Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1816: ?(*?)? The duel between the strongest knight and the dull-haired knight

After reluctantly allowing the advanced contestants to adjust for a full two days, finally, today, the grand event on the floating island continues to unfold on time in full swing.

'Leon! ’

'Leon! ’

'Kill her! kill her! ’

'come on! ’

'Come on Rin Tohsaka! ’

'Long live the magical girl! ’

'Magic wins! ’

‘Yeah yeah! ! ! ! ’

'Whoo oh oh oh! ! ! ! ’

Is this not?

Now, when the group of magical girls who are one of the top 100 finalists, when that Tohsaka Rin and one of the glorious descendants, the legendary man, the unparalleled general, one of the four generals who followed Emperor Barnhardt, Rekal After Leon Qiqi, the leader of the Qinglong Knights of the Special Empire, who was known as the strongest knight in the continent, appeared on the field of competition, the audience watching the game cheered loudly and cheered loudly. Not stingy with all kinds of foul language in their mouths.



In the field, the two of them were not affected by those spectators, but silently faced each other across a distance of dozens of meters, silently waiting for the official start of the game.


"I really don't want to duel with a mage..."

"Especially, when the other party is still a little girl?"

After staring at Tohsaka Rin in front of him for a while, Leon sighed regretfully while covering his forehead.



"I don't really want to fight with a stingy uncle!"

After hugging his arms and pointing his chin with a white finger, Tohsaka Rin also sneered at the uncle opposite who dared to look down on her.

"Uncle digging feet?"

"To you, I am indeed an uncle, but..."

"What's a kicking foot?"

Scratching his head, Leon was a little puzzled.

Over the years, he led the Blue Dragon Knights to follow His Majesty Barnhardt to the north and south, and laid the foundation for their Reckart Empire. After so many years, he has not changed from a teenager to an uncle. Well?


"You wouldn't want to know!"

Tohsaka Rin didn't want to explain.

After all, this Alusaria world has no Internet, no TV, and even no computer, so let her explain to a guy who is similar to a primitive person at such a time, that kind of network terms that can only be understood and inexpressible, then It's definitely not suitable.

"What a rude little girl..."

"never mind!"

"Let's make a statement first, I won't be merciful to you later. If you are afraid of pain, is it too late to surrender now?"

The other party didn't say that Leon was not annoyed, but after looking at the countdown time, he reminded him for the last time.


"If you surrender now, maybe you won't lose too badly?"

"Otherwise, think about it, you are so old that you lost to a little girl how old, how embarrassing it would be to say that?"


"You just surrender?"

Who wouldn't be a liar, anyway, Tohsaka Rin would definitely not be afraid of the middle-aged uncle who picks his feet, even if the other party looks a little handsome, but she will definitely not be soft-hearted when she fights later.


Shaking his head, Leon stopped talking, just stood motionless with his arms crossed, and silently waited for the countdown to the start of the game.




'Game start! ’


"Your body is under my command! My destiny is attached to your sword!"

"Come out!"

"The invincible king of knights!!!"

With the start of the game, as the competition venue's suppression of his magic power disappeared instantly, without waiting for the uncle on the opposite side to make any move, Tohsaka Rin immediately raised her tender arm, and then activated At the same time as the command spell, he chanted the spell directly and quickly.


Leon, who was about to rush forward to stop the opponent from casting a spell, suddenly stopped and quickly backed away.

Because, he saw that between the two of them, on the floor of the arena, a magic circle emitting a strong light suddenly appeared? Just in case, he had to interrupt the action of charging forward, and instead chose a relatively conservative defensive stance and slightly opened the distance between the two sides.

It didn't take long for Leon to be a little surprised that it didn't seem to be an attack magic, but a summoning circle?

Moreover, with the disappearance of the white light and the magic circle, he saw that a blond girl in armor appeared in that position.

"here is……"



"How is this going?"

Soon, as the blond girl in the armor opened her eyes and saw Rin Tohsaka, she asked in surprise.


"Don't worry about what's going on!"


"Sister Arturia, go and kill him!"

Seeing the success of the summoning, Tohsaka Rin was ecstatic at the same time, but he didn't even bother to explain, he just pointed at the somewhat surprised enemy in the distance, pointed at the Leon and said.


"Kill or kill him?"



