Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1805: ψ(`??)ψTibbs's late-night snack


Late at night.

At this time, the blue moon in the sky had long since disappeared, and the red moon gradually slanted westward to the horizon, and it seemed that it would completely disappear into the horizon.

And in a small bathroom in the palace of the floating island, Hermione Granger and her new friend and sister Irena were soaking in the edge of the bathtub, and leaning comfortably on a human body designed by high elves The engineering-study bath seat closed his eyes slightly and enjoyed it.

This is the private bathroom of the palace room of the two of them. There is a special magic device to send warm water and flower petals at a suitable temperature. There are only the two of them in the gorgeous bathhouse surrounded by mist, and between the steaming and warm mist, The smooth and delicate bodies of the two of them are showing no doubt.

However, their beautiful outsiders are not seen by chance.

Because you want to come in, you must first enter their room on the spot, and then open the two doors of the bathroom to come here, and outside the corridor of the room, there are powerful magic and fire demon royal guards guarding, whether it is ordinary people or ordinary people. Two ordinary people don't say that they are sneaking in, even if they are close to it, it is impossible.


"Hermione, you are so powerful, your world, magical civilization must be very developed, right?"

While enjoying the warmth of the pool water with her eyes closed and soaking her skin in it as much as possible, Irena suddenly turned her head to the side and asked curiously.

Before, not long after they met, the two of them had actually secretly sparred in an open space outside the city, and the result was, of course, no winner!

This is the main reason why the two of them cherish each other and quickly become good friends, good girlfriends, and good teachers and sisters, not just because they are both geniuses, the age gap is small, and they are all young girls.

"This is..."

"Then you're going to be disappointed!"

"Seriously, the magic of our world is on the wane, it's a Muggle-dominated world..."

"Muggles mean ordinary people who are not sensitive to magic or have no magic ability. That title has a little derogatory connotation, which is not very good anyway, and my parents are also Muggles."

"In our place, magic can only be hidden behind the world, and there are not many people in the magic world."

"If it weren't for Professor Anne, I'm afraid I'm just an ordinary Hogwarts student right now?"

Thinking of his achievements, thinking that he not only became a lord in a timeline of the world of Azeroth, but also captured the Dark Lord in his own world, known as the youngest and most powerful witch of this century, He Min then raised his chin a little smugly.

"how about you?"

"Irena, what kind of world is your world?"

"Is there magic everywhere?"

After briefly introducing her world, Hermione asked Irena curiously.


"Our world's magical civilization is indeed relatively developed, and it also has similar floating cities and magical countries."

Irena remembered the country they had been to that only allowed magicians to enter, and all the things she and the irresponsible teacher had done, and then a trace of confusion and nostalgia appeared on her face.

"Speaking of which, it seems that ours is indeed dominated by magic..."

"Unlike this world, our witches have a very high status. However, I am a genius. I passed the exam and became a trainee witch at the age of fourteen. At the age of fifteen, I achieved the highest rank among magicians, that is." The Witch" title. "


"The witch in my city was still frightened, and no one dared to accept me as an apprentice, but fortunately I met Teacher Annie, otherwise..."

Thinking of those demon girls who closed her doors one by one and knocked down her self-confidence again and again, Irena still gritted her teeth with hatred.

To this day, she still feels that their witches must be jealous of her talent, so they secretly united in private and planned to use that despicable method to kill her?

"Is that so?"

"I really want to go to your world to see..."

"Then you continue to be your traveling witch, and I follow you and be my traveling witch?"

Hermione said with some longing, and began to imagine.


"When the things here are over, let's go back together, and then when the trip is over, I'll go to your Muggle world with you and become a professor at your Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?"

Hearing Hermione say that, Irena directly invited her and told her plan.


"Then it's settled!"

"When the time comes, Professor Dumbledore will definitely welcome you!"


"That `s a deal!"

"By the way, is Professor Dumbledore a professor at your magical academy? Isn't he very good?"

"That's not it!"

"He is the most powerful white wizard, but from the last century, and now he is a cunning old man."


Looking at Hermione's somewhat resentful expression, Irena couldn't help but feel a little strange, not knowing why Hermione said that.

that's it……

The two young witches and witches) chatted one after another, frolicking, talking about the thoughts of the girls, and from time to time, they slapped, ridiculed and entangled, until they heard that the people in the bathroom were being until it is pushed away.


"who is it!!"

Finding the door of the bathroom being pushed open, of course Irena and Hermione stood up together immediately, and covered their chests with towels, blocking the key parts of their beautiful bodies, and then grabbed Raising their short wands, they looked vigilantly in the direction of the door.

Fortunately, they soon saw that it wasn't some timid guy who came in, but the hideous toy bear that swelled to a height of about one meter and was holding an arena model in his arms— —Tibbers.


"It turned out to be you Tibbers..."

"Scare me!"

After seeing it clearly, Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, then let go of the wand in her hand and the towel covering her front, and sat down on the comfortable bath seat again.

