Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1822: (???`?) Female general of the empire


When night falls, the direction of the arena is bustling and brightly lit, and the bright lights are like trying to compare the 'Sun Well' that radiates light like the fireball above the palace in the middle of the floating island. .

At this time, in a preparation room for players to rest, Emperor Barnhardt of the Recart Empire, Leon, the leader of the Blue Dragon Knights, Egbert, the leader of the Black Dragon Mage, and Barga, the leader of the Flame Dragon Army. Si and Imelda, the female commander of the Ice Dragon Legion, were sitting in their respective positions in silence.

They were not in the mood to care about the hustle and bustle outside, and it was not difficult to see from their faces that they seemed to be worrying about something with each other, and they were not in a good mood.

Think about it too!

Up to now, from the time when they first arrived, they were full of confidence, and now they are in a chicken feather after the game. What kind of results will be in the future? Several of them, including the arrogant emperor Barnhardt, are actually in the There were already some expectations in my heart.

It's no wonder that even they didn't expect that the strongest knight of their Rekaert Empire, Leon of the Azure Dragon Knights, was eliminated after failing to make it to the top 32, and the leader of the Black Dragon Mage, the so-called The empire's strongest black magister, Egbert, was even more miserable. He was KO'd out by a little **** the first day, plus Vargas, who was eliminated later, so that now the empire is only left. It was just the Emperor Barnhardt, who was lucky enough to be promoted, and Imelda, who had never met any strong opponents.

However, the remaining two are basically useless.

Because it is still unknown how far the two can go and how far they can go in the game.

Anyway, the five people present are tacitly aware that their empire is estimated to have missed the championship.

Although Emperor Barnhardt has extraordinary bravery, he is only a fighter after all. If he is serious, it is estimated that even Leon can't beat him, let alone some powerful opponents who can knock Leon out of the game. .

As for Imelda...

Not to mention, because, she is purely because of luck!

These days, she basically didn't work hard. The opponents she encountered were either too weak or too easy to be restrained. In addition, she had two byes in the middle, and she made it to the top 32 in such a confused way. Egbert, who was a strong enemy, looked at him with disgust.

But luck is useless. In Egbert's view, Imelda probably won't last long.

Either get kicked out in the knockout round tonight, or in the next round of 16!

After all, Imelda's strength is there, and the opponent is just an ordinary great magician who is far inferior to Egbert. In the case of opponents who are almost all powerful enemies , what is the use of good luck?

In the next game, all rely on strength to speak, even Emperor Barnhardt is ready to be eliminated, how long can she toss?


At this time, maybe the morale is low, maybe the atmosphere here is not very good, which is not good for the next game?

So Emperor Barnhardt suddenly stood up and spoke:

"To this day, it's useless to talk too much!"

"I just need to fight to the death!"

"It's good to win, but it's okay to lose, just ask for a clear conscience!"

Barnhardt first looked around and also stood up, and was looking at his four favorite generals, and then he deliberately said loudly in that relaxed tone.

Obviously, he himself felt that his chances of winning were getting slimmer.

Now, it is only through his hard work that he can reach the top 32, and the next battle will definitely not be easy to pass by relying on extraordinary courage or experience. For this, he has done a good job. Some were prepared and intended to face that bad outcome.

Besides, even when his empire stopped expanding and accepted peaceful reorganization, they would still be a lord and would still retain most of their power and wealth. In this regard, the Azeroth Empire has already sent people to contact them in advance, the other party does not mean to be aggressive, and does not want their empire to fight to the death, and that, this is how Barnhardt is now acting. It's relatively easy.

"Imelda, how, are you confident?"

First, he boosted his morale, and then, regardless of whether it was useful or not, Barnhardt looked at Imelda, who had advanced with him.


"I don't know, if you're lucky enough, I think it should be fine, right?"

Imelda, who slumped and folded her arms, made the pair of murder weapons in front of her even more turbulent and said indifferently.

Anyway, Imelda herself doesn't matter, she has never had the kind of ambition or expectation that she must win the final victory, so she, who has no burden in her heart, just regards this game as training herself and perfecting her magic. It's just a way of doing things. As for winning or losing, she has long stopped caring about it.


"That's the point, Imelda, you're really lucky!"

"Not like me..."

"I met a stalker in the last game and directly beat me to the point where I couldn't find the north."


At this time, the bald eldest brother of Vargas also interjected.

He was eliminated in the round of 64 and advanced to the round of 32, and his opponent was a stalker. Be careful, and also tried to force the other party out, but in the end it failed.

Although he forcibly broke out his divine power when he was beaten to the point of death by the opponent's set of combos, but as a result, the cunning enemy retreated at the touch of a button and didn't give him any chance at all, so he just hid again. And until he ran out of blood and fell to the ground himself.

"If you can meet that bastard, remember to avenge me!"

"I know."

"A mage like you must have a way to pull him out of the shadows, right?"

Immediately afterwards, Vargas told him that he hoped that Imelda could avenge him, help him repair the stalker who beat him so much, and it is best to repair it severely. came out.

"She has no hope!"

"Vargas, you better save yourself."

However, without waiting for Imelda to speak, Egbert slowly shook his head and said so firmly.



Vargas was a little puzzled, grabbed his brother's bald head directly and asked in a loud voice.

"Tonight's game..."

"Who is Imelda's opponent?"

"I remember, it seems to be a mage too?"

"Is the other party very powerful?"

At this time, Leon seemed to hear the overtones of Egbert, so he directly asked the key content.

"That's right..."

"That's a witch called 'Hermione Granger'."

"I heard that she is from a different world than the world of Azeroth."


