Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1817: ?(?_`)?Contract Victory Sword E…


(??~??) Chew~!

Today, Annie did not go to the game, but ate her lunch leisurely in the small dining room of her palace.

Of course, it's lunch, but that must also include missed breakfast and lunch, because she just woke up not long ago, and she certainly won't do those things until she has enough food, drink and rest. A mess of things.



At this time, when Annie was almost eating, she saw Hermione walk in quickly with a tired face, and then the other party seemed to be so tired that she didn't say hello to her, but just waved casually. Then he sat down on the empty chair next to her and took a deep breath.

"What's up?"


"Did you lose the game?"


After the other party took a few breaths and gradually calmed down, Annie leaned over and asked carefully.

If even the Hermione in front of her loses, then Hermione Queen Anne must secretly increase her support for Tohsaka Rin, Illya, Luvia, Misaka Mikoto and the rest of them. Otherwise, how embarrassing would she be if the person she called couldn't even make it to the finals?

"I didn't play today..."


Hermione spoke feebly, as if she hadn't fully recovered.

"What's the matter?"



"Stop talking!"

"I'll have something to eat first."

Shaking her head, Hermione obviously didn't want to say anything, she just reached out and grabbed two items from the table and bit them bitterly.

Because, it's nothing more than because of Harry and Ron. Those two guys, one just got into big trouble and faced sky-high compensation, while the other didn't listen to her advice at all, and still abused in the game at his own way. The forgiveness curse 'Avada Suomin', she just said a few words to the other party, and then she fell out.

So, in the end, she was unhappy and ran back alone, intending to be out of sight.



"It's about that little brother with the scar head, right?"


Blinking, Annie tried to ask.

Anyway, she wouldn't say that, because of her curiosity, she had just peeped a little and knew all the messes in Hermione's mind, and the other party's boring Occlumency was nothing to her. It's completely useless, and it can't stop her, the most, most, most, most, most, most, most...most powerful Arcane Archmage.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"Professor Anne!"

"Please, can you stop calling Harry that ugly nickname?"

"You are a professor, how can you do this?"

After a pause, Hermione, who was still biting the food in her mouth, protested with some vague and unsolicited words.

"All right……"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

"Then let's talk about another guy!"


"What's the matter with that cheap bastard? Didn't you say you were going to help him yesterday?"


Annie asked again.


"Stingy idiot?"

"Who said that?"

Hermione was a little puzzled, but the movements in her hands and mouth did not stop, she continued to scratch on the table, and even stood up, taking all the delicious food that Annie couldn't finish in front of her, Don't mind at all that they are leftovers from Annie's.

"Of course it's that idiot Ron!"


"Aren't you still mad at him just now?"


Annie asked of course.


"Ron isn't an idiot, he's just..."


As she talked, Hermione was choked. For a while, she didn't know what to say. Then she stopped talking, and as soon as she reached out, she hurriedly grabbed the glass of juice in front of Annie, and then raised her head. 'Gulugulu' and drank it.

"Just a little stupid, and a little stupid?"




"Stupid and stupid?"


Annie tried to guide the thoughts in Hermione's mind little by little.

Anyway, she'd seen it. Hermione's mind was thinking like that, and she kept scolding that idiot Ron secretly, and also complaining about the scar head and big four eyes, she just thought that the other party only dared to think Just say what you dare to say.


"never mind!"

"That's all for now."

After drinking the remaining juice from the glass of Annie's drink, and finally relieving the uncomfortable feeling of being choked by food, Hermione sat down again, then picked up the things and continued to eat, not planning to go. To pick up on some nasty Professor Anne.

"Almost forgot!"

"Isn't it time for Ilya and the others to compete?"

"Why don't you go take a look?"

Then, Hermione, who remembered something, suddenly asked strangely.

Just now, if she hadn't been **** off by Ron, she would definitely not have run back so soon, she would definitely have gone to see the game of the three little guys, but as a result, when she was angry, she would give forget.

"Don't go!"


Annie pouted and put her head aside.



Blinking, Hermione felt a little strange.



"One of them will definitely be eliminated today, so there's nothing to see."


Annie said a little boringly, and then, looking left and right, she couldn't find a clean napkin, so she grabbed the little bear on the edge of the table and vigorously wiped it on the furry fur.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"One must be eliminated?"

"Not so much, right?"

"Are you that sure?"