Arturia didn't obey, but was startled for a while, and then, she didn't know what was going on, and she didn't have any reason to fight before she asked strangely.


"do not you know?"

This time, it was Tohsaka Rin's turn to be a little surprised.


"Do not know what is this?"


"I heard that you wanted to summon me, and then I responded directly. Is there any problem?"

Artoria asked back, obviously, she really didn't know Tohsaka Rin and what was going on here, and the summoning ceremony didn't give her any hints, she was summoned so inexplicably.



"That guy, teacher, is too bad. If you explain the situation a little bit, you will die?"

Hearing this, Tohsaka Rin quickly knew what was going on, and again, she directly put the blame on a certain poor girl teacher who helped them perfect the Command Spell.

"what happened?"



"It looks like an arena?"

At this time, Arturia, who was looking around, saw the surrounding scene clearly, and saw the audience cheering, urging, or making various gestures, so she quickly figured out where she was a what place.


"There's no time to explain, Sister Arturia!"

"I'm having a match with that uncle, that is, a duel?"

"And just now!"

"I summoned you, you just help me beat him to death!"

Although some complained about why he didn't summon him in advance and explain the situation yesterday, but the anxious Tohsaka Rin also knew that it was too late to regret or explain, so he could only continue to wave his fists fiercely, and anxiously urged write.


Arturia looked at the cheering auditorium again, and then slowly turned around, turning her head to look at the vigilant man in knight armor not far away.

"I see……"


"Just beat him, there's no need to kill him, right?"

Even if she knew, Rin Tohsaka summoned her own intentions, but Artoria did not intend to do it completely according to the other party's wishes. Because, in her opinion, even if it is a duel, to kill opponents at will during the competition will undoubtedly tarnish the way of knighthood she has always upheld!

"Oh my God!"

"It doesn't matter if you are killed, you can be resurrected!"

"Also, he is very powerful. If you don't kill him quickly, we will be the ones who will die!"

"This is not a joke!!"

Tohsaka Rin was in a hurry, and hurriedly added and explained.


"Although I still don't understand, but..."

"Since it's your request, Rin, I will do my best to defeat him!"

After pondering for a while, Artoria reluctantly nodded.

Then, she made a movement that seemed to be holding a sword with both hands, just grabbed the 'air', and began to turn around and look at the knight not far away. Attack the unknown opponent.



At this time, Leon, who had seen the conversation between the little girl Rin and the young girl Artoria, never interrupted, nor did she take the initiative to attack, but Leon spoke up, and reached out to stop Artoria who was planning to attack.


Arturia was a little surprised, but she really stopped the offensive she was about to launch, and turned to look at the other party strangely.

"What do you want?"

"Are you going to surrender?"

Tohsaka Rin, who had finally explained it, seemed a little complacent at this time, and the opening was to ask the other party to surrender.

When she wanted to come, originally she had a 1v1 duel with the opponent, and the outcome was only five or five, but now she has Sister Arturia to help her. The opponent is a knight among knights and is the king of knights. She is stronger than the strongest knight in the continent, and she also has a magical girl like herself who is helping her and assisting her. Therefore, in this battle, she can't think of anything else that she has failed. reason.


"Not urgent……"

Shaking his head, Leon said with a half-smile, and looked at that Arturia.

"Your Mightiness!"

"You should be a knight too, right?"

Leon asked directly and loudly, and bowed.


"Artoria Pendragon!"

"Knight King!"

Hearing the other party's words, seeing the other party's etiquette, wearing a blue shirt and silver plate armor, soft and snow-white skin, with a shawl of golden hair and green pupils, a very pretty face without makeup, petite body, Decorated with blue ribbons, she curled her hair up. Artoria, who looked gentle, dignified and beautiful with a dull hair on top, also put away the attacking stance she had just made. She also gave the other party a salute and introduced herself.

"Knight King?"


"Well, it doesn't matter, what I want to say is..."

"Now I'm having a fair duel with the Tohsaka Rin behind you. Wouldn't it be a little bad for Your Excellency to intervene so rashly?"

"Also, this is a foul..."

Shaking his head and spreading his hands, Leon teased like this.

He just thought that the little girl mage was going to use some powerful moves, but it turned out to be a summoning helper. That kind of thing is obviously illegal, so he feels that this game seems to be almost over.



