Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1792: ?|·'-'·) Heroes fight demons?

Shadow Bear Tibbers' Journey to the Plane Chapter 1792?|?-?) Brave Fighting Devil Audio Novel

"La la la~?"


In the past few days, a certain nasty little girl visited the Great Shrine of Light in Asdru, and was bombarded by orbital bombardment near the lake in the south. After they cleaned up, she was just like a normal person again, wandering around.

The day before yesterday, she had been to Elis City and stayed there for one night.

Then, the next day, she walked eastward, passed the juxtaposed stone bridge guarded by a large group of elves, and looked at the scenery of the 'double bridge sunset' on the bridge. The teleportation interference magic device 'Emerald Gate'.

Obviously, Annie wasn't complacent about that kind of interference device, and she didn't think that the **** was as powerful as those ordinary people.

After that, until now, she has been heading to the northeast, walking along the road towards the Yanfenggu Mountains, which is the direction of going back.



However, while walking, Annie suddenly saw a large group of villagers rushing along the road with their families and their families, pushing carts, driving cattle and sheep, saluting, carrying bags, and hurried along the road.



"Miss, what are you running for?"


Then, after walking all the way and watching for a while, Annie, who found that more and more people were fleeing, took it for granted. When a young lady passed by her, she suddenly grabbed the other party and asked curiously.


"Demon, monster!"

"It's a monster, a lot of monsters have come!"

"You too, run away!"

"I-I won't tell you!"

The teenage girl with a look of panic on her face and her hair wrapped in a dusty towel did not dare to say more, but just casually explained a few words and left in a hurry, not forgetting to tell Annie to run quickly, not to. Go ahead.

The people nearby were all rushing towards the 'Emerald Gate', and so were they, because there were quite a few elf defenders there, and neither the Imperial Army nor the Karthus Kingdom's army had attacked there before. , Therefore, if they go there, they will definitely be sheltered, and the monsters will not dare to approach the place full of enchantments easily.





"However, this place should be the territory of the empire. They heard that there are many troops nearby. How dare the monsters come to cause chaos on a large scale?"

∑('△')? !

Annie was a little puzzled by this.

It's a pity that without waiting for Annie to ask again, the young lady has hurried away with her family and did not answer her question.



Besides, Annie remembers that the area around here seems to be not too far from the floating island she created, but why are there so many monsters popping up here? Aren't they afraid of being suddenly run down by those idle paladins or other guys on her island?

"All right!"

e=('o'*))) alas

"Then go have a look!"


Since she couldn't figure it out, since she originally planned to move forward, Annie simply didn't think about it any more, and continued to walk forward unhurriedly.

Then, along the way, Annie also encountered many refugees in a hurry. Obviously, they must have been infested by monsters and had to run out.

However, Annie didn't pay any attention to them or ask any more questions. Those people, except for the occasional few curiously looking at her, the little girl who was swaying in the opposite direction, gave a sound and reminded them. There is no one to take care of her who is fleeing for her life.



"Is it this direction?"


Not long after, as the number of pedestrians in front gradually decreased, Annie quickly sensed a powerful shadow force coming from somewhere.

Of course, in the eyes of people in this world, that is not the power of shadow, but the so-called dark magic?

But no matter what it is called, anyway, Annie thinks that the power of shadows in that place is so strong that even she can sense it from far away. Perhaps, it must be related to the nearby monster riots and the escape of the villagers. ?

"Let's go!"


"Tibbers, let's go take a look!"


Saying that, some Annie, who was tired of walking, simply threw out her bear cub, and then jumped onto the other person's shoulder, lining up the other person's plush head side by side, indicating that the bear core fully automatic driving mount was ready to go. .

"go ahead!"


Actually, Annie didn't mean to eradicate monsters, and she didn't have so much free heart, although, she was always free? But anyway, she just felt that it was a little rare, and she wanted to see and find out, that's all.


(● ̄? ̄●)


When a certain bear was compelled to stagger forward on his fat, furry legs, as the sky was getting darker, in the direction of their advance, somewhere in the mountains In front of the cave, which is constantly exuding the power of powerful shadows, three guys who are not afraid of death have lurked nearby, and are sneakily approaching the entrance of the cave to spy.


"Gernier, are you sure, this is the place?"

"You read that right?!"

Looking at the dark cave in front of him, but without any monsters outside, Matthew, who was also lying in the grass, asked uncertainly.

This is what Gnir discovered. It is said that many villagers have been arrested. Therefore, after getting the news, Matthew and Ameda, who had been eradicating monsters nearby, immediately followed each other. here.


