Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1793: ??(?????)????…

Floating Island.

On this fine night, Azshara's small and exquisite garden palace, next to the corner of Anne's Palace, suddenly welcomed the tribe's chieftain Thrall, the tauren chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof, and the warrior Gal. Rush Hellscream is the top of the three tribes.

"Queen Azshara!"

"There is news!"

"Our orc shaman discovered through detection that under our floating island, within dozens of miles around the Yanfenggu Mountains, we found abnormal actions of demons and some monsters. There are many places!"

"Up to now, we orcs have enough reasons to believe that they must be gathering, and they are coming to our floating island!"

Just after entering the main hall, and seeing Queen Azshara, who was leaning on the crescent chair while eating pastries, while raising her eyelids to look at the three of them curiously, Garrosh Hellscream couldn't wait and felt a little bit more. Said excitedly.


"We felt that we couldn't wait any longer, we had to take action!!"

Waving his huge fist, Garrosh Hellscream didn't care about Azshara's mood at all, and shouted in his loud voice.


"What action?"

"What kind of action do you want?"

Hearing this, Azshara basically understood the purpose of the orcs and tauren in front of her, so she couldn't help but put down the delicious cake she took a bite of, and first wiped it gently on the wet towel handed over by the maid. Then he licked his charming lips with interest and asked.

"Of course it is to send troops!"

"It doesn't need to be too much. As long as the orc elite guard force Kor'kron under my command comes out, it is guaranteed to crush those mice before they can be assembled!"

"As long as you order, our orcs can dispatch tens of thousands of elite Kor'kron wolf cavalry and Kor'kron wind riders in half a day!"

Garrosh Hellscream said excitedly, and looked hopefully at the reclining Queen Azshara, trying to get the order he most wanted from the other party's mouth.

"send troops?"

"Do not……"

"You were there that day, right?"

"I told that Princess Shirley of Karthus, we Azeroth Empire will not take action until there is a result."

"That's what you meant originally, only the one with the big fist can decide the fate of this world, isn't it?"

Sadly, however, Azshara thought for a moment, before Garrosh Hellscream thought she would nod her head in agreement, but suddenly smiled cryptically, then shook her head and refused his request.


"That's a verbal promise!"

"It can't be counted!!"

Garrosh Hellscream was anxious and wanted to continue to say something, but unfortunately, he was interrupted by Azshara's delicate jade hand.


"Not counting?!"

While stopping the conversation, Azshara sat up slightly, then she stared coldly at the Garrosh Hellscream with her golden eyes until the other side stepped back in fear. After taking a step, she nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile:

"I don't know about others, but..."

"What I said, count!"

After giving the other party a mental coercion and obtaining a satisfactory result, Azshara lay back again and reiterated lazily.


Perhaps it was because he was ashamed of his own retreat just now, or because he was dissatisfied with the other party's answer, Garrosh Hellscream thought about it, and then took another two steps forward.


But unfortunately, at this time, Azshara didn't want to play with him anymore, so he looked sideways at the maid beside him, and motioned to continue what she just didn't do, that is - tasting dessert.


"Then we will do nothing and let them prepare below?"

"That's the act of a coward!"

Garrosh roared, his voice involuntarily getting a little louder, and Thrall, who was beside him, hurriedly tugged the corner of his shirt quietly behind him.

"You go back."

"I'm not going to change my decision."

Fortunately, Azshara already knew what the virtues of orcs were, so she didn't mind it very much, she just waved her hands impatiently, intending to repell these three guys who disturbed her peace.

"They will come to us sooner or later to provoke us!"

"You're doing this to indulge the enemy!"


Garrosh ignored Thrall's small movements behind him, just clenched his fists angrily, and continued to take a few steps forward and scolded the Queen Azshara in front of him.



And his behavior, of course, angered Queen Azshara's high-level elves who were both maids and guards. Then, when they stretched out their hands, a magical barrier appeared abruptly, and then pushed Gal arrogantly. Rush took a few steps back abruptly, and slowly disappeared until he was flush with Thrall and Kane.


"This point, you are right, I'm just indulging the enemy!"

Hearing Garrosh's words, Azshara turned his head back in a rare moment.


"You don't think..."

"I'd like to give them a little hope of winning first, and then smash their hopes to shreds. Would that be a good idea?"

After Mei smiled and said some of her arrangements, Azshara asked the three of them back with a smile and joked, and continued to add:

"do you know?"

"I've been thinking……"

"If we don't take action, will it give those mortals a strong illusion that we are foreigners?"

"But it's alright now, Mozu, that person who can be used to stand up will soon be delivered to the door by himself."

"That's great, why stop it?"

As she said this with a smile, Azshara didn't care about the increasingly ugly expressions of the three of Garrosh Hellscream.

The matter is already obvious, the little movements of the demons and humans on the ground, she Azshara has long been clear, even detected earlier than their orc shamans, not at all. The three people in front of them need to come to report specially.


"That's too much trouble!"

"If you order, we orcs will be able to completely smash their boring conspiracy in less than a day!"

"I promise!"

"In the name of the tribe?!"

Seeing that his original plan was rejected, Garrosh Hellscream seemed a little afraid, and once again expressed his request loudly and in a half-pleading tone.

"Do not!"

"I'm not going to change my decision."

"You guys should go back early and figure out who to send to the 'conference' when that time comes?"

Azshara didn't want to give Garrosh a chance at all, and once again rudely refused.


