Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1812: (?????) Light of Birth

In the afternoon of the next day, Kuroko Shirai pulled Misaka Mikoto to the front of the list outside the arena, and successfully saw the names of herself and her elder sister on it.


"which one……"

"Sister! Elder Sister!"

"Look at it!"

"It seems that the top 100 list has really come out, and you and I have really been promoted directly by bye!"

"That's great!"

Then, she cheered directly, which attracted the attention of many onlookers around her.

However, no one around dared to comment or point at random.

Because they all know that the two girls in front of them are both amazing beings. One has a terrifying electric shock ability, while the other can directly take people to a height of 10,000 meters. There is no such thing as such an existence. Who will actively choose to provoke them.


"It happened."

"The next battle, I'm afraid it will be more difficult..."

Mikoto knew that the reason why the two of them were bye was because they were too eye-catching. Then, the referees directly let them advance, which blocked the way for others to advance when they got it. Before this list came out, they had already advanced. Someone had notified them first, so she wasn't too surprised now.


"The three of them seem to have also advanced..."

Soon, Kuroko saw the names of Tohsaka Rin, Luvia, and Ilya on the list, the three hateful magical girls who did not deal with them.

"That's normal!"

"You know, no matter what, their magic is still quite strong. If you encounter them, Heizi, you must be careful."

Mikoto looked at the list and found that apart from the three people and Hermione just mentioned by Kuroko, there were few others she knew, so she pulled Kuroko out of the crowd, and then she turned around and warned her. .


"Do not!"

"Sister, don't worry, I won't be afraid of them!"

"Heizi, I still have a lot of powerful tricks that are useless!"

Kuroko seemed a little disdainful of Mikoto's advice.

Because the truth is exactly as she said, so far, she has been deliberately hiding some more powerful moves, and has never used them! At that time, if she really encounters those 'enemies', she believes, it will definitely surprise those guys.

"Are you still arguing with them?"

"never mind."

"As you please!"

At first, she stared at Kuroko, who was smiling fiercely, not knowing what she was thinking. Then, Mikoto shook her head, and sighed a little bit, she didn't intend to say too much. many.

After all, when the matter here is over, they will go back to Academy City. At that time, they will be in different worlds with each other, and it will be difficult to meet each other. Therefore, should the two sides resolve the conflict or something? She doesn't care much anymore.

Besides, Mikoto doesn't really want to take the initiative to apologize to the three little guys, so this matter can only be left like this for the time being! Anyway, in this world, they will definitely not fight again.

Of course, if it happened during the game, the situation would be different.



"What about the Index people?"

"Today, why didn't I seem to see her?"

Then, Mikoto, who suddenly remembered something, couldn't help but ask a question in confusion.

Yesterday, Mikoto rested in her room for a morning, and then she didn't see Index again in the afternoon, and in the evening, they didn't have dinner together in the palace, she just went around the city with Kuroko and the others. , shopping and celebrating the victory, she didn't remember the guy with a low sense of presence that they all forgot about.


"I don't know..."

"Maybe, still sleeping in the castle?"

After scratching his face, Heizi guessed uncertainly.


Mikoto shook her head firmly.

"Look, what time is this, Index will never sleep at this point."

"She's not Annie..."

If it was Annie, Mikoto would still believe that, after all, when they were in Academy City, Annie's laziness and laziness in daily life, they had already deeply experienced, and even though Index was also It's a little bad, but it's certainly far less serious than some bad little girl.


"Maybe she was infected by Annie?"


"I haven't seen that guy today!"

Now, Kuroko just wants to live a two-person world with her elder sister. As for the big light bulb of Index, where the other party will stay cool, she will definitely not take the initiative to find the other party, at least not for now.

"All right!"

"Leave her alone!"

After thinking about it, she thought that the Index guy wouldn't run around, and that even if he disappeared, the Annie guy would be in charge, so Mikoto quickly felt relieved.


"Heizi, you and that Shirley know each other, right?"

Immediately afterwards, Mikoto suddenly remembered something, she turned her head to look at Kuroko who was holding her arm and asked with a questioning look.

