a month. Sky Island Silvermoon City.


The discussion meeting will be held in the form of a duel, and it will not be outdated, so don't say it is unpredictable...

- Handwritten by Azshara, the leader of the ancient Kaldorei and the Quel'dorei, Queen of the Naga, Avatar of Love and Beauty, Light of Light.



Hearing Liana's exclamation, Keith finally sighed slowly and said something he knew.

"This matter has been confirmed."

"I heard and saw it on the spot. At that time, in addition to me and Shirley and other envoys of Karthus, the empire's Black Dragon Legion commander Egbert and others were also present. Presumably, the emperor of the empire should also be present. Did you get the letter?"

Last night, Keith and Liat, the adjutant of the Azure Dragon Knights of the empire, set off from the floating island in tandem. Since he has now arrived in Karthus, the other party must have also It's only right in the imperial camp that is forty miles away.

As for what he saw on the floating island, he had already made it very clear when he reported to Lord Loren, and now, he did not want to repeat it.


"Shirley also inquired about an important piece of news!"

"she says……"

"The queen of the Azeroth Empire, the little girl we knew, Anne, she seemed to have called her generals and those from Azer to fulfill her promise to a half-demon called 'Sonia'. The army of Rath world."

"Her purpose..."

"The letter said it very clearly, that is, to build a new world where all races can be peaceful, equal, free from oppression, discrimination, pain and war?"

With sloppy shoulders, Keith said with a complicated expression.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he might not have believed that crazy thing, but in fact it did happen, and the purpose and practice of the Azeroth Empire seemed to be the same as that of the continent of Alusaria. The Reckart Empire is doing almost exactly the same!

In short, it is very incomprehensible...

Anyway, he and Shirley and the others couldn't understand it. Presumably, Lord Loren of Karthus Kingdom wouldn't understand either, even...

The empire that has always used that as a slogan and put it into action should not understand it, right?

Of course, that's not absolute. After all, it's just Keith's own wishful thinking, but he only knows, if he doesn't manage or understand it, he believes that no one will casually change his kingdom, territory, or The empire was handed over in vain, so the letter that has been spread all over the continent in various ways at this time, more than that, will only be regarded as a form of declaration of war?



"Half devil?"

At this time, the powerful mercenary behind everyone who had traveled all over the world and joined the 'Glorious Legion' established by Erwin and others because he was looking for his sister, suddenly exclaimed in disrespect.

"What's up?"


Erwin looked back at the mercenary a little strangely, not knowing why the other party suddenly showed that expression.

"Do not……"


The expression on his face was tangled for a while, and in the end, Loga still didn't say anything.


However, it is not difficult to guess from the expression on the other party's face, at this time, the other party must be hiding something! However, Erwin, who had more important things to discuss, didn't take it too seriously, and directly focused his attention on Lord Lauren and the great magician Jessica and others in front of the council hall.


"It's hilarious!"

"I guess that's just a poor excuse for war!"

"When you talk about building a new world, in the end, it's just an excuse! To start a war for a despicable half-demon, who would believe that kind of thing?"

At this point, the angry Lord Loren seemed to have set the tone for the nature of the matter and began to growl.


"Our Karthus Kingdom has not surrendered to the Rekaert Empire before, and we will not surrender to that Azeroth Empire now!"

"We will not send knights or mages to participate in that conference, and the ownership of this continent should never be decided by their outsiders!"

"no way!!!"

After roaring loudly and expressing his opinion in public, the hysterical Lord Loren turned around fiercely, pressed the hilt of the sword on his waist, and took his men and guards out of the hall in large strides. go.

Soon, some high-level officials of Karthus Kingdom and the generals of the neighboring countries who came to support them also dispersed after discussing for a while, leaving only Jessica and Erwin in the conference hall. Several people from the 'Glorious Legion'.




Seeing Lord Lauren's attitude and reaction, Erwin, Keith, Liana, Lista and the others didn't know what to say except looking at each other in silence.

Besides, now all the soldiers of their Radiant Legion have been recruited by Lord Loren, and they, who have generals and no soldiers, must not be able to speak, nor are they qualified to speak, for the kind of thing that determines the ownership of the world.


"If you are allowed to participate in that 'duel' conference, do you have the confidence to win?"

At this time, very suddenly, after being silent for a while, the great magician Jessica suddenly asked Alvin beside him.



"If there is a holy sword, there may be some hope, but now..."

"Presumably the empire has also received the news. If that Leon also participates, I will definitely not have any possibility of winning!"

After hesitating for a while, in the end, Erwin replied with a wry smile.

Obviously, Erwin can still see clearly about his own strength. Anyway, he doesn't think he has the strength to participate in that level of competition now, not to mention the terrible ones that Keith just described. Orcs.

Facing such a guy, he felt that he would definitely be cut to the ground in about a round like he did when facing Leon.

"Is that so?"

Hearing Erwin's answer, Jessica couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and began to frown and ponder.


"Now the chaos has escalated, and now it is not the crisis of this continent, it is the crisis of the whole world!"

"And it's a big crisis!"


"I have to go to God's Domain!"

Soon, the legendary great magician Jessica made a decision and publicly announced what she was going to do.

"God, God's Domain!"

"Is there really such a place?"

"Is it the palace of the goddess Lucilles?"

At this time, Liana, the priestess of the Temple of Light, was of course so frightened by Jessica's words that she once again covered her mouth and exclaimed.

However, unlike the shock just now, she is more of a surprise now.


"Until I come you have to stay here and not go anywhere, understand?"

However, Jessica did not explain to the excited Liana, but just told the somewhat overwhelmed Erwin with a solemn expression.



Although it was unclear why, Erwin still did not dare to refuse, and responded loudly.

"So do you!"

"Wait for my news!"

After speaking, without waiting for everyone to ask questions, Jessica hurriedly took out a quaint little wand from the cloak behind her.


Then, after she prayed for a while and chanted a certain incantation, as a beam of teleportation magic lit up and disappeared, she suddenly disappeared in the discussion hall of the castle, not knowing if she was teleported to Where did they go, leaving only Erwin, Liana, Lista, Keith and others who were a little overwhelmed.


(°▽°)/monthly pass

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