Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1835: (*???*) People don't want to ride a bull...

Since the sky was getting dark, and the other party stopped her, she had no choice but to think about it, then she simply turned back with the strange young lady riding the bull and returned to the relatively clean room on the side of the Houwang Chapel. But the roof was dilapidated, but there was still a small beating rune in the middle to temporarily stop.



"Is that the blessing point of the spicy seeds you just said?"


Unexpectedly, there is such a strange thing in this broken house. Of course, Annie trotted over at the first time, and curiously put her face next to the so-called 'blessing point' emitting faint fluorescence and heat, He stretched out his fingers and studied it carefully.



"Looks like some kind of activated application of runes and rules?"


At first, she reached out her hand and touched it lightly without worrying about being hurt at all, and soon, Annie probably knew some of the functions of this so-called 'blessing point'.

Anyway, it is nothing more than using runes and world rules to strengthen and infuse users with energy, etc., and that is officially the source of the so-called 'blessing'?

However, this stuff is of no use to Annie!

So, after researching, she put away her hands, and watched the little sister with the cloak turn over and get off the cow, and walked slowly to the opposite side of her, and then the two sides were separated by the so-called 'blessing point' ' looked at each other.

"You just said..."

"Runes and rules?"


"It seems that stargazers really have a relatively thorough understanding of the world..."


"I saw it too, you seem to be able to use it?"

The young lady first looked at Annie for a while, and then slowly, directly on the dirty floor, she knelt down and sat down. After knowing that she was looking at Annie who was standing, she asked curiously. road.

"Is it hard to use it?"


"What's so strange about that?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie was a little puzzled, and after blinking her eyes, she turned her head to look at the other's face hidden in the cloak.

Compared with blessing something, she is obviously more curious about the face hidden in the cloak and hood.

"That's right."

"It seems……"

"The person I'm looking for today is indeed you..."

After a while of silence, the strange woman nodded again.

Of course, what she may never know is that the person she was looking for and the person who wanted to go against certain principles to save life had already been set on fire by Anne 'kindly' before she appeared here. Turned into ashes, and still the kind that can never be saved again?

Fortunately, the other party didn't know about it, and Annie also didn't take that kind of little thing to heart.



"Who are you looking for? But what are you looking for?"


Annie blinked, then took a step back and stopped playing with the so-called 'blessing point' that became a little boring.


"You don't seem to know what happened yet?"

After hesitating for a while, the woman hiding in the cloak thought for a while, and then suddenly asked such a question.



"what do you know?"

∑('△')? !

Anne said she had absolutely no idea what the other person was talking about!

Anyway, what the other party said was a little strange and rambling, as if she was not on the same channel at all.


"It seems that you really don't know, and you don't have a witch by your side?"

"Then let me analyze it for you..."

Hearing Annie's words, the strange woman first nodded, then shook her head, and finally seemed to be sure of something.



"Why do people have witches with them?"


Annie pondered softly, her mind full of question marks.

Because there is no need for a witch or something. After all, she can be said to be a witch herself, and ah, she is still the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most... (here omitted billions ) the most powerful one?

As for the other witches...

Inside the door of the Houwang Chapel at the back, there was another dead one against the wall behind the door, and Anne seemed to have forgotten to burn it just now?

But it doesn't matter if you burn it or not. Anyway, you're dead. Whether it's set on fire and turned into energy and gas, or eaten by wild wolves and wild dogs and turned into soil, it doesn't make much difference. Anyway, must enter the inner cycle of this planet.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"Is such that……"

However, the strange woman didn't pay attention to Annie's whispers, and just started talking to herself.

It turns out, I don’t know since when, the people in the exile land learned such a message through the leaves of the golden tree:

Beyond this fog, at the junction, the great Ring of Elden has been broken, the 'Eternal Queen' Malika has disappeared, the night of the Black Knife Conspiracy, 'Golden' Godwin was the first to lose his life, the son of Malika, half The gods got the fragments of Eldon's Circle.

Then, the Shard War broke out!

At the end of the war that lasted countless years and left countless creatures devastated and no king existed, the Supreme Will exiled them...

Then, the long-lost blessing came back to the faders once again, and issued a strong call to the faders. The Supreme Will urgently needs them to move towards the other side of the fog and arrive as soon as possible. At the junction, go under the golden tree, to meet the great Ring of Eldon, and become the new King of Eldon!


