Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1794: (*???`?) You are already dead

A certain poor little girl wandered all the way and moved forward in a leisurely manner, and even in the middle of the journey, she went to an empty village by herself to rest for the night.

Finally, it wasn't until the afternoon of the next day, when the sun began to slant westward, that she was able to reach the place where the power of darkness overflowed that she had discovered earlier.



"It should be here, right?"


Looking at the dark cave in front of her, Annie muttered uncertainly after a while.



"Why has the power of shadows become dimmed a lot, and the air smells of a very strange **** smell?"


Then, Annie raised her head and sniffed the air vigorously with her small nose. Then, in addition to the faint smell of the monsters, she also smelled a strong and pungent **** smell.

"Tibbers, you said..."


"How is this going?"


Annie blinked, and then, a little confused, she pulled the little bear Tibbs, who was carrying her on his shoulders, by the mouth and asked.

(They've all come here, don't you know if you just go in and take a look?)


(Anyway, it’s already at the entrance of the cave, so what else can I ask, so Tibbers doesn’t bother to answer, though, it must know what’s going on inside, but don’t care what’s going on inside, but then close it again What's the matter, Uncle Bear?)

"All right!"


"Let's go, let's go in and see!"


There was no way, Annie thought about it carefully, and felt that she was going in to take a look anyway, so she simply stopped asking, but patted Tibbers' big furry head, and then motioned for the other party to hurry up and take a taxi. move on by yourself.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers didn't talk nonsense, he took the bear's leg carelessly, and then walked straight into the dark cave.)

After a few minutes……

Tibbers, as if he had known the destination for a long time, took a certain bad little girl all the way to a **** smell that was as strong as the substance, and the ground seemed to be sticky, and there were strange things painted everywhere and it was incomparable. Damp and cold place.

"Fluorescent flashes!"


First there was a coquettish sound, then a small fluorescent ball floated up high, and then the strong light, like the daytime, directly illuminated the deepest part of the cave.



"Oh oh!!"


Then, there was no accident. Just as a certain bear had imagined, a certain little girl who was in a bad mood immediately exclaimed.

Because, at this time, she saw that here, whether it is on the cave wall or on the ground, strange formations and symbols are drawn with blood, and at the same time, next to the huge formation not far away , and there are two huge blood pools, and on the edge of the blood pool, there is a large group of densely scattered, blood-drained, looking at the dead bodies of the pale, shriveled and ugly?

"here is……"


After exclaiming, Annie couldn't help frowning.

"It's that boring ritual again?"


Immediately afterwards, Annie quickly saw it, and probably knew that this must be some kind of mage who was not well-educated to achieve a certain purpose, using the huge thought power and grievances of blood and resentful spirits to carry out some kind of work. Ritual, also known as evil magic.

Naturally, in her most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most In the eyes of the moster and the moster and most quicer and the most ferive master, there is no existence What kind of evil or legitimate magic, this can only be regarded as some kind of opportunistic stupid method.

"A lot of people..."


"There must be thousands of people, right?"


Just looking around, looking at the dead corpses, looking at the arrays, and then calculating the blood and resentment needed to run this array, Annie doesn't need to count them, she probably knows How many innocent people were slaughtered here.

"It seems to be a little late..."


"Let's go, Tibbers, let's go back!"

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

If you can make it in time, Annie doesn't really mind helping, but since it's late, that's all it can do.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers didn't care anyway, he didn't talk too much, he just turned around, and planned to follow the order of his nasty little master to leave here.)





Suddenly, when Tibbs, the little bear, turned around and was about to stride away, Annie suddenly stopped it again.

"It's over there!"


Then, without waiting for Tibbers' response, she just flashed and teleported to the small round platform in the middle of one of the blood pools.

"this is……"


"Miss Liana?"

!? (?\'\'??)?

Annie saw at a glance the familiar lady on the round platform with a pale face and round eyes, who was already dead at the top. Moreover, the other party seemed to be the Liana she knew?





But soon, Annie rejected her point of view.

"It seems that this is Sister Liana!"


Then, she flashed to the symmetrical circular platform on the other side, and finally saw the real Liana who also died on the top.

"The clothes are different..."


"Are they twins?"


Soon, Annie, who looked left and right, finally understood why there were two Lianas here.



Then, when she saw someone she knew, she reluctantly began to bite her fingers and lowered her head to ponder, as if she wanted to understand why there were so many corpses here and what the **** was going on with that magic circle.



"Is it a ceremony to lift some kind of seal?"


After carefully looking at the formations and the boring scarlet blood marks on the ground and the surrounding cave walls, Annie quickly understood some of its basic principles after a short push back.



Then, when Annie stretched out her hand, she went directly into the arms of the uneasy Miss Liana and groped for something.

"There is no heartbeat, but it is still a little warm. It seems that the ceremony should be completed in the morning. Now, those bad guys must have gone far."


Through the detection of Miss Liana's body temperature, she, Queen Anne, the great detective, quickly deduced the approximate time of the ceremony and the death time of these unlucky bastards.

However, it is useless to know!

Because, in the morning, she should still be asleep in the most beautiful big house in the empty village dozens of miles away, and she didn't pay attention to the terrible happenings in this cave at all. thing.



"What should I do? What should I do?"


Now, seeing that a young lady who she knew and had a good relationship with also died tragically here, Annie hesitated a little, and was thinking about whether she should do me a favor or something.





Suddenly, Annie seemed to sense something again.

Then she flashed and reappeared at another place outside the ceremony site. Then, she saw the shriveled, pale and equally dead bodies of three familiar guys on the ground?

Gu Yu And those three people, who are the three hapless Matthew, Grenier, and Aimeida? !



"Why did these three idiots die here?!"


