Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1791: |??ω?`) hope of winning?

Today, the Empire of Azeroth on the floating island has issued an ultimatum to the world of the continent of Alusaria and invited all those who are able to go there and a great kingdom to participate in the conference of 'dividing the world'. There are ten days left.

And at this time, a certain little girl who was so bad continued to hang out and wander around in unknown corners on the ground, of course, and didn't mind how much trouble and trouble she caused the world because of her arrival.

Of course, it's no use knowing.

Because ah, that kind of boring thing, she has never really cared about it, she is such a heartless little girl who can do whatever she wants!

Is this not?

In the palace castle, the capital of the empire, Emperor Barnhardt and his servants are troubled by a series of things she has made.

Of course, it's the latest thing...

"His Majesty!"

"I do not understand!"

"Why did you give Pozanlu that magic sword?"

"If it really is the key to unlocking that terrifying weapon, wouldn't it be better if it is in the hands of our empire?"

Vargas, who came to the throne of the palace with Leon and Imelda, couldn't wait to ask as soon as he saw the Emperor Barnhardt sitting on the throne.

You know, they took great pains to get the magic sword, and they even went so far as to make enemies of Karthus and even the entire continent of Ersharia in order to open its seal. A little question, but what he couldn't understand was why, after knowing the true purpose of the magic sword, their emperor gave it to someone directly?



"Vargas, Egbert didn't explain the situation to you?"

Seeing the three love generals in front of them all come to the door to ask questions, knowing that the three of them have no other intentions, they should just be concerned and a little resentful, so Emperor Barnhardt did not criticize, but just raised his head and laughed. .

Yesterday, when Pozanlu, the prince of the demon race, came alone to ask for the demon sword Aluhazato, he had already explained everything clearly.

turn out to be……

This world is mainly composed of the planet they live in, Klimsonia (the red moon) and Peria (the blue moon) three celestial bodies.

Among them, their planet and Klimsonia (Red Moon) are both natural celestial bodies, while Peria is the artificial celestial body and final weapon of the ancient magic guide civilization?

The red moon Klimso lives in a group of human beings called the 'Klimso Clan'. The life expectancy of the other party is very long, and the technological civilization is far ahead of the humans on their planet.

At the same time, the red moon is also the hometown of the demons, which is the origin of Chaos God Chaos belief.

The red moon that revolves around the super-elliptical orbit of the planet will be closest to the planet once every two hundred years. At that time, the energy and magnetic fields emitted by the two planets will affect each other and promote the activation of the gate of chaos. God Chaos will wake up from his deep sleep and open the door of chaos to send a large number of demons from the red moon to the earth, and that is the reason why this continent has been in constant war for hundreds of years.

However, now when the world is facing new threats, that is, when a bad little girl and the people brought by the other party, the floating island and the Azeroth empire, those demons and chaos God Chaos or something has become less important.

And the above, those secrets about the ultimate truth of this world, are all one of the contents that the dark prince Pozanlu explained to Barnhardt and Egbert last night.

At the same time, the other party also explained some information about the so-called 'final weapon'.

For example, Peria is the blue moon floating in the night sky. That thing is actually a huge artificial celestial body in the orbit of the satellite, and the huge magic cannon on it can carry out attacks on the ground targets of this planet. Bombardment, and last night, that terrifying explosion south of the Shrine of the Light of Asdrew, was that Pelia was activated.

It stands to reason that no one can activate Pelia when the magic sword, that is, the true sword Aluhazato, is still in the hands of the Empire. However, according to that Pozanlu, Pelia can be activated. Ah, in fact, there is another key, that is, the 'Holy Sword' Rangulisa!

And last night's bombardment, according to Pozanlu's guess, was probably the result of Rangulisa?

As for why the terrifying blow was directed towards the deserted mountains south of Asdrew, Pozanlu was not too clear about this. He only guessed that the user did not know how to control it, or maybe it was an attempt?

But no matter what it was, it was an urgent matter to lift the seal of the Demon Sword, that is, the true sword of evil, Aluhazato.

So, last night, after that Pozanlu went to Karthus to capture the Witch of Light, the other party came to force the palace, and successfully persuaded Barnhardt and Egbert to hand over the magic sword directly. give in.


"No, we haven't seen him today."

"I also……"

"His Majesty!"

"We don't know anything!"

Hearing Barnhardt's words, and looking at the relaxed look on the other side, Leon, Imelda, and Vargas looked at each other in dismay. What kind of medicine are they selling in the gourd of His Majesty the Emperor?


"If you don't know, then I will let Egbert tell you slowly when I have time..."


"I gave Pozanlu that magic sword on my own initiative, so don't ask any more!"

Shaking his head, Barnhardt said with such a sneer, not knowing what he was thinking of.

Anyway, he didn't want to repeat the above paragraph to the three people in front of him. Besides, he didn't explain the troublesome things very clearly, so he would leave it to Egypt. It would be better for the magician who knows everything about Gobert to do it?


"His Majesty!"

"Our empire has been using the demons, and why aren't they using us?"

"A weapon of that level..."

"Will it not be safe if it is given to the demons?"

At this time, Leon opened his mouth and continued to ask.

Although Barnhardt has made his position clear, Leon still has some hesitation on his face.

