Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1815: (?????) Law of Conservation of Happiness

The sunset was gradually sinking towards the horizon, and when the ground of the planet gradually became dark, the floating island at an altitude of 10,000 meters was still stubbornly illuminated by the orange light, and let The colors in the city on the floating island, together with the red maples everywhere, become red and golden, making people fall into a fairy tale world in a dream.

The difference from the past is that today's dusk, the food street on the floating island is extraordinarily lively, and the bustling crowd is being attracted by the strong aroma of wine here, and is constantly rushing here.

At this time, people can see from a distance that somewhere in the food street, the same orange-red flames shot straight into the sky, almost a hundred meters high!

The enticing and rich wine aroma was permeating the entire city little by little from there, and made many unidentified tourists or local residents of Azeroth spontaneously gather towards the place where the flames were soaring into the sky. Go, they thought that it might be a wine culture activity organized by a certain restaurant?

It was not until they were blocked and persuaded by a large number of high elf guards in the middle of the journey that they knew that the truth was not what they imagined.

It turned out that it was not an event, but a fire?

"What's going on? What's going on?"




"What happened here, why did that house burn down?!"


When some lousy little girl Queen squeezed out of the crowd with Hermione out of curiosity, hurried to the front of the Stormstout Gourmet Restaurant, and saw a certain scarred little four-eyed and a dejected sitting in front of the restaurant. After the large group of anxious pandaren pounding their chests and the flaming Storm Stout Food Hall, she hurriedly asked.


There is chaos here, people are busy watching, and are blocked by the high elf guards near the fire inside, so no one can answer her question for the time being.



"It's amazing, how could it burn like this..."


When the high elf guards who were besieging the crowd directly swiped their faces to authenticate their identities, and got their peers, and then walked to the vicinity of the fire field, they looked at the oranges who had given the entire Storm Stout gourmet restaurant to it. Red flames, Annie exclaimed again.

It's just that in her exclamation, she doesn't know why, but there is always a hint of gloating that the people who eat melons like to hear about it?


(● ̄? ̄●)


At this time, Hermione didn't bother to sigh about the exaggerated fire scene, but just exclaimed and ran over quickly, running to the steps where she was sitting in front of the fire scene in extreme depression, with multiple burns on her body. The traces of , looking disgraced, and at the same time being surrounded by a group of angry pandas and high elf guards, beside his friend Harry, and then asked strangely:


"Are you OK?"

"Didn't I tell you to find Ron?"

"Why are you still here?"

Hermione was so puzzled by this that her tone of voice became a little stern involuntarily.

Because ah, count the time, it's been at least half a day since they broke up after eating and left one after another, so she is still so embarrassed and frustrated about why Harry is still here things, I just can't figure it out.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that she was informed by the Fire Demon Royal Guards during dinner at the palace that someone related to Queen Anne seemed to be involved in a malicious arson incident, she would not even know that Harry Still staying at this restaurant.

"He, Hermione?"

Hearing Hermione's words, Harry shrank his neck subconsciously and finally came back to his senses.



Immediately afterwards, after realizing that Hermione had arrived, Harry first looked up at the still-angry pandaren girl Laihuan beside him, and after seeing that the other party was still showing his teeth and claws, he closed his mouth again. , just like that.



"Why is there such a thing here?"


Looking at the scarred four-eyed brother, seeing that the other party didn't seem to dare to speak, Annie herself had no choice but to step forward excitedly and tug at the slightly scorched arm and body hair of the little sister Xiongmiaoren. , asked directly with interest.


"Go ask him yourself!"

"It's all a good thing he did!"

The pandaren girl who was in a bad mood didn't give Annie a good face, and didn't buy her as the queen at all. She turned her head angrily, as if she had run out of patience for a long time, and didn't want to reminisce at all. Something that made her feel really bad.



"Hey! Do you know what's going on here?"


Annie didn't ask the Scarhead Four Eyes who was sitting on the steps in frustration, but turned her head and grabbed a high elf guard leader of Quel'Thalas and asked cutely.


"It's the cute master..."

Busy dealing with the order around the fire, the captain of the high elf guards, who was in a daze, was about to slap that little hand away, but when she turned her head, she realized that it was one of their adoring Annies who was holding the corner of her shirt. After Her Lady Queen, she hurriedly gave a proper salute, and then bowed slightly, not daring to tell the cause of the fire that she had previously investigated without any negligence.

"Master Meng Meng!"

"It's probably like this..."