"My dragon and I checked in the sky. During the day, we saw a lot of demons entering here."


"I even saw that they took a lot of people in!"

Matthew said firmly, indicating that he did not come to the wrong place, and even more did not see it wrong, otherwise, he would not have invited the two as helpers in the first place.


"Would it be bad if we just went in like this?"

"Just the three of us..."

"Would it be a little too forced?"

Ameda is not opposed to saving people, but she is still a little hesitant and a little scared about entering the cave where the situation is unknown, and she doesn't want to take such a big risk.

After all, they still don't know how big or deep the cave is, nor how many monsters and demons are entrenched in it, and that's the same as when they fought monsters in that kind of empty villages, towns or plains before. The situation is also quite different.


"Let's go find Sonia?"

"Let her send someone in to see it?"

There are a lot of demons following Sonia on the floating island now, so Imeda felt that if Sonia was allowed to go out, or if she directly sent some demon warriors to sneak in to investigate, she would definitely be better than the three of them. It is safer and more reliable for people to break in recklessly.

"That's too late!"

"Wait for Sonya to come, maybe all the villagers who have been rushed away will die!"

Gernier interrupted Imeda.

"Besides, Ameda, what are you afraid of?"


"Matthew has a holy sword, you have a dark wand, and I have a giant dragon. We are now the most powerful combination of adventurers on the continent of Alusaria, will we be afraid of a cave filled with demons? "

Without waiting for Matthew, who was on the side, to think about it and speak, Gnier directly refuted Ameida's words and showed off proudly.


"Where's your dragon?"

Ameda was very dissatisfied, and the questioning was loud, and she almost screamed, but fortunately, she quickly recovered, and she asked in a low voice after covering her mouth dangerously.

"Be quiet!"

"It's hovering in the sky, the clouds are very thick today, and with the darkness, we can't see it now."

"As long as I need it, I blow this dragon flute and it can hear it and fly down."

Gernier patted the magic bone flute hanging in front of his chest and comforted, saying that the biggest backing of the three of them has been on standby in the sky, and there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

"But this cave can't get in, it's too small."


"At most, it can only fly down when needed and pick us up here outside."

Genir didn't hide it, and directly told him that he didn't intend to bring the dragon in.

In fact, even if you want to bring it, it is useless, because the dragon is too big and it is not a snake, so it will definitely not be able to get in.



"If it doesn't go in, how can it fight the monsters inside?"

"If there is a fight, you can only rely on me and Matthew. You don't have the dragon, it's useless at all!"

Ameida nearly screamed again.

In her opinion, that dragon might be the most powerful barrier among the three of them. Without it, the three of them would not be able to do anything recently.


"Or, let's go back first, and then report it to the paladins on the floating island, and let them send someone to take a look?"

Then, after pondering for a while, Ameida, who was still a little scared, suggested this.

Originally, in her opinion, the best way is to go to Annie directly. However, that guy doesn't know where he has gone recently, and the aura around that Queen Azshara is too terrifying, so she only The next best thing to do is to prepare to find those Paladins.

For example, the old paladin lord named Tirion Fordring was very talkative and kind-hearted. If he knew that there were monsters abducting the villagers, he would definitely be willing to help.

Although, last time, after the other party borrowed Matthew's holy sword to observe, he almost didn't remember to return it?


"In that case, the benefits of credit and honor will be someone else's!"

"Besides, if we don't investigate clearly, what should we say when we go back?"

Hearing Ameida's words, Gnier, who was beside him, hurriedly retorted, as if he was reluctant to go back in such a dismal state.


Ameda was speechless, and felt that it was a bit unpleasant to run back and ask for help before investigating clearly.


"Then let's go in and see!"

"Gernier, and Imeda, you follow me, I have the holy sword, it is the nemesis of monsters, I think, even if we can't beat it, there should be no problem if we quit."

At this time, Matthew, who had been silent for a while, finally summoned up his courage and agreed with Genier's proposal.

Yesterday, in the Misru formation, the three of them had just eliminated a large number of monsters that attacked the town, at least several hundred in number, and a considerable part of those monsters were destroyed by his holy sword.

Although a large part of it is due to the giant dragon of Gnir, he has also cut down hundreds of monsters and has been supported and worshipped by the townspeople. Therefore, the horse with some inflated confidence now Xiu, I didn't feel that there was anything wrong with venturing in and seeing what was wrong.

"That's right!"