After slowly reciting, the woman didn't speak any more, just watched and observed Annie silently through the cloak hood that covered half of her face, and just stared at Annie's every move, not knowing what she was thinking. what.



"The story is good, and then what?"


What kind of demigods and true gods fight for family property, Annie doesn't care anyway, so after listening to it, she continues to ask directly.


The woman still didn't speak, just reached out her hand silently, took off the hood on her head and revealed her pretty face with short brown-red hair and a delicate face.


I don't know what happened. At this time, her left eye was closed?

Or can it be said that her left eye has always been closed, and only one right eye is open and is looking at Annie?

Moreover, there is a strange tattoo or symbol in the shape of a three-fingered claw on the left eyelid that is closed?



"Miss, are your eyes hurt?"


"Do you want someone to help you heal?"


Seeing that the other party is obviously very beautiful, but the left eye is closed, thinking that the other party is the injured Annie, so he asked carelessly and kindly.


"Those who came through the fog..."

"My name is Melina..."

Unfortunately, the woman did not pay any attention to Annie, nor did she explain anything to her own left eye. She just stared at Annie with her open right eye for a while, and realized that she couldn't see through. He slowly started to introduce himself.



"It's Anne, Anne Hastur!"


Although the other party was a little strange, Annie didn't think too much about it, she still said her name generously.


"very good……"

"That's it, I think..."

"Negotiate a condition with you!"

After introducing each other, in order to prevent Annie from bringing the topic up to something irrelevant, Melina hurriedly opened her mouth and officially stated her intentions.



"It's good, why do people want to negotiate terms with you?"


Annie was just a little inexplicable, and didn't understand what the other party meant when he suddenly said that.


"Do you know the Finger Witch?"

Seeing that Annie was so unprofessional, didn't play cards according to the routine and take her words, Melinda was not annoyed, but after pondering for a while, she continued to ask slowly.

"Fingering witch?"


"I do not know……"


Annie shook her head blankly, indicating that she really didn't know this.

Anyway, she knew the witch's fingers. In that Houwang Chapel, the dead witch had ten fingers, and Her Lady Queen Anne also had ten.

"They refer to the people who serve the 'Two Fingers' and help and guide the faders like you."


"I see, you don't have a witch around..."

Melinda tried to bring the topic to the point as carefully as possible. This was a big event for her to come here tonight, but she couldn't be sloppy.



"But, they are not some faders!"


"Also, people don't need guidance, and they don't even need witches!"


Anne said that she was a powerful witch herself!

Furthermore, it is not the first time that she has been called 'the fader'. The guy who was hacked to death by her just called it that way, and the dead witch seems to have written similar words on the ground. , and now it's alright, Miss Melinda in front of her, the other party has said it several times, which makes her a little strange.


"Are you sure you don't need guidance?"

Melina asked back.

"do not worry."

"If I can, I can take their place..."

Soon, without waiting for Annie's answer, Melina hurriedly threw out her olive branch, looking like she couldn't wait.



"But what can you do?"


"Can you cook something delicious?"


Blinking, Annie, who was just about to refuse, thought for a moment, then she suddenly blinked and asked with a smile in anticipation.

If the other party can cook that kind of delicious food, perhaps, Her Lady Queen Anne can be so merciful and let the other party follow her to 'guide' and cook delicious food for her every day?


"I will not!"

After hesitating for a while, Melina finally shook her head honestly, saying that she was not good at making food for little girls.



"Do you know there's good food there?"


Anne quickly asked again.

It doesn't matter if you can't cook, Annie doesn't know how to cook anyway, and, ah, she has all kinds of delicious food, and she can't finish it all in a while. As long as the other party can lead the way, she can also take it slow by herself. Go for the good stuff that suits her taste.


"do not know……"

Opening her mouth, Melina lowered half of the open eyelid, and shook her head gently again very honestly.





"Then do you know where there is fun?"


First frowning her cute little brows, Annie pursed her lips and thought for a while before hurriedly asked the last question with some hope.


Melina didn't answer, just lowered her head.

Obviously, her expressions and actions had already told Annie that she didn't know where there was fun in this world, and she never really cared about that kind of thing.

All she cares about is the issue of life and death in this world, such as the Golden Rule, the Ring of Eldon, the Fader, the King City, and the King of Eldon, etc.!

As for everything else, those things didn't matter to her.



