Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1790: (.^?^) Night talk

In the city of Faruzania, the capital of the Rekaert Empire, the security in the city has been a little turbulent for the past two days, and the city guards have also been dispatched many times.

Obviously, by today, there must have been many ordinary people who have also learned some gossip from various channels, knowing that the world will soon usher in a major reshuffle, and also know that the empire The high-level executives will soon leave the capital and go somewhere with an uncertain future, so some guys with ideas in their hearts have become active.

But it is a pity that under the strong suppression of Emperor Barnhardt and the commanders of the four major armies, those wicked ambitions, together with their forces, were quickly uprooted, and then, to this day, the entire capital of the empire was The city became calm again.


The night was just right. From the window sill of the palace castle in Faruzania City, the bustling imperial capital was still as prosperous as before. Pedestrians in the night market came and went, and the bustling was very lively.

In addition to ordinary citizens' business trips, the imperial knights holding torches or magic lighting tools are also dutifully galloping and patrolling in the dedicated passages, and closely monitoring every dark place in the city. In the corner, strictly prevent those petty people from coming out to take the opportunity to make trouble.


However, no matter how good the nights were, Barnhardt was not in the mood to watch, because at this time, he was standing in front of the window, silently looking at the magic sword Aluhasato in his hand, Know what's on your mind.


Looking at it, he raised his head blankly again, and looked towards the prosperous imperial capital outside the window.

Once upon a time, Barnhardt always thought that as long as he got this magic sword, he could gain the absolute power to unify the entire continent and bring peace and hope to everyone?

But now, he found that he was wrong, and it was very wrong.

No matter how powerful the magic sword is, the foreign object is a foreign object after all. In the face of absolute power, what can he do even if he obtains ten magic swords?

After thinking about it, Barnhardt subconsciously glanced at a certain direction in the night sky. Although there was nothing there, he couldn't see anything, but he still looked for a while before slowly retracting it. look.

That floating island...

That is the Azeroth Empire. It is said that only the orc tribes in it, this time, can send millions of powerful warriors to their world, and that kind of terrifying power, even if he has this magic What about the sword?

Although, orcs and millions of warriors, those words were all just said by Egbert, whom Barnhardt had never really seen, but he did not doubt his old, cautious partner. if.

So, the current situation of their empire is: If you want to resist, then you will definitely be unable to fight, and you will not be able to fight, because it has no effect at all other than sacrificing the lives of soldiers in vain!

Because of this, he just made the final decision to take the four generals of the empire to the floating island in person.

What he did, apart from the last bit of stubbornness in his own heart, was that he had to see with his own eyes to see if that floating island, that Azeroth empire, was really that powerful, and Is it true that after the unification of the continent, all ethnic groups can coexist peacefully and bring true peace and new hope to the world?

If so, maybe he will hand over his power and country peacefully?

After all, he has climbed from an ordinary soldier to the position of the emperor, and he is used to seeing too much blood and power struggles. If there is really a force he is willing to believe or worth his belief. And if it can better replace him, then maybe it is a good choice?

Besides, he doesn't have any good ideas right now. The development of things has long been out of his will, and he has no choice...


After a while, he snorted in annoyance, and then, Baharant turned around and walked to his throne, leaning on the magic sword, slowly sitting on his emperor's throne, and began to close his eyes and meditate. .

The day after tomorrow, he and Leon are about to set off to the floating island that he hates, fears and is curious about.

At that time, the best-case scenario is that he can come back here and be a little lord here, living the life of a carefree rich man with his queen and a group of old friends.

And in the worst case, it is very likely that it will never come back...

Therefore, his decision and actions this time must be very dangerous!

But no way, he had to go!

After all, there is still a glimmer of hope if you go, and if you don’t go, you will lose that glimmer of hope completely. He Barnhardt is not the idiots in Karthus City, he naturally knows what to do make the best choice.




At this time, I don't know how long it took, Barnhardt, who was sitting with a sword on the throne, suddenly opened his eyes, and looked up strangely at the old friend who was walking towards the throne hall step by step. .

"It's so late, are you still resting?"


"You can't sleep like me?"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Barnhardt jokingly said with a self-deprecating manner.