Hermione's heart was even more strange, so that the movement of eating could not help slowing down.

"of course!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"I heard that Illya and Luvia have been drawn together. They should have fought now. Can they not lose one?"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

Annie didn't hesitate, she truthfully told what she knew, and gave a bad review for the two useless idiots who were able to draw a lot together in the first round.


"They got together so soon?"

"It's really unfortunate..."

Hearing that it turned out to be the case, Hermione couldn't help but exclaimed.

"But it's fine!"

"The two of them can still negotiate who wins when they are together. If they are against me, I will not discuss with them!"

Then, Hermione suddenly laughed with some schadenfreude, and imagined in her mind whether the two would fight or something.

Well, according to Hermione's understanding of those two guys, there must be a fight, right?

"What about Rin?"

"how is she?"

After taking two bites and thinking about it, Hermione continued to ask another little guy.

"She's definitely fine!"


"With Sister Duo Mao helping her, she will definitely win."


Annie said with a certain face, and was not worried about the winner or loser of Rin Tohsaka.

"Sister Dummy?"

"who is it?"

Hermione was puzzled because she hadn't seen Arturia, and she didn't know what "dumb hair" meant.

"You can ask them when they come back!"


Annie didn't say anything, but continued to sit in her seat, and after wiping the grease off her hands, she suddenly set a fire and made her little bear burn directly so that she could use the 'dry cleaning' method , to remove the dirt that was stained by her on it.

"It's weird..."

"I won't ask you anymore!"

"Later, I'll go and see the magic images by myself. After all, they are also my potential opponents, so I have to be careful!"

After speaking, Hermione didn't ask any more questions and just ate herself.

She did have to be careful, because if she lost, Harry would be in for bad luck.

Thinking of the fact that Harry was now being pestered by that pandaren girl to lose money, Hermione could not help sighing heavily again, feeling that one head and two were big.


While Hermione and Annie were eating their afternoon tea, in the lively and noisy arena outside the city, Ilya and Luvia, who had been facing each other for almost half an hour, finally got booed and booed impatiently by the audience. Under the urging, substantive action was launched.

At this time, not far from the two of them, they just summoned two powerful heroic spirits who were going to fight, that is, Joan of Arc of the special rank Ruler and Medusa, a girl of Lancer rank. They were squatting on the slate floor of the arena next to them, playing their cards, and had never thought about paying attention to their two 'masters'.

"Yes A!"

"I'm sorry!"



"Wait! I happen to have it, take care of it for you?"

"Ha ha!"

"I knew you had Shunzi, my king is fried!"

"The last one, three, I won!!"

Joan of Arc and Medusa were summoned together at the beginning of the game, and then, when they understood the situation clearly, when the audience thought they were going to catch a fight, a heroic spirit versus a heroic spirit, a summoner versus a summoner and a headshot came out. , Surprisingly, Joan of Arc and Medusa walked to the side together, ignoring the order, took out a deck of cards and started fighting the landlord.

By now, Joan of Arc and Medusa have played several games.

Anyway, they didn't even want to pay attention to the orders of the two 'masters' who summoned them to kill each other, and they didn't even want to fight, they just waited for their respective 'masters' to decide a fight. Win or lose, and then they can go back.



"How about you admit defeat and let me win?"

Finally, seeing that her aura could not overwhelm the opponent, her fierce eyes were not very effective, and Luvia, who might not be able to beat magic or something, thought about it, and finally had to speak.


"Why didn't you admit defeat?"

Illya scolded angrily and retorted.

"Because I'm older than you!"

"I'm still Rin and Sakura's aunt, you have to let my elder!"

Luvia said solemnly, and stopped her chest arrogantly.


"Have you heard of Kong Rong's story about pears?"

"The elders should let the juniors!"

"So, Luvia, you **** elder, hurry up and admit defeat!"

Illya hurriedly pressed her waist.

If it weren't for the fact that she knew in her heart that she might not be able to beat the opponent, she would have resorted to force long ago, why would she have been confronting until now, until even the referee became impatient?

"Kong Rong?"

"do not know!"

"It's not like you don't know, Illya, I'm a Finn and I'm not familiar with oriental culture, so I advise you to surrender now, so you don't cry when you lose!"

Luvia had a look of disdain on her face, completely ignoring the other party's remarks based on the scriptures.


"Then it can only be one game?"