Hermione knew about Professor Anne's bear for a long time. She had bathed with him more than once before, and knew that he was a shadow energy creature. When Annie was two years old, she was imprisoned in the bearskin shell. Anyway, she You know, the other party is not a person, so she doesn't need to worry or guard against anything, and she also doesn't worry about being seen by the other party.

Because the other party has seen it many times, and Hermione has bathed the other party many times, and has been threatened many times.


At this time, Irena gradually relaxed, and also dropped the covering towel and wand.

Because, like Hermione, she knew and was familiar with the bear, and the other party knew her Irena even more, and even her inside and outside were seen and tasted by it. ' After that, she didn't feel there was anything to hide.


Looking at the arena model held in the other's arms, her eyelids couldn't help jumping wildly, and at the same time, her heart began to jump wildly.



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After seeing the two of them relax, Tibbers continued to step forward, and then placed the model in his hand directly on the patterned floor of the bathroom, and then raised the bear's head innocently, looking at Hermione and Yi Lei. Na's lovely tender flesh.


"What is it going to do?"

Hermione didn't know what a certain bear meant, so she felt a little inexplicable, so she had to look at Irena beside her.


???? ̄? ̄????

Tibbers didn't speak, and couldn't speak, so he had to look at the Irena beside him, and gestured with his eyes frequently.


She opened her mouth, but Irena couldn't say a word.


After a long time, she covered her forehead, bit her lower lip and sighed in shame.

Obviously, Irena remembered some memories that made her feel uncomfortable, and was struggling with whether or not to say it.


"What's up?"

"Irena, do you know what it means?"

Hermione asked again inexplicably, tucking her wet hair around her ears.


"It may be greedy, so it wants to eat us..."

In the end, Irena, who had a complicated expression, had no choice but to cry and laugh.


"Eat, eat us?!"


"how to eat?"

Looking at a certain bear and then at Irena, Hermione, who had no idea what the two were playing, was a little puzzled.

"That is..."

Irena was about to say something, but, suddenly, she looked at Hermione's body that was not inferior to her at all, even taller and more slender. She, who was as beautiful as the moon and should not be compared by the other party, suddenly changed her mind.

"It's hard to explain..."


"Hermione, you touch that arena with your hands, and you'll know what that means very quickly."

In fact, that's literally what it means!

Although Irena knew that as long as she explained patiently, the other party would definitely understand, but, she thought, in that case, she might offend the bear in front of her and Tibbers? So, after thinking about it, and because of her jealousy, she had no choice but to aggrieve this good best friend beside her.


"Just touch it?"


"Nothing terrible will happen?"

Leaning over, squatting in front of a certain bear and squinting to study the arena model for a while, and Hermione, who found that there was nothing unusual about it, turned around and asked suspiciously.

"Will not!"

"It is a real projection magic item. At that time, I became stronger in it a little bit, and I guarantee that you will not suffer any harm!"


Irena patted her chest and assured.

Anyway, Irena has practiced it herself, that thing can really make people strong and strong, and at the same time the body will not be hurt in any way, but, whether the mind will be hurt, then she can't guarantee it .

But it shouldn't be a big problem, after all, it's a magic item made by her wicked little teacher, and it's a miraculous existence. That's what her other teacher, the "Stardust Witch" Fran commented on. I want to come. Not too bad either.

"It always feels a little weird..."

"is that true?"

Hermione was still a little suspicious, but after thinking about it, she couldn't think of any reason for Irena or Tibbers to hurt her.


● ̄? ̄●

Tibbers is a little impatient. You know, the reason why he came here tonight is because he was a little tired of eating Shirley recently, so now, after seeing Irena and this Hermione in front of him, It's about to change the flavor.

Of course, tomorrow, if there is a chance, maybe it will go to the remaining few more tender female human beings? Anyway, it has been greedy for a long time, and now it will not miss such a great opportunity. )

"of course it's true!"

"I promise!"

"And I tried it too, otherwise I wouldn't be so strong!"


"Anyway, if you really want to win that game, I think you'd better try it?"

Irena began to urge hard.


"All right!"

After thinking for a while, finally, Hermione, who could not see any problem, made up her mind, and hesitantly stretched out her slender, tender hand full of water droplets and touched the small arena model.

next second...


Hermione's face froze at first, and then, a small figure appeared in the center of the arena.

Great! )


Tibbers cheered inwardly, and then, of course, it couldn't wait to run forward, and also stretched out its bear paws and touched the model. )

After a few minutes…




Hermione, who suddenly came to her senses, didn't know what she had experienced. She didn't care about her naked body and where she was. She just screamed miserably and couldn't stop backing away. Soon, she stepped on it. Sora, slipped on his back and fell into the bathtub.


"I knew it……"

Shaking her head, Irena sighed.

Then, after a while, she snapped her fingers.


Immediately afterwards, a certain female scholar who had drunk enough spring water in the bath was picked up by an invisible mage's hand and slowly pushed to the side of the bath.