"It won't work, I don't know, why do people want your guidance?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

With her arms crossed, Annie sat down on a brick beside her with disdain and angrily. At the same time, she pouted and complained with disgust.


"I can guide you to use the blessing points and turn the runes you collected into your power!"

"Make you stronger?"

Melina suddenly raised her head and said decisively, indicating that she was not useless.



"But, people don't want power..."


"People just want good food and fun!"


That's right, this is the main purpose of Annie's coming to this world!

At the same time, it is also the main purpose of her going to any world. As for power or something, that kind of thing, she has never really pursued it!

You must know that she captured the ferocious Shadow Bear alive at the age of two, burned the domineering old dragon to death at the age of three, broke through the heroic rank at the age of five, and was close to a demigod at the age of eight. There are invincible hands in many planes in the universe and ten thousand realms. Will she be the kind of boring guy who needs strength?



Moreover, the guy in front of her doesn't seem to be very strong. He is just ordinary. It is estimated that even her Queen Anne's little apprentices can't beat her. So, why does she need the other party to guide her and get the spoiled son? strength?


"As long as you are still demanding the Ayrden Ring, this matter will definitely help you."

"Could it be..."

"Don't you want to be King Eldon?"

Melina spoke in a hurry, her tone became a little hurried, but it was only a little bit, because her expression was still the same without too many waves.

"King Eldon?"


"French ring?"


Annie suddenly remembered, what 'Elden', she seemed to have seen it in front of the dead witch before, as if the witch also wrote such a paragraph?

"But people are not interested!"


Then, Annie bluntly said her truest thoughts directly.

Thinking about it, it's also like the 'Eldon Circle' or something, that kind of thing can't be delicious after listening to it!

As for the King of Eldon, then she is even more rare!

Because she is a queen herself, and, ah, she is also the queen and owner of many worlds and planes. In this corner of the broken world where the rules have not yet been perfected, how can she see it?


Melina was silent.

Obviously, she had planned for a long time, but she never thought that she would meet a 'fader' like Annie. Although the other party was very powerful, she also came here and was found by her, but the result...

The negotiations between the two sides seem to be somewhat unsatisfactory?

"Don't you think about it?"

As a last resort, after hesitating for a long time, Melina asked again.

"Not consider!"


Annie folded her arms, as if she didn't want to talk or give each other a chance.


Seeing that Annie was still reluctant, Melina was a little dumbfounded.

However, she was a little unwilling to want to retreat or leave.

After all, what she just saw, Annie slashed the descendant of the 'arthropod' noble with a magic trick, no doubt great potential and strength, she firmly believed that the little girl in front of her was the one she was looking for, so, saying Don't want to give up easily.


"I still hope you can take me to the foot of the golden tree..."


"This ring is for you..."

So, after being silent for a while, Melina still reached out and took out a ring.



"Why do you want to give people something?"


"Then, what's the use of it?"


Looking at it, although she was a little curious, Annie didn't reach out to pick it up.

"It's the 'Lingma Whistle'."

"When you need to go on a long journey, try to blow it and summon the soul of this steed named 'Torret'."

"You do not know?"

"It was Torret who carried me to find you, it chose you..."

Saying that, Melina called her hand, and the 'wild horse' not far behind her instantly turned into an aura and entered the ring.



"So 'Torret' is it?"


"But forget it!"


"People don't want to ride a bull!"


Without thinking about it, Annie hurriedly waved her hand and rejected the other party with a smile.

Because, for a mount or something, Annie has Tibbers the bear, and riding a bear is much more imposing and comfortable than riding a horse, and it is comfortable and soft!

Besides, Tibbers would help fight and bite people when she didn't want to do it or when she didn't have time to sleep. Compared with that, what was the use of the other side's ugly stupid cow?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

As for the long-distance movement, let alone. Isn't it delicious for Her Lady Queen Anne to use the portal or other teleportation spells directly?

Besides, they have only just met each other, and they are not very familiar with each other. Why should the other party be courting her so quickly?

Anyway, she won't be fooled like some idiots!


Melina's outstretched hand froze, her face and her open right eye were full of helplessness, of course, and that look of bewilderment, not knowing what to say.

Because, the little girl in front of her doesn't seem to play cards according to the routine at all. Those words she had prepared before are actually not used at this moment?


???(?)???? Remember the monthly pass

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