"That Princess Shirley?"

"Of course!"

"I met during the 'special training' last afternoon and evening."

The so-called special training in Kuroko's mouth is a duel with a hateful bear or someone else.

Especially that bear!

Although, in most cases, it ended with their fiasco, and at the same time they were tortured and killed by the other party, but it is undeniable that the bear did teach them a lot of danger perception and fighting. Her practical experience, otherwise, when she was dealing with that roar yesterday morning, she might have been defeated because of her carelessness.

From Kuroko's point of view, the sneak attack of the orc yesterday morning was far inferior to the thrill of their confrontation with the abominable bear... In suppressing the strength to the basic level Under the circumstances, the bear always had various ways to catch Lengzi and beat them by surprise, making them itch with hatred but helpless every time.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have been exhausted, like masochists, going to that hateful guy for that terrifying and terrifying special training under the condition of being 'bullied'.

"Sir, why are you asking her?"

Saying that, Kuroko looked at her Mikoto-senpai with some apprehension and suspicion, wanting to know why she suddenly mentioned Shirley's name.

"It's nothing!"


"Up above, I didn't seem to see her name just now..."

"Is she eliminated?"

Thinking of the stubborn and hard-working princess, and thinking about the list, Mikoto couldn't help but feel a little worried, and also felt a little pity for her friend of the same age as them.

"I just didn't pay attention!"

"But if you don't have a name, you must be eliminated, right?"

"No way!"

"She's not like us. She definitely won't be able to improve too much in a short period of time. If it's in our secret base, there's still a way, but it's definitely not possible here."

Heizi thought about it for a while, and then perfunctory a little annoyed.

Now is the rare alone time for her and her elder sister. It just so happens that Index is not here. Later, she has to entangle her elder sister to go to the city for a candlelight dinner for the two of them, and then simply stay outside at night, and she can ...

hey hey hey...

Thinking about it, Kuroko's saliva couldn't help slipping from the corner of his mouth, and at the same time, the hands that were holding Mikoto's arms couldn't help tightening.



"I think, maybe, we can go and help her?"

After walking forward for a while, Mikoto stopped suddenly and said somewhat uncertainly.

"How to help?"

"This is another world, a floating island!"

"It's not our Academy City, there must be no way, right?"

Heizi was puzzled, and at the same time was a little dissatisfied and vigilant.

Because ah, Kuroko saw that her elder sister seemed to be very interested in the guy called 'Shirley', which made her feel a slight threat, and then she couldn't help but think about it.

"Of course it's about trying to win the championship!"

"If we win, the world is ours!"

"When the time comes, I'll be able to help."

Although Mikoto has never been too eager to win, but if she can win, it will be very good. At least, she can do a lot of things and help her new friend Shirley, no matter how good it is. However.

She had heard that if the floating island hadn't suddenly appeared, Shirley's Karthus Kingdom would have been attacked and destroyed by some empire, and now, Karthus is only left with Karthus City and Karthus. A small piece of territory, let alone how pitiful it is.

"hope so……"

"Let's go!"

"Sister, let's go back and find Index!"

Saying that, Kuroko dragged Mikoto's hand again and ran towards the city.

However, she didn't really want to go back to find Index, she just wanted to draw her sister's attention away from a certain unfortunate princess named 'Shirley'.

Wait for a while, when she gets to the city, she will definitely take her elder sister to go shopping. At that time, regardless of whether it is Index or Shirley, she will not disturb them.


However, what Kuroko and Mikoto didn't know was that the 'Shirley' they were talking about was not very pitiful at this time, but was excited and surprised in the house they were assigned as the Karthus Post House, Meeting with a certain archmage who suddenly came to the door.

That archmage is not who, he was the one who disappeared for a while, said that he was going to God’s Domain, and then left Erwin, Liana and others in Karthus City, which resulted in Liana being raided. The legendary great magician Jessica captured by the demons!

"Miss Jessica!"


"You are finally here!!"

Seeing his teacher, Hain was the first to greet him and saluted excitedly.


"Archmage, are you here?"