Because, unlike the other two, he already vaguely knew about the Asdru explosion, and at the same time also vaguely knew that the magic sword had something to do with that terrifying weapon?

"What's wrong?"


"In our hands, we can't unblock it, it's just a slightly sharper piece of scrap iron!"

"Now, take it to Pozanlu, let him unblock it, and test the reality of the floating island, there's nothing better than that."

If it were an ordinary person, Barnhardt would definitely not have said it so clearly, but since it was these three people, he had no choice but to reluctantly clarify a certain key.


"So it is!"

Hearing Barnhardt's words, Leon's eyes suddenly gleamed, and he gave a high five at the same time.


"His Majesty!"

"What if the demons win?"

At this moment, Imelda on the side suddenly asked worriedly.

She also seemed to know something about the Big Bang, and, as a mage, she knew better than Leon and Vargas what a weapon of that magnitude meant. Gu Xi


"Better to win!"

"In that case, we only need to concentrate on dealing with the demons. At least they are known enemies, and they will appear to toss every two hundred years. We are already familiar with their combat strength and weaknesses. now, isn't it?"

Waving his hand, Barnhardt said with a smile that didn't mind at all.

"And then..."

"Time is running out, the magic sword is in my hands, and they won't unblock me easily, so why don't you just give them this toss!"

In fact, this is the most important reason.

Of course, there is also Egbert who thinks that the power of the demons plus the magic sword may not be the opponent of the floating island and the Azeroth Empire, so they decided to go after a long deliberation. That prudent plan allows the Demon Race to unblock the Demon Sword and to test the truth of those mysterious enemies.

If the Demon Race really wins, if the Azeroth Empire and the Floating Island are just empty shells to scare people, then nothing to say, their empire will immediately launch a large army to fight the Demon Race, and try to destroy the Demon Sword as soon as possible Take it back!

In this regard, he and Egbert already had a complete set of plans, but they just didn't have time to inform the three army commanders including Leon and Imelda in front of them.

And if the demons lose, the floating island and the Azeroth empire are really strong, so powerful that even the demons who hold the magic sword and can control the ultimate weapon Periya are no match for it. , that didn't say, their empire really won't have any other thoughts besides going to the meeting honestly.

Naturally, the above ideas and plans were all decided after the consultation between Barnhardt and Egbert last night. Leon, Vargas and Imelda in front of them must not know about it. .




Now that the words have come to this point, after they have roughly understood what they should and should not understand, Leon, Vargas, and Imelda nodded and stopped talking.

They were just slightly frowning and silent, trying to digest what their Emperor Barnhardt had just said.

"All right!"

"Originally, we were leaving tomorrow, but..."

"Since things have changed now, and there are still ten days before the start of the conference, then we can postpone it for a few days, and then watch a good show first?"

With that said, Barnhardt stood up before waiting for the three of Leon to react.


"Okay, in such a situation, you don't have to worry about anything, just leave it to me!"

"It's getting late!"

"Hurry up and prepare, we will set off in the afternoon and go to the Fortress of Inscano first!"

Then, Barnhardt waved his hand and issued an order to prepare for the expedition.

Now, things in the empire and the imperial capital must have been almost arranged by Egbert, so it was time for them to set off.

However, instead of going to the floating island immediately, they went to the Yingscano Fortress, where tens of thousands of elite troops from the empire were stationed, and then stood by there, waiting to see the performance of the Demon Race and that Pozanlu!

Because it is very close to the floating island, that is, it is very close to the Yanfeng Valley Mountains, and it is separated by a river. If something interesting happens, their empire can react immediately. Nothing is more appropriate than that. place.



"Your Majesty is wise!!"

Leon pondered for a while, then hurriedly stood at attention and bowed respectfully to their emperor, his majesty, with a knightly salute.

Then, he waved his hand, indicating that the two partners, Vargas and Imelda, can leave with him, and stop disturbing their emperor here.





"What's the matter, why am I a little confused?"

After arriving at the door of the throne room, Vargas hurriedly grabbed Leon who was walking in front and asked when he couldn't see any of their Barnhardt emperors.


"Vargas, Imelda and I are only half-understood and can't tell."


"When we leave in the afternoon, let's catch Egbert and ask them carefully?"

Saying that, Lilang, who was thinking about things in his heart, patted Vargas on the shoulder, then turned and walked away.


"Imelda, what is it?"

No way, Vargas had no choice but to look at the witch walking behind him, wanting to see if the other party knew something.


"Vargas, you're still a general. Why, you've been at home with your children recently and don't care about outside information?"

"Never mind!"

"Don't ask, I won't say anything. Even I'm looking forward to what's going to happen next..."

"Go back and get something ready!"

" Fight and struggle. In this world, only the weak will die..."

Saying that, Imelda didn't know what spell she used, but her whole body gradually turned into a black mist, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant, and she didn't like to know where she went.


"Sure enough, I don't like her for a reason..."

"Don't say this, don't say that, what are you talking about?"

Seeing that he was deflated in Imelda's place again, and seeing that the other party disappeared without saying clearly, Vargas roared angrily in the direction of the other party's disappearance.


"Forget it, I'll take the time to go back and see my little Emilia first!"

After hesitating for a while, Vargas, who finally did not dare to turn around and return to the palace, could only stride in the direction of the castle stairs in annoyance.


(w) Is there a monthly pass?

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