Arturia was stunned for a moment, and then the expression on her face was a bit cramped.

Then, after thinking about it, she felt that what the other party said was also reasonable, so she had to put away her invisible weapon, and turned her head to look at Tohsaka Rin behind her, and gestured with her eyes. .



"Sister Artoria!"

"You are the heroic spirit I summoned now. You can just kill him. What do you do with him?"

"I'm furious!"

Tohsaka Rin stomped his feet in anger.

Then, she directly complained loudly, and at the same time took out a few family magic gems from her pocket, and prepared to cast spells herself.


"Am I a Heroic Spirit now?"

This time, it was Arturia's turn to be a little surprised, and then she subconsciously reached out and touched her own soft, snow-white pretty face.


"It seems to be really..."

"How is this going?"

Artoria was a little puzzled by this.

Because, a few minutes ago, she was still in the royal palace of her holy Griffin Camelot Kingdom, and was approving documents, preparing to launch a new round of siege and suppression against the Scottish barbarian rebels in the north. , came here by herself, and turned into a heroic spirit, this is indeed a bit beyond her imagination.


"Rin, how did you do it?"

She obviously didn't die, and she didn't make any more contracts with Alaya the World, so why did she become a heroic spirit inexplicably?


"Don't ask, anyway, you are a heroic spirit now, and you are the helper I summoned. It's almost the same as in the Holy Grail War. You can help me defeat him first!"


"You have to go all out, and it doesn't matter if you kill him. The paladins and priests here can resurrect him, so you don't need to worry at all!"

For fear that the other party would have concerns about his move, Tohsaka Rin urged again with resentment.


"Miss Annie is here too!"

"So, please fight to your heart's content, that guy, but he is known as the strongest knight in the continent of Alusaria, you have to be careful!"


Then, perhaps because he was worried that the other party would not go all out, or to appease the other party, Tohsaka Rin hurriedly explained again.

"So that's how it is..."

"Although I still don't quite understand it, don't worry, Rin, I will defeat him!"

Nodding her head, Arturia reluctantly resolved the doubts in her heart before she decided that there is anything she can ask later. For now, let's help Rin defeat the enemy known as the 'strongest knight in the continent'.

After all, the 'strongest knight in the mainland' or something has successfully aroused her competitive spirit as a 'king of knights'. She would like to see how strong the so-called strongest knight can be, so that Rin still To forcibly summon yourself?


She once again made the action of holding the sword in both hands, and once again burst out her own power, letting the powerful airflow directly rush away the floating dust on the floor of the surrounding arena, and then the powerful and fierce momentum directly pressed against the strongest knight on the opposite side. .

"Please use your sword!"

"I'm ready to attack."

However, Arturia will definitely not launch an attack when the enemy is not prepared and without drawing a sword, so while she is preparing herself, she does not forget to kindly remind the opponent that one sentence.



After staring at the girl with a strong aura on the opposite side for a while, Leon looked directly at the referee's bench next to the arena.

"You saw it."

"The two of them fight each other, is this cheating?"

A duel with a mage is already a bit tricky, and now that a king of knights is running, Leon will definitely not rush to a real duel, so he plans to ask a referee to intervene.


Soon, the phantom of a pandaren judge appeared.


"After testing by the jury, the character summoned by Rin Tohsaka is indeed a heroic spirit, not an entity, so..."

"Please continue the game!"

After that, the pandaren referee disappeared again soon.


"How can such a big living person be a heroic spirit?"

The strongest knight Leon widened his eyes in shock.

You must know that in the past few years of the Southern and Northern Wars, Leon has been well-informed, and he has seen a lot of various monsters and monsters, and he has also seen evil spirits and heroic spirits. How could that big living person, that girl with blond hair, silver armor and blue shirt, be a heroic spirit?

Isn't this bullying? !



Suddenly, at this time, a red gem burst with strong light and was thrown not far in front of Leon. Then, just as he was about to evade, it suddenly exploded.

boom! ! !


The shock wave that was shaken by the flames and the explosion directly knocked Leon out and made him groan.

However, he adjusted his posture while he was still in the air, and while landing steadily, he directly pulled out the two weapons from his waist.

Now the situation has changed, since the referee said that the opponent is not cheating, then he has to go all out.