Then, Keith and Scott also greeted them, and greeted Jessica who came forward with a smile and respect.

"Ms. Jessica..."

Shirley also followed behind the crowd to greet them.

After such a long period of time, and until the cause and effect of certain things, Shirley gradually no longer had the prejudice against the archmage who represented the goddess of light as before.

Because she already knew that the legendary archmage Jessica in front of her was really for the good of Karthus, and she really wanted to help the kingdom of Karthus defend against the Rekaert Empire. I'm afraid that now Karthus can't even keep the last capital.

As for the holy sword and wand, it's even more to blame for the other party.

After all, Shirley herself didn't expect that among them, there was an abominable Annie hidden among them. The other party dropped the wand and took away the holy sword in silence, which made them She was busy with the empire for this, and even had a big fight. Now that she thinks about it, she doesn't know what she should be in.

If she didn't happen to meet Matthew with the holy sword and Ameida with the wand here, I'm afraid they are still kept in the dark by now, right?

Of course, that kind of thing has no meaning now, because, whether it is the holy sword as a replica or as the original 'Sword of Evil Slayer' Aluhazato, it has been proved that the power they represent is also The so-called final weapon, the blue moon, has no meaning at all to the forces represented by this floating island!

"I'm relieved to see that everyone is fine."

"I should have come earlier, but something happened in the middle..."

Looking at everyone present, Jessica showed a rare smile.

It's just, thinking about the fact that she and the goddess attacked the little girl by herself, but suffered a fiasco in the end, and thinking about the fact that she was sneaking in here with others, Jessica couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

However, she still came after all, because there are some things she must do, even at the risk of being discovered and arrested by the people here!

"Something happened?"

"What is it?"

Shirley asked curiously.

"Do not……"


Shaking her head, Jessica didn't intend to say more, because she still wished that everyone would not mention that matter, so that she could stay here peacefully until the end?


"How's your game going?"

"Have you advanced?"

Then, perhaps to change the subject, perhaps to really care about these young people who are working hard for world peace, so Jessica asked expectantly.


"Cough cough..."

Hearing this, Keith and Scott, the commanders of the Air Corps of Karthus Kingdom, turned their heads in shame and embarrassment.

Because, both of them were eliminated on the first day, let alone the promotion, the two of them combined, they could not play ten rounds with their opponents, so there is really nothing to say about them. I don't even want to mention that.

"Mr. Jessica..."


"I was eliminated on the first day. Among us, Xue Li was the best performer. She won several games, but she was also eliminated yesterday."

Hain spoke in frustration and shame.

These glorious legions from Karthus have now been considered completely wiped out. Therefore, the future of this world seems to have nothing to do with them, and they have no way to interfere and change anything.

"Feel sorry!"

"Ms. Jessica, I tried my best, but..."

"There are too many strong guys in the I really can't help it."

Shirley added with a wry smile.

Although she participated in special training and paid a lot for it, the difference in strength made her regretfully lose the game in the end, and she was convinced that she lost, and there was nothing to say.

"Is that so?"

"thanks everyone……"


"We still have a chance!"

"Before I came here, in fact, we had one other person who participated in the competition and made the cut!"

Saying that, Jessica turned around, then looked in the direction of the gate, and stretched out her hand to do something and cast a spell.

Then, to everyone's astonishment:

With Jessica's spellcasting, everyone soon saw that behind the great magician Jessica, there was a small figure with black hair, who looked only about ten years old and had tender cheeks, but he was very close to him. Jessica's very, very similar little girl?


"so cute……"

"Ms. Jessica, is she your daughter?"

When everyone was still a little surprised and puzzled, Shirley spoke up and pointed at the little girl while looking at Jessica's face.

"Do not……"

"I have nothing to do with Jessica, I just borrowed her reincarnated body."


"Light of Birth, you can also call me another name - Lucilles!"

Surprisingly, without waiting for Jessica to speak, the little girl used that tender, yet somewhat hollow tone, and under everyone's attention, she said that sentence that made everyone except Jessica speak. The shocking words that almost dropped their eyes and stunned their jaws.


(?ω?) Monthly ticket~?

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