

"Sister Azshara, are you here today?"


I don't know how long the game was going on. Amid the thunderous cheers of countless audiences, Annie finally took Hermione and Irena to her VIP room belatedly, and saw Ai at a glance. Sara was inside with several Highborne maids.

"I'm not here today, I'm here every day."

Azshara rolled her eyes at Annie in a sullen voice.

As the organizer and the ultimate interpreter of the rules, Azshara must be staring at the game, where can she be like some bad little guy who wanders around all day or sleeps into the afternoon and can't afford to wear it? ?

"Every day?"


"Then you really have enough free time!"


Saying that, Annie grimaced at each other in surprise, and then continued to walk in, as if she herself was never idle.


"It's amazing, so this is the VIP room..."

"What a luxury..."

As soon as she came in, Irena exclaimed as she looked left and right.

Irena has been to the war preparation room and the auditorium, but compared to the room in front of her, it is far worse.

Moreover, the magic projection here is also a little too big, and it is still holographic. It looks as lifelike as watching the game at close range. It is completely different from the kind in the general audience box and the preparation room.

In short, Irena can see that here, it is full of extravagant and decadent power!

"You can be quiet."


"Queen Azshara is here too!"

Hermione touched Irena with her elbow without a trace, signaling the other party not to be too casual.

After all, there is not only their teacher (professor) here, but also another queen, so you have to pay attention to your image, but don't lose your face in front of outsiders.


Hearing this, Irena suddenly closed her mouth and stopped talking, and stopped looking around, she just followed behind their little teacher and walked forward.

"All right."

"Come and sit down."

For Hermione and Irena's little actions, Azshara was noncommittal, just waved at Annie and pointed to the seat beside him.



"How's the game going now?"


After jumping to her seat and sitting down, Annie didn't even look at those messy magic images, she just couldn't wait to ask.

And if the game is over, then she can go out again and play by herself.


"When your little apprentice loses, the top eight list will almost be finalized."

"Then today's race is over."

Azshara was half lying on the chair sideways, and continued to cross her smooth long legs and supported her chin with her hands before speaking a little tiredly.

At the same time, she frowned, not knowing what she was thinking.



"Who is going to lose?"


"Is it Illya or Rin?"


Annie was taken aback.

You know, she just came in, but she immediately heard the other party say that her students were going to lose, which would be too disrespectful to Her Lady Queen Anne.


"You better see for yourself!"

Saying that, Azshara didn't explain, just waved her hand.

It seemed that she had cast some kind of spell, and soon, apart from the top seven images that had already won the finals and were receiving cheers from the audience, the only remaining image that was still in the competition was gradually enlarged. .



And when Annie took a closer look, the little figure over there who was being chased and beaten by the enemy was not that stupid fellow Tohsaka Rin?


"not good!"

"It's Rin!"


Seeing the image in the enlarged picture, seeing Tohsaka Rin fighting fiercely with the enemy who was also a little girl and the situation was bad, Hermione and Irena, who were standing beside Annie, finally couldn't help it. Qi Qi exclaimed.

They had to exclaim!

Because, they saw, at this time, in the picture, the heroic spirit Arturia was fighting fiercely with four angels holding long swords. The fighting scene between the two sides was very fierce, although the other party seemed to be able to defend easily, and it would not immediately It looked like he was defeated or about to be defeated, but the opponent was completely held back by the four angels, and he couldn't support Rin Tohsaka, who was being besieged by two other angels in the distance, and the situation was in jeopardy.


!? (?''??)?

"She cheated! How can there be six angels, so it's not allowed to play?"


After seeing it clearly, without thinking about it, I found that Tohsaka Rin's situation was in jeopardy. Of course, Annie, who was short-sighted, just opened her mouth and criticized loudly.


"I say…"

"Annie, you can ask your apprentice to summon heroic spirits, so it's not a foul for others to summon angels themselves, right?"

Hearing Annie's words, Azshara, who was beside him, shook his head in disbelief.

Summoning heroic spirits requires a Command Spell, and it is still summoned from other worlds, and at the same time it needs to be maintained with magic power, and the same is true for summoning angels, but those angels are summoned directly from this world and do not require much magic power. To maintain it, it is obvious at a glance which is better and which is worse when comparing the two.

