Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1795: ('?') Combat meeting

Silvermoon City on the floating island, in the heavily guarded military fortress outside the city, at this moment, a group of high-level generals of the Azeroth Empire are surrounding the vivid magic battle deduction sand table in the battle command room, loud and intense discussing something.

In the middle of this huge combat command room, in the middle of the vivid magic combat deduction sand table, a model of a floating island is floating there, and below the small 'floating island' is the terrain near the Yanfeng Valley Mountains. , those models of villages, mountains, forests, streams, valley bottoms, fields and towns, etc., are everything and they are all made of magic projection and scaled down, compared to the one carved on the wall by Emperor Rekaert. The topographic map of the Lusalia continent is much more realistic and delicate.

And today, here are Grand Marshal Garithus of Lordaeron, Tirion Fordring and Alexandros Mograine of the Knights of the Silver Hand; Quel'Thalas High The ranger general of the elves, Vereesa, the great astrologist Solan Lien; the chieftain of the orc tribe, Thrall, Garrosh Hellscream, the tauren Cairne Bloodhoof, and the kingdom of Stormwind, goblins, dwarves, trolls, gnomes, The draenei, the night elves, and several fire demons have nearly dozens of high-level people.

Similarly, Queen Azshara was sitting on the throne on the high platform in the command room at this time, but she did not participate in the discussions of the messy generals, just sat leisurely on it, supporting one hand His chin was slanted there, his eyelids drooped slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.


"Here, here, and here!"

"According to the detection of our magic and life detectors, in a short period of time, the demons have at least gathered more than 200,000 troops here, or even more?"

"They are very mobilizing and very efficient!"


"And here!"

"This is the same. In these places, they also gathered more than ten thousand elite high-level demons, but compared to other places, the demons here are very low-key and hidden very well, but they are still used by us. detected."

"What's more interesting is..."

"Although the Rekaert Empire has publicly stated that it has broken with the demons, and has accumulated nearly 100,000 troops near the Yingscano Fortress and Kamansi City, but they are indifferent in the face of the abnormal gathering of the demons. And let the demons harass the residents of the nearby villages, towns and cities below our floating island, and let the demons slaughter and drive them away?"

"To this..."

"We have reason to believe that they are likely to take some deals with those demons who gather abnormally, and the information we have obtained before has also proved this."


"Do you have anything else to add?"

Before the sand table, after everyone argued for a while, Lordaeron's Grand Marshal Garithers pointed at the sand table with the magic light wand in his hand, explaining the current situation to the top leaders of Azeroth. Some basic information about the enemy, and then, after he had roughly finished explaining, he looked at the people surrounding the sand table.


"What about farther away?"

"The surrounding countries, such as the Karthus Kingdom and those big and small lords, and the so-called magician kingdom, do they have any abnormal conditions?"

At this time, Quel'Thalas' ranger general Vereesa suddenly asked.

"Basically none!"

"Kalthus was raided by the demons not long ago, and the damage was not light. Now he is huddled in the city, and there is nothing abnormal."

"As for the surrounding small countries..."

"They are nothing to worry about, but the magic kingdom is a bit interesting. They seem to have accelerated the construction of their floating city, and tried to start it once not long ago, but unfortunately they failed to fly?"

Garithers didn't hide it, and directly told what he knew.

"Then I have no opinion!"

"If we need our far-reachers to dispatch on-the-spot investigation, we will be waiting at any time!"

With her shoulders limp, Vereesa folded her arms and stepped aside without speaking.


"When it comes to reconnaissance intelligence, our MI7 in Stormwind City is better at it!"

"Besides, we humans look exactly the same as humans in this world, and can we easily mix with them?"

Hearing that the ranger general of the high elves wanted to take the job, a man in black from Stormwind Kingdom stood up and refuted,


However, Vereesa just squinted at him, not intending to talk to him at all.

"As I say!"

"We should take the initiative to attack!"

"Isn't it two hundred thousand?"

"Give this task to us orcs, and I will immediately lead the Kor'kron to attack. In less than two days, they will be cleaned up without leaving a single one!"

"In the name of the tribe!!"

Bang! !

Garrosh Hellscream slapped the edge of the magic sand table fiercely with his fist, and roared angrily like a self-commitment.

"Too much trouble!"

"I suggest that we send out a formation of goblin bombers and blow them up first!"

"We can use mana bombs to wipe them out with very little casualties!!"

Seeing that the orcs wanted to stand out, a goblin jumped out not to be outdone, and threatened to use the kind of strategic-level killer condensed by the magic-controlling artifact "Focusing Rainbow" of the Blue Dragon family.


"What did you say?"

Seeing that a little goblin dared to contradict him, Garrosh Hellscream wanted to rush to the theory, but unfortunately, several orcs around him grabbed him ahead of time.


"It's better to be dispatched by your goblins than our dwarf griffins in Eagle's Nest Mountain!"

"Just how many of your broken planes are always out of order?"

"I think, before the enemy can make a move, you will fall down a few times by yourself, and then let outsiders see the joke!"