In his opinion, it is normal for the other party to not be able to sleep. Anyway, Barnhardt himself must not be able to sleep, otherwise, he would not be sitting here alone at night thinking about things.

"His Majesty!"

"Just received the news that there was a terrifying huge explosion in the south of the Great Temple of Asdrew!"

"As for the explosion site, all the forests within a radius of ten miles were destroyed."

Egbert didn't fuss. After approaching the throne, he bluntly reported the fact that he came here at night.


"What did you say?"

"Explosion? A radius of ten miles?"

Barnhardt was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that at this juncture, there would be such a major event that Egbert would personally come to him in the middle of the night and report it in person.


"You mean..."

"On the south side of the Great Temple of Asdrew?"

He frowned and thought for a while, then, Barnhardt stood up from the throne, and then carried his magic sword that he didn't want to let go to sleep, and walked quickly to the sculpture next to the hall. In front of the huge mural showing the map of the continent of Alusaria.

"The Great Temple of Light, south..."

"It's here!"


Soon, Barnhardt first found the reference point on the map, and then he stretched out the magic sword in his hand to the south and pointed to a certain approximate location.

"It's here!"

"A little further north!"

"Just here not far from this lake."

Eggbert didn't say much, just walked over and corrected some of Barnhardt's mistakes at the end.

"But here, it's not our leader..."


"I remembered, this is the territory of our empire now. It originally belonged to Sarras, but it was beaten down by us some time ago."

"Then, you said that it would be managed by the Temple of Light, right?"

As he spoke, Barnhardt grinned rarely to himself.

Previously, in order to capture the witch of light, the relationship between their empire and the Lucilles sect was very tense. Therefore, in order to ease the relationship between the two parties, Egbert proposed that they occupy the deserted area. The mountain range was directly assigned to the Great Temple of Light, and that Lucilles would take care of it, and then the matter of their empire's attack on the temple would be a thing of the past.


"You just said... This place has a radius of ten miles, and it was bombed into a flat ground. Are you sure you are not wrong?"

After laughing, Barnhardt turned his head in confusion and asked with a frown.

He obviously knew what level of terrifying power it would take to be able to blow up an area of ​​dozens of miles in an instant, and that must be enough to instantly destroy his imperial capital Faruzania, his palace fortress and surrounding areas. All are destroyed!

And that kind of power, even the army-level taboo magic released by the magisters of the Empire's Black Dragon Magister Legion, such as that kind of earthquake or meteorite, I am afraid that it is not possible to reach that level of destructive power. .


"And Your Majesty, that power, I'm afraid it's even more terrifying than I said?"

"Just now!"

"Our nearby Imperial Griffon Knights have already rushed to investigate overnight. At the explosion point, a large pit hundreds of meters deep was directly blown out of the ground, and the ground there was burned directly. Glass!"


"Nearly twenty miles of surrounding forests and vegetation have been burned to the ground, the ground has become sandy, the rivers have dried up, and there are raging magical turbulence everywhere!"

"That piece of land is now dying little by little..."

Egbert spoke in a low voice, adding the situation on the spot bit by bit.

Although he didn't go in person, he saw the horrific image through the detection of magic and the eyes of the wizard. The situation was roughly the same as what the Griffin Knights observed on the spot, and even the situation in some places was even worse. .


"Who did it?"

Finally, Barnhardt knew the seriousness of the matter and asked with a straight face.

"do not know!"

"But Your Majesty, in the nearby imperial post, quite a few imperial soldiers saw it, and they all said; they only saw a white light shot down from the sky, and then the explosion happened, and the huge orange-red fireball was reflected red. The sky, even people from far away in Elis City have seen it."

Egbert frowned with some fear and stated.

Because, as far as he knew, at that level of magic, let's think of it as magic? In short, that kind of magic, even his teacher, the great magician Jessica, would never be able to use it at his peak, so this is the real reason why he came to report to their emperor in the first place. .

"A white light..."

"Fall from the sky?"

Barnhardt looked back at the map on the wall and began to ponder.


"Egbert, I remember, there doesn't seem to be any village or town in that place, right?"

"Why is someone bombarding there with that level of magic?"


"you say……"

At this time, Barnhardt seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and then hurriedly stopped talking, and asked in a low voice, gritted his teeth:

"Could it be..."

