Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1825: (??っ??) Harry's story

The weather is very good today, and there are no clouds above and around the floating city. It is a good day for traveling and overlooking.

Of course, it is also a good weather for watching the game.

However, Hermione did not walk to the huge arena outside the city early in the morning like everyone else, but walked briskly on a street in the city, along the street covered with red maple leaves Walk towards the food street not far away.

Hermione got the news. It is said that in the food street of Silvermoon City on Floating Sky Island, the Storm Spirits Food Hall, which was originally destroyed by the fire, was finally renovated and opened today.

Of course, Hermione wasn't there to cheer, she was looking for someone.


Could it be more accurate to use the word 'fishing people'?


"Are you in there?"

In short, after several rounds of inquiries, Hermione finally saw Harry, a migrant worker using magic to wash dishes, in the back kitchen of the Stormstout Restaurant.

Of course, because of the heavy debt, Harry now has to do all the cleaning work in the entire hotel by himself, and run around for his debt that may not be repaid in 30 years, and get over it ahead of schedule. Kind of 997's good life.

And ah, maybe it's because Harry is so good at rolling, so the boss here has fired all the dishwashers except him at once?

Anyway, Hermione didn't see any more helpers here, just the solitary figure waving his wand.


"Great, I finally found you."

"good news!"

"I have good news here!"

After finding someone, Hermione said happily.

Because she went to rescue Irena last night, she has made a lot of money now, and plans to take part of it to help Harry repay that debt, and then completely liberate the other party from this busy work. .

After all, Harry can be considered an honor student at Hogwarts no matter what, he still got full marks in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and his actual combat experience is also very good. Now, an honor student at Hogwarts, a wizard who is about to come of age, has When she was reduced to washing dishes in this kind of restaurant, that kind of thing she couldn't bear to look at, Hermione would definitely take care of it.

"good news?"


"Hermione, your face, and your hands..."

"what happened?"

At this moment, Harry, who turned around, saw Hermione who still had bruises on his face and hands, and he was a little surprised and asked directly with concern.


"It doesn't matter, it will be fine in a few days."


"It's just me and Irena fighting, you know, just like us and Ron, even the best friends always have a fight, don't they?"

"But that's not important, I'm not here today because of this."

Hermione subconsciously reached out to cover the scar on her face, and then motioned to Harry not to ask any more questions. After all, she was here today for something else, not for comfort.


"All right!"

"Then let's go to the front and find an empty table and talk slowly?"

Harry, who felt that the back kitchen was not a place to talk, first glanced at the dishes that were being washed automatically under his spell, and then thought that it would be okay to leave for a while, he nodded, and prepared to lead Hermione to the place. Go to the front lobby.


"whats the matter?"

When he found a place to sit down and picked up the teapot and poured Hermione a cup of tea, Harry, who finally had time to rest, asked with a sigh of relief.

Although he had learned housework magic and spells from Mrs. Molly Weasley before, and now he doesn't have to do it himself, but the dishwashing work is still a bit of a hassle for him as a novice, and the consumption of magic power is also slightly. Some are big and have very strict requirements for subtle control, which is not as easy as it looks on the surface.


Hermione didn't speak in a hurry, first took a sip from the blue-and-white porcelain teacup, then smacked her lips and put it back gently.

She obviously didn't like that kind of green tea, because although it was very fragrant, it was still too bitter, and ah, she didn't even see that there was sugar or milk to add, so she didn't drink more, just a little excited She opened her mouth to talk about the important thing about her coming here:

"It's easy!"


"I got the money, you don't have to go back to Gringotts to move your parents' inheritance, we can pay your debts now, all!"

"Then, can you leave here later?"

That's right, that's why Hermione didn't go to the game today, nor did she go out for an outing or a distant view, but came to the door immediately.




Surprisingly, Hermione originally thought that when Harry heard the news from her, he would jump up excitedly, and then took off his apron and hugged her to cheer and thank him.

To this end, she was even ready to push the other side away.

After all, now Hermione doesn't want to have any boyfriend or girlfriend with anyone, and she won't be too close. She just wants to find like-minded friends who are also geniuses to study magic together, so as to strive for success on the road of magic. Farther, even hoping to spy on the eternal secret.

Just like...

Like some **** named Irena?


"Debt or something..."

But now, what Hermione did not expect was that after hearing the good news she brought, Harry actually behaved awkwardly, and there was no joy on his face?

"What's up?"


"Aren't you happy?"

"Or, you don't want to use my money?"

"Do not worry!"

"That's the treasure I found in a desert ruins last night. There are a lot of them. Even if you pay off your debts for you, I still have a lot left!"

Hermione said proudly, but she didn't tell Harry: at that time, in order to get more, she even had a fight with Irena, and that was the main cause of the scars on her face and body at this time. source.

"Not like this!"

"If you mind..."

"It's just like I lent it to you. After you go back and graduate to work, will you pay it back slowly?"