Seeing the opportunity for the Air Force to be dispatched, the Eagle's Nest Mountain dwarf, who has always been famous for breeding griffins, was naturally not to be outdone. Therefore, a dwarf general with a long beard who didn't know whether it was a male or a female hurriedly pushed the crowd away and hurried away. Climbing to the stage of the magic sand table, waving his (her) short hammer to demonstrate.

"What's the use of those big birds of your dwarves?"

"They don't fly long before they stop to rest, they always poop, and the range is short..."


"That's also stronger than your planes, at least they won't suddenly fall off!"


"I want to duel with you! Duel!!"


"Who is afraid of whom?!"

"Hey, can you stop for a while?"

"Shut up!"

"There's no such thing as you pointy ears here!"


"What did you say?"

"Do you trolls want to die?!"


"It's not easy for us trolls to die..."



In this way, with the high-level generals of various races actively speaking and taking the initiative to ask Ying, as they expressed their own views, soon, of course, no one obeyed the other, and no one was willing to take the lead and grab the benefits. They were once again arguing and sneering at each other.


They were arguing, sneering at each other, demolishing each other and scolding each other. Following the intensifying trend, they pulled out their weapons one after another, and when it was about to turn a meeting into a fight, they finally did. , A certain woman sitting on the high platform of the throne slowly stood up.






In the next second, after the terrifying aura from Queen Azshara swept the entire battle room, it instantly suppressed the arrogant and domineering generals of all races on the scene, causing them to shut their mouths and resentful. Put away their weapons.

"All right."

"You don't have to discuss how many troops the enemy has, and you don't have to fight over who will strike the enemy first, because..."

"That's pointless!"

After seeing that the generals and leaders of the various races present still maintained basic respect for her queen, Azshara nodded with satisfaction and continued:

"Galithers, you still talk about..."

"When the time comes, what method will they choose to attack us?"

"Although I have never been optimistic about the fighting power of their so-called demons, and I am even less optimistic about their fate, but, like those gargoyles, little devils, vampire bats and harpies, if there are too many of those things, There will still be some trouble.”

With a wave of her hand, Azshara gestured for Garithers to answer the question she was more interested in.

Originally, it was the little guy Annie who was sitting here, but when she heard that there was going to be a meeting, the guy ran away. There was no way. Although Azshara herself didn't want to come here, in the end, she still had to reluctantly. Was there and presided over here, and managed to avoid a fight that just nearly happened.



The high-level people present were silent for a while, and then they all looked towards Garithers, and watched the other party walk to the magic sand table again.


"Our main threat is still those high-level demons who can master magic and those who can fly beasts, monsters and demons!"

Garithers was obviously prepared, so he talked eloquently without letting those present wait for long.

"However, with them alone, I'm afraid they won't be able to break through the defense of our floating island."


"Their servant should be that magic sword."

"I think everyone should know that the big explosion south of Asdrew, weapons of that level, are worth our vigilance."

Garithers pointed to an explanation on the sand table.

About the magic sword and the final weapon, they learned from the mouths of Matthew, Ameda and Gnir, who had died and came back to life. They were killed by the dark prince of the devil, Pozanlu. Before draining the blood, the other party proudly told the three of them the real use of the magic sword and the holy sword.

Then, their floating island learned everything indirectly, and probably guessed some of the other party's intentions.

It can be said that they dispatched Naru to save the lives of the thousand people is completely worth it!

In this regard, Garithers couldn't help but feel a little emotional, although, their Queen Anne, their leader always likes to do some inexplicable things, but afterward they can always come over, the other party always has a certain Some foresight, in this regard, he, Garithus, the Grand Marshal, has always admired very much.

Anyway, whether it was before or now, he has always thought so.

"I'll add it!"

"And the holy sword!"

"It is said that that thing has also fallen into the hands of the demons. By the way, its name seems to be called Rangulisa?"

At this time, Tirion Fordring of the Silver Hand suddenly raised his hand and added.

He had seen that Sacred Sacred Sword, and its power was really good. I don't know what happened after it was unblocked. If there are other abilities, such as the same function as that magic sword, I'm afraid it would be a little difficult to deal with. ?

"It doesn't matter the holy sword!"

However, Garithers waved his hand in disapproval.


Old Fording was puzzled.

"That thing..."

"I heard that only Radiant Descendants can be used, and at present, there seem to be only three known Radiant Descendants?"

This matter, Garithers has long asked to understand.

There are only three known descendants of Radiance, one in Karthus, one in the Rekaert Empire, and the last one, the Princess Shirley, has been staying on their floating island, and has been pestering them all day. Looking at their Alliance Leader Annie, I don't know what kind of crooked ideas they are making.

"Is that so..."

Nodding, Fording suddenly stopped asking.


"Everyone, I've also heard about the final weapon. It's not a solution to let it wander around us every day. Can't we just destroy that blue moon?"

"It's not impossible for our mages to do that kind of thing, right?"

At this time, a Wildhammer dwarf general jumped out, and asked in a loud voice.

In his opinion, since the enemy's weapon is the blue moon, then they don't need to discuss any more, just go and destroy the blue moon one by one, and then the enemy will be useless even if he has a hundred magic swords. , how good is that?