"She seems to be a student of that little girl too, I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with."

Eggbert said with a sullen face.

You must know that he himself was defeated by a student under the little girl, and now, his magic is not very good, anyway, Imelda, who must be worse than himself, is against the little girl. Another student of , and that little witch's performance in the competition has been very good so far, all kinds of magic are endless, and it seems to be playing very well at the beginning, and the magic power is also very strong, so he is really not good. Too optimistic about Imelda.

When he thinks about it, Imelda should be eliminated tonight.

And if their Emperor His Majesty is also eliminated, then their Rekaert Empire will be out tonight, and they will not be in the top sixteen. That scene, just thinking about it, Egbert can't help but feel a little embarrassed. endlessly.

However, that's actually fine.

At that time, they should shift their focus of attention, completely put aside the issue of the game, and instead prepare to negotiate with the representative of the Azeroth Empire, and talk about the vital interests of the nobles and people of their empire. The problem.


"Not only is it difficult to deal with, it is very difficult to deal with!"

Without waiting for Vargas and Leon to ask, Imelda, who was standing with her arms crossed, sighed with a self-deprecating smile.


"I can also see that the little witch's combat experience still has some deficiencies, and that is my only chance."

"She's young and talented. That's her strength, but also her weakness. She's too young!"

"Anyway, I will do my best!"

Imelda obviously has carefully studied the information of her opponent, so she has a little confidence in the upcoming promotion match.

Although, it's actually just a little bit, not too much?


"Still be careful."

"Her magic power is stronger than yours, plus she is young, her recovery will definitely be faster than yours, and so is her physical strength, so try not to give her any chance to breathe, just hit her with a single blow!"

"If you can disrupt her rhythm, then you have a chance to make it to the next round?"

First nodded, then shook his head, and then Egbert was so old that he gave advice that he thought was feasible.

Although, he, a player who was eliminated in the first round, said that kind of words, seems a little unconvincing?


"What do you think?"

Vargas looked at Leon and asked.

"I have no idea!"

"I'm a knight, not a mage."

Leon, who was dumbfounded, was noncommittal and didn't want to answer Vargas's question.

He only knows that he is a knight and a warrior at the same time. If he faces a mage himself, he must close the distance as quickly as possible. As long as he does not give the opponent space and time to cast spells, he You can slash the opponent under the sword in the shortest time!

As for how a mage should fight another mage, that kind of thing is not something he can intervene in. Therefore, in order not to mislead or trouble Imelda, Leon feels that he and Barga Is it better for the two of us to shut up?


"The game is about to start?"


"Imay, we should go."

"You guys, just wait here for the good news of our triumph!"

Seeing that it was time for the game and two portals appeared in the preparation room, Emperor Barnhardt stopped talking, picked up his great sword against his shoulder, and patted it intimately. After patting Imelda on the back to show encouragement, Bento walked to his portal first.

"His Majesty……"

"Maybe it's bad news?"

"All right!"

"That's it!"

Imelda drooped her shoulders and gave Leon, who had caring eyes, and Vargas, who was smiling, a charming smile, then she waved at Egbert, and then walked to her portal. inside.


Ten minutes later, the game started on time.

However, in other arenas, when the players were playing in full swing, their blood was bursting, and their brains were flying out, here in Imelda, it was unusually calm.

Because, in the middle of this arena, Imelda is the only one standing impatiently in her own position with her arms crossed, and her opponent, the position that originally belonged to 'Hermione Granger' But it was empty.

Naturally, it wasn't because the opponent used some incredible stealth spells, but the opponent had never appeared since the start of the game!


Therefore, after Imelda waited for a while, it gradually became a little messy.


"Referee, what's going on?"

For a long time, Imelda, who didn't know what happened or why her opponent didn't show up, finally got a little impatient, and began to yell loudly, calling the referee directly.

"Where is my opponent?"

"Where is she?"

"Who is this general competing with?!"

Commanding the Ice Dragon Legion, Imelda, who has always been arrogant and aggressive in her actions, has killed countless people in the South and North Wars over the years. She only feels that she has been neglected and insulted. He gritted his teeth and questioned the honest pandaren referee who appeared on the field.

"Please don't be impatient."

"Imelda contestant..."

"Your opponent may be late, but..."

"According to the rules of the conference, if your opponent does not appear within half an hour, it will be regarded as an automatic abstention?"

"At that time, you will be promoted directly."


After speaking, the pandaren referee saluted Imelda and explained, before she slowly disappeared without a trace.


"Half an hour?"

Frowning, Imelda thought for a while, then looked in a certain direction high up in the arena.

There, there is a huge timing machine, which is called the clock tower, and at this time, the time above shows that half an hour has passed, so, as long as she waits for the same time, victory will be directly belong to her.

"All right!"

"I have a hunch..."

"Today, things might go unexpectedly well?"

After knowing how long she would have to wait, Imelda laughed and laughed at herself.

Then, when she was very bored, she started to hold her arms and continued to stand in place, and began to think about it in a boring way.

Just like...

She was thinking, why didn't her opponent appear, was there something important, or was it because she was afraid of the powerful great magician Imelda?

But no matter what the reason is, Imelda only knows that she doesn't mind being 'bye' again, anyway, she has experienced similar things twice, and tonight, she obviously doesn't mind going again It's not difficult to experience it once, she's already used to it.


"What a charming night..."

Looking at the filled moon, Imelda smiled and folded her curly blond hair.

At this time, there were fewer and fewer people in the audience. Obviously, those people didn't have the patience to wait with her, but she didn't mind, and planned to enjoy the beautiful moonlight tonight by herself.


Monthly pass?(????

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