Two hours ago, she ate dinner at the city surveillance station, and then suddenly received a notification that there was a fire in the city. Then, of course, she immediately gathered hundreds of guards and felt it, and began to evacuate. Personnel and organization firefighting, fire isolation, etc.

It didn't take long for them to find out after they stabilized the situation...

It turned out that the cause of the fire was because a mage accidentally used the flame magic called 'Flaming Fire Spell' when he was dealing with a spirit in the warehouse where spirits were stored. These elf guards cannot be destroyed, and they can only be allowed to continue to burn.

As for the more specific, they don't know. After all, the important thing now is to maintain the order of the scene and control the fire scene. Don't casually approach the onlookers and prevent the spread of the fire. Everything else is trivial, that kind of thing, etc. It is not too late to investigate slowly after the fire is out.



"Use the Fiery Fire Spell to deal with the wine spirit?


Of course, Annie knew what the Fiery Fire Spell was. It was a kind of advanced black magic. Of course, black magic or something, that kind of boring word Annie never recognized, but anyway, it was a powerful one. The fire magic is right.

And that fiery spell, which produces huge, fiery magical flames that are said to destroy almost anything in its path?

Of course, it is said that it is not credible.

Because, as Annie knows, it is just a violent flame with a super high temperature and a trace of spirituality, with a certain ignorant consciousness. It is not difficult to learn, but wizards with weak willpower cannot go It is easy to control it, that is the main reason why it is innocently classified as 'black magic'.

"Nice job!"


"Brother Four Eyes, people are very optimistic about you!"


However, the fiery fire spell is not important, the important thing is...

Someone was so stupid as to put a fiery fire spell directly in a warehouse where a lot of alcohol was stored. That kind of crazy and crazy thing, Queen Anne herself can't do it easily, so she can't do anything but praise that person directly. She really couldn't think of a better way to express it.

"Flaming Fire Curse?!"

Hearing this, Hermione on the side couldn't help taking a deep breath.


"I say……"

"Although I don't know what kind of creatures are bred by spirits, but what kind of magic is not good for you to deal with that kind of magical creatures, why do you just set fire to the warehouse?"

"Alcohol should never touch fire. I knew that kind of thing when I was a three-year-old Muggle girl!"

"But you..."


"It's fortunate that this isn't Hogwarts, otherwise Professor Snape would be happy to deduct two percent from Gryffindor and report your feat to the whole house."

Covering her forehead, Hermione didn't know what to say to Harry.

Anyway, she's almost used to it, her two friends, Harry is notoriously reckless and troublesome, while Ron is notorious for being stupid and vexatious.

If Professor Snape knew about this matter today, he would definitely have publicly stated that Harry was the most unsuccessful student he had ever taught in Potions before class, and after doing his best to sneer Just started teaching activities?

Fortunately, this is not Hogwarts, and Professor Snape doesn't know what's going on here, so when her friend Harry was humiliated and thrown into another world, she wasn't worried that she would be caught by the professors and classmates in the school. knowledge.


"I thought it would be fine if I burned it, but it turned out..."

A frustrated Harry had to talk about what had happened.

At that time...

After the pandaren girl Yuan Lei left, he cast an iron armor spell on himself and entered the warehouse, thinking that with his Hogwarts seventh-year graduation and a lot of actual combat magic level, he would definitely be able to Solve that wine spirit 'Yan Zhu'.

But who would have thought, that wine spirit 'Yan Zhu' was exceptionally powerful, the opponent would have a blister shield and could resist most of his spells, such as the non-killing confinement spells, petrification spells, and obstacle spells, etc. There is no use to the other party!

At the same time, the opponent will also have many powerful and terrifying skills similar to magic, such as:

The kind of arrows that use the wine mist are very powerful. Once they are hit, they will feel cold to the bone, and at the same time, they will corrode the protective effect of the Iron Armor Spell.

And the weird magic that made alcohol spurt out of his ears for no reason, made him stare at the stars, dizzy, and his teeth chattering with freezing, and let him fall straight from the second floor of the warehouse. Lou, I almost broke my neck!

As for the other messy abilities, the kind of summoning more little wine spirits and imprisoning him with the foam wall of spirits, Harry didn't want to remember anymore...


When he found out that the wine spirit was powerful and found that he could not deal with the opponent with ordinary means, he had to use the unique trick he had in mind, that is: set fire!

He originally thought very well, that is, since the other party is a wine spirit, and since the skills used by the other party are all frost damage, doesn't it mean that the other party is afraid of fire?