"That floating island was made by the people of the Azeroth Empire?"

"So, they deliberately chose that place where no one was there, and then protested against us or the people of our world?"

The more Barnhardt said, the more reasonable he felt, and at the same time, his face became more ugly.

If the explosion was really done by the people of the Azeroth Empire, then they would honestly go to the floating island to participate in the conference and accept all the reasonable and unreasonable conditions of the other party. There really is no choice.

Although their empire has decided to go, there is still a huge difference between going on their own initiative and being coerced by the other party with terrifying weapons.

"Probably not."

"Your Majesty, look!"

However, Egbert shook his head, and stretched out his hand to draw on the map of the Elusaria continent on the wall.

"The location of the floating island is here, above the Yanfeng Valley Mountains, and it has never moved."

"And that white light..."

"According to the description of the soldiers at the outpost, it seems to have shot from the sky to the ground, and its location is very different from the area where the floating island is located, and it is not in the same direction and angle at all!"

As if afraid that the emperor would not understand, Egbert thought for a while, and then used light and shadow magic to create a white light toward the area that was blown up.


"You mean..."

"Isn't that what the floating island did?"

Barnhardt was stunned. He didn't understand, if it wasn't for the people on that island, who else in this world would have that level of terrifying power?

"I am also not certain."

Eggbert shook his head.

It's a pity that the imperial capital is too far away from that place, otherwise, if he could see it with his own eyes, he would definitely be able to guess more things, instead of being so suspicious as he is now.


Barnhart stopped talking.

He just turned around slowly with a heavy expression on his face, and frowned at the map engraved on the wall, not knowing what he was thinking.


"who is it?!"

Suddenly, Egbert snorted angrily.

Then, just as he took out his own exquisite short wand and was about to cast a spell, a teleporting magic light flashed, and soon, a strange guy in brown armor and a black cape appeared. in front of the two of them.


"There are assassins!!"

"Protect Your Majesty!!!"

At the same time, around the throne hall, a large group of Imperial Guards spearmen rushed out in time, and aimed the ice-blue sharp blades in their hands, apparently enchanted spears, at it. The guy who broke in hastily.


"Is it Pozanlu?"


"You rude fellow, I should have cancelled your teleportation permission earlier!"

After seeing who was coming, Egbert relaxed a little and scolded angrily.

"You go back first!"

Seeing that Pozanlu from the Demon Race, Emperor Barnhard frowned and relaxed, and waved, repelling the dutiful Imperial Royal Guards spearmen.

Barnhardt is obviously very familiar with that Pozanlu's, and he also knows the approximate ability of the other party. Now, with him and Egbert being there, if the other party dares to make any small moves, he will definitely be dead in the next second. On the spot, so there is absolutely no need to be too nervous.


"Pozanlu, what's the matter with you?"

Then, of course, Barnhardt asked rudely.

Because, after the floating island appeared and issued an ultimatum, their empire and the demons had basically no good cooperation, and now, the other party came here alone late at night, presumably, there must be something important ?

"Of course!"

"Your Majesty, this time, I came here on purpose to retrieve the magic sword."

First, he looked at Egbert, who had a dissatisfied face, and then Pozanlu said slowly in a tone that was half-smiling.

"Magic, magic sword?"


"Do you want to die?!"

Hearing that the other party dared to say such rude and foolish words in front of him, Barnhardt's face changed on the spot, and while clenching the magic sword, his strength began to surge wildly.




Seeing The guards who had just retreated surrounded them once again, and while protecting the emperor and Egbert, they also pointed countless bright spears at them. Ready for the tired intruder.


"Pozanlu, you are too arrogant."

"You think you can get it?"

At the same time, Eggbert began to clench the short wand in his hand again and began to prepare some kind of counter-magic.


However, seeing the actions of Barnhardt and Egbert, and seeing that he was surrounded by heavy troops, Pozanlu was not afraid, nor did he really mean to **** it.

"Are you..."

"I just don't want to know, what happened to the big explosion in the south of the Great Temple of Asdrew that you were discussing just now?"

He just smiled wickedly, and raised his head with a strange expression, looking at Emperor Barnhardt and Egbert, who were slightly shocked, said so.


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