Therefore, Azshara just said that he would have to wait for Annie's little apprentice to lose the game before ending today's game.

Anyway, she couldn't see that Tohsaka Rin had any hope of winning. Although the other party is still fighting hard now, and the heroic spirit summoned by the other party is also very powerful, but unfortunately, the other party, as a mage, was defeated by two people. Only the angel cooperated closely and chased after him, and the opponent, the summoner, was still watching from a distance and did not make a shot. The advantages and disadvantages of the situation were already clear at a glance, and there would not be too much suspense.



"How can she summon so much?"


Annie was still a little dissatisfied.

That's right, she was dissatisfied because of this, you know, Tohsaka Rin only summoned a heroic spirit, but the other party was better, so he brought out six angels directly, and let four entangle Duo Mao sister, two. Going to chase Rin Tohsaka, will this keep people from living?

If the number of the two sides were the same, that kind of angel would have been chopped to the ground by Sister Duo Mao long ago, and maybe that idiot Tohsaka Rin would have already won by now.

"It's not too much, is it?"


"I don't know who started it. The current players are obviously competing, but they are compared, but they have become more helpers than who summoned?"


"As of now, the soldiers are basically wiped out, poor tribe."

Shaking his head and sighing, Azshara, while teasing, waved another hand and enlarged another picture.

Then everyone saw: In the arena screen, it was full of a large group of blue void walkers, and they directly filled the entire arena, so that, at a cursory glance, it was impossible to see at all. Not to mention where the summoner is, let alone the defeated opponent.



"Who is that?"


"Why are you so hot, Fatty Lan, isn't that cheating?!"


Annie couldn't help exclaiming again.

Originally, she thought that the guy who summoned the six angels and chased down Tohsaka Rin was shameless enough, but now, look, someone actually opened up and brought out hundreds of blue fat men. Let someone else live?

"Who else could it be?"

"Isn't that the great astrologer Solanlian of the high elves?"

Saying that, Azshara zoomed in on the scene.



Then soon, on the top of the field, as the picture got closer, gradually, Annie saw that the mage wearing a high elf style battle armor, the whole body exuded a strong blue shadow energy, and was hiding there at this time. Among the group of blue fat men, even the entire face turned a deep blue, only two eyes radiated light, looking like a Smurf-like great astrologist Solan Lien.

Not far in front of Solan Li'an, there was a man lying on the ground, beaten to death by the blue fat men, and wearing a string of huge ball ornaments on his neck, but at this time, he had already seen it completely. The poor green-skinned orc with a faceless face.



"Is she... semi-voided?"


Annie is more familiar with shadow energy than anyone else, so she could see the general state of the high elf great astrologist Solan Lien just by looking at it.

"That's it!"

"Speaking of..."

"In her current state, it's a little dangerous..."

Shaking his head and taking a sip from the drink next to him, Azshara explained in a leisurely manner:

"She just opened the gate of the void in order to defeat that Thrall. Then, as you can see, a large number of void walkers poured in. I guess there should be hundreds of them?"



Saying that, Azshara couldn't help shaking her head, not knowing what she wanted to say.

Those Void Walkers are a new type of life form formed by the accumulation of Void energy. They are produced by the surrounding shadows. More importantly, those Void Walkers, that is, the blue fat man Annie just said, are more powerful than any other. One element needs to be a powerful shadow element, and there are so many...

Therefore, even though that Thrall was a powerful warrior and shaman, he naturally fell down quickly when his fists were invincible.

"The reason why she became like that should be to avoid being attacked by those Voidwalkers?"

"I guess…"

"She can't control so many shadow elements at all, and she can't control so many Voidwalkers, so she took advantage of opportunities after opening the Void Gate and directly voided herself, so she was able to avoid being attacked by those Voidwalkers?"

Azshara shook his head and commented with a smile.

That Solanlian is indeed quite strong and a little clever, but she doesn't agree with the kind of behavior that seeks arcane energy in the void and empties herself.

Because that kind of behavior is too dangerous, if one is not careful, if it is completely empty, it will be irreversible.

But fortunately, the other party is only maintaining a semi-voided state, and if he continues to absorb the energy of the void, it is not certain that there will be no great astrologist Solan Lien in the future, but a newly transformed void walker or Void Lord Solan Lien?