After looking left and right, and found that she had not admitted her mistake, Annie hurried to the side of the Miss Ameida, and then checked the same trick again, and found that the other party was with the Leah over there. Just like Miss Na, there was still a bit of heat in her body. Finally, she made a decision.

"All right!"

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

That's right, Her Lady Queen Anne decided to find someone to help these unlucky guys.

In any case, since there are Liana, the little sister she knows, and the three little followers who have a good relationship with her, Ameda, Matthew, and Grenier, then she must not be able to die. Saved!

And since you want to save it, of course, you can save all of them by the way.


(* ̄▽ ̄)o─═≡※:☆

So, Annie raised her hand to open a portal, and shouted in a crisp voice:



"Is anyone here?"


Annie's teleporters are leading to the paladin camp on the floating island, so she doesn't know who is on the opposite side.


"I'm Alexandros Mograine!"

"Is that the leader of Annie?"

"I'm on duty here today. Excuse me, what's the matter with you?"

Soon, the figure of Alexandros Mograine, the ashes messenger, appeared opposite the teleporters. However, I don't know what happened. The other party was carrying a sledgehammer, and the other party originally The large blade 'Ashbringer' that he had always carried on his back disappeared for some reason.

"It is you?"


Blinking, Annie then nodded her head pretending to understand.

Actually, she didn't remember who the other party was at all, she just felt that 'Mograine' sounded a little familiar?

However, that kind of thing doesn't matter.

"Is such that!"


"People found that there are many, many unfortunate people who have just died here. The bodies are all intact, but the blood is dry, but it seems that they can be rescued, so..."


"Is there that kind of tangram Naru on the floating island?"


"If there is, let them send one over here. There may be a little too many people here to be resurrected!"


"By the way, you have to hurry up and take advantage of the heat!"


Annie said, and gave the other party a cute smile.

After all, to resurrect thousands of people at a time, ordinary paladins and priests are definitely not capable of it, so in order to avoid any mistakes later, it is safer to let that kind of naru go out.

Besides, you have to move quickly, while those people are still hot, and if it's a little later, it may become very troublesome.



"My subordinate understands!"

"Please wait a moment!"

That Alexandros Mograine nodded after knowing what was going on. Then, without talking nonsense, he went straight to the side to explain something.


As Annie received the signal and opened the teleporters again, that Alexandros Mograine and several paladins quickly escorted a tall and big tangram to the cave through teleportation.


"What an evil spell!"

"Looks like those evil demons did it, they can't be kept!"

As soon as he came over, seeing the scarlet color on the ground and the smell in the air, even the well-informed Alexandros Mograine could not help frowning.


"If you can't stay, you have to wait a few more days, now is not the time!"

Then, the old paladin who followed him with Ashbringer's large blade said helplessly.

He is Tirion Fordring, one of the leaders of the Knights of the Silver Hand. He was doing nothing on the floating island, but when he heard about Alexandros Mograine calling the Paladins and Naaru Later, thinking that there was a fight, he hurriedly followed.

But who would have thought, things were not what he imagined?


"We're about to start!"

However, that Alexandros Mograine ignored his old partner, just glared at the other, and looked deeply at the weapon behind the other's back, thinking that this was not a suitable place to argue and meet. He waved his hand in the place where the fight was taking place, and explained to the paladins who were following him. After asking them to be vigilant and alert, he walked towards the bird that was floating in the middle of the cave, illuminated by the holy light. The naaru that took the whole cave.


Immediately afterwards, I don't know what Alexandros Mograine negotiated with the naaru. With the bursts of dazzling holy light shooting out of the opponent's body, it didn't take long for the cave on the ground. The shriveled bodies of those dead villagers and some unlucky **** slowly and miraculously regained their luster, and then, one by one, they sat or climbed up weakly from the ground.


"what happened?"

"Aren't we dead?"

"Where is this place?"



"what is that?"



"I see, is the Goddess of Light here to take us to heaven?"


"Praise the goddess!"


Then, as a matter of course, after discovering that they were 'alive' again, and also found the tangram floating in the middle of the cave exuding warm holy light and many mighty 'angels' in silver armor, those ignorant The ignorant villagers thought it was the goddess who came to take them to the kingdom of heaven, so after a little commotion, they all knelt on the ground and began to pray and bow down.


"Head hurts……"

"here is……"

"A kingdom of heaven?"

At this time, the three of Ameda groaned and sat up, of course, and then, the three people who saw the tangram exuding divine light for the first time, also subconsciously exclaimed in frustration.

"It's not the kingdom of heaven!"


"You are dead!"


At this moment, Annie suddenly came in front of Ameida, and made a big grimace to startle her!

Seeing the other person's expression, she was very satisfied, and then reluctantly added:

"It's just that they found helpers to rescue you!"




"Things are probably hot!"


Annie didn't go on, because she saw that Mograine walked towards her quickly.

"Alliance Lord!"

"This is not a place to talk, and they are still very Let them go to the floating island to rest for a while, right?"

Although these people were all resurrected by the Holy Light, these people must not be able to grab their weapons and continue to fight like the warriors of the Azeroth Empire. Therefore, in order to prevent these people from dying again For once, Mograine could only suggest so.



Anne didn't care, and she was planning to go back, so she waved her hand without waiting for the doubtful Ameda and the three to say anything.


The next moment, a group teleportation instantly sent the villagers who were kneeling or praying and teleported them out of the cave.


And as Annie teleported everyone away, as the magic power of the fluorescent flashing magic she put on before gradually exhausted, it didn't take long for the evil cave full of blood, strange ritual symbols and formations to gradually sink into in darkness, dampness, and coldness.



It's the end of the month, it's the last day, and the monthly pass is coming soon

monthly pass


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