So, he did what he thought of, he didn't think too much at all, and he didn't have time to think too much. In a hurry, he resolutely used the most powerful flame spell he knew.

That is-

Fiery Curse!

Soon, Harry found that his idea was right. The wine spirit 'Yan Zhu' was just like its name, and he was really afraid of fire. He just touched a little spark and it burned itself. The weakness is obvious. It couldn't be more obvious.

The result can be...

Everyone knew what happened next. While his Fiery Fire Curse successfully eliminated the abominable wine spirit, he also set all the spirits in the warehouse on fire on the spot, and soon spread to the The entire Stormstout Gourmet House and has been burning to this day.

At the beginning, Harry tried to put out the fire, but...

The Fiery Fire Spell and the warehouse full of spirits, after the two things were mixed together, the flame instantly shot up to a height of hundreds of meters. How could such a sea of ​​flames be controlled by him, an underage wizard?

So, when things have developed to this level, there is really nothing he can do except sit on the steps in frustration and feel sorry for himself.

"All right!"

"We'll talk about this later!"

"This Lord Commander!"

"What's the situation now?"

Hermione took a deep breath first, knowing that blaming or taunting would have no effect on her, she stopped saying anything to Harry, but turned her head directly, using Quel'Thalas' Elvish language and etiquette to talk to him just now. The leader of the high elf guard that Annie talked to asked.

As a genius like her know-it-all, she has already learned a little Elvish language during the Triwizard Tournament, so she is now learning and using it, and she has won the commander of the High Elf Guard with her well-regulated pronunciation. 's favor.

"Is it okay?"

"The wine spirit should have been wiped out, but, as you can see, the restaurant is definitely gone, and there is also a lot of property damage."

"Fortunately, the Fire Elements firefighters went in and looked at it before, and no casualties were found for the time being. Therefore, we used magic to set up a fire barrier around the surroundings. When the things inside and the alcohol are burnt out, I think it's almost all right. ."


"He really shouldn't be taking matters into his own hands that he's not familiar with. If he'd been willing to wash the dishes, he wouldn't be like this now."

The high elf female 'chengguan' said with a relaxed expression, and finally commented on what she knew so far.

Now it's all burnt anyway, so they don't bother to put out the fire anymore. Besides, the main structure of the house is originally made by the fire demons using magma and metal to squeeze out and gradually cool down, so they are not afraid of being burned. It's just burning some decorations and kindling objects.

But as long as there are no fatalities, it's not a big deal. It can be reopened after a few days of refurbishment after burning.


"Thank you."

After understanding the situation, Hermione finally turned her head, not knowing what to say.


"you really……"


Originally, forgetting to bring money is not a shameful thing, it's just a little thing that can be solved by using magic to help wash the dishes for an afternoon, it is not difficult for Harry, but now, wash a In the afternoon, the bowl will become a restaurant.


Harry lowered his head, reluctant to look at Hermione's face, especially when Hermione was angry.


"never mind!"

"I will try my best to fight for the first place, and see if I can think of something for you when the time comes."

After hesitating for a while, Hermione leaned into Harry's ear and whispered money, Hermione would definitely not be able to pay, she is still a student, although in another AI Xerath is a noble in the world, but she is embarrassed to reach out and ask for money, so at present, she can only think of a way from that conference.


"What are you secretly talking about?"

"Don't try to run!"

"I remember your appearance, you can't run away!"

Seeing that Hermione and Harry were whispering to each other, the pandaren girl Lai Wan, who seemed to be planning some conspiracy, walked to Harry angrily and akimbo declared.

At the same time, thinking that it was Hermione who wanted to take the opportunity to take the arsonist to leave, she did not forget to confront Hermione angrily.

The pandaren girl is actually very depressed now, because ah, originally she just wanted to use the difference to secretly earn some gold coins, but now, because she found an unreliable mage, the entire restaurant was burned down. So many of their waiters and chefs have lost their jobs, and I don't know how the boss is going to kill her!



"In such a big restaurant, how long does it take to wash the dishes before returning them?"


At this time, Annie, who was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, said gloatingly to the side.

She won't help to lose money anyway, because, she has a little relationship with the scar head and the little four eyes... oh, no, the relationship between the scar head and the big four eyes is really ordinary, not very familiar, so ah, this matter If the other party finds a way to go there, Her Lady Queen Anne will definitely not open the portal to let the other party go back to withdraw money.

At least, not until that convention is over?


(● ̄? ̄●)


└( ̄ ̄└)? Monthly Pass?(┘ ̄ ̄)┘

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