After all, the people standing opposite him right now are a weird knight 'Heroic Spirit' and a tough little girl mage, so he couldn't help being cautious.


"Give him to me!"

Saying that, after signaling Rin not to intervene, Artoria rushed up and slashed at the knight Leon with one sword.


Although he saw that the girl in the blue shirt and silver armor did not have any weapons in her hands, but seeing the opponent's slashing movements and the sharp sword qi, Leon still did not dare to hold on, and used the double swords cautiously. put it up.

clang! !

In the splash of sparks and a crisp collision sound, Leon's two long swords and the 'invisible' weapon in Artoria's hand collided fiercely, and his body was also under the action of tremendous force. He leaned back slightly, but fortunately, as soon as he exerted force, he resisted.



clang! !

However, Arturia did not stop attacking, but continued to violently swing the 'invisible' weapon in her hand after retracting the sword, and used continuous and powerful slashes to slash the enemy to the ground. Forced towards the edge of the arena.

"Really don't let me help?"

"okay then!"

"But you have to promise to win, otherwise, I will still shoot!"

Rin knew Arturia's temperament, and seeing that the other party had launched a fierce attack on the enemy, she first shouted, then she was so happy to take a break, she just stood aside with a smile, ready to sit and wait for the victory to come.

clang! ! !

At this time, when he was pressed by a fierce attack and was about to retreat to the parapet on the edge of the arena, Leon broke out, and smashed Artoria into the air with a sharp sword.



"What a powerful force!"

"Is there a dragon hidden in your body?"

Although he succeeded in forcing the opponent back, looking at his slightly numb hands, Leon had to frown at the blond girl who readjusted her posture and stood still after staggering back a dozen steps. asked.


"My body has the attributes of a dragon!"

Arturia didn't hide it, she just said it casually.

She has the blood of the King of Britain in the Roman period, and the ideology of the incarnation of Britain as a red dragon, so there is nothing to hide from her.



"What kind of weapon is that in your hand?"

"Why can't you see it?"

Nodding, Leon first glanced at a cut in his knight's armor, then frowned and asked at the sword that Artoria was holding in both hands.

Just now, in the short fierce battle between the two sides, he was hit with a sword because of a mistake in judging the length of the other's 'weapon', but fortunately he was not injured, otherwise he would not be so relaxed now.

"Because of the Wind King Barrier!"

"As for what it is, if I can't comment?"

It was a barrier that covered the existence of the blade by changing the refractive index of light by the wind that was entangled in several layers.

Compared with Noble Phantasm, it is closer to magic!

Through that barrier, she can allow the opponent to attack without seeing the distance and trajectory of the sword move, making the enemy overwhelmed, and increasing the attack power and hit rate to a certain extent.

At the same time, by using the wind as a blade and wrapping it around the sword, it can also enhance the attack and penetration of the sword itself, bringing an advantage to the hit rate.

"The invisible sword?"


"Looks like it's going to be a tough fight today!"

Nodding After taking a last look at the little girl in the distance, Leon said that he had nothing to say and was ready to fight back.

"Fighting hard?"


"But you are indeed a worthy opponent, and I have to be serious!"

As she said that, Artoria also frowned slightly, and at the same time, her hand gripped the 'sword' a little tighter, and the momentum on her body began to burst out again.

Although I don't know why she was summoned by Rin in the form of a heroic spirit, since she has come and she has a strong opponent, she must have fought well.



In this way, a knight king and a strongest knight looked at each other at the edge of the arena and stared at each other's every move, and at the same time, the two continued to accumulate momentum.


Swish! !

Soon, the two sides disappeared in place in an instant.

Then, the powerful airflow when the weapons collided and the metal crashing sound of 'dang dang' appeared from place to place in the arena, and at the same time, there were short-lived figures of both sides that appeared and disappeared instantly.


And when the king of knights summoned by Rin Tohsaka was having a wonderful duel with Leon, the strongest knight in the continent of Alusaria, in another arena, two small figures, the magical beautiful girl group The other two of them, namely Illya and Luvia, were looking at each other in confusion and tangled up in the arena.

And as to why, it couldn't be simpler.

In other words: the two of them were accidentally put together, and now, they are preparing to stage that kind of drama for the countless cheering and anticipating audiences.


Monthly pass?(????)

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