Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1804: (??ω??) That's it

"Serve the food!"

"This is the steamed fat crab..."

"This plate is spicy salmon!"


"Fragrant Petal Soup!"

"Dear guests, please take it slow?"

The dinner party in the palace is still going on, and the plump pandaren maids are constantly changing all kinds of delicious meals for the guests in this small restaurant, as if they want to take advantage of the wonderful The food that the guests brewed before the meal to resolve all those 'evil spirits'?

It's a pity that their efforts are doomed to be in vain...

Because, after they finished serving the dishes and retired, the girls, big and small, who were sitting on both sides of the table with their longing and curious expressions just now, immediately changed their faces and stared vigilantly with those malicious eyes. opposite the table.



"What are you looking at? The fat crab is ours!"


"Then don't even think about eating this plate of salmon!"

No, when Kuroko Shirai used his space movement ability to grab the big plate of steamed fat crabs, Luvia was also very rude and stood on the chair together with Illya, and moved the plate of spicy salmon to them. in front of the two.

And then, not to be outdone, Misaka Mikoto brought the large pot of fragrant flower petal soup, which was temporarily ignored, to her and Index's table.



"Can the three of you finish such a big pot of soup?!"

"no problem!"

"If we can't finish it, we can pack it back and drink it slowly at night as a late-night snack!"


"What are you?"


"Drink! Drink more, preferably until you wet the bed at night?!"

So, after arguing for a few words, inevitably, several people on both sides began to confront each other silently across the long table, and they had a big disagreement and fought again.


Some stunned looking at the girls, big and small, who have been tit-for-tat since the beginning of the banquet, even restless to eat, Hermione opened her mouth, but in the end, she still didn't say anything, just silently The last piece of tiger steak on his plate was brought to his mouth with chopsticks and chewed on his own.

"All right!"

"Irena, are you full?"

Then, after thinking about it, she put down the wooden tableware in her hand, and turned to look at the friend Irena beside her.


"Roughly the same?"


"I'm full."

Irina put down her chopsticks noncommittally, and made a joke with a half-smile.

Then, she wiped her mouth gracefully with a napkin, and then, out of nowhere, she took out a thick tome magic book, and sat at the dining table to read it to herself.

It's just that although she took out a book and began to read it, it was not hard to guess from the small eyes she looked up at the two opposing sides from time to time, she seemed to be looking forward to something very interesting. Interesting things that might happen?

"Have you seen enough?"

Hearing Irena's words, Hermione was startled for a moment.


"That's right!"

But soon, as smart as she reacted.

Then, she also followed Irena's way, wiped her mouth, leaned back on the chair with a half-smile, and sat down in her own seat so peacefully, waiting with Irena in tacit understanding. , It seems that they want to see how their professor Anne will deal with the immediate crisis this time?


(??~??) Chew!



It's a pity that now a bad little girl has never thought about dealing with or solving the crisis at all, on the contrary, she is more inclined to continue to create conflicts and expand the crisis than to deal with the crisis, it is better to provoke And let the two sides fight on the spot?

Anyway, when Hermione saw it, the other party was still eating and looking around excitedly, not knowing what he was expecting, but he didn't mean to come forward to comfort and resolve the dispute.




Then, Hermione also saw that Tohsaka Rin, Illya, and Luvia were gnashing their teeth and 'grateful' eating their spicy salmon, while staring at the opposite side with a vicious expression on the crab's lid and eating it Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto who wore crab yellow.

Apparently, spicy salmon are delicious and savory, but at the same time they are spicy and choking, and it would be perfect if a bowl of fragrant flower petal soup could neutralize it a bit at this time.

But unfortunately, now that the big pot of soup has been snatched by the other party, the three of them must be disdainful to pull their faces down and beg the other party to give them the soup. They can't do anything but a big pot of spicy salmon.



At the same time, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko were not feeling very well at this time.

Because, the food they grabbed this round are those light types, although the fat crab is very delicious, but the taste is too light, and the petal soup is also fragrant, so after eating too much, their mouths are about to go A bird faded out, and while nibbling at the crab legs, he couldn't stop looking up to see the three little kids on the opposite side chomping on the fragrant spicy fish.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!