"Cough cough..."

After a while, Hermione, who was vomiting, gradually came back to her senses.


"How is this going?"

"Didn't I just get eaten and eaten by it?!"

Thinking about the situation just now, looking at his intact hands again, and then touching his body, he found that his neck, thighs, buttocks, and chest were still there, and Hermione, who was pale, trembled at the half-smile. Irina asked.


"That's the magic of that arena!"

"You have just experienced it. Inside, everything is real, and Tibbers will also adjust his strength to the same level as you. After all, actual combat is the best way to improve and test strength, isn't it? ?"

Seeing that the other party's recovery was a little slower than her own, Irena winked at Hermione playfully and teased.


"You, you have been eaten by it too?!"

Thinking of the incomparably terrifying and terrifying pain when she had just lost the battle, and was then pressed to the ground by the opponent, her arms and thighs were gnawed, Hermione subconsciously hugged her arms and shivered, and then she shuddered with a stunned expression. She looked at Irena beside her and asked in a trembling voice.

"Have eaten!"

"Many times!"

"I can't remember exactly how many times, and my other teacher, she was also eaten by it!"

Irena remembered her 'Stardust Witch' Fran, tapped her chin with her finger, and replied suddenly with a smile.

For an arena like this, there should be another one in the hands of Ms. Fran, the "Stardust Witch", but why did Mrs. Anne make such another one, and it fell into the hands of Tibbers, Then she wouldn't know.

"So, you can't beat me, can you?"

"I have used this arena for countless battles, some with it and some with Mr. Fran. I can't remember exactly how many times."

Irena didn't hide it, and directly and generously told what she had experienced.


Hermione was silent, frowning thoughtfully, not knowing what she was thinking.

Boom! Boom!



At this moment, a bear tapped the floor and looked straight at Hermione again, while the other bear paw pointed at the arena model.


"You! What are you doing?!"

Hermione jolted, and then her legs softened, and she slumped in the bathtub. While the pool water submerged her tender chest and neck, she crawled backwards toward the center of the pool with her hands and feet.

"whispering sound!"

"It still wants to continue, maybe it's not eating enough?"


"What do you think?"

Irena translated on her behalf.

After all, she was already very familiar with Tibbers. Although she couldn't communicate directly with it, she knew what the other party wanted to say with just a glance.


"Do not!!"

"no way!"

"I won't let it eat again!"

"Absolutely absolutely not!"

Hermione refused with a livid face, saying that she would not be fooled again, and she would bully him again. After all, the feeling was too real and terrible, but thinking about it would make her feet soft.

"All right!"


"But seriously, Xiao Xiong is really a good teacher. At least half of the reason why I can live safe and sound while traveling alone is due to him?"

Thinking of the various dangers she has encountered over the years, Irena can't help but have some lingering fears, and looks at a certain bear gratefully.

"And ah..."

"If you can beat it in there, then you're basically qualified!"

Irena blinked, reached out and tapped her cherry lips, as if she wanted to continue to encourage Hermione to do it again or something.


"Do not!"

"Irena, let me compete with you!"

After a long time, Hermione, who was gradually recovering, finally got rid of the terrible feeling she had felt before, and stood up directly from the pool, and then walked cautiously to Irena.


"Then you will die miserably..."

"Tell you, I have at least a half chance of winning against Tibbers now!"

Many of Tibbers' weaknesses have long been known to Irena, such as not being able to fly, magic, etc., and Hermione wanted to challenge her when she couldn't even beat Tibbers. Not enough to see.

You know, in this arena model, she won't have the spare strength to go to the end like a sparring. Although she won't eat Hermione alive like Tibbers, she will. Don't hesitate to take any opportunity to fry, incinerate, or mash your opponent to pieces!


"If you don't try, how do you know you can definitely win?"

Hermione frowned, gritted her teeth, and insisted on speaking hard.

Now that she knows that she won't die in this arena model, she will definitely go all out later. At that time, it is still unknown who will die!

Besides, when Hermione was in the world of Azeroth, in the Triwizard Tournament, she had also experienced actual combat and the test of life and death.



"I'll say it first!"

"If you can't beat me, then you continue to train with Tibbers, how about that?"

Irena pondered for a while, and then looked at the angry little eyes of a certain bear on the side, she felt that it was better for Hermione to be eaten than herself, and she said so aggressively.




Hermione, who didn't think she could beat Irena without reservation, just hesitated for a and then nodded resolutely.

"very good!"

"So, let's get dressed first, then go back to the room and take your time?"

Irena stood up, then pulled a white and soft bath towel from the shelf beside her and wrapped her crystal white body.

"Come on!"

"I won't lose to you!"

Hermione also stood up, then prepared to wipe her body, and then went back to have a good test with Irena.

? ? )


Not long after, looking at the two female humans who were talking and taking their belongings away, Tibbers, who was standing in the bathroom, was stunned to know that it was just here for a late-night snack. , why did they put it aside before waiting for it to eat enough? )


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