"If we can't beat it, let's retreat immediately, then run out and let my giant dragon come down to meet up. Those monsters won't even be able to get out of the hole by then. What are we afraid of?"

Seeing that Ameida Seafood said something, Gnier hurriedly patted his chest and assured.

He didn't think that there would be any danger for the three of them under the circumstance that there was a sure way to retreat. At most, they would just go back the same way, and it wouldn't be a big deal.


"okay then!"

Two votes to one vote, and Ameida has nowhere to go.

"However, we still have to be careful!"

"This time, we will focus on investigation, and once we find that the demons are too strong, we will withdraw immediately, or go back to rescue troops sooner!"

Then, after hesitating for a moment, she gritted her teeth and made a decision.


"That `s a deal!"

"Set off!"

Soon, when the three people's plans were settled, they quietly left the hiding place, pouted, and carefully touched the dark cave.


Ten minutes later.


"Ma, Matthew!"

"What should we do now?"

Looking at the dense dark shadows around her, Ameda asked in a low voice with a crying vibrato.

Obviously, this adventurous investigation by the three of them was not only unsuccessful, but could even be described as 'extremely bad'!

Is this not?

Right now they are trapped, surrounded by powerful monsters and demons, their escape route has been blocked, and what will happen to her, Matthew and Gnier next, that is not something she can do. imagination.


Matthew didn't answer. Right now, there were bloodstains all over his body, and he looked extremely embarrassed. He also needed to concentrate on guarding against those demons and monsters. How could he have time to answer Ameida's words?


"It's over, it's over!"

Here, Genir, who couldn't summon the dragon at all, looked pale.

Just now, when they came in all the way, it was obviously smooth, and they thought that the demons and monsters here were not that good, but I don't think so...

It didn't take long before reality taught them a solid lesson for the three guys who wanted to be heroes and save innocent villagers from the hands of those monsters!

It turned out that the demons had actually discovered them long ago and set up traps. Then, when they came to the depths of the cave, they suddenly attacked, using a large number of undead knights, flame skeletons, evil spirits, and stone statues. The elites such as the ghosts and the dark guards of the demons blocked the three of them in a dead end road in the depths of this cave.

"Tsk tsk!"

"Look what I found?"

At this time, just when Matthew, Gnir, and Ameda were at a loss, a strange guy in brown armor and a black cloak grinned, appeared and took a step from the passage that the monsters let go of. He walked to the front of the three of them.

"what is this?"

"Holy Sword!"


"And the dark wand?"


"Sure enough, is this the gift of the God of Chaos!?"

Looking at Matthew holding the holy sword and Ameida holding the dark wand, the person who came directly spread his hands and laughed unbridled.

That's right, the person here is the evil god's agent, the 'Prince of Darkness' Pozanlu who caused chaos and disputes in the world!

In the past two days, it was he who made waves here and continuously summoned and gathered those terrifying monsters!

Moreover, he also raided Karthus a few days ago, grabbed the witch of light, and then, after he obtained the magic sword, he also captured a large number of villagers, and prepared to use the blood and fear of those innocents to replace Diablo The magic wand forcibly released the seal of the magic sword, preparing to gather the army to destroy the floating island and then rule the whole world!

Well Before he could figure out how to use the blood and fear of thousands of villagers to perform a ritual he was not very familiar with, the 'dark wand' was delivered to him by itself In front of him, there is even that holy sword...

This kind of good thing that falls from the sky, if it is not the arrangement of Chaos, the God of Chaos and the gift to him, it is estimated that even he himself does not believe it, right?



Seeing that the coming person seemed to be a certain leader of the Demon Race, both Matthew and Genir subconsciously took time to look at each other.

"Take him!"


Immediately afterwards, the two made a decisive decision, first shouting in unison, and then tacitly raised the holy sword and long spear in their hands, and charged towards the strange guy in brown armor and black cape. past.



It's a pity that Pozanlu just stretched out his hand without waiting for the two of them to get close. With the strange ripples spreading out, Matthew, Gnir, and Ameida who were going to use magic to help them were charging. Suddenly, all of them were shocked, and then, if they were struck by thunder, they quickly rolled their eyes and fell to the ground, and their souls were annihilated.

"Hum hum……"

"The plan, but it went well unexpectedly..."

After subduing the three little shrimps in an instant, Pozanlu stepped forward with a grin and took the crucial dark wand from the unconscious Ameida's hand.

Of course!

The sword in Matthew's hand must be indispensable. I don't know why it appeared here.


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