After waiting for a while, until she was almost full, and then found that those guys didn't want to fight, there was no way, Annie planned to add fire to them.


(● ̄? ̄●)



"Mikoto-san, and Rin, why did you guys fight?"


Anyway, Annie only knew that the two groups of guys fought openly on the street, and then destroyed a lot of flowerbeds, trees, and street shops, and created a lot of chaos. After a group of high elves of Quel'Thalas The lawbreakers caught it.

Then, they met her family's fire demon, and then they were sent to Shan Knox's hands, and then they finally got their freedom after she came back and confirmed her identity.

It's just that those things were reported to her by Shan Knox, the fire demon chief of her family, and she only knew that the two sides were arrested for fighting. As for why they fought, it was temporarily unavailable. Got it.


"You still have the face to say!"

"It's not all because of you?"

It's okay not to mention it, as soon as they mentioned this matter, Luvia, Rin, and Illya all glared at their little teacher, Annie, with their little faces covered in spicy sauce. past.



"What's the matter with people?"


Annie's face was inexplicable and innocent.

Because, she obviously didn't do anything. She ran to the ground to play before, and she wasn't on this floating island at all. How could they blame her indiscriminately?

"Why don't you close it?"

"You summoned us, and then you left us behind!"

At this time, the sunspot across the table, who seemed to have remembered something, actually spoke up for the 'enemy' and protested.

Of course, she didn't mean to help, and she didn't mean to forgive the three little guys on the opposite side. She just expressed her own remarks because of something.


"You didn't say anything and didn't explain, you just kidnapped us."

"do you know?"

"Before, we thought we were going to starve to death here!"

Luvia added bitterly.

At the beginning, when they discovered that a few of them had appeared on this floating island, they thought that Rin Tohsaka had done that kind of dangerous arcane experiment to create the portal, and that it might be forever. They couldn't even go back, but they didn't even think about it... After they were caught here, they found out that the portal was actually created by the wicked little girl teacher in front of them, in order to get them Coming here and going to that what convention?

Although, Luvia doesn't mind coming here to join in the fun, but the other party has to explain the situation to them, right?

But the other party was good, didn't say anything, just kidnapped them, and then left them alone. Does that seem like a normal thing that a normal person can do?





Thinking about it carefully, Annie seems to have remembered it at this time. Before, it seems that she did not explain the situation to these two groups of people carefully?

At that time, when she summoned Hermione and the others, she barely made it clear, and then, when she summoned Mikoto and Kuroko, she only briefly mentioned it, and then...when she summoned Rin and Sakura, she was a little bit confused. Getting impatient and then saying nothing at all, not even showing up?

Thinking of it this way, it seems understandable that this group of people are prone to make some outrageous actions and provoke Mikoto, Kuroko and the others under the unknown and fearful circumstances.

"Do you like eating pandaren food?"


"How about eating this mango smoothie?"


"Or this spring roll?"


"Or this sea fog rice noodles? They taste very good!"


So, Annie, who felt a little embarrassed, hurriedly started to change the subject and directly contributed the unfinished delicacies in front of her table, intending to cover up this matter and talk about it.





It's a pity that her apprentices or classmates and friends were not fooled at all, they just stared at her with a sullen face.


(? ̄? ̄)

"I'm full, do you want some dessert after dinner?"


"People have been to a place called the food world before, and they brought a lot of delicious food. Would you like to try it?"


Seeing the pandaren food doesn't seem to impress these guys, there is no way, Annie had to resort to her ultimate move, and was going to use those special delicacies in the food world to block the mouths of these guys.

Anyway, in addition to those very large reserves, she also packed a whole world of food, and those delicious things, she wants as much as she wants, and she can't finish it!





However, Mikoto, Kuroko, Rin, Sakura, Illya and the others were still not fooled, they still stared at Annie with expressionless faces, and condemned her with those terrifying eyes and those silent words.


Fortunately, at this time, seeing that Professor Anne's situation seemed a little embarrassing, it was rare that Hermione spoke up suddenly.


"Have you signed up for that conference?"

For Hermione, although her professor Annie often does some weird and unreliable things, but no matter what, the other party is her mentor, and at the same time, she has given her everything. The incomparable great help is her most, most, most, most, most, most, most, and most respected existence and none of them!

