Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1824: ε=(?ο`*))) is a group of idiots...


By the time Annie returned to the palace on the floating island with the bruised Hermione and the bruised Irena, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

They could have come back earlier, but unfortunately, after missing her game completely, Hermione broke the jar and directly fought with Irena in the desert over the distribution of benefits, even if It's to make up for that game.

But the result was that the two of them were tied, and then, after the fight was bruised and bruised, the teacher (professor) of a bad little girl who had been seen enough of the fun brought them back to both of them.


After the three of them simply washed up and changed into pajamas, they all walked towards a lounge in the palace, preparing to let the pandaren chefs get some supper to fill their stomachs when they were hungry.

Especially Hermione, after going through that unforgettable apparition, spitting out everything in her stomach, even the overnight food and bile water, and having a big fight with Irena, now she is A lot of nutrients are urgently needed to supplement the body's consumption.


What surprised the three of them was that when they got to the lounge, Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, Index, Tohsaka Rin, Tohsaka Sakura, Illya, and Luvia and the others were all in the lounge, and there were sumptuous drinks and all kinds of delicious food on the tables, as if they were having a party and waiting for their return?




In her astonishment, seeing the food on the table, Hermione, who had been hungry for a long time, first cheered, and then, unable to hide the bruises on the corners of her mouth, arms, and eyes, she jumped in cheers. Go up and gobble up a plate of spring rolls.




"Are you specially prepared for us?"

"Thank you so much!"

While gulping down and gulping down a cup of mango shaved ice, Hermione didn't forget to express her thanks in vague words to the thoughtful friends around her.

To be honest, she was starving, and she almost fainted in the bathroom when she was taking a shower, so now she doesn't want to worry about anything except food.

"It's not specially prepared for you!"

"It's because my elder sister and those two **** have been promoted, so I decided to hold this party..."

Kuroko Shirai said weakly.

It's a pity that Hermione now only cares about eating, and doesn't pay attention to what she is saying.


"Sister what are you doing?"

Kuroko was about to continue talking, but Misaka Mikoto suddenly electrocuted her, then pushed her aside and sat beside Hermione.


"Hermione, how did you get this way?"

"Is it dangerous?"

Mikoto pointed to the bruises on Hermione's face and hands, and then pointed to the man not far away who was also eating in big gulps. She was a little more elegant than Hermione, but the scars on her face and hands were more serious. Irena asked curiously.

She knew that Hermione and Annie went to save Irena, who was in danger, and missed the game because of it. Now that she came back with scars all over her face, the battle must be very, very hard?



"No la……"

She glanced sideways at Misaka Mikoto, then Hermione shook her head firmly before eating again.

That's not dangerous, in fact, she didn't help from the beginning to the end, she just went to make trouble.

However, now she just wants to fill her stomach first, because she is so hungry that her chest is about to touch her back, and she only feels that her bust is two circles smaller and her pajamas are a little loose. Therefore, in order to avoid certain parts The fat is taken away by the body as nutrition, so she still eats enough food before talking about it.


"If not, how did you do it like this?"


"Why did you just come back now and miss the game?"

Mikoto had a look of disbelief, and as soon as she reached out, she pressed a bruise on Hermione's arm.



Hermione exclaimed and slapped Mikoto's unruly hand away.

"It was bitten by a grey, evil and ugly slime!"

"But don't worry!"

"I've fixed her so badly!"

Hermione withdrew her hand, preventing Mikoto from touching her, and then she pointedly said while eating, and raised her eyes to someone not far away who was also eating, and her head was wet and gray. The guy with the long hair draped over his shoulders said with hatred.


"Grey slime?"

Mikoto was a little puzzled, not knowing what kind of terrifying monster Hermione was talking about.

However, she still raised her head, followed Hermione's line of sight, and looked at the Irena who was also raising her head and looking here not far away, and seemed to hear Hermione's words, and followed with a smile. The other party said hello.