"very pitiful…"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

Annie didn't pay any attention to that Solan Lien at all, she only sighed in schadenfreude after looking at the orc who was beaten by a large group of blue fat men and fell motionless on the ground.

Moreover, looking at it, Annie suddenly regretted it.

She thinks, if she could have come a little earlier, and not talk too much nonsense with Hermione and Irena on the road, and not discuss that stupid Ron or something, then presumably, she will be there in time, and See the wonderful scene of a large group of blue fat men beating the orc chieftain?



"Is she really not cheating?"


"In case, if the warlock opens the demon teleportation and summons a large number of demons, wouldn't it be a sure win?"


Through Solanlian's behavior, Annie soon thought of an excellent way to easily win the game, and began to worry about gains and losses.

After all, her apprentices are all mages, not a single warlock, and the summoned fire elements, water elements, etc. are not powerful enough, which is really too disadvantageous in comparison.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"That won't happen!"

Azshara didn't think much about it, and said directly and confidently.



Annie was a little puzzled, wondering why the other party was so sure.

"Do not worry."

"Warlock wants to open a demon portal. It can't be done in a short time. No warlock has the opportunity to do that in a game."

"And then..."

"There seems to be no more warlocks in the top eight list..."

Azshara shook her head.

The current competition is no longer a competition of fighting skills or magic. Now it is more and more high-quality than who summoned helpers. After all, in a one-on-one situation, players who can summon a large number of helpers will undoubtedly have There are more advantages, and the previous warlocks who were eliminated only summoned one or two little ghosts and succubus at most, and they have no competitiveness at all.


"not good!"

"Rin lost!"

At this time, while Annie and Azshara were still discussing whether Solanian was cheating, Hermione and Illya exclaimed in unison.


∑('△')? !

Then, when Annie hurriedly turned her head to look, she only saw that Tohsaka Rin had not had time to escape after being interrupted by a spellcasting, and was slashed to the ground by an angel rushing up behind him. , directly lost the game.

Then, Artoria, who was able to maintain her defense in the distance and was waiting for an opportunity to seek a counterattack, had no choice but to disappear into a ray of light on the other side of the field.



"Really lost..."


Seeing that Rin, that idiot, fell to the ground and that stupid sister Arturia was canceled, Annie also sighed unhappily.



"People seem to have seen her..."


Then, Annie stretched out her hand, directly zoomed in on the picture, and clearly saw the Miss Hei Changzhi who was surrounded by six angels and received the cheers from the audience.

Annie remembers, that guy looks very similar to that great magician Jessica, and it is said that the other party is still that Jessica's daughter?


"She's not easy..."

Azshara turned her head and glanced at Annie, and only after realizing that Annie didn't seem to want to say more, she frowned and looked at the picture again.


"Annie, I'm more worried about..."

"One is not good. This time, we are going to shoot ourselves in the foot."

Looking at the freshly released top eight list, looking at the eight magic images and the faces of the eight contestants, Azshara suddenly sighed again without knowing what to think of. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com



"That's it!"


"Sister Azshara, please let someone pay attention when drawing lots. Before the finals, don't separate Ilya with her, is it alright?"


Suddenly, Annie didn't know if she saw something, and pointed to the head of Jessica's 'daughter'.


"Is this a black box operation?"

Azshara froze for a moment, then laughed sarcastically.



"What kind of dark box, this is obviously an open and above-mentioned operation!"


From tomorrow, Illya will have three powerful heroic spirits, Arturia, Joan of Arc, and Medusa to summon, and as long as the opponent is not stupid, there should be no problem in reaching the final.

Therefore, in order to ensure that her students can enter the finals and win, Annie decided that she must make a good arrangement so that the opponent will try not to encounter the bad guy who summoned the angel first.

"no problem!"

"I'll explain it."

Nodding, Azshara did not mean to refuse.

Because, she doesn't seem to want that black-haired girl to let the guy named 'Light of Birth' who can summon angels win the final victory.

Moreover, she has also decided that in the next round, she will let Solan Lian go to the duel with that guy!

She wanted to see what it would be like when the opponent's six angels faced a large group of Voidwalkers, that is, the kind of blue fat man?

She will be very much looking forward to this...


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