Such a large sum of money, although Hermione felt that if Harry didn't use his parents' inheritance, he might not be able to pay it back in his life, but it didn't matter, she would definitely not rush the money, and she would definitely not use it. It doesn't matter what documents or contracts are made, or even if the other party hasn't paid her back.

And the reason why she said that was just because she didn't want the other party to have any psychological burden.



Harry was still a little hesitant.

Then, after a while, he raised his head subconsciously and looked at the pandaren girl not far away who was using a book in the lobby to order food and record bills for guests.


Seeing Harry's expression and movements, Hermione couldn't help but feel a little curious.

Then, she also followed the other party's line of sight subconsciously, looked towards the lobby not far away, and saw the plump and round pandaren girl at a glance.

"which one……"


"No way?"

Finally, Hermione seemed to realize something, her eyes widened instantly and her pupils contracted, and she turned her head to look at Harry in disbelief for the first time.

Then she saw that Harry's face was a little shy and a little shy, and that kind of expression she had seen on the faces of many nerds at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

So, once again, she turned her head to look at the pandaren girl not far away, and when she looked back and saw that Harry's eyes were moving with the other person's body, she felt a little stunned, and finally she was basically sure. Issues.



Then, of course, Hermione took a deep breath and realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Ha, Harry!"


"Shouldn't it be?!"

In the end, Hermione's eyes widened, and she exclaimed and probed in a trembling, somewhat unbelievable and reserved tone.


After hesitating for a while, Harry, who knew what Hermione wanted to ask, gritted his teeth and nodded, his face turning red all of a sudden.



"Harry, you have a girlfriend, Fleur, don't you?"

"You have experienced disasters together, you..."

Hermione was about to continue talking, but was stopped and interrupted by Harry raising his hand.

"What's the matter with Furong?"

"Hermione, Fleur and I have already broken up. That was last semester. Didn't Ron tell you yet?"

Harry felt a little inexplicable and innocent at the same time.


"But why?"

Hermione was a little surprised, she really didn't know about this.

She has been immersed in the sea of ​​magic and aspires to be an arcane master like Professor Anne, so she spends most of her time on magic research and has no time to care about her friends or friends thing.

But no matter what, she only felt that Furong was pretty good, so beautiful, so generous, her strength was pretty good, and she had a good relationship with them.

"Then why?"


"There are many reasons for that..."

Harry hesitated for a while, then turned his head and saw that the pandaren maiden was busy elsewhere before he hurriedly continued:

"After all, Fleur graduated from the Beauxbatons School of Magic in France. Before she graduated, she planned to work at the European Ministry of Magic, and then we fell out."

The limp shoulders, although Harry also felt some regrets, but he did not regret it.

After all, long distance relationships are too painful.

Moreover, they are not only in a long-distance relationship, but also in a brother-in-law relationship. Also, the other party is getting taller and more beautiful, even a head taller than him. The two of them stand together. He was a good match, and many people were still talking ill of him in private. Harry had always been distressed about this, and then the two of them broke up naturally as the contradictions piled up.

"The matter of Furong is a thing of the past."


"Don't you know that? Later, I got on with Ginny."

Lap-shouldered, seeing that Hermione's news was so delayed, Harry had to shake something important about him again.

After all, he doesn't have many friends, except for Ron, there is only Hermione, and now, Ron is arguing with them, so it seems that the only person who can talk to is Hermione. Solitary seedling.



"my God!"

Hermione exclaimed again, and then she was a little overwhelmed, and hurriedly picked up a glass of water, intending to suppress the shock.

"Yes, it's Ginny, she's nice and gentle..."

"Unfortunately, when Fleur and Bill established their relationship, we started fighting again."

"So think, it should be considered a score, right?"

Never thought, without waiting for Hermione to drink the tea in her mouth, Harry said, and then broke out another big story by himself.


puff! !

So, of course, the tea in Hermione's mouth was sprayed out.

Fortunately, Harry's eyes were quick and he flicked his wand. The tea that Hermione sprayed was suspended in front of his face. Then, he waved again, and the tea returned to Hermione's hand. in the cup.

"Feel sorry!"

"I just lost my temper..."

After first taking out a handkerchief and wiping the tea on her face, Hermione took a deep breath and began to organize her thoughts.

"That is to say..."


"First you get on with Fleur, then Fleur establishes a relationship with Bill, then you make friends with Bill's sister Ginny, and then..."

"Now, have you taken a fancy to that pandaren again?!"

After using clumsy and pale language to connect those complicated relationships and sort out the context, Hermione almost screamed and screamed.

She never imagined that her friend Harry, who is usually a bit shy, would have such a rich and wonderful emotional experience?


"Be quiet!"

"Don't be overheard by Qian Qian."

Seeing that Hermione lost his temper again, Harry hurriedly shook his wand again and set a mute spell directly around the two to prevent the conversation from being overheard.

"my God!"


Hermione was a little incoherent.


"This is crazy!"

Then, Hermione took another teacup, filled herself with another cup of tea, and drank the bitter and warm green tea directly, and her mood finally calmed down a little.


"Does Ron know about those things?"