Therefore, after watching the excitement for a while, she opened her mouth with a smile and attracted everyone's attention under the dissatisfied gaze of the Irena beside her.

"Tomorrow is the last day of registration deadline!"

"If you don't go, you'll miss the opportunity. I'm afraid you all don't know the rewards of that competition, right?"

"It's like this..."

Then, Hermione talked a little bit about the world, the upcoming tournament that will determine the world's ownership and future destiny in the Alusaria continent, and of course, the final reward— - The winner will dominate the whole world!

"The whole world?"

"So it is!"

After listening, Kuroko Lido was of course taken aback.


"That's the fun thing to say?"

"If you win, can you really get a whole world?"

"Can you be a queen?!"

Saying that, Kuroko seemed to think of something, such as...

Become the queen or queen of this world by yourself, with this huge and beautiful palace, as well as three palaces and six courtyards, with my elder sister as my queen, etc.

Thinking about it, her eyes were shining with golden light, her face became more and more rosy, and she even began to breathe quickly.



"What, are you coming to participate?"


"Hermione signed up too!"




As she said that, Annie glanced at a hateful apprentice who was invited by her first, but still said nothing about joining.

That's right!

It was the hot Irena, the other party was stubborn, even if she didn't participate, she even encouraged and instigated Hermione, and wanted Hermione not to participate, she was so angry that she wanted Tibbers to hold the other party and ruthlessly. A spanking, moreover, it's the kind of spanking a day!


Irena saw Annie's small eyes, but she didn't mind it, she just turned her face away.

Anyway, she is definitely not going to participate, if she doesn't participate, she won't participate!

Besides, she has already investigated, there are many very powerful guys who participated in the conference, and the conference has also set up some relatively fair mechanisms, she will definitely not be able to win, so even if there is a whole world as a reward, But she still chose to refuse, resolutely not to do that kind of thing that is destined to have no good results.


Unlike Irena's rationality, Kuroko Shirai didn't care so much, she just looked at Misaka Mikoto next to her eagerly.

"Let's go to participate together!"

"Sign up tomorrow!"


Before, Kuroko and the others had seen the huge arena. The three of them came from there to this city from the beginning, and they also knew a little bit about the situation. Although, Kuroko himself felt that he might win. Not that match, but her sister is possible!

If you can play to the fullest, Kuroko thinks, there should be a lot of hope for the elder sister to win the final victory?

"All right!"

"Then let me have a look too!"

"There's no danger anyway, is there?"

Seeing Kuroko's look of anticipation and pleading, after thinking about it, Misaka Mikoto also felt that this was a good opportunity to exercise herself, so without any hesitation, she pursed her lips and nodded in agreement.


"Then I'll go too!"

"And I!"

"Me too!"

Seeing that the two 'enemies' were about to sign up for the competition, the three beautiful girls Rin, Ilya and Luvia across the table looked at each and then raised their one. Only white and tender hands.

As for whether they really want to participate, or whether they just want to settle accounts with Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko, that's a matter of opinion.



Annie didn't speak anymore, because ah, her goal seemed to have been achieved.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

"whispering sound!"

a bunch of idiots!

Seeing those idiots fall into the trap of some nasty little girl teacher, Irena pouted, then suddenly closed her magic book and stood up straight.

"Ms. Anne!"

"Then I'll go back and get ready to rest."

"Thank you for your hospitality?"

Now, since everyone is almost full, and the matter is basically over, seeing that there is no more excitement to watch, only her hateful teacher with a proud face and the other party's equally hateful conspiracy succeed. With a small expression, she suddenly became a little dull.


"Irena, wait for me!"

"Professor Anne!"

"See you tomorrow!"

Seeing Irena standing up and walking out, Hermione quickly got up and caught up.

Because, now they are living in the same room in this palace, if the other party wants to go back to take a bath and rest, then of course she will follow.


(? ̄? ̄?)

"See you tomorrow afternoon!"

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~

Yes, before the afternoon, she, Queen Anne, didn't see anyone except the evil quilt king who couldn't be beaten to death!




(??ω??) Is the monthly pass still available?

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