Seeing that she couldn't convince the other party, Illya had to cross her arms and ask hatefully.

"no solution anymore!"


"Do you want a fight or a fight?"

Then, Illya herself became a little impatient. After all, it was always impossible for the two of them to persuade each other with words.

"Let's fight!"

"You guy always likes to be unreasonable, so I won't go to Wendou with you!"

Luvia thought about it and chose a plan that she thought had a better advantage.

After all, Illya hangs out with Rin and Sakura all day long, and has read a lot of ancient oriental books, and their Finnish primitive commune system lasted until around the 12th century, and their cultural heritage is simply primitive compared to the East. Everyone is almost the same, so, if Wen Dou, her chances of winning are definitely not high.

"Then fight!"

"Two wins in three games?"

Illya asked tentatively.


"That's it!"

After speaking, Luvia stopped talking, clenched her fists and stared at Illya's every move.


And Illya was the same. While clenching her fists, she did not forget to stare at the hateful Luvia ten steps away, who refused to take the initiative to let her win without saying anything.



Ilya let out a coquettish roar, waving her fists and rushing towards the other party.

"Good come!"

"Wake up, Illya!"

Luvia also raised her fist and charged towards Illya.

Then, everyone was stunned, and felt that the two magical girls who knew each other and seemed to have a good relationship would greet each other with fists regardless of their identity and fight together, preparing to separate them in the way of 'fighting'. Winning or losing...



The two suddenly stopped at the moment they were about to touch, and Qi Qi stretched out their palms towards each other, and Qi Qi shocked the audience's eyes.



It turns out that what they just said about 'martial combat' and 'two wins in three games' actually meant that?


When the two women scolded each other with fists and 'fight each other', causing many audiences to scolded and left the stage or the special session, on the other side, the duel between Artoria's dumb-haired knight king and mainland's strongest knight Leon It has finally come to an end.


After the two sides were injured in the fierce battle, seeing that the enemy was really difficult to deal with, and that a certain girl behind her was about to move, and when she was about to brazenly interfere in her fair duel, Arturia had no choice but to kick. After flying that Leon and widening the distance between them, she resolutely raised the long sword in her hand and slowly closed her eyes, ready to use her strongest move.


"The sword of the contract!!"

Artoria unleashed her strongest blow.

Soon, after consuming the magic power, endless bright lights converged between her hands in an instant. At the same time, her holy sword, which had been hidden by the wind king's barrier, finally revealed its true nature for the first time. Allow.


"not good!"

In the distance, Leon, who knew that the situation was not good, could not care about his injuries, and once again accelerated and rushed forward at the moment of landing, intending to forcibly interrupt Arturia's terrifying move that was about to be launched.



Without waiting for him to approach and attack with sword energy, Artoria suddenly opened her eyes.

In an instant!

The ultimate god-made weapon that crystallizes inside the planet as the 'strongest fantasy' using people's beliefs as raw converts all of Arturia's magic power into light, and then , and slammed the terrifying beam that had already lit up the entire arena from top to bottom, causing the light to destroy everything violently towards Leon, the strongest knight in Alusaria, and drowned past.


The Sword of Contract Victory Excalibur! ! !

Artoria snorted, and then, all the soldiers who disappeared on the battlefield from the past and the future had a sad but noble dream on their deathbed, the will to boast, the idealization that the faith must be implemented. The light of Zuo, the sword of miracles whose real name was finally recited aloud by the King of Eternal Victory, and through the medium of the 'Sword of Promised Victory', released its powerful blow that was enough to destroy a city! !


Got it!

In a hurry, Leon had no time to stop it, so he sighed inwardly, so he could only grit his teeth and hold the sword in his hand, and also released his strongest sword qi, sending out his desperate blow.

next moment.

The light instantly drowned Leon and the entire arena, and even the audience in the auditorium subconsciously raised their hands to cover their heads and faces.

But fortunately, this place is in a different plane, so those spectators in the direction of Arturia's attack were only slightly frightened, but they did not suffer any substantial damage.

rumbling rumbling...

While the sky and the earth were instantly annihilated by the strong light, violent vibrations and explosions came out, and even the audience in other scenes seemed to vaguely feel the strange slight shaking.

But fortunately, some of the safety measures of the isolated space were successfully resisted, so nothing worse happened.


(゜-゜)つロ ask for a monthly pass~

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