"That's right!"

"In addition to the 'slime', I also encountered a brown evil ooze, and I beat her hard at that time, and she was honest."


click! click!

While speaking, Irena threw a fortune cookie sandwiched between her **** into her mouth and chewed it hard, making a crisp 'crack' sound.


"Brown ooze?"

Scratching her head, this time, Mikoto's doubts intensified.

"It's incredible..."

"How strong is it to be able to hurt you into such a monster?"

"it's a pity!"

"If it wasn't for Heizi to stop me, then I would follow you to see it."

It was a slime and an ooze again, which made Mikoto fascinated and annoyed that she hadn't been able to follow.



"How can you say that?"

"Look, they're only back now, if it wasn't for Heizi blocking you, you would have been eliminated by now!"

Hearing her elder sister's words, Kuroko, who was standing beside him, of course did not obey, and leaned over to hug Mikoto's arm and retorted plausibly.

"What about elimination?"

"Are friends more important or competitions?"

Mikoto was a little dissatisfied and glared at Kuroko.

"Of course my sister's game is important!"

Kuroko said that she is not familiar with that Irena, and maybe she will never have any contacts in the future, so in comparison, her elder sister must be more important.

"You bastard!"

"Go away!"

"No! Kuroko won't leave!"





"You are so bad!!"


Then, when Hermione and Irena glared at each other angrily and continued to eat their own food, Mikoto and Kuroko got entangled by the side, and even used electric shocks, causing Kuroko to exclaim They rolled onto the carpet with Mikoto in their arms, and the two of them became entangled there.

"Are you all right?"


"Sister Hermione, we see that you seem to have lost the game, didn't you make it back?"

At this time, after Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko rolled aside, sisters Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Sakura came over and asked strangely.

Because Mikoto and the others are a bit difficult to deal with, their relationship has not been very good, and even occasionally confronted each other, so they did not ask about Hermione's specific situation before, so it was not very clear that Hermione actually missed it. It was the time of the game that led to the elimination.


"Not because of some idiot?"


"I'll be back in time for sure!"

It's okay not to say this, Hermione was so angry when she said this, and had to stop, and once again glared at some gray-haired guy not far away.

"That's right!"

"It's all because some idiot used magic he shouldn't use, and then he forgot the time?"

Irena's head seemed to have been paying attention to Hermione's conversation, so without raising her head, she responded directly and loudly.



Then, without any surprises, Hermione glared directly at Irena again, and Irena stared back in the same way. Neither of them spoke again. While staring at each other, the surrounding aura was also very strong. It's getting weird soon.


At this time, Kuroko, who was still entangled with Mikoto just now, suddenly flashed to the side of a nasty little girl who only cared about her food. Then, she seemed to have heard something from there. After a while, she teleported back to another dimension. To Mikoto's side.


"Heizi, what's going on?"

Knowing that Kuroko was definitely going to ask something, Mikoto asked carefully and softly while staring at Hermione and Irena worriedly.

You know, before today, the relationship between Hermione and Irena had always been very good, and even when they found out that the other party was in danger, they ran to help as soon as possible, but now they came back, but they became like this?

"elder sister!"

"I heard that the two of them seemed to fight after they were rescued."

Looking at the cute little heads of Index who came over and Sakura Tohsaka from the hostile camp, Kuroko didn't hide it, and secretly whispered the reason she just learned.

Anyway, that's what a bad little girl told her, and she also believed it.


"But why?"

Blinking her eyes, Mikoto was a little puzzled. She didn't know why Hermione, who was obviously going to save people, could still fight with the rescued Irena.

When she thinks about it, that kind of thing makes no sense at all, and it doesn't seem to make sense at all logically.


"Of course it's for several large boxes of gold and silver treasures!"

Kuroko was jealous and said seriously, as if she had seen those treasures with her own eyes.



Although Mikoto was very surprised, she still felt that things shouldn't be as outrageous as Kuroko said.