Then, Hermione, who had calmed down, asked carefully.

She thinks, if Ron knew that Harry had played with his sister-in-law first, then his sister, and finally abandoned it, and then fell in love with a pandaren, he would definitely be angry Send a 'Avada Suo' to Harry, right?

Of course, there may be more than one shot, and it is likely to be a full number of shots?

Anyway, what Hermione knew, that death curse, now Ron is very skilled, and even made it to the top sixteen with it, the opponent of the spell is now fast, accurate and ruthless, very fierce, and the key is Ordinary magic can't be easily prevented, let alone Harry, I'm afraid that even if Hermione encounters her, I guess she can only avoid it far away?

"Part of it?"

"He already knew about Furong, but he probably didn't know about Ginny."

Harry pondered for a while before speaking firmly.

"I guess……"

"That kind of thing, Ginny shouldn't tell him?"

After a pause, Harry, who knew that the matter was indeed serious, also began to feel a little uneasy, and he did not speak with certainty, but it was not difficult to judge from his tone that he was not sure about what had just happened.

"too crazy!"


"You better pray he never knows!"

"Ron's condition is not good now, he is very dangerous!"

Although it might not be good for him to speak ill of Ron behind his back, for the safety of Harry's life, Hermione had to grit her teeth.

If the current Ron knew about this matter, in Hermione's opinion, the friendship boat between Harry and the other party would definitely be overturned, and it might be the unsaved one!

"However, that pandaren, are you sure about your relationship with her?"

"When did you guys get along?"

After being shocked and scared, of course, Hermione started to gossip a little bit, and wanted to explore Harry's emotional journey and wonder how he could have lived so colorfully.

"No, not so fast!"


Harry began to speak hesitantly.

It turned out that after the fire, he was detained because he needed to repay his debts. Therefore, during this time, the pandaren girl kept staring at him. After going back and forth, the two gradually became acquainted with him. .

Then, Harry also found out that although the pandaren girl was not forgiving, she had a good heart, she was simple, kind, and cute, and she was always thinking of various ways for him.

Slowly, he was naturally attracted to him.

"So, are you unrequited love?!"


"She's a pandaren, so what's so good about that?"

"The races are different, how to fall in love?"

After learning the reason, Hermione was a little messy.

From her point of view, the kind that is covered in hair and has a pair of dark circles under the eyes, the key is that the body is still as thick as the upper and lower body, and it is not too different from the panda who walks upright, so it seems that it is not like them. Is it within the aesthetic range that normal people can accept?

She really didn't understand, when did Harry change his aesthetic?

"What happened to the pandaren?"

"Different races are true love!"

"Let me tell you, Hermione, these days, I've seen tauren and high elves, and goblin and human couples here!"

Harry took it for granted, and said what he had seen and heard here these days, while also arguing with Hermione to cast a contemptuous little look.

He has read a "Tear-Jerking Romance" from the world of Azeroth. For the protagonist, for the great Paladin Marcus, race is not a problem at all, even gender is not a problem, even life and death and each other Whether it is a person or not is not a problem!

In this regard, Harry thinks it is very reasonable, and believes that between people, emotions are the most important, and that sincere feelings should not be denied by appearance or race.


Tauren and elves, goblins and humans, that kind of picture was too poignant and beautiful, and Hermione dared not imagine it anyway, so she hurriedly stretched out her hand to signal Harry to shut up.


"I don't want to take care of your things, and I can't take care of them!"


"Do you still want it?"

Finally, feeling that she had had enough for today, Hermione hurriedly said, and took out a small wallet that had been cast on the Invisible Expansion Spell and slapped it on the table.

There are gold coins that Hermione prepared for Harry, which should be enough for him to repay the loss of the property that was burned in this hotel Of course! "

Harry smiled shyly, and grabbed the wallet into his hand.



"I'm going to wait until the time is right to repay that debt, okay?"

Then, Harry shyly asked Hermione with a smirk.

"I don't care about you!"


"Harry, take care!"

Of course, Hermione knew the other party's careful thoughts. She just wanted to take the opportunity to get closer to the pandaren girl, and once her goal was achieved, she would probably get away as soon as possible.

However, Hermione didn't want to take care of that kind of thing, and there was no reason to take care of it, so after seeing that the matter had been basically resolved perfectly, she stood up directly, and turned away in a hurry with an ugly face.

She was feeling a little bored now. She didn't want to see Harry, and she didn't even want to discuss the tauren, elves, goblins and humans, or pandaren and humans in a serious way.

You know, Hermione has never even had a boyfriend, so how can she understand those love views that are far beyond her conceivable limits, and also beyond her racial cognition?


"Thank you, I'll pay you back when I go back!"

Seeing Hermione leave, Harry hurriedly shouted at him.


Unfortunately, at this moment, Hermione didn't want to talk to him at all, she just waved at him impatiently and without looking back.

Then, before Harry wanted to say anything else, she hurriedly walked out of the door and left the Stormstout Gourmet Restaurant reborn from the ashes.


?Ask for a monthly pass??(????)

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