"Then I'll go to Queen Anne and ask her to order?"

Garrosh Hellscream was in a hurry, and with no alternative, he could only half threaten his anger.

Although, the orcs are completely unfamiliar with the little girl, and basically can't say anything, but he feels that it is better to go to the little girl to intercede than to go to this unreliable old lady better?

"Looking for Annie?"

Azshara froze slightly.


"Go, it's just right, she hasn't come back for many days, and I'm in a hurry..."

Azshara waved his hand dismissively, signaling the three to hurry up.

You know, Annie has been out for a long time, and she doesn't know where she has gone now. If the orcs can find her in advance, she really wants it.



"You will regret this!"

After finishing speaking, the embarrassed Garrosh Hellscream didn't want to stay any longer, and hurriedly ended the short meeting, then turned his head and left.



At this time, Thrall and Kane, who had no chance to speak during the whole process, first glanced at each other helplessly, then slumped their shoulders, and bowed slightly to Azshara before turning around and backing out.


As soon as he walked out of Azshara's garden palace, Thrall caught up with Garrosh in front of him and stopped him.


"You were just too excited."

"You know, it's not a good idea to provoke her."

After calling out Garrosh Hellscream, Thrall slowly walked to the other side and persuaded earnestly.

He didn't want to come tonight, because he had already guessed the result, but Garrosh insisted on coming, and they had no choice but to follow.

"Of course I know!"

"I did that on purpose!"

Garrosh didn't look at Thrall, just turned his head away in annoyance, still gasping for breath, clearly still angry.

"you know?"

"Then you mean..."

Thrall was slightly surprised and asked tentatively with a frown.

"I just want to **** her off!"

"I've been thinking that if we take the initiative to fight for it, maybe we can do it ahead of time. When that time comes, we will take everything that should be taken and create a given fact, then everything will be much easier to handle."


"She's not fooled!"

Garrosh Hellscream gritted his teeth in annoyance.


Thrall stopped talking, just pondered, not knowing what he was thinking.

"alright, alright.

"Garrosh, don't worry.

"I think, after the demons start, we should still have a chance?"

At this time, Niu Tau Kane finally spoke up, and persuaded him warmly.


"No chance!"

"We all know that in dealing with those dark energy creatures, that is, those demons and monsters, and those undead, it is always the silver hand that has the advantage!"

"And mages and elves, like those Farstrider troops?"

"Azhara, that elf, will choose the method with the least casualties to attack those demons mercilessly. That is the best way to show prestige to the people of this world!"

"We orcs will never have a chance to play, not at all!"

With a pat on the head, Garrosh Hellscream dragged his strong body a few steps forward in annoyance, and slammed into the beautifully carved pillar next to him with one punch, smashing several times directly on it. The crack in the road also attracted the guards of several high-level elves next to him to stare at him with fierce eyes.


"That's what it is!"

The tauren Kane smiled naively, then shook his head and swayed his tail, and walked to the side noncommittally.

"Look at what!"

"I broke it, what's wrong?"

Seemingly aware of the unfriendly gazes around him, Garrosh Hellscream didn't hesitate, and glared fiercely back at the Highborne guards.

You know, compared to the ferocity of their expressions and eyes, who were the orcs afraid of?

Isn't it just grinning?

It just so happened that their orcs were born with a grinning expression, and their momentum alone was much stronger than other races.

Besides, isn't it just smashing a pillar, what's so great? The big deal, another day he will let their orc drudges carry a hundred of the same.




It seems that they didn't want to conflict with an unreasonable orc over a pillar, so the high-level elf guards hesitated for a while, and then they quickly turned their heads again and did not intend to continue to talk to Gal Rush.


"I'm going back!"

"That's it!"

Garrosh Hellscream also felt that his behavior was a little boring after seeing that the guards were just staring at him without any intention of making a real move or theory, and then he stopped provoking and waved his hand directly. , after talking to Thrall and the old cow Kane, he took the lead and left quickly.



"What do you think of Garrosh Hellscream?"

"How about what?"

"I mean, what do you think of raising him to be the next chief?"


"Thrall, old man, you don't want to be chief?"

After understanding what Thrall meant, the rare old cow Kane, who had always been suave from beginning to end, finally exclaimed.



"I'm old, and it's time to retire. I want to take some time to study the way of the elements. Besides, we always have to give the backs some opportunities."

"What do you think?"

After thinking about it for a while, Thrall shook his head and asked with a sigh.



"Garrosh is still too young, as you can see, when he was just inside, he was too obvious and a little impatient."


"It's always good to practice first."

Cairne Bloodhoof nodded, then shook his head again, not knowing what he meant.


"Well, that's fine too!"

"However, I still think that young people have energy, and our world is a little different from before. Maybe young people will have more opportunities?"

"We old have some experience, maybe it's wrong."

Thrall sighed, and seemed a little unsure in his heart.

"Forget it."

"Come on, Thrall, let's go have a drink."

"As for the affairs of this world, let those young people go out on their own. I believe that Mother Earth will protect them."

Seeing that Thrall hadn't made up his mind yet, the tauren Kane didn't rush, just walked over to Thrall's side and proposed.



"Let's go have a few drinks! If you don't get drunk, you won't go home!!"

Rarely, facing Kane's invitation this time, Thrall did not refuse, and responded directly and generously.

Then, under the watchful eyes of the Highborne guards, such an old orc walked out of Queen Azshara's palace with his old friend, the tauren.


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