"Treasure is secondary, primarily a matter of principle."

At this time, I don't know if Kuroko's voice was a little louder, or if Irena was using some magic to eavesdrop?

Anyway, when Kuroko, Mikoto, and the others were guessing suspiciously, Irena couldn't help it, and said directly.


"Someone doesn't follow principles and doesn't know how to repay!"

"So you have to teach her a lesson?"

Almost as soon as Irena finished speaking, Hermione retorted rudely.


"That's better than some guy who pays the favor!"

Irena retorted again.

"Who paid the favor?"

"At that time, wasn't I just about to discuss it with you?"

Hermione slapped the table in exasperation, and had the urge to fight again.


"In the case of negotiation, should I put the box in my pocket first?"

Irena put down the tableware in her hand and looked contemptuous.

From her point of view, it was one of the reasons why she suddenly turned against someone who was unruly, unprincipled, and greedy for something that was originally agreed upon by the two parties.

"You also pretended to be!"

"No less than mine!"

"That's right!"

"But that's what I deserve."


"Your box is bigger!"


"But your box is heavier!!"



After talking and talking, the two stopped talking again, just staring at each other like that, the smell of gunpowder was full of gunpowder, and it seemed that they had the urge to fight again at any time?


"Annie, don't you care?"

"They're all your students, right?"

Finally, seeing that the two of them seemed to have an intensifying trend, Mikoto, who was a little scared, moved carefully to the side of a little girl who was upset and persuaded quietly.

"Regardless of!"


"How fun it is to fight, it's rare to have a blue nose and a swollen face!"


Annie began to speak loudly with schadenfreude, ignoring the two who were diametrically opposed to each other, let alone Mikoto's worries.



Maybe it was the words of a bad little girl teacher (professor) that had the opposite effect, maybe it was because I felt that the place was not suitable, or maybe I felt that I had already played a game, and now it is more important to eat?

So, after confronting each other for a while, Hermione and Irena seemed to have a heart-to-heart, each snorted and turned away.

Then, they began to eat their own food again.

The two of them were obviously starving. One of them was starving for a long time, while the other was spitting out everything in his stomach. Therefore, eating is their top priority now. You can slow down for a while.


"Didn't we say that after the celebration, we should discuss those who entered the top sixteen list and formulate corresponding countermeasures?"

After a while, seeing that Irena and Hermione finally stopped, the magical girl Ilya with beautiful long silver hair and red eyes suddenly jumped onto a table and successfully attracted her. got everyone's attention.


"This is the list of the top sixteen, come and see!"

Then, Illya unceremoniously shook out a roll of parchment, which was obviously the promotion list decided in tonight's game.

Immediately afterwards, I don't know what magic she used, and the shining magic names appeared in the air, and above, the three of 'Misaka Mikoto', 'Illya' and 'Tohsaka Rin'. The name is on the list!

And then, Misaka Mikoto, who was sitting next to Annie, hurried up and started to discuss with those guys.



"These guys..."


Annie heard those guys, although they may still have some kind of prejudice or misunderstanding with each other, but before they came back, these people seem to have reached some kind of consensus, and are preparing for the next Before the start of a round of competition, should we study the opponents who have advanced together and formulate corresponding countermeasures?

"never mind!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"Let's ignore those idiots!"



In Annie's eyes, those guys were just as stupid as Hermione and Irena!

After all, if you want to know how to deal with it, or if you want to win the game, just come to her, who is omnipotent and most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most powerful, the most powerful Arcane Archmage is not enough, is it worth discussing such boring things?

Everyone is their own. If there is any way to cheat in public without letting people make irresponsible remarks, wouldn't she help?


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

However, for that kind of thing, if they don't take the initiative to come to the door, Her Lady Queen Anne will definitely not open it up easily. After all, there are still three promotions, and she is not in a hurry for the time being.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


(??.??)???Ask for a monthly pass?

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