"I'm afraid it won't work!"

"That blue moon, its orbit is always changing, very unstable!"

"Its orbit is changing subtly every moment, and it seems that there is still motivation to actively fine-tune it. In addition, it is not a natural celestial body, and it is always subject to the gravitational interference of this planet and the red moon. The distance transmission requirements are very high, and the risks are also very high!"

"Until more observations are made and more specific data are calculated, I don't recommend any mage take the risk!"

At this time, without waiting for the others to answer, Solan Liane, the great astral master of the high elves, took two steps forward and explained.

Of course, she was explaining to the warriors, rangers, knights and other professional generals that the mages knew that, not to mention the great Queen Azshara sitting on the throne.



"so be it!"

Hearing that the high elf great astrologists who are authoritative in interstellar teleportation and star gate construction have said that, the Wildhammer dwarf general who is ignorant of magic, and who was originally talking casually, muttered a few words, and then blushed. Annoyed, he stepped back.

"do not worry!"

"My friends, our goblin kryptonite rockets can deliver anyone safely to that blue moon!"

"I promise to be safe!"

Suddenly, another goblin general jumped out of his own accord and comforted the Wildhammer dwarf loudly.




However, he didn't say anything. As soon as he came out, the senior leaders of all ethnic groups who were still discussing something in a low voice all closed their mouths, which made the battle meeting instantly become cold.

Obviously, the goblin technology is really shocking, so that the expressions of the high-level executives of all ethnic groups present changed a little. Presumably, no one of them would like to sit on such a rocket, and then be caught by the goblins. It was sent to Blue Moon.

"Trust me!"

"Friends, that blue moon has a very big goal, and our goblin rocket can definitely send you up accurately."

"I promise!"


"You can blow up that blue moon!"


Thinking that everyone didn't believe his words, the goblin was in a hurry, and actually took out an ugly and fat rocket model, and demonstrated on the spot that the rocket ignited into the air and was remotely controlled by the device in his hand, and then slowed down. Slowly approach the blue moon projected over the magic sand table.

Undoubtedly, this goblin came prepared, so much so that even a remote control model was ready.


"After going up, how do you get back?"

Suddenly, a tauren looked amused and asked naively.

"This is..."

The goblin was so stunned that he couldn't even care about the rocket suddenly out of control and flying far away.

How to come back, this goblin really didn't think about it, because they have only been studying how to get up, where did they think about coming back?

"Can't you bring some mages up there, and then you open the door and teleport back?"

No way, the goblin general could only tentatively look at the wizards of humans and elves and ask nervously.

The fact that their goblins can send the rocket to the blue moon is already a very great achievement, and if they want to fly back, it is a huge challenge to the fuel and precision of the rocket, as well as the reliability, especially the reliability, they The goblins definitely can't handle it for a while.



"forget it!"

"Our mages of Quel'Thalas will not ride your goblins' rockets!"

"no way!"

"That's right."

"Neither do our Dalaran mages!"

After being silent for a while, the wizards of the high elves and the wizards of Dalaran hurriedly spoke in unison.

The mages are not stupid, they will not put their lives in the hands of a group of goblins!

They have always been distrustful of the inventions and creations of goblins. Even those airships often have accidents, but fortunately, the risk factor of those things is not high. Even if the real one crashes, the mages can also use slow fall So, between the major cities and continents in Azeroth, those goblin airships are still quite trustworthy.


The goblin was furious, but didn't know what to say.

"All right."

"Don't mention the matter of destroying the blue moon, that blue moon, we are still useful!"


"I'm more concerned about..."

"Can the shield of our floating island defend against that kind of orbital bombardment?"

After Garithers stopped the goblin, he turned to ask.

He is a knight and a commander-in-chief, so he only wants to know what is imminent and beneficial to his command of the battle. As for other things, he can put it aside first.

"of course can!"

"If you don't believe me, you can try the mana bomb now!"

Seeing that Garithers questioned the efficacy of the shield device, the goblin who seemed to be the engineering corps screamed again.

The shield of the floating island is a great project jointly designed by the enchantment mages of Quel'Thalas, goblins and gnomes. Anyone who dares to question the safety of the shield is questioning their goblin technology.


"What about stability?"

Garithers nodded, but ignored the goblin and looked at a dwarf who had been silent.


"Stabilizer, enough to withstand a hundred bombardments like that!"

The female dwarf engineer said with certainty and stood up her small chest proudly.

"very good."

After asking, Garithers looked at Azshara.

Now that the problem has been solved, those demons will undoubtedly use the orbital bombardment of the demon sword and the release of massive flying monsters and other methods to their floating islands, as for the specifics, it is temporarily unknown.

However, they are completely unafraid of any threat from the enemy in any way.


"Go ahead and discuss yourself."

"Write a report to me when the results come out..."

Demons or something, they're just jumping clowns, not worthy of Azshara's attention.

What she cares more about is how to be peaceful, reasonable, and how to make the natives of this world feel at ease to accept their rule!

So, when it got a little tired of hearing it, it slowly stood up, and after leaving that sentence, it walked away.


(?w?) On the last day, don't leave the monthly pass.

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